Oct 12, 2018

RT | Oct 12, 2018 | ~ Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot can now do parkour to chase squishy humans up stairs (VIDEO) ~ | .. As humans age, we might get smarter, but we tend to slow down physically. Boston Dynamics' robots are moving in the opposite direction, learning new things at a terrifying rate. The company's Atlas model, which just six months ago could barely jump over a log, is now hopping up stairs without skipping a beat. No longer will we be able to breathe a sigh of relief that we've outrun the post-apocalyptic robot army of our nightmares just by climbing to the second floor .. |

READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/usa/441047-robot-atlas-stairs-parkour

⚠️The GoldFish Report | Oct 12, 2018 | No. 281 | EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL REPORT | ~ 🐉 Exclusive: Red Dragon Ambassador & White Dragon Benjamin Fulford 🐲~ |

On The GoldFish Report No. 281 Louisa and Co-host Steve interview the spokes person for the Red Dragon Family, The Ambassador, and the White Dragon Society spokesperson Benjamin Fulford, for a discussion about the present economy, financial system, geopolitics and what some of the obstacles have been to fulfilling the 555 Mission for Humanity that the Ambassador introduced over four years ago. Benjamin explains a new system is possible and one that can operate parallel to the Belt and Road Initiative. The Ambassador discusses the remit and Surrender progress of the Old Guard and how it has been underway to make way for global economic prosperity and egalitarianism. Benjamin agrees that the draining of the D.C swamp is where change has to happen first to trickle to other regions in the world. This interview is packed with wisdom and perspective from Behind the Scenes , insider perspectives who want a better world for all people. It gives you an insight as to how the real decision makers of the world think and where they may need to rethink playing God. Also, Louisa announces The GoldFish report Road to the White House Fund Drive and encourages viewers who wish to see The GoldFish Social Media reporting from The White House. To contribute please visit these links to pay pal or Patreon on our website at www.thegoldfishreport.com. There will be Iive streams and special interviews from the White House from the Alternative media, finally!! Only the viewers can make this happen since this is a commercial-free, viewer supported social media channel.


Asia Times | Oct 12, 2018 | ~ Pentagon grounds entire fleet of F-35s after crash ~ | Blogger: As i predicted or foreseen so many times --- the whole F-35's fleet is all a scam -- money feeding frenzy to support DARPA, SSP industry and (ATL), at Lockheed Martin... REPOST: [🐥THE BIRD THAT NEVER COULD FLY. TROUBLED TRILLION-DOLLAR TURKEY🍗] ... (F-35 troubles: Pentagon refuses to accept new aircraft as its makes problem report ‘Top Secret’ THE F-35 is the world’s most costly defence project ever. But it has a problem — and Australia will have to discover this for itself) ... Forsvaret stopper alle globale operationer, for F-16, inkl. NATO's Baltic Air Policing m.v. mellem 2022-2024... (It's like the movie 'Sgt. Bilko' (1996) where Dan Aykroyd presents Sgt. Bilko's fake (Steve Martin) battletank convincing the military brass, it really works) ... Nu hvor Journalisten Andreas Krog’s livsværker i form af nytkampfly.dk og arktisknyt.dk bliver overtaget af Altinget, dvs. forsvarets politiske apparatus, får vi INTET, at vide om noget som helst... Denne historie er måske kedelig læsning, men tænk på hvor dyrt det bliver for skatteydere, at videreuddanne gamle piloter fra F16 til et supermoderne F-35 og i en årrække, skal det danske forsvars og skatteyders dyreste indkøbte rustbunke F-35, stå stille på landjorden, mens F-16 skrottes, i en årrække uden at se nogen former for kamp i militære operationer i udlandet. Hvad er så formålet med et kampfly!? Hvad sker der, når Loch Ness Monsteret, Lockheed Martin, tildeler alle lande en næse, når efterfølgeren til F-35 kommer ud, med SUPERSONIC stealth jet egenskaber, den dag de danske udgaver, går i luften, om 4-5 år??? (Lasers, Drone Swarms, Artificial Intelligence, Sensor Fusion and Optionally-Manned. Oh my!) .. Lige nu, KAN DE IKKE FLYVE. PUNKTUM. Til den tid, har Boing eller Lockheed, (MiG fighters, Sweden's SAAB, France's Dassault Aviation and the Eurofighter Typhoon) allerede opgraderet nye kampfly egenskaber, som overgår F-35-kampflyet... Købekontrakten på F-35 til Danmark, er som smedet sammen fra brændeovne i Tolkiens verden på nanotermit støvet fra World Trade Center, politikerne som skaber rævekager om jyske motorveje, som ikke behøves, Sgt. Bilko uduelige kampvogn og tosserne hos Lead Agency... ☠️PS: Den højst arrogante Michael Christiansen (formand – udpeget af kulturministeren), har været klog nok til ikke at annoncere på Linkedin, hvilken steder han sidder i bestyrelser og hvem han leger tagfat med. Men det har hans gode ven, Torsten Jansen, tidligere berømt TV-anker, en af Danmarks førende eksperter om USA, Partner, VP LEAD Agency, ikke. Det siges i visse kredse, at både Michael Christiansen samt Torsten Jansen har samarbejde med forsvarsindustrien, Lockheed Martin, tunge tænketanke, vigtige udvalg, konsulenthuse og digitaliseringsprojekter.. Det siges, at Michael Christiansen er medejer af Lead Agency A/S, der agerer konsulenthus for Lockheed Martin og Statens indkøb af F-35 (Ifølge Kirsten-Birgit, DKR 24-11-17 og EB - 2016). Ifølge det seneste regnskab for sit holdingselskab er Michael Christiansen alt i alt god for 42 millioner kroner. Lead Agency er ud over Michael Christiansen ejet af tidligere chefredaktør på Aktuelt Kresten Schultz Jørgensen, den tidligere vært på TV Avisen Torsten Jansen samt Peter Albæk, der tidligere har været formand for Børns Vilkår... |

