Jan 25, 2020

🆘 ~ ALERT : CHINA BARRICADING PEOPLE ** IN ** INFECTED CITIES! Roads being Blocked with Piles of Dirt, Phone Lines off, Hospitals OUT of Supplies ~ | Blogger: [😱"Over 3 million infected. Death toll at a MINIMUM of 156,000. 46 million people under quarantine! 90.000 dead in Wuhan alone! ~ Hal Turner😟] ... SoTW: Lots of lots of evidence and video material in this report, however, I must insist, even if Harold Charles "Hal" Turner, a former FBI attorney and radio host should be alarming right, there's no way we could verify these claims and there's no harm in calling China for what it is, a People's democratic dictatorship. China is a dictatorship country that surpass many democratic countries in the world and has the world's most extensive and sophisticated censorship apparatus... God, I wish Hal Turner is wrong... |

Source (halturnerradioshow)

As of 5:30 PM eastern US time Friday, January 24, 2020, about 46 MILLION people in 16 cities in China, are under LOCKDOWN Quarantine, as a new virus spreads like wildfire, killing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS. No one can enter or leave the cities involved.

The Chinese Army has deployed 50,000 troops to surround Wuhan, with orders "SHOOT TO KILL" anyone trying to escape as hundreds are trying to flee the cities-- ON FOOT -- because there is NO FOOD.

Armored Vehicles are on the streets as more and more videos emerge of infected citizens dropping-dead as they walk!

Never before in the modern history of human existence, have 46 Million people been Quarantined; yet that is exactly what is taking place in China today.

Officially, people in the following cities are "LOCKED-DOWN" -- No one can enter, and anyone in these cities is forbidden from leaving (READ MORE)

😮 ~ VIDEO: Cindy McCain says “We all knew what Jeffrey Epstein was doing, we ALL knew” ~ | Blogger: [👉"Wow! Watch Cindy McCain as she admits ‘we all knew’ about Jeffrey Epstein." ~ Erin Elizabeth👈] ... |

Source (HNN)

👼 💓 ~ Pernille skiftede spor: »Folk siger tit til mig, men du var jo så sej. Hvorfor vil du det her? Og så kan jeg godt høre, de synes, det er kikset at være astrolog« (Politiken.dk Arkiv) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👐Spirituality is Taboo. Especially in Denmark. AMEN to that (Star-Brother)🧘‍♂️] ... WAUV -- Højst usædvanlig, at et ledende JP/Politikens Hus og mediekoncern, OVERHOVED, viser denne form for interesse og så fra en tidligere advokat, som udtaler sig offentligt og kunne have været partner, i én ud af tre, mest prestigefyldte jobs i Danmark. Religion og spiritualitet i Danmark er sååå ømtåleligt og tabubelagt, som Teflon, skyer vand og smuds. Verdensalt overvejer stadig, om at flytte laaangt væk, fra dannevang, til steder, hvor spiritualitet, er (second nature). Hedder desværre hverken Tony Robbins eller Per Brændgaard og så er der laangt til himmelen ... "»Danmark er et lille land, hvor det godt kan være op ad bakke at beskæftige sig med spiritualitet. Ting, som betragtes som almindelige i andre lande, går som alternativt her, f.eks. akupunktur og homøopati. Der er stor skepsis og latterliggørelse, på trods af at store dele af befolkningen opsøger alternative metoder«, siger Pernille Ørskov."... (verdensalt:) - DET største problem for os danskere, som jeg ser det, er 'Janteloven'; (det kiksede) bedrevidende, usexede, højtråbende passioneret idealistisk ego-forsvarsværk, som dræner os for energi, fordi, vi (føler) os så fandens kloge... Ingen kan tåle kritik, ingen kan udstå andre kloge mennesker, vi ved bedst selv. Vi er overlegen og små perfektionister og narcissister... Og selvom vi er højtuddannede individualister, så tror vi Gud, er skabt for at hjælpe os at nå sandheden, men ikke vi selv bærer kilden, til den guddommelige sandhed... |

