Apr 30, 2017

Everyday Wisdom | Message From The Pleiadians Channeling through Barbara Marciniak | We Are Here ! (New secret) |

Listen and learn ! Don`t waist your time ! Listen and you will know all secrets !
Barbara Marciniak The Pleadians 2017 April (NEW)

Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd i centraladministrationen | 30. April 2017 | Blogger: Vores samfund er røget i luksusfælden. Man bliver så mættet og træt af the establishment, som fortsat skummer fløden, sætter normen for grådighed og benægtelse, når de bliver taget med bukserne ned, bruger samme psykologiske forsvarsmekanismer, som når almindelig mennesker bliver taget i en løgn. En nødløgn bliver til daglig løgne som bliver til en besættelse af fordreje og skjule alting via offentlighedsloven og the establishment, følger trop, i et væk. Både almindelige mennesker og vores over-elite er så sindsyg bange for at miste deres magt, dominans, penge og eftermæle. Vi er tynget af besættelsen af overlevelsesstrategien, for at bevare status quo. Vi ser det i alle lag af vores samfund, vi nægter at gå ned af rangstigen, ønsker hele tiden at stige i graderne og tjene vores mester, for penge og magt. Vi er så magtliderlige, vi gør alt for at skjule sandheder, som sætter os selv i et dårligt lys. Vi nægter at tage aktion, også selvom vores centraladministration og nyhedsmedier lyver om alt.. | Danske Bank overrasker markedet med et overskud på 5,53 milliarder kroner i årets første tre måneder. Banken tjente 43 millioner kroner om dagen på gebyrer | For de rigeste danskere er indkomsten næsten fordoblet siden 2000. Se her, hvad toppen og midten og almindelige lønmodtagere tjener | Energikoncernen SEs topchef, Niels Duedahl, belønnes, selv om en milliardinvestering i kabeltv-selskabet Stofa fejler. Incitamentsstruktur virker ikke, siger professor | Forhandlingerne om en ny overenskomst for landets praktiserende læger er brudt sammen. Ifølge Danske Regioner er det urealistiske krav fra lægerne, der spænder ben for bedre lægedækning i hele landet og bedre tilbud til kroniske patienter | Vi kan nu slå fast med syvtommersøm, at USA har hele ni gange i de seneste fem år ført fanger gennem CPH's Lufthavn og dansk luftrum i forbindelse med en række udleveringssager | Så kan Lars Bo Bjørknæs fra Journalista.dk afslører, at Risgspolitiets ulovlige kontrakter, løber op op på 141.469.601 kroner. Dvs. den nu fyrede Bettina Jensen for tildeling af millionkontrakter til konsulenter uden udbud | Journalista.dk offentliggør senere på sommeren 2017, en lønundersøgelse for offentlige ledere i kommunerne, da det er kommet frem, mange tjener mange gange mere end statsministeren gør | Når Nordea specifikt nævner Danmark som et muligt nyt juridisk hjemland, sætter det regeringen under pres for at beslutte sig, om Danmark skal tilslutte sig EU's bankunion. Det skriver Børsen | Danmark har ifølge ATP-chef Christian Hyldahl (tidligere Nordea chef og GoLDMaN SLaCKS minions) indhentet udlandet, når det kommer til aflønning af topchefer. Han efterlyser mod og ærlighed til at aflønne under gennemsnittet. Dog, har journalista en mavefornemmelse, at ATP chefer tjener hver mere end 6 mio. kr. om året, men nægter at udlevere aktindsigt |.. Lyt til seneste program som hedder, 'Det, vi taler om' på Radio24Syv, sidste 10 minutter af afsnit to fra 28. April 2017 og dele af første afsnit | Avisen.dk skriver, at Det er stats-, forsvars,- og finansminsterens skyld, at der mangler 80 milliarder kroner i statskassen, skriver chefredaktør Martin Krasnik | Så lancere Wikipedias grundlægger en service for at bekæmpe falske nyheder, som hedder 'Wikitribune'. Det viser sig bare, at Wikipedias grundlægger, Jimmy Wales var ikke kun en "pornekonge", der solgte onlinepornografi før lanceringen af Wikipedia. Vi ved også, at wikipedia bevidst censurerer store kategorier af sandfærdige oplysninger om naturlig helbredelse, farerne ved vacciner, Hillary Clinton's forbrydelser, korruptionen og Kriminalitet i biotekindustrien og meget, meget mere | En perlerække af propaganda missioner blandt de mest aparte MSN nyhedsmedier, frygter Nordkorea så meget, den seneste nyt er at Tokyo-metroen lukkede midlertidigt over Nordkorea har affyret missiler | Vi ved, mange anmelder hinanden via kommunernes anonyme whistleblower ordning. Et stigende antal danskere kontakter de offentlige myndigheder, hvis de har mistanke om, at personer laver socialt bedrageri. Nu kan man gennem en app på telefonen overvåge sin partner. Og det er noget, mange danskere gør. 100.000 har allerede hentet appen Life360 | Russisk leder: Danmark har opfundet russiske hackerangreb. Den manglende henvendelse fra dansk side må være et tegn på en konstrueret historie, skriver russisk nyhedsbureau | Kirsten Birgit får endelig fat på Delphine Galore, så de kan komme til bunds i, hvad der foregik, den dag Rikke Karlsson besøgte MELD og FELD's arkiver | Har tit tænkt på, om den nu terrortiltalte 17-årige 'Kundby-pige' er en ægte historie eller det er spind, opsat sceneshow, (crisis actor) for at fremme Inger Støjbergs agenda om, at sætte makimalt press på udlændinge i Danmark og skabe den terrorfrygt der skal til for, at få stemmer til mere kontrol, mere politi, mere overvågning og krigen mod terror, i andre lande? Tænk lige på, alt foregår bag dobbelt lukkede døre. Trods en fuld forklaring fra terrortiltalt pige valgte byretten at holde terrorsag lukket i mere end et år |


