Jan 27, 2022

👊❌😮 ~ (From kinda-funny to going all-in Division & Spiritual Bashing to break the Sprit of White Hats-movement?) CBOTW! - White House Demolition!, NESARA, Jan 20 Nothingburger, Godlewski, Parkes, Jaco + More! (Jordan Sather) ~ | Blogger: [👉JORDAN: NESASRA = FAKE - to make money with clickbait, pump up views and White House Demolition lights was a snow plow with flashing lights going by👈] .... ONE thing led to another, now, Tarot by Janine, JeanClaude and perhaps, "Utsava" cut all ties with Simon Parkes & Dr. Charlie Ward due to a story with multiple points of view about Genl. Flynn... ANYHOW, as we speak, a tweet recent from Dr. Salla, has just DEBUNKED Corey Goode - WHAAAT? (thought they were friends with Jordan) and as you know, Dr. Salla and Elena Danaan cut all ties with Megan Rose, claim she is Trojan Horse or working for Black-Hats... NOOOW, you'd better hold on to your hats, because this is DUSCHER and COMPLETELY CRAZY-LOCO... Jordan has been spearhead by UFO-community. Used to be a respected well-known independent journalist, UFO filmmaker, expertise in self-development & vision of health, social media influencers, professional writer and motivator. BLAH BLAH BLAH... Now he has gone bananas in several videos and directed all his attention, especially to Simon Parkes, as he calls (Fool, Idiot, Clown, Full of Crap)... BESIDES Simon, in this video, he also goes directly after Dr. Charlie Ward, @Santasurfing, Michael Jaco, Phil Godlewski AKA "Guy Fox Mask" (claimed to have a Whistleblower in US Department of the Treasury), Stew Peters, influencer Krystal Tini, Scott McKay, David Nino, Mike Penney, Infowars Brandon Straka, Lin Wood, etc. He also believes; RealRawnews.com, "YourNewswire.com / Newspunch.com / Theqanontimes" - are made from same fake-factory... WAUV! How about that... As always, use your own Spiritual Discernment...Oh man - we really need help to get every single 'True True' so help me God. Apparently not from Jordan... |

Knock Knock! Who's There?: 'The Truth'. To knock out your Tooth ~ SoTW... 

etc, etc.

🙏 ~ 💝 (Was Michael Jackson the most famous singer of all time and most misunderstood?) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Renewed rumors of Mr. Jackson being alive after "I'm Really Sorry (New Song 2019)", but "They Don't Care About Us" is a protest song and remains one of the most controversial pieces Jackson ever composed. In the US, media scrutiny surrounding allegations of antisemitic lyrics were the catalyst for Jackson issuing multiple clarifications, an apology, defense from director Spike Lee and re-releasing the song with a new vocal featuring altered lyrics. No matter MJ's many accusations, which I personally, never, believed in. Sexual abuse in the music industry is a systemic, ongoing problem that won't be resolved by just hacking away at the canon.. Many of New Zealand’s major commercial radio stations, and its public broadcaster, are no longer playing the music of Michael Jackson. This decision comes after the airing of the new documentary Leaving Neverland, in which two men, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, allege they were molested by the singer as children. Truth will always prevail and time will tell if people can muster support dealing with the pedophilia in Hollywood and the music industry... Wouldn't it be fun, if Elvis Presley was alive? Princesses Diana? JFK, John McAfee, Robert David Steele, Jeffrey Epstein?... |

