Jun 5, 2017

WeAreChange | Jun 3, 2017 | Bilderberg Group Members ACTUALLY SPEAK On The Record !!! | Blogger: Oh wow!!! Fhv. medlem af Folketinget (KF) Connie Hedegaard, blev ramt af muren og tav forvirret. Lidt forfjamsket fik hun fremstammede et par ord om hun ikke anede hvad hun gik ind til på årets Bilderberg møde eller var det hvorfor nogen overhoved kunne drømme om at demonstrere mod Bilderberg!!! Men slog fast, at hun er en fri person som må ytre sig før, under og efter Bilderberg mødet. Og muligvis ville komme med en erklæring, efter mødet.. Bedøm selv... |

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange faces the Bilderberg group members one on one and asks them about their participation in the group. And to a great surprise, the Bilderberg members actually gave us a comment.

Visit our MAIN SITE for more breaking news http://wearechange.org/

Let the cleansing begin! -- #PedoGate #PizzaGate #DisneyHollywoodStudios Update | The New York Times | May 17, 2017 | Andrea Constand’s Story: Will It Send Bill Cosby to Prison? | .. Though more than 40 women have accused Mr. Cosby of sexual assault, the task of convincing a jury that he is a predator will largely fall to just one .. |

PIC: Andrea Constand in Toronto in 1987, as she began a successful basketball career. CreditRon Bull/The Toronto Star, via Associated Press

Though more than 40 women have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault, the task of convincing a jury that he is a sexual predator when his criminal trial begins next month will largely fall to just one — Andrea Constand.

Ms. Constand, who says Mr. Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her at his home outside Philadelphia in 2004, is the only woman whose complaint has resulted in criminal charges. Many of the other women never called the police, or when they considered it, found that the statute of limitations had expired.

By coming forward, Ms. Constand is sure to confront the sort of intense scrutiny that most people do when publicizing claims of sexual assault. And her account, along with how she tells it, will be critically important, not only to the outcome of the case and to the Cosby legacy but also to the many other women who view her as their last chance for justice.

“She is the linchpin of the case,” said Lynne M. Abraham, a former Philadelphia district attorney and judge. “The whole case stands or falls on her. She is it.”....[READ MORE]

JP | 5. Juni 2017 | Politiet indfører indrejsekontrol til Bornholm. I forbindelse med Folkemødet på Bornholm har politiet indført indrejsekontrol. Det er trådt i kraft | - Uanset om man kommer med fly, færge eller skib vil man blive mødt af politiet. Det gælder også hvis man kommer i en lystbåd til en af de små havne, siger vagtchef Peter Johansen fra Bornholms Politi .. | Blogger: Man må undre sig, efter den seneste terror episode i London. Mange af os har en fornemmelse af vores samfund nærmer os mod direktivet fra det Orwell'ske kontrolsystem, masseovervågningen har vi allerede, nu mangler vi politikontrollen. Der er ikke mange som tror på det narrative som vore medier fortæller os, vi er dog stadigvæk låse for, at finde ud af sandheden. Én teori kunne være, at popularisere det militariseret politi i London og det projicere videre hen på Danmark og andre EU-lande, som også er begyndt med eskaleringen af manipulation, frygten og propaganda, som gemmer sig under terrorens ansigtsmaske. Man undre sig over disse tilstande - er det bydende nødvendigt at etablere politikontrol internt i landet her, fordi PET og Rigspolitiet finder på nye måder, at eskalere terrorfrygten på? Hvornår stopper det her skuespil? Næste bliver vel, at vi skal arve amerikanske tilstande, hvor politiet, PET og militæret skyder helt almindelige folk på åben gade for at besidde en attrappistol eller splatter gun eller blot går i armygrønt, udvidelse af visitationszoner til resten af landet, permanent grænsekontrol, tilbageholde terrormistænkte på ubestemt tid, uden retssag, uden retskendelse - ligesom Kundby-pigen. Alle dem som er fejldømt, men uskyldige, der sidder i flere år isoleret i varetægtsfængsel, må kæmpe for at få erstatning, har stort set ingen rettigheder. Danmark er blevet den nye Guantanamo-stat... |

LÆS VIDERE: http://jyllands-posten.dk/indland/politiretsvaesen/ECE9629046/politiet-indfoerer-indrejsekontrol-til-bornholm/

Minds Wefunder equity-crowdfunding video | June 5, 2017 | Blogger: I don't use adsense, ad revenue or even encourage to use or promote of any kind of online advertisement service, crowdfunding of any kind etc. This is not what my blog is all about. But, if this is legit and the real deal, you might wanna drop Facebook and use MINDS - the world's first community-owned social network!! | .. “Minds is a community-owned social networking platform that rewards you for your activity online with revenue and more views on your content. We are built on a foundation of freedom, transparency, privacy and democratization. Bill Ottman CEO, MINDS |

$300k on day one! We encourage everyone to invest and help us raise $1m in record time.


