Feb 2, 2017

Bringing Down the Khazarian Project, German-Controlled European Union

Now that America is undergoing a blitzkrieg of reforms that are sending the Khazarians in panic, will the Eurozone be the Global Reformists’ next focus?
Recent actions of the International Monetary Fund, the US and British regulators against the largest German bank, i.e. Deutsche Bank, and the integrity of the euro and the Eurozone itself, all suggest that the planned shutdown of the Khazarian EU project continues undeterred.

Deutsche Bank fined for $10 billion sham Russian trades

By Karen Freifeld and Arno Schuetze | NEW YORK/FRANKFURT
NEW YORK/FRANKFURT Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) has agreed to pay $630 million in fines for organizing $10 billion in sham trades that could have been used to launder money out of Russia, the latest in a string of penalties that have hammered the German lender’s finances.
In two detailed reports, U.S. and British regulators criticized the bank for not knowing the customers involved or the source of money for the trades, which helped buoy revenue during a slowdown following the global financial crash.
The scheme involved so-called mirror trades carried out between 2011 to 2015 – for instance, buying Russian stocks in rubles for a client and selling the identical value of a security for U.S. dollars for a related customer.
The New York Department of Financial Services outlined a web of trades “converting roubles into dollars through security trades that had no economic purpose” and stretched from Moscow, London and New York to Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands.
“I have a billion ruble today … will you be able to find a security for this size,” the watchdog cited one party to a deal as telling a Deutsche Bank trader in Moscow.
The regulator said the bank had missed numerous opportunities to prevent the scheme. “These flaws allowed a corrupt group of bank traders and offshore entities to improperly and covertly transfer more than $10 billion out of Russia.”
It said the scheme – in which the parties involved often lost money on the trades due to fees and commissions – could have been used for money laundering.
While U.S. and British regulators – which fined Deutsche $425 million and $204 million respectively – penalized the bank for not having adequate controls, they did not say top management was aware of the improper nature of the trades.
The fines – which comes weeks after a $7.2 billion U.S. penalty for the sale of toxic mortgage debt – marks another step in Deutsche Chief Executive John Cryan’s attempts to draw a line under the bank’s misdeeds in the wake of the financial crisis, as it sought to carve and then keep a foothold on Wall Street.
That has left a costly legacy of billions of euros of fines. Germany’s biggest bank is expected by analysts to report a loss later this week for 2016 of more than 650 million euros.
Aside from targeting the bankers, the IMF itself blames the politicians within the Eurozone…

Damning IMF Report Reveals Dysfunction Within Eurozone

Sputnik 19:03 31.01.2017

VIDEO: US states hit with “extremely large peaks” of Fukushima radioactive material – “Significant amount” of plutonium released for months – Radioactivity from plant “measured globally” and blanketed entire Northern Hemisphere (Blogger: Could it be what Joni Patry, Vedic astrologer, just talked about? Outbreak of 'water poisoning' (impure water, terrorism or storms affecting water supply)

By ENENews, on February 1st, 2017

Scientific Reports, 2016 (emphasis added):