In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database | Alternative News for April 29, 2017 |

Welcome to In5D News, your source for Alternative News related to POSITIVE change in our society. Alternative news is the REAL news that is not being reported on the main stream media (MSM). It also reveals the propaganda that IS being reported by the MSM. If you’ve noticed, the main stream media promotes violence, fear, and terror in their attempt to control us through specific agendas. In5D does not advocate fear-mongering propaganda and views ALL news as a potential for awakening the masses in as many ways as possible. Some news, such as Earth changes, show us the balance that is needed in all areas of life, while some political news shows us how this current paradigm of corruption is collapsing from within, which is integral in becoming a Type 1 civilization.

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Women being CONNED into unnecessary double mastectomies by doctors who misrepresent genetic testing, warns Stanford researchers
Are You A Human Being Or Just A Programmable Life Form?
President Trump Now Declares: “I’m A Nationalist … AND A Globalist”
Ron Paul Interviews Julian Assange: “Going After WikiLeaks Because They Humiliated The CIA”
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Climate Scientist Warns Against Geoengineering At TED Conference Vancouver
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Breaking News Headlines YouTube | Apr 29, 2017 | IMPORTANT BREAKING NEWS HEADLINES |

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SITSSHOW | Apr 29, 2017 | OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History | ... Finally, a military pilot steps forward and completely blows the lid off the unlawful and exceedingly destructive Global Chemtrail Program. What follows is a video which puts forth a true story about a courageous pilot who has broken ranks with his chemtrailing peers. In so doing he has risked his life and the life of his family. As you listen to this presentation, or read the text provided below, bear in mind that chemtrails are being sprayed 24/7 around the globe with terrible consequences... | Blogger: Tror du kun cover-up på det højeste niveau, foregår i den amerikanske regering? Kig op på de vedvarende hvide striber på den danske himlen og tænk dig om igen... |

(Stillness in the Storm Editor) While there is an abundance of evidence to confirm geoengineering, I cannot confirm if the below testimony is valid. If anyone has any information that refutes the story of "Blue Jay 1," please send it to me. 

- Justin

Related Best Methods to Detox From Fluoride, Vaccines, Chemtrails, Etc.. (Video) 

Source - In5D

by State of the Nation, February 5th, 2015 

A Courageous Chemtrail Pilot Exposes the Global Geoengineering Program 

“Maybe my fellow pilots will read or hear about this, and decide to come forward as well.”
— Military pilot who flies specially equipped chemtrail jets 

Finally, a military pilot steps forward and completely blows the lid off the unlawful and exceedingly destructive Global Chemtrail Program. What follows is a video which puts forth a true story about a courageous pilot who has broken ranks with his chemtrailing peers. In so doing he has risked his life and the life of his family. As you listen to this presentation, or read the text provided below, bear in mind that chemtrails are being sprayed 24/7 around the globe with terrible consequences. 

For those uninitiated in the ways of atmospheric engineering, chemtrails are but one geoengineering technique that is being systematically used by the U.S. Military. The following link provides an excellent overview of the geoengineering/chemtrail phenomenon, as well as an exceptional photo-doc. After all, only seeing is believing … for most people! 

No matter what the stated reasons are given to those who fly the chemtrail jets, they are always told by their superiors that this ongoing and illegal atmosphere-altering program is being conducted in the interest of NATIONAL SECURITY. 