💰🤪🔫 ~ (CV-krigskassen stå på vid gab når landet genåbner) Fortsætte hjernevaskelsen af befolkningen med medier, bajere og fri rockmusik. Bevare alle hemmelighederne, Kongehuset og Frimureriet. Mørklægge mink-sagen. Redde statsembedet fra Syrien-Kriger-børnenes fiasko. Aldrig mere snakke om spion-chefen og Agent Samsam rådne op i fængsel. Glemme alt om sygeplejerskerne løn og masseopsigelserne og give virksomheder mandat til at opretholder coronatiltag (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Mens Tyskland tager første skridt mod mulig vaccinepligt, Østrigsk har allerede vaccinekrav, Hong Kong kan isolere borgerne indtil 2024, giver den danske Sundhedsstat håndsrækning til varmekunder, får danske institutioner i kulturlivet økonomisk hjælp, og friheden tilbage med pengegaver, så vores ærede Landsmoder, Mette Mink Jong-un Frederiksen, går fri, for tiltale! (som jeg tidligere har sagt)... Under et falskt narrativ uden videnskabelig evidens, er det nu lykkedes regeringen at skabe livsfortællinger i den brede befolkning om, at Coronakrisens håndteringen af perfide korrekthed, er en perfekt timing efter bedste evne og tilrettelagt, for at bevare flest liv og ikke set bedre manøvreret, siden 2. verdenskrig... I to år, har magthavernes lydige skødehund, såsom Mettes falske journalist Knud Meldgaard fallerede restaurationskonge eller konfliktsultne jagthund-journalister som Frihedsbrevet eller Brian Weichardt forsøgt deres bedste, med kritisk eller for ukritiske dækningen af coronakrisen. Det er IKKE lykkes at komme til bunds måske grundet CIA's Operation Mockingbird og efterretningstjenesterne, der rådgiver medierne. Coronajournalistikken har været god, men ensidig, siger en provokerende CDC og SST-general, Brostrøm: - Man fokuserer på en lille bitte ø... |

Den "perfekte fiasko"...

"Vi har simpelthen vundet en sag hvor vi står i lort til halsen og er på vej i seng, med djævlen" (Borgen)...




✨ ~ 💗 ('MOTHER energy: 2022 weaves and blends the masculine and feminine energies into a cohesive harmony of union and collaboration.') 2022 - Triple 2 Year (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ |

According to Numerologist, Christine DeLorey: 

“There are now three powerful lanes of energy open to you. On the left and right, there are the unstable fringes of opposite extremes. The center lane is balance, and this is where you need to focus. Welcome to the 6 Year cycle in which you will feel a growing sense of duty and priority.” ~ Meg


2022 is turning out to be a Triple 2 year extraordinaire! We will be under the influence of 222 mystery and magic all year. In Numerology, ‘2’ represents MOTHER energy – the number essence of caring, relating, nurturing, fairness, partnership and cooperation. As we segue from the past ‘1’ millennium of masculine hierarchy, 2022 is encoded to launch the new ‘2’ millennium, establishing more feminine balance in the world.

222 awakens the feminine power within all who are open and receptive to the new paradigm coming alive. 222 provides the sacred feminine wombspace for renewal, regeneration and rebirth. It is not replacing the dominant patriarch with a ruling matriarch. 2022 weaves and blends the masculine and feminine energies into a cohesive harmony of union and collaboration. 222 ushers in a new system of relating, communing and creating that draws from this united force.

As the old patriarchal system completes, decomposes and dies out, 2022 introduces the Goddess Infusion that melds, morphs, transmutes and transforms the masculine and feminine into its divine essence, as sacred partners. 222 amplifies feminine psychic abilities, empath abilities, healing abilities, receptivity and greater focus on Soul purpose and serving the ultimate good of the community.

222 is the master code of clarity, openness, transparency - when you add 11, 2 is the number of exposure, revelation, and enlightenment. We are likely to experience quite a lot of LIES being revealed during 2022. All shadow is being revealed and alchemized in the divine Light. Nothing can remain hidden, both personally and collectively. The brilliant 222 Light inflow radiates truth and justice for all life on the planet.

👼 ~ 💗 ('It's time to stop these ones right in their tracks.') An Urgent Message for the Lightworker Collective (Voyages of Light) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to PAO / Galactic Heart, Colleen & Sheldon Nidle, for sharing is caring... |


Greetings, dearest lightcrew. As most of you are already aware, the negative entities who have ruled of our planet for eons are currently on their last legs of last legs. Their plandemic didn't go as well as they'd planned, and nearly all of their weather warfare (and other exotic) weapons have been taken away from them. They're grasping at straws, straws that sound a whole lot like World War 3, Civil War, or what-else-have-you. And while such attempts will be thwarted faster than their very wildest imaginings, they still have some manpower / firepower left with them to wreak some amount of havoc (and chaos) here and there. You've all seen what these folks have been up to in Ukraine lately, as also have you seen the element of violence being introduced by these ones in anti vax-passport / anti-lockdown protests in places such as Brussels etc.

