Dec 13, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 (A December 2 Remember: we're NOT alone in the Universe) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [✨A Shocking Announcement! (2021 DECEPTION) ~ Jason A + Galactic Federation Message to Humanity - What will Happen on 21 December 2020!✨] ... I'm (SoTW) here to remind you, that the first order of business is always to calm your mental / emotional state, to assure you that you are not alone, to remind you that you have journeyed through other challenging moments in this life, reincarnations and other realms and to move your entire vibration into a state of peacefulness... We should all join the Galactic Federation of Light on December 21, 2020 enabling our junk-DNA, push our vibration and frequency up 2 - 3 notches from a very, very strong Solar Flash or Flare outburst of Energy of Light... A Tsunami of Love, as I call it on Nothing is gonna be the same, for Lightworkers and Lightwarriors and other courageous people, ready, to be awaken... |
🚧⛑️🚚 ~ (Det er fadeneme humor) Mens konvojen af lastbiler med coronavacciner ruller ud i USA, Merkel laver en hård nedlukning, dele af JP/Politikens Hus lukker ned, danske skoler, sender alle børnene, hjem og DSB forventer, ingen rejsende under julen (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Jeg nåede at besøge min udenlandsdansker ven, som sagens kan flyve til udlandet, i Syddanmark, var over grænsen til Tyskland og kom tilbage igen, UDEN nogen form for problemer og skrider til Sverige snart og fester uden mundbind, står på ski og mountainbiker, gider ikke det her pis mere!👈] .. Min søster har en meget stræbsom 12-tals ung datter, som går i 3.g gymnasiet, i en snobbede og rig Nordsjællandsk kommune... Siden hun for anden eller tredje gang fik at vide, hun skulle have skoleundervisn. hjemmefra, brød hun TOTAL sammen. En total medsmeltning, at være lukket inde i en lejlighed, uden social kontakt og kram, venskaber i opbrud, og et konstant pres for og kontrol fra skolens side, og efter endt skoleundervisning, lektier, lektier og atter lektier. Hun kunne simpelhen ikke mere.. Samme med mine andre 2 (1 nevø og 1 niece), som går i de øverste klasser i folkeskolen, ligeså. Da alt sport og undgå at se venner, også udenfor skoletid, var et must... Alle børnene kom op og skældes og et total kaos har bragt min søsters liv i ruiner, da hun også er mærket, som kantineleder, hvor buffet-servering er bandlyst, mundbind, og fyringer og ansættelser i et væk, alt afhængig, af staten, kommunens og virksomhedens 'dagens' udstukne regelsæt... Alt sammen for hvad? Et 'spøgelsesvirus', eller et biologisk våbenskabt smitsom virus, som ikke er farlig, men bliver misbrugt, politisk?... |
🎁🔘😮 ~ (Magnus LØGNICKE's Box) Politikers Populisme Propaganda Pagt Parlamentariske Perfekte Principper Prepper Protestpartiers Pyramideselskab (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Med det i mængde, der findes ingen "helte"... Hverken indenfor Populistisk diktatur, populistisk demokrati, reaktionær populisme og politikeres populisme... Regeringen Mette Frederiksen, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Poul Schlüter - de er alle fanget i det samme spin, af Propagandaens pagt af parlamentariske perfekte principper, som passer ind i Deres personlige- og eller embedsværkets, frimueriets, de store politiske familiers og regeringsvenlige virksomheders, verdensbillede... Der er INGEN helte i dansk politik, ej heller hos protestpartierne... Dog, har vi set med Alleslandsmoderen, Mette-mus, hun har trådt et skridt videre, som en frontkæmper for sig selv, sit ego og selvbedraget - med en despotisk, lettere vanvittig og magtliderlig, personlighed... Og alle partisoldater, troldehæren og støttepartier, ministre og medkombatanter, syntes at være i ledetog, som åbenbart hader demokratiet, danskere og dannevang, ellers ville hun / de aldrig, have underskrevet KONTRAKTEN og taget imod, The Box (2009 film)... Hvem skal leve og hvem skal dø, efter vores politikere har taget imod PENGENE og vi har sagt ja tak til 'Vaccinen', '5G-netværket' aktiveres, vi alle er blevet nogle Digitale Zombier og Depressionen, æder op ensomme Ældre og Unge?... |
Tak til lægerne Thomas Birk og Anders Beich fra @DSAM_dk for kronik i @politiken. Jeg er enig i analysen. Selv en teoretisk mulighed for tvang i loven er skadelig for vaccinesagen. Derfor foreslår vi i vores opdaterede forslag til ny epidemilov at tvangsvaccine skrives helt ud.