You’ll notice that NATIONAL SECURITY appears crooked because the whole intention behind geoengineering is as dangerously misguided as it is deceptively false. The indiscriminate, wide-area and systematic spraying of toxic aerosols throughout the skies of the world couldn’t possibly have anything to do with ‘national security’. Those that buy into such a ridiculous notion have obviously been either brainwashed or bribed into believing such an absurd and nonsensical agenda. 

That’s precisely why this unprecedented exposé is so important. Never before has anyone directly involved with the piloting of chemtrail airliners ever gone public. Not only does “Blue Jay 1”, as he is known, go public, he completely blows the lid off of OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD. This single act of identifying the name of what is perhaps the most destructive government program in recorded history is extremely critical.

Related How To Survive Chemtrails -- Ken Rohla (Video) 


Cosmic Vision News | Apr 28, 2017 CET | ※Weekly geo-political news, analysis "With news around, upon, within and beyond our planet, it is the first newscast making disclosure" | Headlines: | Dance In France: leading up to second round presidential elections, will it be another cabal puppet, or right-wing agent of change? | Crisis Or Transformation? : stop-gap budget extension hints at launch of new currency amidst looming bankruptcy of puerto rico | Belt And Road: a deeper look at this rapidly growing eurasian network threatening western hegemony | Energy Of Communication: dr. bruce lipton elaborates on the energetic nature of our being and how it relates to one’s interactions |

Cosmic Vision News: CVN vært, Geoffrey West tilbyder nyheder, kommentarer og lejlighedsvis diskussion om de seneste begivenheder, der udspiller med hensyn til, hvad der formodentligt er den vigtigste begivenhed for at forbedre den menneskelige og planetariske tilstand: AFSLØRING. CVN fremmer og tilskynder til modig dialog på verdensplan, mens de forbereder alle til re-introduktion af vores galaktiske familier. CVN behandler også aktuelle begivenheder, der understøtter et skift til en fredelig planet. Geoffrey West er en del af det team som står bag: GoldenAgeOfGaia.com, kan lyttes til direkte/downloades eller via MP3, smides på en USB nøgle/iPhone og lyttes til på din vej. Husk tidsforskellen på udgivelsen. Direkte Link her (blogtalkradio)

About Geoffrey 

A global citizen, born into Canadian and Irish heritage. Geoffrey has lived in Canada, Sweden and Costa Rica. He has a Bachelors degree in Radio and Television, and a Masters in Peace Education, from the UN-mandated University for Peace. His work experiences include the broadcasting, airline, and computer reservation systems industries. His travels include N. America, Europe, Scandinavia, as well as Russia, Egypt, Thailand and Australia. His passion has come from the challenges he has observed throughout the world, and also from his own personal experiences. He aspires to assist individuals in awakening to their connection to, and deeper energetic relationship with LIFE, and empower new choices of living based in honouring Self, others, our planet, and LIFE beyond Earth also. 

His mission statement for this LIFE-path is as follows: 

"To be, to the best of my ability in each moment, an example for all that will inspire them to remember their connection to, and energetic relation to the ONENESS of LIFE. To assist lovingly in empowering them to honour their own LIFE-path and serve LIFE with choices that honour Self, while also honouring others, our planet and also our galactic families in each moment of 'now', creating experiences of health, love, harmony and peace".

Cosmic Vision News - Show Summary:



3. ( 14:13 ) QUICK HEADLINES









12. ( 1:10:34 ) FINAL WORDS

The Dollar Vigilante Newsletter | Apr 29, 2017 | Trump Admits To Being A Globalist And Continues To Act Like One Too |

If someone told you that they are a vegan and a meat eater, what would you think?

Aside from looking for hidden cameras or waiting for a punchline, if it turned out the person was quite serious, most people would dismiss them as being a complete idiot.

Well, Donald Trump just said the political equivalent.

"Hey, I'm a nationalist and a globalist," Trump told the Wall Street Journal on Thursday. "I'm both."

Yeah, you can't really be both. They are opposites!

But, hey, the population is so dumbed down now that they don't even notice that the Comrade In Chief says he is two completely contrary things at once.

