Nov 13, 2014

‘Rosetta mission could unlock key to alien life,’ says lead Philae lander scientist

The Rosetta mission’s historic landing of a robotic spacecraft on a comet has brought to a head one of humankind’s timeless questions: are we alone in the universe? For the project’s leading land scientist, that answer may soon be on the horizon.

After a tense seven-hour wait, the lander module Philae touched down on the surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko at 16:03 GMT on Wednesday. The European Space Agency’s (ESA) mission control in Darmstadt was beside itself with joy. The impossible had become reality. And it was only the beginning.

READ MORE: First #CometLanding in history as Rosetta's Philae touches down

Soon, the first descent image came in, the clarity of the comet surface seemingly from a Hollywood blockbuster. Despite that amazing feat, what follows could revolutionize our understanding of life itself.

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10 Mind-Blowing DARPA Projects That Will Change Our World

Udgivet den Aug 12, 2014

Her er 10 utroligt ambitiøse DARPA-projekter.

Amerikanske US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, eller DARPA, blev oprettet i 1958 for at sikre landets militær har den bedste og mest anvendelige teknologi.

Her er 10 af bureauets mest ambitiøse projekter

Nummer 10. En flydende tank. The Captive Air Amphibious Transporter, kaldet CAAT for korte, er designet til at udføre korte ture fra skib til land samtidig med fuld belastning eller slæb af mindre enheder bag sig.

Nummer 9. Confetti størrelse navigations værktøj. I tilfælde af, at adgangen til GPS er tilgængelig, har forskere lavet en lokalisering chip, der er mindre end en dime. Det bruger et ur, gyroskoper og accelerometre til at hjælpe en person med at finde ud af, hvor de er, og hvor de er på vej hen.

Nummer 8. Self-guidede kugler. Nogle gange, har endda højtuddannede skarpskytter, brug for lidt hjælp til at ramme deres mål. Indtast exacto systemet, komplet med manøvredygtig kugler og real-time vejlednings evner.

Nummer 7. Spray-can walls. Dubbed project BlockADE, som står for "Block Access to Deny Entry" arbejder DARPA med udviklere til at foretage en nem-at-bruge materiale, der kunne bygge barrikader for uigennemtrængelige kugler, menneskelig kraft, og skarpe værktøjer.

Nummer 6. Ubemandede helikoptere. En masse missioner kunne drage fordel af lodrette start og landings-køretøjer, men ved hjælp af traditionelle helikoptere er det ikke altid en mulighed. Forskellige moduler, der er knyttet til en selvstændig flyvende fartøj kunne skabe den nødvendige tjenester til ellers utilgængelige områder.

Nummer 5. Underwater forsyning hubs. Havbunden er enorme og svært at komme til, som for DARPA, gør det det perfekte sted at skabe en hemmelig forsyningslagring. Fyldte kapsler kunne forblive under vandet indtil det skal bruges, på hvilket tidspunkt de ville blive indkaldt til at flyde op til deres ønskede modtager.

Nummer 4. Terminator vision. For det første ville den forbedrede optiske system leverer goggle bæreren med en dimensionel, 360-graders visning af deres omgivelser. ville det vurdere og finde mål inden for det. Ligesom i film.

Nummer 3. Solar-drevne droner. På nuværende droner drives de af kortlivede strømkilder og kan derfor kun gennemføre missioner af begrænset varighed. Skift til solenergi kan give dem mulighed for at strejfe himlen i op til 5 år.

Nummer 2. Gecko handsker. Problemet med høje mure, er, at de er lige så svært at klatre over. I et forsøg på at gøre opgaven meget lettere, har et særligt stof blevet opfundet. Det hjælper mennesker med at klatre op af lodrette flader med den lethed og ynde projektets inspiration og dyret som kaldes, gekko.

Nummer 1. Robotic pack muldyr. Våben, ammunition og forsyninger er tunge og ved frontlinjen er der ikke plads til en reel muldyr at slæde rundt med. Det er her, hvor robotversionen af lastdyret kommer ind. Det blev for nylig testet i Hawaii, og kan efter sigende håndtere store belastninger og hårde terræn.

Hvilke DARPA projekt tror du er den mest ambitiøse?

Tony Blair Caught Selling Oil for Saudi Arabia - Nov 10, 2014

Published on Nov 10, 2014

In this video Luke Rudkowski breaks down the crimes of Tony Blair and what he is currently up to.

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The Dissolution of Contrived Civilization - Nov 12, 2014

by Zen Gardner

Despite the furious efforts of the world’s Machiavellian destroyers, humanity is waking up. In our current paradigm, we’re seeing significant progress in exposing the ongoing brutal Ukraine and Gaza exterminations and furtive Syria incursion, the mass revelation of chemtrails and other neo-scientific programs, the disastrous effects of EMFs of every source, GMO food manipulation, tectronic surveillance and monitoring, and the front and center clearly induced global war and the militarization of society.