Pernille Ørskov var advokat og stod på kanten af partnerskab, men valgte at sige op for at blive astrolog. Foto: Jacob Ehrbahn

🎭 ~ Steve Hilton: The impeachment is a joke and shows the difference between Trump's results and Democrats' stunts ~ |

Source (Fox News)

⚔️ ~ Kan vi alle blive ramt af Stockholm-syndromet? Det usynlige og syndige danske Forsvarsnet af en Magtelite, en Retsstat og Statsadelens korrupte pamper-vælde, tager RØVEN på os alle ~ | Blogger: [🤜Der er ikke ret langt fra hjernevask hos danskerne til Stockholm-syndrom🤛] ... 💣En tikkende bombe for Mette F. som i gårsdagens (falske) nyheder, kan spejle sig i et oppumpet ny rekord i popula- ritet, der slår alle ud af banen, mens Folketinget skal diskutere tophemmeligt milliardforlig i skandalesag, rejser der sig (flere) monster-skandaler under kommunisterne, da det er kommet frem, at Bagmandspolitiet fik 79.000 henvendelser, men åbnede kun tre efterforskninger som i praksis vil sige, der er UENDELIGT af muligheder for at slippe afsted med økonomisk kriminalitet i Dannevang. Så kom chokrapporten fra Banedanmark, der mangler 15,5 milliarder for at holde banenettet opdateret, noget som danskere skal betale ekstra for. Yderligere, tjekker Skat færre og færre virksomheder, men finder mere snyd og som a4arbejdsliv siger, lugter det LANGT væk af massiv svindel... Juraprofessor William Byrnes fra Texas A&M University School of Law samt en topadvokat fra den erfarne partner Marc Levey fra Baker McKenzie, USA’s største advokatfirma er så chokeret, at de ALDRIG har set noget lignende... Så har vi slet ikke taget fat i om Kronprinsparret har slettet udleje af sit luksus feriested i Schweiz og hvor meget han har tjent på skidtet om det Norske kongehus har gjort det samme og om H.K.H. Kronprinsen virkelig har solgt sin lejlighed i Paris, og hvad fik han ud af det?. Og om han stadig har en lejlighed i New York samt andre steder rundt om i verden, som han ulovlig tjener penge på og skatteyderne, har betalt for... Hvorfor skal Rufus Gifford melder ud hvilken præsidentkandidat han støtter? Nemlig Joe Biden, som er den mest korrupte af alle, og mest sleske, men det har Prins Charles jo også, fordi vi alle skal hade Donald Trump... Nu hvor der er faldet dom på en historisk retssag omkring at forbyde Loyal to Familia som forening, kan retsstaten efter denne sag, danner præcedens over alle andre foreninger og forbyde, hvem de vil? Og til sidst er Regeringen klar til at nedsætte en kommission, der skal undersøge sagen om Inger Støjbergs adskillelse af asylpar, men det tager lige 2 års penge, og desuden er Inger, hamrende ligeglad, hun har nemlig parlamentarisk immunitet... GUD BEVARE 'DET HEMMELIGHEDSFULDE SELSKAB'... |

American experts from TAMU and a top lawyer are shocked to the core how much corruption exist in Denmark...

SoTW: Kan de kongelige straffes, hvis de begår en forbrydelse? NEJ!!!. Kongehusets medlemmer har immunitet. Det er kun monarken, der kan idømme et familiemedlem en straf ... I Danmark har alle folketingsmedlemmer parlamentarisk immunitet i henhold til § 57 i Grundloven som siger: »Intet medlem af Folketinget kan uden dettes samtykke tiltales eller underkastes fængsling af nogen art, medmindre han er grebet på fersk gerning.