It's not like he has never done it before...... [READ MORE]

Opdatering fra oplysningsforbundet MAY DAY - For Sundhed og Frihed | 27. April 2017 | Emner: GAPS KOGEBOGEN | Trumps FDA-kandidat går ind for kosttilskud | Se den fantastiske video: Kræft - De forbudte Kure | Chikanen mod Stig Gerdes fortsætter. “Det er stikkeri og helt horribelt”, siger Fredericia-lægen, som ikke må kalde sig læge | Psykofarmaka-epidemien kan bekæmpes | Staten ligger inde med 9479 patienthjerner | Pas godt på dig, selv hvis du skal indlægges | Læge og forfatter: Facebook, Twitter og Snapchat gør os helt bevidst til digitale junkier | Vegetarer lever længere, men ikke fordi de fravælger kød | Nyt lovforslag tillader tvangsbehandling af demente og andre svage grupper |


Så er den første danske bog om GAPS, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, udkommet. Det er ”GAPS Kogebogen”, skrevet af Signe Gad og udkommet på Muusmann Forlag. GAPS er en samle-diagnose for de hundredvis af diagnoser og symptomer, der viser sig at have en fælles årsag: en ringe tarmflora. Vi taler om fx autisme, ADHD, diabetes 1 og 2, allergier, vægtproblemer, depression og mange flere. Læs mere om GAPS her af forfatteren Signe Gad
Trumps FDA-kandidat går ind for kosttilskud
En kandidat til lederposten for den amerikanske sundhedsstyrelse FDA har udtalt, at han går ind for kosttilskud. Dr. Scott Gottlieb er Præsident Trumps udpegede til posten. Han er læge og cancer-overlever. Da han blev interviewet til posten, sagde han bl.a.: "Som en, der bruger kosttilskud hver dag, mener jeg, de udfylder en vigtig rolle i sundhedsfremme for millioner af amerikanere, og jeg støtter nem adgang til de produkter. Jeg mener, at den lovgivning, vi har med DSHEA (amerikansk rammelov med meget mild regulering af kosttilskud) er den rette." Læs mere her (engelsk)

Se den fantastiske video: Kræft - De forbudte Kure
Videoen har fået danske undertekster, så alle kan være med. Klik på det lille ikon nederst til højre, der hedder undertekster, og du kan læse med og forstå det hele.
Se den her

Chikanen mod Stig Gerdes fortsætter
Senest er han blevet meldt til politiet for at overtræde det forbud, han har mod at arbejde som læge og at kalde sig læge. “To bevæbnede betjente bankede på hjemme hos mig. Jeg var ikke selv hjemme men fik besked om, at politiet ledte efter mig,” siger Stig Gerdes. Læs mere her
Psykofarmaka-epidemien kan bekæmpes
Hvis vi skal det voldsomme overforbrug af antidepressiva til livs, er der behov for en holdningsændring hos de praktiserende læger. De skal indse, at medicinens bivirkninger ofte er værre end den lidelse, de skal behandle, ligesom de skal undervises i, hvordan man hjælper patienterne fri af medicinen... Læs mere her

Staten ligger inde med 9479 patienthjerner
Samlingen står nu til at blive skrottet, men hvordan kan en sådan indsamling overhovedet lade sig gøre? Læs mere her

Anonymous Official | Apr 29, 2017 | We must stop what is coming... (Message to All Nations 2017-2018) |




YouTube -- Jason A | Apr 30, 2017 | What is Really Going On?? YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS... Jerusalem Syndrome Aaron Hernandez | Blogger: I've been enjoying his channel, like so many others - it's a little bit end-of-time-pessimistic-religious in nature, but he is offering up some good and current footage from US news outlets and unexplained events... |

'Shocking Footage' of Something You Have to See! (2017-2018)
What is Really Going On?? YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS... 
Jason A World News Strange Events Jerusalem Syndrome Aaron Hernandez

Apr 27, 2017

Disclosure News Italy | Aggiornato il 27 April, 2017 | Rumor Bill Clinton on Final |

Rumor Bill Clinton on Final. By Conservative Army.

Sources close to the Clinton family say that Slick Willy, 40th President of the United States and perpetual cheater, will be lucky to make it through the end of the week. The Clinton family, including extended relatives and members of the Rodham clan, have been filing into Little Rock all week where Bill is reportedly bedridden at the residence attached to his presidential library.

The fact that they’re booking rooms and sticking around most likely means they’re expecting to have to stay for a funeral. The Clintons have said that they would refuse any state burial or national ceremony if anything were to happen to them during the Trump administration as they are afraid of what he may say during the service. According to a Clinton spokesman:

“Donald Trump is mean and vindictive. If something were to happen to one of the Clintons, he could demand to speak at a national service and who knows what kind of disrespect would come out of his childish mouth.”

If the rumors are true, a service would be held at the Arkansas State House after Clinton spends two
days lying in state in the arboretum at his library. The Trump family would not be invited.

This is a developing story that will be updated.

We would treat this one as rumor until more information becomes available.

The City of Little Rock is filling up with members of the Clinton family as they reportedly prepare for the final departure of Wiliam Jefferson Clinton from this earth.