— Magnus Heunicke (@Heunicke) December 12, 2020
5️⃣📶💉 ~ (HUMAN 2.0: WE DO NOT CONSENT) Recombinant RNA and DNA technology – ApiJect – Vaccines with RFID microchip and Nanotechnology – GPS – Contact Tracing Surveillance – Bill Gates – 5G BioBigData ( ~ | Blogger: Btw, I have falling in love with Dr. Carrie Madej (wishful thinking)... She is a true Lightworker Fighting for HU-manity... I hereby, present her, with a Purple Heart for the Spiritual Warriors of Peace...💜Archangel Michael, please surround her in your protective blue light... Protect her, from all Negative Forces seen or unseen, known or unknown.... And so it is - prayer for protection from Archangel Michael.... |
5G is like a neural network …
Source>>5G or 4G+ with MIMO Technology, Nanobots, Contact Tracing Surveillance, misused A.I. activate and deactivate, read and write or receive and transfer all biological data …
What if our DNA or our genome is modified and this can be patented and owned. This is not a Sci-Fi movie or future event, this is right now today. This is called Recombinant DNA, recombinant RNA technology and this is proposed for COVID-19 vaccine. This recombinant technology would cause permanent and unknown genetic changes in a person’s body. This creates a new species and perhaps destroys an old one, us as humans as we know … It’s also introducing nanotechnology and its robotic effects into the body. [READ MORE]... |
👀 ~ 💗 (Wake up, Sheeple!: The White Hats are still firmly in control of USofA. Do not panic. Brexit: Deal could still be ready 2 minute 2 midnight) 12th December Update Current News: Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast 💕 ~ | Blogger: (outside Simon's report:) 🧨 STRANGE it is, that the world has gone mad or in meltdown over Brexit and UK are sending warships after fishing boats, destroy 300,000 jobs and push up food prices while 'Brexit preppers' stockpile loo rolls and six months of food amid 'civil disobedience' fears... 👨💼In America, and after Supreme Court defeat, Trump MUST accept US presidency transition to Biden, says BBC. Violence erupts at Trump rally and CNN claims, Trump engages in self-sabotage ahead of historic vaccine rollout... 🗽If you're tired of Lying Lame Stream Media, try to listen to what Simon Parkes says; 📑there's no time for panic here, the volcano has not been erupted and shops, are still open📑... 🤔It keeps me thinking on SoTW... 👨💻As Elon Musk has said many time over, we may live in a Matrix Simulation and Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson agrees... 💡We, The People and part of the Planet population must become more systemic than ever, keep pace and live our lives EXACTLY as the technocracy / 'experts' or Govt Elites, decide. They want us, the citizens, to get used to a much more DIGITAL way of living, with less contact and much more online life. Simply to be able to sell your lifeless Internet Of Things community to the masses. An 'Artificial Intelligence Overlord' is required, to help the process, a 'Corona Vaccine 5G Cloud Controller' is introduced. A Recombinant RNA and DNA technology, with RFID microchip and Nanotechnology - GPS - Contact Tracing Surveillance - Bill Gates - 5G BioBigData... We, The People must be 'dehumanized' - a 'Transhumanism process' or be 'elimated', if we do not comply (Agenda 2030)... 😷Hidden away behind facemasks, no touching, kissing and hugging each other and all joy of life must be SMASHED. Why? Because, 'Depressed cattle' are in fact far easier to steer around in the manege with, than sane, cheerful people, full of self-confidence, well-being and love for other people, God and life in general... 🎅And even the common 'Christmas lunches & parties' are now forbidden with big fines, local lockdowns, same goes for Christmas Eve gatherings and New Years Eve, must be 'destroyed', and everything else that brings joy.... 🤑After that comes in the real 'Kill' - banksters will bring forward 'The Great Reset' and the cycle, is complete (Sweden considers adopting e-krona amid rapid growth of cash-free transactions)... 🙏Will they win the Game?... 🧑🤝🧑It's gonna be all up to us, We the People of United Federation of Planets, to put an end to it all... 💞We are the 99,999%... |
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...
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