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster has been the second most serious crisis of a nuclear power plant in the human history[*]. The release period lasted over two months emitting a significant amount of radioiodine, radioxenon and radiocaesium as well as other isotopes such as plutonium. Besides the local to regional scale impacts of soil and water pollution, isotopes released into the atmosphere could be measured globally. Total atmospheric release was estimated to be 14000–15300 PBq of radioxenon and 340–800 PBq of other isotopes. The radioactive plume in the atmosphere moved towards the Pacific, reached North America in five days and Europe in eight days… Fukushima-derived radioiodine and radiocaesium could be identified in the entire Northern Hemisphere… The zonal jet stream transported the plume across North America within one day in a narrow band over the Northern USA. This line as well as further Fukushima-derived plumes arriving at the West Coast were the initial state of the regional dispersion dominated by low and middle tropospheric winds. Early detections were reported between 17 and 19 March from three stations in Central and Southern USA: Ashland, KS, Chapel Hill, NC and Melbourne, FL. Kansas and North Carolina were reached by a fast moving cold front at the detection time, however, Florida was dominated by a subtropical high pressure system until 21 March. The plume arrived to Orlando, FL, located in a distance of 100 km from Melbourne, FL, only on 25 March with a much lower peak concentration. Other North American stations reported arrival times between 20 and 25 March except those located at the zonal jet stream path. During this period, the homogenization was driven by fast moving low pressure systems with strong horizontal and vertical turbulence as well as precipitation. These effects resulted in fast transport and dilution of the pollutants with arrival times ranging only 5 days but peak concentrations between 0.44 and 31.08 mBq m−3 for particulate 131I… The large regional variability of peak concentrations within the USA was captured, and model results remained in the same order of magnitude with measurements with the exception of two extremely large peaks in Utah and Indiana.
* Note: Many experts consider Fukushima as the “most serious crisis of a nuclear power plant in the human history”, for example:
Watch the modeled 131I activity concentrations in the surface layer (0–100 m)

‘Nightmare inducing’ robot unveiled in leaked Boston Dynamics video (VIDEO) (Blogger: Ooooo, that's scary!!!! Just think of the military applications!. Not to mention putting many factory workers out of a job. This is just the beginning. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Robotisation is part of digitalisation strategy, World Wide! The new DARPA Boston Dynamics robot shown off yesterday is nuts! Combine the Google robo-dog, ATLAS (a hydraulically powered robot), (BD) Robotic wheels with leg, Korea Hubo, the incredibly life-like android Robots from Japan/China, 'looks and mind' from Hanson Robotics(Sophia), 3d printing prosthetics limbs & nanotechnology, with EU committee newly 'personhood' status, you have the perfect Skynet humanoid robot.. Good or bad? We're getting closer to the neo-noir dystopian science fiction action film, I, Robot, for sure..)

Published time: 2 Feb, 2017 05:23

The latest robotic offering from Boston Dynamics is quick, agile and looks like it may just keep you awake at night, as well as potentially putting many factory workers out of a job.

Video footage leaked online shows Boston Dynamics’ founder Marc Raibert detailing their latest robot, Handle, in a presentation to potential investors.

Continue reading at ... https://www.rt.com/viral/376007-boston-dynamics-handy-robot-wheels/

Mystisk forsvundet kontinent fundet på bunden af havet (Blogger: Atlantis er en ganske betydningsfuld begivenhed og vil helt sikkert rejse sig op fra dybet, er jeg sikker på. Måske skal vi have noget mere fokus på Antarktis og de antikke high-tech udenjordiske væseners ruiner som er gemt væk af 'the establishment' for mere end halvtreds år. Afsløringen af gamle, højteknologiske ruiner i Antarktis, der for nylig er blevet udgravet, viser os, at "Atlantis" var meget reel, og langt mere avanceret, end vi troede. Hvis du er super ny indenfor ufologi, esoterisk visdom og åndsvidenskab m.m., kan du hente inspiration i David Wilcock's univers. Jeg vil især fremhæve 'ENDGAME: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal' samt opfølgeren 'ENDGAME II: The Antarctic Atlantis and Ancient ET Ruins'. Mener det må være bedste bud, så vi ikke kun alene, fordyber os i hvad Foxnews og andre censoreret MSM indlæg, fortæller os. Hos divinecosmos, finder du alt hvad der er værd at vide om Atlantis, Antarktis og udenjordiske væsener (mange andre ting også).. Som David Wilcock skriver: ".. Sandheden er eksploderet på internettet. Millioner lærer for første gang, at der virkelig er en "negativ elite" der styrer masserne og planeten, engagere sig i handel med børn blandt de mange afskyelige forbrydelser. Selve historien om avancerede, højteknologiske ruiner under isen i Antarktis og et begrænset hemmelig rumprogram (SSP) med en ny global dagsorden (NWO) er så utroligt, at du kan få brug for at bare behandle det som var det en sci-fi film. Men selv hvis det er det eneste niveau, du kan acceptere det på, bør du stadig finde denne histore værende, fascinerende læsning!..")