👼 ~ 💓 A Message from my Higher Self (TreeOfTheGoldenLight) 💕 ~ | .. Mother Earth is almost shouting at you that preparations must go ahead to make ready for even greater changes that are coming with the Event. The longer Humanity takes to recognise the necessity of the changes, the more difficult it will become to handle them and avoid traumatic events that will inevitably follow .. |

Channeled by Mike Quinsey

24th January 2020. Mike Quinsey

You have only to learn of the pending world changes to realise that something big is taking place, as unlike seasonal changes there is disruption and upheaval of a measure never quite seen in your recent times.

Mother Earth is almost shouting at you that preparations must go ahead to make ready for even greater changes that are coming with the Event. The longer Humanity takes to recognise the necessity of the changes, the more difficult it will become to handle them and avoid traumatic events that will inevitably follow.

By anticipating what is needed in readiness for the future a path can be followed that will prepare the way with the least effect upon the people. A worldwide decision must be made to join forces and share the responsibility for ensuring that progress is made with the least damage to the Earth itself.

The energies for change are being felt everywhere and although the outcome is not generally known, people sense that something big is coming. Many already have some knowledge of the Event but it is not known precisely when it will occur. However, there is a feeling that Mankind needs to address the potential happenings so as to minimize the damage to man and beast alike.

We are not fear mongering but the potential for change is becoming more obvious with climate change already taking its toll. When you take these warnings seriously we in turn will do our best to guide you, but the onus is upon you to take the first steps, because even in these present times your freewill is foremost and honoured.

⚠️ ~ 💗 WLMM: Urgent! Meditation to stop the pandemics outbreak in China every 4 hours 💕 ~ | Blogger: Same prayers go out to the several of earthquakes in Turkey and over 2,000 quakes that have shaken Puerto Rico and to stop the Australian Bushfires with rain🙏... |

Source (welovemassmeditation)

A pandemics outbreak has occurred in Wuhan, China two weeks ago. It is believed to have its origins in a seafood and poultry market in the city in the middle of China, which is also a travel hub of China with 11 million of population. As a result, it has been spreading rapidly to the surrounding regions and countries. With the US confirmed the first case of infection in Washington on January 21st. (READ MORE)

🔴☢️ ~ BREAKING: Coronavirus a stealth strain that can be carried by people who show NO fever or coughing symptoms… detection almost impossible under current government guidelines ~ | Blogger: (From Lame Stream Media News outside Mike Adam's reports:) ... Coronavirus isn't a global emergency yet says W.H.O. but DAMN close to it... Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam, however, has declared highest level of emergency, schools to remain closed and marathon cancelled... French health officials confirm three cases of Wuhan coronavirus, the first in Europe and demanding bringing home US and French citizens from Wuhan... Race has already begun to build Chinese coronavirus hospital in 10 days, but many say, that it's too late and China has already ghost cities and will become the biggest economy burden to China, ever... Australia's ben asked to make a Coronavirus Vaccine at 'Unprecedented Speed' and Drugmakers chase vaccine as coronavirus spreads globally... 'Everyone will get infected' Nurse at corpse-strewn hospital says quarantine failing (see the video before censorship)... |

(Natural News) Coronavirus is spreading among people who show non-respiratory symptoms. This means detection of the carriers of the virus is going to be extremely difficult, given that nearly all health officials around the world are looking for respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and breathing difficulties.

Some carriers of this rapidly spreading strain of coronavirus show no fever and no coughing, but instead are exhibiting symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting and chest pains.

“Thus far, official guidance on the symptoms of the Wuhan virus has been limited to fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as coughing, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath,” reports The Epoch Times:

However, according to local media a report by doctors and experts from Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University on Friday noted the appearance of initial symptoms not related to the respiratory system.