We’re in the thick of it now. But it’s revealing itself as we speak.

Don’t let these events and seeming contests of ideology throw you. There’s nothing level about this playing field, and the mass narrative is strong propaganda. Don’t even listen to it. Rely on your heart and alternative sources. Their only weapon is our consent by yielding to their lies and adopting their mindset. Disinformation serves several purposes, the most insidious of which is to introduce doubt to your heartfelt convictions regarding the reality of what is obviously before you. Keeping the mass mind at bay is imperative to their program.

Why? If we woke up to the truth we’d stop our participation and rise up and overthrow them. And they know that.

Now factor in the genetic modification from from every source, the pharmaceutical/vaccination onslaught especially on our children, the toxification of our skies, water and food, and the transhuman robotic assault – and you start to get the picture.

But we are many, they are few…never ever, ever forget that.

Major Signs of Awakening

As mentioned above, there are many manifestations that the Truth is flooding in to human consciousness. What we collectively do with this information is one thing; what we individually do with it is the key. We either activate, or we don’t. The more who do, the greater the mass awakening. With or without the masses, the awakening is coming to pass anyway, come what may. That’s the wonderfully exciting reality.

What the naysayers and foot draggers do with it is their business, as well as their demise if they choose wrongly to ignore what is more obvious by the minute.

The onus is on humanity. And the alternative is becoming crystal clear.


The List Continues

If you need further encouragement, get involved. You’ll see signs of it everywhere. Major inroads of Truth are being made by the minute as these disgusting forces continue to attempt to forge their desired goal of a subservient, complacent and even happily servile work force. Damn them, and do it with gusto.

Don’t be deceived, it’s all a wicked charade. A ploy, a scam: a counterfeit civilization they’re trying to construct that true conscious humanity is dissolving by the hour.

Disconnect – disobey – and de-enlist. Break your unconscious and conscious agreements. The parasites will shrivel up and disappear.

The time is now. It’s ours for the taking. And receiving.

Much love always, and do keep on boldly,


David Wilcock Opdatering via Benjamin Fulford blog - 13. November, 2014 CET PART # 2

Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-film CONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening. 

Herunder et sammendrag af hans kommentar til Benjamin Fulford's blog den 11 November.

Link til Benjamin 
PART # 2

Comment by dwilcock on November 12, 2014 @ 10:41 pm
I spent all day yesterday gathering new info from insiders. Things are ramping up VERY quickly. My mind has been blown wide open. Lots of new people are starting to come forward and they may just be the first wave.

Apparently the preferred method of how the Alliance will get the planet back is going to continue to involve behind-the-scenes work for a period of time. It may or may not depending upon how fast certain things move.

Although I do not at all advocate this approach, we have the number-one source available to one of my highest-level insiders saying that we are going to see major people getting knocked off and it will be made to look like accidents. This could go on for weeks or even months. This was independently confirmed by others.

There will be a decisive shift, I was told. Some of the intel suggested it could happen fairly quickly.

The most intriguing new tidbit was that it will reach a point where everyone knows about the Cabal and what they were up to on an extremely public level. Once this happens, the media will be MANDATED to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, whether they like it or not.

I am going to keep a steady focus on getting a video pipeline established. The dream I just woke up from told me to relentlessly focus on this. There will be a need for it soon enough, as if there isn’t already.

- David


Comment by dwilcock on November 12, 2014 @ 10:54 pm

There is some intel, which I do not believe is credible, suggesting that things could very dramatically shift in just a few weeks. Part of this job is to assess the value of certain intel and not pass things along unless they seem to help.

Many times I have heard imminent-sounding things and decided not to pass them along, and then they didn’t happen. No matter who tries to plan what, things have their own speed of traveling. Windows open and windows close. Opportunities shift on an hourly basis with the political winds.

Some of the most exciting new information concerns the secret space program. There is no question that ET activity has dramatically ramped up in and around the earth. Disclosure is very much going to be a part of this, and part of what embarrasses our shadow government is there are so many different folks out there that they honestly don’t know what the heck is going on.

The “learning curve” is going to be significant. I have been charting the progress towards Disclosure on my show and there is much more to say on this. One insider said that all this fighting over the financial system, and how we change it, is valiant but also sadly foolish, as we are right on the brink of changes so massive that money will be as obsolete as the Pony Express.

- David


Comment by dwilcock on November 12, 2014 @ 11:10 pm

OK, one last thing taken from some of my written notes:

“We will see the arrest and prosecution of top banksters, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, anyone who has been violating the law. This will target people and groups who have used lobbyists to change a law from something that was real and good for humanity into something that would further their cause. People who have blatantly violated laws and committed treasonous acts contrary to the life and living conditions of humans are strongly likely to be arrested or certainly thwarted. This will also include a significant majority of the senate and congress in the United States.”

There you have it. The other stuff that is imminent will be fascinating if it happens, and if so we don’t have to wait long, so I am content to just “sit here watching the wheels go round and round…”

- David