Foto: Andrey Kuzmin

Sagnomspundne kontinenter, som er forsvundet fra jordens overflade, har en nærmest magisk tiltrækningskraft på os mennesker. Man behøver blot at nævne ordet det Atlantis.

Derfor er det en bemærkelsesværdi opdagelse, internationale forskere har gjort på den lille ø Mauritius i Det Indiske Ocean. Her har de fundet så klare beviser, at de nu kan kan konstatere, at et for længst forsvundet kontinent befinder sig mellem Indien og den store ø øst for Afrika, Madagaskar - på havbunden vel at mærke. De har døbt kontinentet Mauritia.

Det skriver Fox News på baggrund af en videnskabelig artikel publiceret i tidsskriftet Nature Communications.

Det var forsker ved universitetet i Witwatersrand, Lewis Ashwal, som først kom på sporet af Maruitia, da han i 2013 fandt ud af, at Mauritius havde en stærkere tyngdepåvirkning end andre dele af Det Indiske Ocean. Det fik ham til at søsætte teorien om, at øen lå lige oven på et sunket kontinent.

Siden er der fundet flere tegn på, at hans teori var fuldstændig korrekt. Forskere har fundet zirkon-krystaller, som var tre milliarder år gamle på Mauritius, selvom øen 'kun' har otte millioner år på bagen. Forskerne mener, at vulkanudbrud, har løftet krystallerne derop fra havets bund.

Mauritia var et lille kontinent på størrelse med øen Madagaskar, som dog med sine 590.000 km² er verdens fjerdestørste ø - og næsten 15 gange større end Danmark. Da Indien og Madagaskar begyndte at rive sig fra hinanden for mange millioner år siden, blev Mauritia skabt. Ifølge tidsskriftet New Scientist er der beviser for, at andre vulkanøer i Det Indiske Ocean også ligger ovenpå det sunkne kontinent, som forsvandt fra jordens overflade for omkring 85 millioner år siden.

»Det er først nu, hvor vi begynder at undersøge de dybe oceaner, at vi finder alle disse små stumper af gamle kontinenter forskellige steder,« siger Alan Collins fra universitetet i Adelaide til New Scientist.

Jesus through John Smallman ~ You have always been good enough ~ Feb 2, 2017 CET

Sananda udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den Opstegne Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer af hele verden, og var en af ​​de største Spirituelle healere, der gik på vores elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle vores opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har tilladelse til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af civilisationer, kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov.

Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2017 johnsmallman.wordpress.com

Jesus Audio Blog for Wednesday February 1st

All across the world great changes are in progress, changes that many are finding very unsettling indeed. But they are essential changes that will greatly assist in humanity’s inevitable and rapidly approaching moment of awakening. Yes, a moment of awakening, because to awaken takes but a moment once you have chosen to awaken. Many are nervous, anxious, and holding back, and one of the purposes of these enormous changes is to help you to release those doubts and anxieties so that you can wholeheartedly embrace your individual moments of awakening.

In truth there is only one moment of awakening, and that has already occurred, but within your illusory environment where you have your human life experiences, it will occur, honoring the free will you each have, at the moment of your own choosing. It is not an event for which you set a date sometime in the future, it is an event that will occur instantly when you choose to allow it to enfold you in the Love that it offers you in every moment of your existence. It waits for you to approach it and reach out to it as it patiently and lovingly holds out its hand to you so that you may check it – to see if you feel you can trust it; many of you are very fearful – and then grasp it as it leads you forward to wakefulness.