Smoke is seen rising from the crash of an F-35B aircraft late last month.
Photo: @SamRichardsonAM Twitter

READ MORE: http://www.atimes.com/article/pentagon-grounds-entire-fleet-of-f-35s-following-crash/

David Icke | Oct 12, 2018 | ~ Trump, The Deep State, & World Events - David Icke On Mainstream Danish Radio ~ |

Opdatering fra oplysningsforbundet MAY DAY DANMARK | 12. Okt 2018 | ~ Nyt HPV-studie, hjælp til autister, Karinasagen afsluttet....... ~ | Blogger: 💡 PS: Har ikke mulighed for længere at dele Maydays nyhedsbrev, efter de lavede om på deres interface... |


Var det grunden til Peter Gøtzsches afsked?

Forsknig BMJ (engelsk)
En ny analyse viser, at en Cochrane-vurdering, der gav grønt lys for vacciner designet til at forhindre livmoderhalskræft ikke har inkluderet alle relevante forsøg og ignorerede mulige kilder til partiskhed. Vurderingen blev offentliggjort i maj 2017 og baserede sine konklusioner på 26 undersøgelser med 73.428 kvinder. Men den kunne have inkluderet så mange som 46 forsøg med mere end 120.000 kvinder, siger forskere Lars Jørgensen og Peter Gøtzsche fra det nordiske Cochrane Center i København og Tom Jefferson fra Center for Evidence Based Medicine i Oxford.

Arsen i drikkevandet kan være farligt

Forskning SDU
Øget risiko for hjerneblødning og blodprop i hjernen, hvis man bor i et område i Danmark med mest arsen i drikkevandet, viser ny forskning. Se, om du bor i det et af de berørte områder. 

Autisme kan påvirkes af D-vitaminer

Forskning video
Ny forskning viser, at børn med autismesyndrom har godt af højere doser D-vitaminer. I denne (engelske) video kan du høre, hvordan man har prøvet med Omega 3 og også C-vitaminer, men uden virkning. Der konkluderes, at kosttilskud ikke virker på autisme. Men så kom der et D-vitaminstudie, hvor 80 pct. at testpersonerne forbedrede deres opførsel og opmærksomhed. De fik tilført 300 enheder/kg, dog ikke over 5000 enheder i alt. Der var ingen testgruppe, så man turde ikke sige, om det kun var en placeboeffekt, og der opfordredes til flere dobbelte placebo-blindforsøg. Og et sådant studie er netop afsluttet, hvor testpersonerne fik op til 5000 enheder dagligt. Studiet viste, at D-vitaminer har en betydelig effekt på kernemanifestationer af autisme. 