COBRA | June 5, 2017 | PFC ~ May 2017 Interview | Blogger: PFC interviews COBRA that has full transcript and contains: Archon interference -- They’re a part of the certain soul group that came from a certain region in the Andromeda galaxy and they are the ones that are actually engineering the incarnation process, so-called Lords of Karma and other descriptions that we have of them. They’re the ones who are suppressing humanity spirituality. They are the ones responsible for creation for monotheistic religions, so called religious dogma. The Archons behind the Jesuits that are controlling North Korea would like to create a state that is one big concentration camp and if that would be successful to expand this throughout the planet.. The reptilians have not been cleared years ago. There is still a small amount of them around not a long time ago. The ones now doing the negative deeds and also before on the surface is the Cabal. Flat Earth theories is a hoax - CIA created. Zbigniew Brzezinski of the dark. Stargates as wormholes. Congo portals. Do Mou & Goddess energies. The Compression Breakthrough. More people reporting UFO sightings. Electronic weapons - light forces have taken quite drastic action. RM using teleportation chambers to other planets. Negative nanites containing Artificial Intelligence (AI) are not major concern in the planetary situation. Dissolution of Yaldabaoth on a sensitive phase of the operations. Death is a transition to another dimension. Directed energy weapons & removal of toplet bombs are in the middle of a very sensitive operation. RV/GCR -- financial re-set and some of those interpretations are not based on reality. It is not about a revaluation of one particular currency. It is not even all about revaluation of all particular - of all currencies. It is basically a complete restructuring of the whole financial system on the planet and revaluation is just a small part of this and not the most important part of this. It is not some ‘get rich quick scheme’. It is more of a healing process for the world’s financial system. The Event is not happening yet.... more Q&A ... [ LISTEN TO MORE] |

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen http://2012portal.blogspot.com ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via bibliotecapleyades.net (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller (http://www.verdensalt.dk/2014/08/kort-situationsopdatering-pa-kloden.html) for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
Our intention is to dissipate fear, clear up any misunderstandings, and add insights into what is really happening behind the daily headlines. For more background you are invited to read his blog archive totaling 803 entries to this date.  See: 2012portal.blogspot.com

To Listen via MP3 format click below

Transcript of the May 30th, 2017 interview posted on June 4th, 2017

 Reposting Rules: All Prepare for Change Cobra Interviews must be reposted in their ENTIRETY with all the content included, unedited, complete as they appear on the pages and in the audio files as well.
May PFC (prepareforchange.net) & Cobra interview 2017
PrepareforChange.net and Cobra Interview Transcript
Cobra and prepareforchange.net May 2017 interview.  (DIRECT LINK)
Lynn  - Welcome everyone for he May (2017) update with Cobra.  I will start today with the Malawi update. 
Progress in Chikwawa District of Malawi has been made since our last update. Less than one month ago this community installed their very own well. Instead of the women getting up before the sun, to make the journey to a distant water well they now have a water well in their own community. 
This is a major improvement! Do to this innovation the village, the “headman” gave Keyason 4 hectares which is equivalent to about 10 acres of land to use for the orphans and his community building work among the people. Thanks to the generosity of one of our European supporters, non-GMO seed was sent to Malawi for Maoni Orphanage and also for Keyason’s new project in Chikwawa. The seed has been growing for months now in Maoni and now that Chikwawa has clean water, they have planted the seed there. Keyason has also planted Moringa seeds which will produce very beneficial trees that will provide much needed nutrition for the people.
The first temporary dorm building has also been completed and will house 10 orphans and a care taker. It is only an adobe mud brick structure and will not last for many years but for now it will get some of the orphans out of the rain. There is still great need for food, mosquito nets, blankets and clothing. There is much to do before this community can be self-sufficient. 
Keyason is looking to the future and eager to learn new and better ways of farming to provide food for the people. 
As the Malawi project is also under the care of Prepare for Change, donations made  designated for Malawi are also tax deductible for those in the United States. Donations can be made by PayPal and designated for Malawi or by check to Prepare for Change with the notation at the bottom of the check “for Malawi”. Please mail checks to: 
Prepare for Change, 1441 Huntington Drive, Suite 1110, South Pasadena, CA 91030
On behalf of the orphans and Keyason, I thank you very much for your support. It is because of generous people like you that these people are being given a chance at life.
Lynn  - Welcome back Cobra, this is our May 29, 2017 interview and we’ll start out with questions about the upcoming solar eclipse on August 21st of this year.  There’s going to be a solar eclipse over the United States.  And can you tell us about the significance of this eclipse.
COBRA -  This eclipse as you probably all know will have it’s main zone of totality across the continental U.S. and as such it is a very important energy marker for that area, so this eclipse is an opportunity for the awakened part of the population of the United States to make some important decisions for the future of that country in a way that’s aligned with the planetary liberation program.
Lynn  - Will you be planing a special meditation on that day.
COBRA - It is not the highest purpose to answer that question.