What they didn’t know is that while they prepare to say goodbye, President Clinton has been making his own arrangements.

A reporter for a small paper in Limerick, the first to ever interview Clinton when he was running for governor, has been called to the Clinton Presidential Library to interview the ailing former commander-in-chief.

The interview, which will be an exclusive, is being held so Clinton can “die with a clean conscience.”

Whether that means he’s going to confess to all of his affairs, to his dirty dealings over Whitewater or to the numerous coverups he and his wife have been involved in over the years remains to be seen.

Hopefully he can put to rest the questions left for too many families of dead reporters, aides and friends who came just a little bit too close to taking down a political dynasty.

We’ll update the story as soon as the details of the interview are released.


Yahoo News | Apr 26, 2017 | Mysterious shapes and patterns discovered in Arctic and Antarctic sea floor | ... Thousands of kilometres of the Arctic and Antarctic sea floors have been charted in an ambitious and highly detailed atlas of the polar seabed. Several strange shapes gouged out of the sea floor reveal some of the more dramatic periods of the poles' past. What we do know about the seabed here on... | Destroying The Illusion -- 4.26 - Antarctic Markings Discovered, Snowden Tweets, Electric Anomalies @ North Pole | Blogger: According to Jordan Sather huge soft disclosure from the MSM media outlets, seeding the public minds, I attend to agree.. |

Life thriving under the Antarctic sea ice

Thousands of kilometres of the Arctic and Antarctic sea floors have been charted in an ambitious and highly detailed atlas of the polar seabed. Several strange shapes gouged out of the sea floor reveal some of the more dramatic periods of the poles' past.

It's often said that we know more about the surface of Mars than we do about the Earth's ocean floors. What we do know about the seabed here on Earth is perhaps at its scantiest in the remote polar regions.

An atlas being presented at a meeting of the European Geosciences Union in Vienna is set to change that. The map covers an area larger than Great Britain and is the first attempt at an in-depth atlas of the regions in 20 years.

Kelly Hogan, a marine geophysicist at the British Antarctic Survey who worked on the atlas, presented the results.

"These are the fingerprints of the way the ice shapes the sea floor at these high latitudes," Hogan told a press conference.

"We took ships out across up to high latitudes and used echo-sounding methods, where you ping down a sound pulse to the sea floor and record the response back up at the ship."

This can be used to probe surface of the sea floor as well as the sediments beneath, creating a 3D map in high resolution.

"This is remote sensing of the sea floor – in the same way satellites are moving round the globe and taking images, this is what we're doing on ships but sending pulse down to seafloor instead," Hogan said....... [READ MORE]



Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

Find me @ www.jaysather.com
Personal transformation and health coaching services

Destroying the Illusion by unveiling the Truth.
Your contributions help tremendously. Thank you to anyone who donates to support the cause.
PayPal donations accepted at: jordan.sather@gmail.com

Independent | Apr 26, 2017 | China and Europe to build a base on the moon and launch other projects into space | ... If space is to be explored peacefully it will require ‘international collaboration’, a spokesperson for the European Space Agency said... | Blogger: That's what i call soft disclosure facts, staring you right in your face. Well, they can build all their want, if you ask me, MIC-SSP already - 'Been there, done that'.. A very bunt attempt to recap history, just a very small snapshort from thepromiserevealed, that really breaks it down and makes it digestible: ".. So through a secret organization, the United States government was taken over by vested corporate interests which allegedly were working with an altruistic motive to protect the earth from what they considered hostile an alien invasion. This is how it was sold to the military anyway. The generals and security types who had the clearance to know about the ET presence had to choose the lesser of two evils. This erroneous policy and thinking has gotten us up to our necks in lies and deceit and must now come to an end. The minions who enacted these many varied, nefarious and heinous crimes against humanity mostly had no idea of the bigger picture driving the human sex slave trade, drug deals etc.. The decision by the Truman administration and the Eisenhower administration to keep the fact of extraterrestrial presence a secret from the world’s populace has been in my opinion a big mistake and debacle of epic proportions, which we are only now trying to unravel ourselves from. I could ramble on and muse endlessly on the policies and the mistakes that were made to mislead and confused minds by the world elite political and military structure. This is one of the main reasons the extraterrestrial factor cannot be released to the public. There are still individuals within our government who have been deeply involved in creating wars and dealing drugs for profit. These people fear for their lives if the populace was to find out what they have been doing, and with proof, there would probably be mass lynchings. The betrayal of trust has been complete and the way out is like trying to untangle a fishing line.. Apparently the government had been to the Moon many years prior to the public awareness of these programs. It is reported that the US-Russians did a joint Mars mission and landed on the surface in a circular-type, earth-made UFO looking spaceship. There was reportedly a Moon base or two for a period of time, but the Earth people were kicked off the Moon many years ago and could not return unless they were invited. This would be done outside of gov’t. military channels. You will also see some very big operations involving the retrieval of various engines which crashed in test drives. Entire military forces have been engaged to locate these and destroy them before any other military power could find them and copy what the USA had created.. " |

Concept art for a domed lunar city in one of the Moon's craters Getty
China and Europe are looking to build a human outpost on the moon.