Here in the spiritual realms our LOVE for you all flows abundantly 24/7 to engage with and embrace those of you who open your hearts to receive. You are all worthy of our Love for you, of God’s Love for you, so don’t hang back thinking yourselves unworthy or unlovable, instead move positively forward to greet us and delight in the welcoming embrace we offer you. We are ONE! You have just temporarily lost your memory of your true state of being at One with Source and with all of creation. Now is the moment for you to remember and return in utter joy to awareness of your divine nature, a state from which you have never been separated even though, as humans, it seems to you that you are alone, if not actually abandoned, in a vast and unfeeling universe.

There is no such thing or place as “an unfeeling universe,” that is part of the illusion you constructed to enter into the experience of separation from Source, God, All That Is.

A L L T H A T I S.

The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council ~ All About Ascension

Billede af Arcturians iflg.
Arcturians er en race, der kommer fra den blå planet, der kredser den røde kæmpestjerne Arcturus i Bootes konstellation. Arcturus kredser cirka 36 lysår fra vores solsystem. Arcturians er den mest avancerede civilisation i galaksen, transcendere ind i 4. og 5. dimension. Mange kender Arcturians, som velvillige væsener. Men hvad kun nogle ved, er læren som Arcturians følger. Indhyllet i mystik, og tabt i de åndelige oversættelser gennem kommunikation og kanaliseringer af Arcturians til mennesker, en race af væsener synes at eksistere og kommunikere fundamentale love, der styrer eksistensen af ​​fred, kærlighed og glæde. Denne grundlæggende lovgivning tillader Arcturians at skubbe i retning af højere planer af eksistens og give mulighed for fortsat vækst i et begrænset fysiske univers. Arcturians menes at komme fra en kredsende himmellegeme, der ikke har været opdaget af jordiske astronomer.  

Kanaliseret af Daniel Scranton
©2017 lovehaswon

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have taken yourselves to a point in your evolution where nothing else matters. Nothing in the world, or of the world, is as significant as your evolution, your expansion, your ascension. This is important for you to recognize so that you don’t get lost in the circumstances of your reality.

It is easy to get caught up in what is going on, or what is not going on in your physical life experience. It is easy for you to believe that the circumstances of your life are more significant than the evolution of your consciousness, but in fact every single circumstance in your life is giving you the opportunity to expand your consciousness. It’s the perfect set up to bring you to that next step in your evolution.

So the question remains, and that question is, are you going to see everything in your life as perfect and as serving that greater good of bringing you to precisely where you need to be? If you find yourself in the pit of despair, then that is where you need to be. If you find yourself accessing more anger than you’ve ever accessed before, then that is where you need to be. If you find yourself with less money, or less people in your life than ever before, then that is where you need to be.

You need to go to where life is taking you, and you need to go willingly, and you also need to stay aware of the bigger picture. The bigger picture will always be your evolution, and that is as it should be. And if you are living a life of joy and freedom, and are surrounded by love, then that too is a part of your journey. It is a part of your ascension process.

Some of you need to hold the higher frequencies for the collective. And so if you are living a life that is objectively better than what most people are living, then recognize it is your role in the ascension process of the collective to hold a higher frequency, to appreciate, to offer and receive love. But none of that is as significant as your shift either.

You are at a point where tremendous leaps forward are possible and likely, and all you have to do is remain focused. Remain dedicated to your ascension. That is what this lifetime is all about for all of you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


HISTORIC: 'We can't ignore the people': Parliament backs Brexit bill in landslide vote (VIDEO)