Simon Parkes Update | June 4, 2017 | Connecting Consciousness | Q&A with Wolf Spirit Radio Short Show | Simon Says: This recent London terror attack it's not 'just' a "rag-tag" of fundamentalist who wants to cause as much damage as possible, rather, an european funded operation behinds these attackers. These attacks were orchestrated like it was before the Internet and mobile phones was invented, so no communication could be traced by the digital networks. So nobody from the UK GCHQ could listen to the digital network and pick up their chatter etc. No phone calls, no emails, no text, no social media - Just old fashioned plotting. Someone or some organisation is targeting Britain because In the US president Trump can't be bullied and the organisation behind these attacks can't manipulate him. Simon suggest getting boots on the ground and infiltrate them, the old fashion way is perhaps required.. 7 people died at 22.00 hours. The age of the Manchester bomber was given as 22 years old. The attack yesterday happened on 3rd June = 3x6 = three sixes or 666. There is no doubt in my mind (simon) that this is something bigger than a rag-tag bomber outfit behind all of this. Simon says it must be satanic work, european or non muslim people behind the attackers.. British Prime minister speech acknowledged that the British security services have to change tactics in relation to how they monitor. On another note did you all see the ‘chain’ black and white necklace she wore? We can expect a curtailing of internet freedoms! | Chemtrails: The still enormous increase of chemtrails and Trump has pullout of Paris accord, is simple due to CO2 and Global Warming is a hoax. The elites behind the chemtrailing is trying to block the Sun (Solar Radiation Management-SRMGI) by spraying a different kind of chemicals to reflect the higher bandwidth of energy/frequency of light to penetrate world's populations for the awakening process. Humans eye only sees a very small portions of light (X-rays and gamma rays). So Simon says we're talking about rays the humans cannot see, but are affecting our physical bodies (DNA) all living life and plants itself. The elite cannot stop the energy/frequency of light process, but slow it down (human development) | A very small elite group of highest 'creatures' who are sometimes referred to as 'parents' or 'guardians', satanic enclaves, way above Rockefeller & Rothschilds, with incredibly long lifespans and tasked with remaining status quo on our earthly planets are actually committing suicide or trying to escape earthly energy grid because they know that their time is up. Our human earthly minions to these top ranks 'controllers' are trying to overtake their responsibility to rule the earth's populace of magical satanic works and that's why we see so many terror attacks around the world, but not in US, as much. Trump is either republican or democrat, he is a businessman and billionaire and can't be bought (blackmailed or turned). These few top ranking remaining entities will not show themselves on Bilderberg meetings or anywhere else, with reporters and world lights that shines on them | The head of CERN is to attend the Bilderberg meeting to discuss plans to build a new circular collider three times the power of CERN. They are trying to stretch the earthly timeline in order to get another chance to open a portal into fourth dimension. The new circular collider has a termed called "stairway to heaven". Connecting Consciousness and other groups stopped CERN's first attempt to open a portal into another dimension by planetary meditation. Now, the elites are trying one more time with their new circular collider.. Simon says, don't listen to the establishment news, don't panic, but troublesome times ahead.... Q&A ... [ LISTEN TO MORE] |

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams......

Further Evidence Of Organised Attacks.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

7 people died at 22.00 hours.
The age of the Manchester bomber was given as 22 years old.
The attack yesterday happened on 3rd June = 3x6 = three sixes or 666.
There is no doubt in my mind that this is something bigger than a rag-tag bomber outfit behind all of this.

Prime Minister On The London Bridge Attack

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Finally in her speech the British Prime minister acknowledged that the British security services have to change tactics in relation to how they monitor.

On another note did you all see the ‘chain’ black and white necklace she wore?

We can expect a curtailing of internet freedoms !

London Bridge Attack

Sunday, June 4, 2017

35 years ago I lived close to where the latest attack in London has just taken place.

As I keep saying the attackers are being organised by very well trained people - No phone calls, no emails, no text, no social media - Just old fashioned plotting.

Someone or some organisation is targeting Britain because In the US president Trump can't be bullied and the organisation behind these attacks can't manipulate him.

Bilderberg Meeting & CERN

Saturday, June 3, 2017

The head of CERN is to attend the Bilderberg meeting to discuss plans to build a new circular collider three times the power of CERN.
