Aug 5, 2015

CNBC: Obama: Rejection of Iran nuclear deal would lead to another Middle East war - Aug 5, 2015

President Barack Obama says every country that has commented on the Iran nuclear deal has supported it—except for Israel.
Obama said the rejection of the Iran nuclear deal would lead to only one option, which would be another war in the Middle East.

Obama is singling out Israel's government in a speech about the deal at American University. He's describing opponents of the deal as outliers and noting that the deal has support from non-proliferation experts and former ambassadors from both political parties.

Obama is also chiding critics who had opposed his interim nuclear deal, but who now say it's better than the final deal. He says thwarting the nuclear deal will actually accelerate Iran's race for a nuclear weapon.

--Reuters contributed to this report.

David Icke Banned by Facebook Over Savile-Heath Picture (Prime Minister Ted Heath, a paedophile, Satanist and Child killer )

David Vaughan Icke er en engelsk forfatter, foredragsholder og tidligere professionel fodboldspiller. Han fremmer konspirationsteorier om den globale politik og har skrevet udførligt om dem. Han har lige optrådt på Wembley Arena, skulle efter signede have været et fantastisk 10 timers show.

With the most crass and outrageous timing and censorship, Facebook has chosen the very week when David Icke has been proved right about Prime Minister Ted Heath to ban him for posting what reflects the truth about Heath and his relationship with Savile.

David was the only person who publicly named Prime Minister Ted Heath as a paedophile, Satanist and child killer while he was still alive and has done so constantly since.

Indeed this very picture and words have been posted before on Facebook long before the Heath story broke in the mainstream media this week and there was no censorship.

Now, as what David said 17 years ago about Heath in The Biggest Secret comes to wide public attention, Facebook has removed the picture and blocked him from Facebook for three days.

Facebook you are a disgrace and this will rightly reflect on your growing reputation for censorship and invasion of privacy as well as unbelievably bad judgement in the light of this week’s revelations.

Others who shared the picture have also had warnings.
Please circulate this information – link is:

Thanks to:

Putin to Western elites: Play-time is over ( Transcribed Interview Since Western Media Did It Best To Ignore It Or Twist It's Meaning About Banksters Elite Cabal "New World order" - the most important political speech since Churchill's “Iron Curtain” speech of March 5, 1946)

Published on Oct 31, 2014

The New Earth Times ~ Edition #14 ~ Monday, August 5, 2015 CET (Ashtar, Supreme Commander of the Galactic Fleet - 4 Motherships and 12 smaller ships, have entered our Universe from a very far-away galaxy & Planet Called "Folon-tro 3 to Help With The mentorship program and Humans. Holographic projection your scientists have been viewing so earnestly will soon give way to the true picture of your surroundings....)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015   Edition #14                                Subscription FREE or by Donation

Inter-Galactic Arrivals Continue to Stream Toward Earth for the Astounding Events to Come! 
By Ashtar

Community Corner:  "Much Is Ready to Happen!"
Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy

Note from the Editor's Desk:   
By Archangel 


Inter-Galactic Arrivals Continue to Stream Toward Earth for the Astounding Events to Come!
By Ashtar, Supreme Commander of the Galactic Fleet

I am here with a brief update from the Galactic Federation of Light.  As many of you know, we have been in a holding pattern for months awaiting the unfolding of the many events we all look forward to for those of you on Surface Earth.  We are watching excitedly as many of you are working - well, yes you could call it feverishly - to tip the scale that will allow a great cascade of surprises and blessings to rain down upon you.  We are also carrying out our duties here in an atmosphere of great anticipation.  It's a bit like watching a movie such as Interstellar, where you might know the ending, but watching it play out is still thrilling...

We are not idle here of course.  There is much to do in our regular day.  For instance, we enjoy our special details such as when we are charged with the protection and oversight of our Lightworker teams.  We have special alerts when one of our beloved ones - all of you there - are preparing for a trip away from your home territory, or when one of you in the public eye is out and about, unaware of our close protection, but under our careful surveillance nevertheless.  We are keenly aware of your contracts, and we are responsible that nothing be allowed to happen to you that is not in your Life Plan and which would cause a serious deviation from your contract.  This often requires a large contingent of angels on alert to protect you as you carry out your important work for the Greater Good.

Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki - 5. August 2015 CET

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Finansielle akronymer

Much is ready to happen! This realm has gone to the precipice and the time arrives to reset ourselves anew.

Ummac Dan ~ symbol of the
Sirian Star system

8 Cib, 9 Pop, 12 Manik

Dratzo! We come again! Much progress is being made, worldwide. The verdicts against the dark cabal continue to pile up. The most important faction, the world’s military, is picking up its pace. Their task is to come together and formulate a plan for actually arresting the remaining top layers in government, banking and in law. Meanwhile, those in this dark cabal are in the midst of putting together their last straw, a series of international trading partnerships. These associations are actually a modified version of their "new world order." These bogus agreements are to be trumped by the rising of NESARA and a series of similar measures worldwide. In short, the dark’s schemes are in fact illusionary. Everywhere, allies of the ancient families are fully prepared to override these illicit agreements. While this is happening, a number of new global financial institutions are slowly starting to flex their wings. The new BRICS bank and the Chinese AIIB are beginning to cut into the purposes outlined by the cabal for trade and development. The process presently occurring globally is to show how the much larger need for infrastructure development can be accomplished.

Wake up Call Email: Hatonn, August 5, 2015 CET

Fader Gud skabte et fragment af sig selv, som går under navnet "Hatonn", en næsten 3meter høj væsen(9-foot), der fører tilsyn(kommandør) med de intergalaktiske anliggender i hele dette univers. Hatonn er kendt i hele Universet. Hatonn, har en af de mest avancerede edb-systemer i dette univers. Hatonn har altid up-to-date information til rådighed i realtime om, hvad der forgår, på planeten Jorden ... han giver menneskeheden selve sandheden, så vi kan frigøre os mod ascension og lyset og kærligheden af universet. link til een udgave

Kanaliseret af Nancy Tate
© 2015 treeofthegoldenlight

I am here today to give you an insight as to what will be coming in the coming months. It is about to break loose and it will hit the fans in a few days. It is going to be so fantastic that some of you won't believe it.

As I say these things I realize that it could confuse some of you. It could be that there will be those who will not be able to comprehend, much less see the changes that are already in place and will be exposed. It is a matter of many of you seeing these changes because you have not only been a part of their creation, but also a part of the ones who will be incorporating them into your life's mission.