© imago stock&people / Global Look Press

AINA: Trump's Immigration Order and Christanity (Blogger: Neither agree, nor disagree', i'm just a messenger.. From a spiritual point of view, Trump just stir in the hornet's nest to produce the needed inner action from our ego selfishnesss, to embrace our differences and produce love and compassion, instead of hate and fears. Trump came to serve humanity, for a short while, until he is relieved from his divine duty. We all need a little self care right now and leave out the drama playing out in the streets.. Excerpts: ".. There have been mass protests across the United States and around the world against the Trump executive order. Among the protesters have been many Christian individuals and groups, who argue passionately that refugee policy should not discriminate on the basis of religious affiliation. The arguments offered by such Christian critics of the Trump executive order basically address two themes. First, the Christian call to love our neighbors does not discriminate according to religion, so we should not select those whom we will assist according to religion. Second, the argument is offered that privileging Christian refugees to the United States may well produce a negative backlash against Christian minorities in the Muslim world... One does not need to look very far in the West to find the poisonous fruit of overly-liberal immigration and refugee policies. Muslim communities have grown in northern England, southern Sweden, Denmark, across France, in areas of Germany, Holland and so forth. Where this has happened stories rapidly emerge of ghettos hostile to outsiders (including Christian missionaries), where oppressive cultural practices flourish -- of which women are the most common victims -- which become scenes of intra-Muslim communal rivalry and conflict, sometimes according to ethnicity, other times according to particular Islamic ideological leaning... President Trump will attract a lot more flak over his executive order in months to come. Perhaps there are ways that it can be more tidily designed and implemented. But he has got the fundamental principles right. Majority Christian nations should adopt immigration policies which preserve and protect their own harmony and social cohesion and they should help out their Christian brothers and sisters. The best way to do this is to prioritize Christians in refugee policy. Peter Ahern is a British freelance writer on religion, politics and society..")

Trump's Immigration Order and Christanity

Assyrian International News Agency

Trump's Immigration Order and Christanity
By Peter Ahern
2017-02-01 22:42 GMT

Debate has raged since President Donald Trump announced his executive order temporarily banning entry to the United States of residents from seven Muslim-majority countries. This involves a temporary halt in the United States refugee program.

When it resumes, Christian and other non-Muslim minority groups stand to gain significantly. This represents a stark turnaround from the Obama administration's increasingly liberal approach to the refugee intake which in practical terms ended up favouring Muslim refugees.

There have been mass protests across the United States and around the world against the Trump executive order. Among the protesters have been many Christian individuals and groups, who argue passionately that refugee policy should not discriminate on the basis of religious affiliation.

The arguments offered by such Christian critics of the Trump executive order basically address two themes. First, the Christian call to love our neighbors does not discriminate according to religion, so we should not select those whom we will assist according to religion. Second, the argument is offered that privileging Christian refugees to the United States may well produce a negative backlash against Christian minorities in the Muslim world.

Let's Talk About Secret Government Special Access Projects. . .

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.   

Published on Jan 31, 2017
Pondering thoughts and connecting dots about how our government has obtained "alien" technology, and the amount of money they have swiped from us to research and develop it.

Extraterrestrial Technology & The Secret Space Program: What We Haven’t Been Told For Nearly A Century (VIDEO SSP)

Tue Jan 31, 2017 8:19 am
Written by Arjun Walia

Yes, there are still many who would instantaneously think you’re completely bonkers for even contemplating any truth to the title above, but that comes from a place of innocent ignorance. It’s easy to dismiss something without properly investigating the subject for yourself, and the thought of an idea like this still remaining in the category of a “fringe” type of topic is unsettling. The masses continue to ignore a tremendous amount of evidence that points to the fact that we are not alone, and that we’ve actually been visited.

“Read the books, read the lore, and start to understand what has really been going on here, because there is no doubt that we are being visited.”  Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14) (source)

Why is this important? Well, it has tremendous implications in all fields, from history to science to energy and more. Unfortunately we’ve been bombarded with the idea of alien invasions, little green men and alien propaganda, which is probably a big reason as to why so many people have such a hard time even considering it as a possibility.
Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
Theodor C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire, writes in a paper he made public in 2011: (source)
“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc…They are visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking”
2011 is  about the same time more and more recognized academics started to speak up. Dr. Brian O’leary,  Former Princeton Physics professor is a great example when he basically said the same thing.

There are literally hundreds of these people, from academic to political and military backgrounds all the way to astronauts  that have been blowing the whistle for a very long time.  Scientific publications (many) have also been made throughout the years describing strange and radar confirmed military sightings by military pilots.