Aug 5, 2024

🙏 ~ 💝 (Into The Storm - Kamala Crash) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Aug 5, 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Chemtrails is a Conspiracy! Oh really!

August 4, 2024 - Cars stucked after hard rain blocked Helsingør motorway

SoTW - “Boom, Boom, Boom”and you get “Golden Gate Bridge”!

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🌍🤝 (Benjamin Fulford's Preview Weekly Report) Curiouser and Curiouser after BF claims that; "Nov 8th 2016 was a gnostic illuminati coup against the Khazarian Mafia. On this day, at an emergency meeting at the Norwegian base in Antarctica, a decision was made to make Donald Trump president of the United States, according to two individuals who were at this meeting." ~ Aug 5, 2025 ~ |


The secret battle for the planet earth part II: Donald Trump takes the stage

Breaking News Update!

The sudden drop in Japanese stock indexes and the rise in the yen is a clear sign the Khazarian mafia is being kicked out of Japan. Keep your eyes out for news the fake U.S. ambassador rahm Emmanuel is fleeing the country.

We will keep an eye on the situation and put out reports if necessary otherwise please expect a video update Friday.

Japan’s stock market suffers worst losses in history. The Nikkei 225 stock index closed at 31,316.62 points today, dropping by 4,568.02 points or about 12.7%.

This is the largest single-day point drop in the index’s history, surpassing the previous record set on October 20, 1987, when it fell by 3,836 points.

Market mayhem: Stocks down across Europe, major trader halts transactions for 24 hours

🙃🔄🥴 (Game, Set, and Monday Madness) SoTW; Trump blames 'Laffin’ Kamala' & 'Bullseye Biden' all caused by Inept U.S. leadership. Unstoppable UK rioters continue to rage on. All-out EU civil war erupts after Orban' Russia-visit & PM of Bangladesh resigns and flees ~ Aug 5, 2024 ~ |

SoTW, you were right after all (see - I told you so). At least be excited not fearful...

Editor's Note: Black Monday crash of 1987? Nikkei collapses - FTSE plunges - Google, Microsoft, Tesla down. Crypto selloff wipes out $270 billion in value as bitcoin, ether plunge. European shares near six-month lows. Guess what never crashes? Physical gold and silver. Ripple's XRP ledger was apparent within the BRICS documents who officially announces financial system similar to SWIFTWorldwide markets are crashing everywhere as war stocks go to the moon... | 

👁️⃤𓂀💰🤪웃 (Rig penge-kat, Bling-Bling Tju Bang Chokolade'mand') Pengene vælter ind hos (trans) "Jens" Janni, Mads 'Dittmann' og 'Okman[D]'. Mens vi ser globalt børskrak - aktiemarkeder med blodrøde tal - historisk fald på Japans Nikkei, Bitcoin samt europæiske banker ~ 5. August 2024 ~ |

SoTW- scroll ned for at se alle 'trans' politikerne 

Maskuliniteter, kønsidentiteter og kønsmisforståelser...

[👉Fun-Facts about the HM Queen Margrethe II: The BEST children's books was "Winnie the Pooh" - Transgender or Intersex? Another fun fact is The Queen 'Daisy' got another nickname after she (officially) "Entered Apprentice" and accepted into Copenhagen DDFO in 1994 same year they removed her "identity" after cancer surgery. TBJ told us 2 separated times she's a babyboy👈]

Editor's Note: Den altid 'analfikserede' israelske agent, Ditte 'OK'Man[D] og hendes homo-panel, hvor julemanden, får sig en hyggelig røvpuler, er blevet en cash-cow bestseller bag betalingsmuren på pisogpotteimo. Der igen, ejes af filantropiske milliardomsættende, Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker, der har rødder tilbage til 1750 og en tobaksspinderi. Ligesom det røvsyge program "Kirsten ringer til Rasmus (podcast)", ejes R8DIO, af formanden, Thomas Ryge Mikkelsen, eks-koncerndirektør i Pandora.

Undskyld mig, men aldrig har 'kvinder' været så maskuline både på udseendet og væremåde. Og mænd, aldrig så feminine og under tøflen. Gud skabte både manden og kvinden i sit billede, sgu da ikke, 72 kønsidentiteter og transhumanisme. Står der i biblen man kan blive født som intetkøn? Kan interkønnede få børn? Jeg er glad for jeg ikke er forvirret oven i hoved og ikke har tilknytning til frimureriet og den royale institution, hvor babybørn, bliver neutraliseret med omskæring af kvinderens vulva og mænds circumcision.

Det hele er så sammenspist og frimurerisk, man tror det er løgn og latin. Imens alle Drengene fra Angora lytter med sammen med hun = she han = he henne= her ham = him henne og ham. For ved du præcist hvem, af alle dine yndlings-kendisser, som er en "ægte mand eller kvinde"? Jeg gør ikke mere... |

SoTW - (48) 9 Ting Du Ikke Vidste Om Dronning Margrethe - YouTube
Margrethe II - De unge år ( - Dronning Margrethe fylder 79 år – fejret i Aarhus - TV 2
SoTW - Ditte Okman: Jeg håber snart, nogen gider høre efter! - (1) Ditte Okman : InfluencergossipDK

SoTW - Rost iværksætter beskyldes for at pynte sig med lånte fjer
Obamas danske darling afsløret - Sahra-Josephine Hjorth

SoTW - Forvirret? Mads Brügger ejer domænet - radiochefen (Klavs Bundgaard) er samtidigt leder af et kulturhus i metropolen Skulborg (?). 

SoTW - hvad vil Janni ligne uden makeup? Janni Pedersen lignede en dreng

🗺️🌐🥥 (The Hollow Earth) One of the best docu i've ever seen streaming on Tubi (geo-restricted) ~ Aug 5, 2024 ~ |

It's highly recommended. Featuring complex stories that demand repeat viewings to be digested...

Editor's Note: Admiral Richard E. Byrd (1888-1957) was an explorer, aviator and American national hero. The hollow earth, is the greatest geographical discovery in history. He discovered tropic climate, mammoths, flying saucer, coal, oil, uranium and minerals near Hollow Earth and even entered a new world inside earth core. This docu represent a collection of outstanding proof of the existence of the Agartha kingdom of Inner Earth. Several ancient religions and mythologies feature concepts of a hollow Earth or subterranean realms (use "many religions hollow earth"AI search). 

I believe on SoTW, that the city and Agartha Kingdom is a 5th dimensional inner paradise of the divine goddess Gaia, our beloved mother Earth. Best info on the Inner Earth entrance or ominous black "hole"rare photos of the giant hole at north pole via satellite (censored version) Aurora Australis Shows South Polar Opening to Hollow Earth Hollow Earth Theory 3D HD Version. More info search on Verdensalt...'Inner Earth', Hollow Earth', 'Agartha'... |