Dec 6, 2023

👁️⃤𓂀🎄👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🥴🤦‍♂️ (Før grinte vi med Kongehuset, Eliten og Politikerne - nu griner vi ad dem) Jul- og familiefest med alt andet end idyl? Et lille kærestebrev er dukket op men slettet igen? Major Mary-Maz har ikke retten til børnene, ved en skilsmisse, det har Frederico Frede-Fup a.k.a. det danske kongehus (med direkte udenlandske gamle blodlinjer og rødder til familier som styrer verden i dag). ~ 6. December 2023 ~ |

Fredericos lille juleløgn med 'elskerinde' gør ham til 'skandalernes' konge: Fik tæsk af Pappa som dreng. En Peugeot slog koldbøtte i det franske og tæt på døden med Prins-Light. Turbo-prinsen og 18 meters druk-katastrofe med Malou Aamund. Med andre ord, druk med damer før barnedåb, spritkørsel og knoglebrud. Og så en tur over Storebælt i stormvejr. Medlemskab i IOC. Og et anstrengt forhold til lillebror. Flyver konstant dyrt på arbejde for dine og mine skattepenge o.s.v., o.s.v....  

Editors' Note: Et komplet tilfældigt (opstillet) portrætbillede af Kongehusets adelige familiemedlemmer (helt i hvidt - gammelt billede), der deler en herlig og skøn video når der pyntes juletræ i Riddersalen i Frederik VIII’s Palæ. Med tårer i øjnene smilende og oprigtigt glad (kuldegysninger over hele kroppen) famler jeg mig frem i en kæmpe ros og respekt, at vi alle, kan være så stolte og taknemmelige. Skjuler jeg mine følelser bag ironi og sarkasme? Neeej da!

Jeg ved godt, at sarkasme, kan være en ond fætter. Men tror nok lige jeg holdt op, da min datter engang stortudede grundet hun ikke kunne forstå mig (og min syge humør). Efter den episode, har jeg aldrig gjort det igen overfor børn (og barnlige sjæle). Er blevet klogere, og har fundet ud af siden, at det kom fra min egen far, som gjorde det samme mod os børn - min søs og jeg.

Jeg ved nu, det ikke okay at drille, pranke, anvende sarkasme eller ironi overfor hinanden. Men undtagelse overfor vores lovgivere (som anser os for "Useless Eaters" folk-kvæg og velfærds-belastning) og den enevældige forfatning, Kongeloven fra 1665, hvor kongen (DDFO-Daisy) har den samlede statsmagt som både lovgiver, regent og øverste dommer. Det danske monarki har eksisteret i over 1000 år og er blandt de ældste kongehuse i verden.

Husk på, så længe der findes 88% af danskere der anser Kongehuset som uundværligt med prinsesser i smukke kjoler, hestetrukne guldkareter og rigtige slotte, sker der ingen, forandringer. Det danske kongehus er et stærkt nationalsymbol, som emmer af eventyr, magi og nostalgi, og er en institution, der har dannet stærke bånd til udlandet og repræsenteret Danmark udadtil.

Min Holistiske (naturlæge) tror jeg bliver arresteret en dag for at skrive om Kongehuset og Frimureriet. Jamen, så må frimurer-politiet gøre det. Jeg har ingen frygt tilbage, traumer, chok, fobier efter at have arbejdet med mig selv, i 20 år. Eksisterer KUN for at heale og befri menneskeheden og ikke for at begære mit eget selvbillede og ego... |
Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark Jets Off to Dubai to Attend the COP28! Plus, More #Royal News!!
Prince Frederik and Princess Mary put on united front after 'malicious' affair rumours denied








🙏 ~ 💝 ('Simpson's programmering - it sure seems like they had access to project looking glass.') Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Dec 6, 2023 ~ |


Editor's Note: "Spiritual but not religious" (SBNR), also known as "spiritual but not affiliated" (SBNA). Right now, we stand poised at a tipping point in history, teetering between the Great Reset and the Great Awakening. Uncertainties abound, and they are daunting. However, it mostly depends on you and your awakening! Among the people of QAnon (and Christian believers), faith remains absolute. True believers describe a feeling of rebirth, an irreversible arousal to existential knowledge. They are certain that a Great Awakening is coming. They’ll wait as long as they must for deliverance. Trust the plan. Enjoy the show. Nothing can stop what is coming... |

📰🍿❌ ('Wed. 6 Dec. 2023 Black Swan Events in Play.') DC: Restored Republic via a GCR ~ Dec 6, 2023 ~ |



Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of December 6, 2023


Compiled Wed. 6 Dec. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”.