Representatives of the Chinese and European space agencies have discussed collaborating on a moonbase and other possible joint endeavours, according to spokespeople and media reports.

The work was first revealed by Tian Yulong, the secretary general of China’s space agency, who told Chinese state media about the talks. Pal Hvistendahl, a spokesperson for the European Space Agency, confirmed the discussions.

“The Chinese have a very ambitious moon programme already in place,” Mr Hvistendahl said. “Space has changed since the space race of the Sixties. We recognise that to explore space for peaceful purposes, we do international cooperation.”

Johann-Dietrich Wörner, the director general of the 22-member ESA, has described its proposed “Moon Village” as a potential international launching pad for future missions to Mars and a chance to develop space tourism or even lunar mining.

China arrived relatively late to space travel but has ramped up its programme since its first manned spaceflight in 2003, more than 42 years after a Soviet cosmonaut became the first to reach orbit.

Last week, the China National Space Administration launched an unmanned spacecraft on a mission to dock with its currently unoccupied space station. It plans to launch a mission to collect samples from the moon by the end of this year and conduct the first mission to the moon’s far side to bring back mineral samples next year.

The ESA hopes to conduct a mission analysis on samples brought back by this year’s Chinese mission, known as Chang’e 5, and also have a European flying on the Chinese space station at some future date, Mr Hvistendahl said. Neither prospect has been finalised.

China was excluded from the International Space Station mainly due to US legislation barring such cooperation and concerns over the Chinese space programme's strong military connections.

Additional reporting by Associated Press



Apr 26, 2017

Bloomberg | Apr 26, 2017 | With Secret Airship, Sergey Brin Also Wants to Fly | ... The Google co-founder is said to be working on an enormous dirigible in a Silicon Valley hangar ... |

The USS Macon entering Hangar One at the NASA Ames Research center in 1934.
Photographer: Smith Collection/Gado via Getty Images

Larry Page has his flying cars. Sergey Brin shall have an airship. Brin, the Google co-founder, has secretly been building a massive airship inside of Hangar 2 at the NASA Ames Research Center, according to four people with knowledge of the project. It's unclear whether the craft, which looks like a zeppelin, is a hobby or something Brin hopes to turn into a business. "Sorry, I don't have anything to say about this topic right now," Brin wrote in an email. The people familiar with the project.Read the full story

Prepare For Change | Apr 26, 2017 | May 1st Deadline Chaos Explained…Cabal Turns to Electronic Warfare on Lightworkers, Alliance Shuts Down NORAD in Response. Plus ‘Focusing’ as a Psychic Tool? | BlogTalkRadio: Ground Crew Command |

  • Has enough physical and non-physical clearing been done to make the 1st of May the last day of US Corp? Or will they find another way to kick the can further down the road, especially if the Chimera threaten to detonate their plasma toplet bombs?
  • Cabal all but gives up on WWIII, turns electronic weapons on full and points them at Lightworkers . We get into this, plus analyze the quick response from positive factions and what this means to you. 
  • Obama spills the beans on Clinton/Bush drug operations and in return released on conditional custody terms in Chicago.
  • Will Vatican servant Mike Pence succeed in finding Asian money to keep the unlawful corporate pseudo-US government going past May1st?
  • ... all this and much more. 

Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd i centraladministrationen. Det er dine skattekroner de brænder af!! | journalista | 26. April 2017 | Pengeregnen fortsætter hos DR : 15 skrivebordsgeneraler tjente over millionen i 2016 | FernetBranca, Jägermeister, guldøl, cognac og snaps : Festlige og våde møder hos skatteyderfinansieret affaldsselskab | Frank Jensen på langfart : Brændte 60.000 kroner af på skraldetur til Beirut | Sportsfans på skatteydernes regning : Kommunal havn fast gæst i VIP-lounger for over 300.000 kroner om året | Påfaldende priser : Rekrutteringsbureauer kræver ens honorarer hos regionerne – for mange millioner hvert år | Aalborgs rejsekonge slår til igen : Nyboe Andersen & Co brugte 312.561,95 kroner på USA-tur |