It's time to stop these ones right in their tracks.

So I invite you all to join the global mass meditations for world peace, love and light that are currently happening every four hours -- at 12:30 AM UTC; 4:30 AM UTC; and 8:30 AM UTC; as well as at 12:30 PM UTC; 4:30 PM UTC; and 8:30 PM UTC. You can also find the requisite Time Zones for some of the biggest cities around the globe at https://bit.ly/3ACiygH

If you're new to mass meditations, worry not. All you even need to do in here is to firstly choose one (or more) of the given meditation timings provided above -- although if no timing given above works for you at all, just join in at the timing that suits you best. Once done, simply find a comfortable and relaxing place to sit / sleep / stand. As an entirely optional thing, you can create a 'meditation mood' using incense, flowers, and/or by playing some soft instrumental or Tibetan Healing music on your headphones (or speakers). Fantastic selections of such music are freely available on YouTube and elsewhere.

🕉️ ~ 💗 (NEW COBRA UPDATE) Message to the Surface Population (Cobra2012) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Dark forces three vortexes are: Bukavu in Congo, Ljubljana in Slovenia and Santa Monica/Los Angeles in the US! Meditation for peace between Russia and NATO is still very much needed👈] ... PS: SoTW will not deep dive into more bad experiences about this Cobra RM organization, have already done that on verdensalt.dk. Just stay grounded, only take in that resonates with your higher self, respecting others spiritual beliefs and look at, and treat all, our beautiful people around us, with unconditional love... NOTE: What is Cobra? COBRA is a codename for "co mpression br e a kthrough.". The surface of planet Earth is compressed in a sandwich. Light forces of the Galactic Confederation are advancing from the sky downwards toward the surface of the planet... |


Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

In a desperate attempt to keep the hold of the planet, the dark forces are reinfecting the three key energy vortexes on the surface of the planet with as much dark anomaly as possible.

These three vortexes are: Bukavu in Congo, Ljubljana in Slovenia and Santa Monica/Los Angeles in the US. These three vortexes were the main entry points for the Archon invasion of 1996.

Their main focus now is the Ljubljana vortex, which they want to use as the energy pivot to crush Europe into totalitarian Great Reset.

Therefore the Light forces are asking everyone who feels so guided to participate in a meditation to heal that vortex every day at 6:45 pm UTC:

🆘🚚🕊️ ~ (Weekly Update Mud-sling!! Truth-movement at each other's throats! More on truckers 'freedom convoy' moving across Canada! Off Worlders & EBS, & More!) Tarot by Janine, JeanClaude and Catherine Edwards (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: I stand by Janine, when she, like SoTW, advocating and nailed it to the cross about what SoTW call "The Guru Syndrome" - (be very careful, because many people suffering to understand this concept about the cultic gurus do not liberate their followers but entrap them, somehow!) I do not always agree with Janine or Simon Parkes (whomever), JeanClaude pisses me off sometimes (sorry the expression) with all his cutting-in-conversation to support his money-wall-deep-woo-woo silver/bitcoin/ClifHigh/etc. stuff, but I looove listen in to (Catherine Edwards). Buuutt, I can always just skip the parts, I do not like... As you might have discovered; "Doug’s Latest Interview with Simon Parkes: Q: Who is a Deep-State Operative? A: Anyone who Slanders General Michael Flynn" is out!.. Aaandd, of course I don't always agree with these guys, Simon, former "lawman" politician and Doug, Hardcore Conservative, but both of them, are 100% dedicated to save Humanity and get our freedom back, like we all are! right?. We're NOT all here to Learn how to Die, but become more Spiritually Aware. Understand that your connection is Completely Unique. The terms you use (like the universe, God or the source), the concepts that resonate with you and the tools, practices, and rituals you use are all unique to you. Kindness starts with caring - being tenderhearted and compassionate toward others. The truckers 'freedom convoy' are bringing tears in everyone's eyes and could be the catalyst to move across the world as love-energy is endless and precisely the opposite, what the Deep-State wants, right?...PS: Thx to Denise, my US-friend for sharing her FB-tribute... |