Judy Note: A very soon Worldwide Stock Markets collapse that was fueled by China’s mega giant Real Estate Company Evergrande’s Bankruptcy – that affected 80% of the World’s Housing Market and set up activation of the Global Currency Reset, and just as the Supreme Court considered defunding the privately owned Deep State Cabal IRS and the Cabal’s Federal Reserve, which added up to be a Worldwide Banking crash, Media Blackout and Ten Days of Darkness set for Fri. 15 Dec.

  • The Mon. 4 Dec. 2023 Bankruptcy of the World’s largest real estate company, China’s Evergrande (owned by the Chinese Communist Party, Vanguard and Blackrock), was expected to not only lead to collapse of 80% of the World’s housing market, but would disseminate the Cabal’s global intelligence network and reshape the World as we know it.

Judy Note: What we think we know as of Wed. 6 Dec. 2023:

Rumored Timing of the Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset:
  • Wed. 6 Dec. China to announce gold-backed Yuan, incentivizing countries across the Globe to abandon trading the US Dollar and switch to the Yuan instead. The last USD auction in Iraq was on Dec. 6th.
  • Fri. 15 Dec. Worldwide Banking Crash, Media Blackout and Ten Days of Darkness begin.
  • On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
  • Tues. 30 Jan. 2024 deadline for implementation of Protocol 20 by major corporations around the world that have interfaced their networks on the QFS.
  • In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

The Black Swan Approaching, Benjamin Fulford:

  • The signs are multiplying that the US and Israel are headed for some sort of mega Black Swan Event. The result will be that both countries cease to exist in their present format. That is because the Federal Reserve Board is on the verge of collapse.
  • The US Treasury Bonds are no longer accepted as collateral in the US Oil Trade. The Fed-Reserve in order to offset the consequences of this can no longer do QE-(Quantities Easing) due to Basel 3/ISO-20022.  Why? Because these new policies force all central banks to show their books. And what is on them? Blank Checks they cannot cash.
  • They cannot do a reverse repo without draining what is left of the 2.3 trillion in MBS-(Mortgage Backed Securities). Once that happens everything goes to zero. Which will lead to the collapse of the fiat USD, which is probably only a week away or so at this point.  This will lead to Iraq reinstating their currency that the BRICS Nations are waiting for. Because this is why it is so difficult to trade because of the artificial value of the fiat USD that keeps emerging markets struggling to get out of 3rd world status.
  • Why do you think the last USD auction in Iraq is on December 6th? Why do you think they stated the dollar crisis will be over before 2023 is over? Why do you think Iraq will officially end dealing in USD on January 1st? What’s on the other side of the dollar collapse? The Gold Standard, New Republic, Law & Order, Common Law, Military Tribunals, Humanitarian Projects, Free Energy.
  • There is also financial warfare taking place against the US Corporation. The Chinese have been dumping US Treasuries in an attempt to collapse the FRB and their Washington DC subsidiary. This prompted the KM to retaliate by hacking Chinese bank computer systems. Reuters reported this attack.
  • A Ransomware attack on the industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) disrupted trades in the U.S. Treasury market on Thursday, the Treasury Department said.
  • The Canadian Intelligence Agency says what really happened was: “The Fed put out a $24 trillion bond for countries to buy to cover the debt- no one bought even a penny. China bought oil futures from IRAN and paid 33 trillion but not in US $ – what does that tell you about the USA in world affairs. They are finished ”.
  • You all want to know why the Joe Biden & Xi meeting in California prompted them to clean up the city where no one knew where the homeless people went? Joe Biden was trying to offer China the entire state for collateral given that no one is accepting the fiat USD anymore.

👱👽🌟 (Pleiadian Message for December) 'We, the Pleiadians continue to hold the Platform of energy for this transitional time on Earth.. Remember through your collective Hearts you are linked to the God consciousness state. Your next step is right in front of you. Let go, let go, let go.. Claim ownership of your starlight power by utilizing the words, “I AM”. ~ Dec 6, 2023 ~ |

Beloved ones we greet you,

The Scahndahlah effect consciousness light is continuing to build in momentum, creating huge waves of pure light consciousness which are flowing throughout your planet. This vast content of flow is unleashing a higher fluidity across the entire planet. The fluidity of this movement can be likened to a powerful current, which has an ultimate design to reposition you steadily towards your natural higher path.

The energetic planes on Earth are being re-established to mirror the sacred starlight frequencies, which have always existed within our resident Universe. These starlight frequencies carry within them your family of origin vibration which is a component of your Higher Self. This aspect of your sacred makeup is being re-established through you and these vibrations interact naturally within your Heart cells.

The starlight frequency’s role is to place a vibrational call out within your Heart cells. They create a forging, utilizing a magnetic action, that realigns your Heart cells to the many sacred particles of pure light communion arising within the Pineal crystalline structure. These sacred particles have always existed throughout all time in this Universe and only now they are being reinstated through you. These communion particles are awakening you, realigning you to your sacred heritage that has always been fully intact just beyond the veils.