YourNewsWire | Apr 25, 2017 | Prince Charles Secret Ties To Elite Pedo Ring Exposed By FOI Request. Disturbing documents revealing close ties between Prince Charles and an elite pedophile network including prolific pedophile Sir Jimmy Savile have been released under the Freedom of Information Act. | Blogger: Ofcourse hard to prove in court and that will never happen. Prince Charles is heavily protected like all Royal Monarchies in Europe. Always use your own spiritual discernment... |

Prince Charles Secret Ties To Elite Pedophile Ring Exposed By FOI 
2) Thumbnail image - prince-charles-savile-pedo-ring-.jpg
3) Music - Youtube Audio Library
"Ambient Ambulance"

As You Wish Talk Radio | Apr 24, 2017 | With James Gilliland & ECETI Ranch | Taking Calls; Trump, GCR, the Republic, Technologies

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio,www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.

Air date 04/22/2017. Dane Wigington, Geoengineering expert at Shasta Co. Hearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4WhY...
* http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/?s...
The Reptilians - James Bartley & Freeman (& more)
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKc7Z...
Understanding the RV (NESARA, Global Currency Reset, illegal take over of the USA Republic to make it the Bankers military arm).* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2pgT...
The Secret Global Reset Agreement, by Preston James - Veterans Today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7Y0t...
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IJee...
Serious crash likely comes before Reset 

BREAKING | FOXNEWS | Apr 26, 2017 | Nobody panic! Olympus Has Fallen!!! DC plans 'full-scale' terror attack drill, amid NK tensions | ... If you're walking around Washington DC early Wednesday, you may encounter blaring sirens, stressed emergency service personnel, police cordons and utter pandemonium. Not to worry, it’s part of a ‘full scale’ terrorist attack drill. Hundreds of police, fire, and emergency medical service personnel, as well as volunteer actors, will take part in the exercise, designed to prepare for the possibility of “a complex coordinated terror attack in the National Capital Region.”... |

The Capitol Dome.  (AP)

Matt Kahn Update | Apr 25, 2017 | The Essence of Forgiveness |


Matt Kahn er en spirituel lærer, mystiker, og intuitiv healer. Hans spontane vækkelse opstod ud af en ud-af-kroppen-oplevelse i en alder af 8, og hans direkte erfaringer med opstegne mestre og ærkeengle hele sit liv. Matt fungerer som en bro mellem den mystiske riger og rejsen af opvågnen. Mange åndeligt søgende har oplevet forbløffende, uforklarlige fysiske og følelsesmæssige helbredelser, og har vakt til deres sande natur gennem Matts dybe og kærlige lærdomme og transmission af hellige hjerte visdom. Matt og Julie tilbyde deres klare intuitive vejledning og kærlige tilstedeværelse, at fjerne alle opfattelser af forhindringer i dit liv og for energisk, at støtte dig gennem alle aspekter af den åndelige rejse og oplevelse af opvågnen. 

Elsker at lytte til både Teal Swan og Matt Kahn, det virker som om, de indeholder et helt liv af erfaringer, en rummelighed og begavelse indenfor den spirituelle verden som jeg ikke har set før. De går nødvendigvis ikke med strømmen, meget selvstændigt, egen opfattelse af tingenes tilstand og giver forklaringer som er præcise, nøgtern og virkelig rammende for vores livsaspekt og giver et meget større perspektiv end så mange andre. Både den spirituelle verden også blandt (almen) psykologi. Tillige har Matt Kahn en virkelig god lun humor og logisk tilgang.

Matt Kahn Update ~ The Essence of Forgiveness

For video, click image below

Disclosure News Italy | Aggiornato il 26 April, 2017 | Kim Jong Un and family will seek political asylum in Vladivostok, Russia |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Kim Jong Un and family will seek political asylum in Vladivostok, Russia

By Benjamin Fulford 25 April 2017

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and his family will seek political asylum in Russia on or about May 8th, just before the South Korean presidential election, according to sources in Japanese military intelligence.
This is the decision reached in secret discussions between the governments of Russia, China and the US under the aegis of the CSIS, the sources say.
This will pave the way for a Kim Han Sol, the son of Kim Il Sung’s older brother Kim Jong Nam, to become the new leader of North Korea, the sources say.
This will be followed by the reunification of the Korean Peninsula, they say.
Kim Han Sol Noth Korea
Kim Han Sol?

Kim Jong Shinzo Abe April 2017

Kim Jong Un North Korea
Kim Jong Un North Korea

Kim Jong Shinzo Abe April 2017

However, it is not yet clear if the Kim Han Sol the CSIS plans to place in power will be the real one or the fake one who recently appeared on internet video, the sources say.
This information has not been independently confirmed but 
reflects the scenario envisaged by the CSIS.