It said that many patients who contracted the virus did not have a fever. Therefore simply taking the temperatures of passengers at transport hubs is not enough to screen for the virus.(READ MORE)


🚀 ~ Dr. Michael Salla Exopolitics : Paper on Nuclear Fusion Reactor for Hybrid Spacecraft Published in Prestigious Journal ~ | Blogger: I know what your thinking... That's impossible... Solar Warden Armada and 1950 Nazi initialized Secret Space Programs don't exist, a nuclear plasma fusion reactor patent for “Hybrid Aerospace Underwater Vehicle” or portable nuclear fusion reactor, is a hoax... Maybe and maybe not... I do know, that Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon is a term used by the Clinton and Bush administrations and an advocate for UFO study and military pilots are well aware of the taboo... BTW, i was lucky to sit some few meters from William Tompkins & David Adair and listen to what they had to say and it was aaaamazing, it really was... And "many" people in Denmark and rest of europeans are starting to wake up to the fact, that fossil fuel and wind turbines are NOT profitable and even so, are advocating for replacing it with old fashion nuclear power plant, but you see, FREE ENERGY, already exist... Question is, could Mr. Trump pull the strings to release the MedBeds, Free Energy, Replicators, out of 6000 US patents of suppressed technologies (including Free Energy Devices, Antigravity, Sonic Healing Machines), that's another matter, entirely...🔋Free energy suppression (or new energy suppression) is a conspiracy theory that technologically viable, pollution-free, no-cost energy sources are being suppressed by government, corporations, or advocacy groups. Devices allegedly suppressed include perpetual motion machines, cold fusion generators, torus-based generators, reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technology and other generally unproven, low-cost energy sources... |

Source (Dr. Michael Salla Exopolitics)

A major breakthrough has occurred in the scientific community’s almost unanimous skeptical reaction to Dr. Salvator Pais’ patent for a portable nuclear fusion reactor that would power his proposed “Hybrid Aerospace Underwater Craft” – a prestigious engineering journal has published a paper authored by him describing his incredible invention and its applications.

The paper is titled “The Plasma Compression Fusion Device—Enabling Nuclear Fusion Ignition” and it appeared in the November 2019 edition (Vol 47, Issue 11) of the journal, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. The journal is published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and only publishes articles that are peer reviewed in a blind submission process.

The importance of Pais’ paper being published in such a prestigious journal is that prominent electrical engineers have concluded that his concepts are worthy of being taken seriously even though most scientists, including patent examiners, have expressed outright skepticism about their feasibility.

In a January 22 article describing the publication of Pais’ paper, the Drive’s Brett Tingley interviewed a number of scientists that ridiculed Pais’ ideas as “pseudo-science and empty jargon”. Yet, as Tingley has pointed out previously, the Chief Technology Officer of the Naval Aviation Enterprise, Dr. James Sheehy, firmly supports Pais’ inventions as “operable”, and decades of government research support the feasibility of similar concepts.

Now the IEEE paper adds another level of scientific credibility to Pais’ invention since the anonymous reviewers clearly concluded it was not “pseudo-science and empty jargon”. (READ MORE)

🖖 ~ Trump Tweeted Out A New Space Force Logo And It's Basically A Copy Of Star Trek's Starfleet Symbol ~ | Blogger: [🚀That's not all... AFSPC, Russian and Chinese is a direct rip-off from the origin of Starfleet logo. The Stark Industries logo is the lovechild of the Lockheed and Northrop-Grumman logos and Japanese Space Agency Logo with Lockheed Martin's logo, almost identical. 1st Space Kingdom of Asgardia is also present (at my collage of pictures below). Then you have ESA's Axis of Evil (Cosmology) "Planck" Collaboration Space🌌] ...

Source (BuzzFeedNews)

 (..).. "There' a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden. What we’re talking about here is a secret space program (SSP) that has been kept hidden from the public. But a program that was paid for by the public. When you look at the Apollo moon missions, the Vietnam war, etc, it was all money laundering to fund these programs. Lower level secret space program is funded from money laundering operations on Earth, but the higher level programs are self-funded via their own trading platforms with other groups and ET races. [These higher level groups would be called breakaway civilizations because they are no longer dependent on society to achieve their goals.] During the crash at Roswell New Mexico in 1947 the government grabbed technology and reverse engineered it, but kept it secret so it can be exploited by this hidden group. But one person broke through the ranks and is spilling the beans, as an insider and whistleblower, that’s Corey"..(..)