David Wilcock FB Update | Apr 26, 2017 | ... Last night I got a HUGE burst of new intel from Pete Peterson about the Antarctic Atlantis. Much more specific detail that has clarified a bunch of topics, including UFO crashes from three different time periods that have all been found... |

Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-filmCONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening.

By David Wilcock

David Wilcock
15 timer
Last night I got a HUGE burst of new intel from Pete Peterson about the Antarctic Atlantis. Much more specific detail that has clarified a bunch of topics, including UFO crashes from three different time periods that have all been found.

Pete was part of a team that has been working on an incredibly detailed analysis of these crashes for at least the last 30 years. The level of specifics is almost too much, since you are dealing with entire teams of scientists who did nothing but study these sites for years at a time.

Plans are definitely in place to reveal the whole thing to us. A negative ET group is also demanding a disclosure announcement in the very near future.

The battle between the Cabal and the Alliance is playing out in the US as the DoD (Alliance) versus the CIA and there are many mysteries in current events that can be explained.

We are definitely right on track for some major changes in everything we think we know. The Alliance would have done this regardless of who won the US 2016 election.

I have been very busy with new developments in my life that involve travel and many hours of work. All very positive and completely unexpected.

I feel it is very important to get this intel out before I speak at New Living Expo this weekend in San Francisco. I have a Sunday talk and a Monday post-conference event. This is only one of two events I have agreed to do this year despite almost daily requests for my presence at various conferences.

The new intel will definitely be shared at the event for my own protection even if I can't get it all out before then. Right now I have to study for an Ancient Aliens taping that will consume the whole day and then I am off at 5AM on another trip that will knock out two more days.

You definitely do not want to miss this show if you are anywhere near San Francisco this weekend!
Click Here to Buy Tickets for all Special Events. Exhibit Hall Hours Friday, April 28th 2 pm -9 pm Saturday, April 29th 10 am – 8 pm Sunday, April 30th 11 am...

PIOPIO | 25. April 2017 | Ung politiker udsat for sexchikane: 'Du knalder dig til tops'. Det kan have mange fordele at være ung kvinde i dansk politik, men seksuelle tilnærmelser og hånlige kommentarer om ens alder, udseende og privatliv er desværre hverdagskost, oplever byrådsmedlem | Blogger: Sonja Marie Nielsen er medlem af Nyborg Byråd for Socialdemokratiet, og i et opsigtsvækkende indlæg på netavisen Pio Pio fortæller hun om en kultur i det politiske miljø, hvor unge kvinder åbenlyst bliver diskrimineret. Begynder at få en dårlig smag i munden, det minder snart om den verdensomspændende #pedogate-ring hvor 'the establishment' bruger åbenlyst sex-sager som et magtmiddel og bestikkelse på samtlige erhvervsdrivende, dommere, direktører og politikere som sidder højt nok oppe i systemet i power-pyramiden. I 1997 fik Venstre-politikeren Anders Møller karantæne på ubestemt tid fra Køge Svømmeland. 2005, så vi tidligere socialordfører for Venstre, Flemming Oppfeldt, der blev tiltalt for at have haft sex med en 13-årig dreng. 2008, Jeppe Kofod's sex-sag med den 15-årige pige. Københavns socialdemokratiske overborgmester Frank Jensen gjorde sig i slutningen af 2011 upopulær blandt sine kvindelige kollegaer under julefrokosten på hovedstadens rådhus. Overborg- mesterens slikkende mund var ikke det eneste problem for Socialdemokratiet i de sidste måneder af 2011. Ved en julefrokost på spillestedet Copenhagen Jazzhouse svigtede fornuften hos Carsten Hansen, der både dengang og i dag er minister for by-, bolig- og landdistrikter. For ikke at tale om Mimi der afslører faderens store hemmelighed tilbage i 2016: Han var besat af sex. For nylig var det forfatteren Susan Simonsen, som var tidligere praktikant i Venstre, der gav i en ny bog sin version af livet med de politiske stjerner på Christiansborg. Hun oplevede sexisme og politisk sabotage. Så findes der et hav af sager der aldrig når ud i æteren, af frygt for vedkommende enten bliver frosset ud eller væltede ned fra taburetten. Undersøgelser viser, at sexchikane på jobbet får sygefraværet til at stige... |

Det kan have mange fordele at være ung kvinde i dansk politik, men seksuelle tilnærmelser og hånlige kommentarer om ens alder, udseende og privatliv er desværre hverdagskost, oplever byrådsmedlem.