Danske forskere advarer mod udbredt smertestillende medicin

Forskning videnskab.dk
Flere smertestillende lægemidler af typen NSAID, der især bruges i behandlingen af gigt, ser ud til at øge risikoen for hjertekarsygdomme.

Mon sygeplejersker plejer?

Blog Denoffentlige.dk
Nej nej, de er beskæftiget med kvalitetsudvikling, kommunikation, Sundhedsplatformen mm. "Det er, som om det hele handler om at slippe væk fra patientstuerne. Ud til computerne. Sidde til møder. Lave projekter og strategier..." En pensioneret overlæge undrer sig.


Ny forskning



Bliv medlem af May Day! Støt et godt initiativ!
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Ascension Path with Sandra Walter | Oct 12, 2018 | ~ Hearts up for our Weekend Influx - Solaris is connected ~ |

Preparation for our October Trajectory

The latest energetic shift is a strong one. The drop-off of energetic support for negative realities at the end of September opens us to the higher frequency force of the Christed timelines, New Earth and higher positive trajectories.

This means the uncomplimentary parts of ourselves get cleared just as strongly as larger uncomplimentary operations. Let the light reveal what serves your journey, and what does not.

Our next influx is October 13 -16. Solaris is already responding.

Yesterday's gate opening was strong, and today our Gateway SUNspot appeared. Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, anyone in service; Let us unify and focus on the pure heart-SUN connection, DNA reconnection and opening the bridges to the New Earth realms for all willing hearts.

Focus on the unification of positive consciousness, rather than the dissolvement of negative constructs. Distortion gets cleared, and most of it kicks and screams on the way out. It is what it is, try not to judge, energize or give the lower illusion more power. Choose the higher priority of peace.

As always, don’t watch the old realities burn, create the new. Higher vibrations have more influence; use it to create the new with as much ease and grace as possible.

Embodiment Series: Parts I, II & III

A beautiful video on the Embodiment series will come out next week. I AM focusing on our current experiences of the Christed state, crystalline DNA, and the transformational passage through January. A deep understanding of the Solar flash - heart center - Unity consciousness connection may assist the tribe with balance and activation.

Kindwhile, let us unify for this Gateway passage.

October 13 - 16 are still presenting as the Gateway. Please join us for our global mass meditations on SUNday, October 14th. Note the added time of 5:11AM PDT. Details on the Unity Meditation image and link below.

This is a powerful step in our Mastery. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Meg Benedicte | Oct 12, 2018 | ~ Venus Healing and Transformation ~ | Blogger: (Excerpts only from newsletter) ... |

View as Web Page, click on link: https://archive.aweber.com/newearthcentral/LJ3FF

We are experiencing a global rebalancing as Venus travels retrograde through Scorpio into Libra, culminating on November 16th at 25° Libra. Venus is holding us captive, triggering hidden karmic lessons and buried trauma to be released for healing. On October 24th the Full Moon arrives at 1º Taurus, also ruled by Venus. The divine feminine is rising in the collective, offering a soothing balm of compassion and safe haven to heal and mend. 

The Nodal Axis in Leo-Aquarius is forming a tight T-square with the Sun and Venus in Scorpio, and the Moon and Uranus in Taurus. For the past 2 years the Lunar Nodes in Leo-Aquarius have been highlighting power abuse issues at the personal level as well as in society at large. This is karmic reckoning of the Patriarchal system leading up to the 2020 astrology in Capricorn. 

As the Full Moon joins Uranus in Taurus, it is exciting, electric and possibly explosive. It creates a threshold point, as charged emotional energy releases, we can shift into higher levels of being. Uranus in the earth sign of Venus is shaking apart the old establishment, making way for a new, balanced reality. The world is shifting under our feet! 

Venus affects the heart, values, relationships, and money. We already see signs of volatility in the stock market this week, as Uranus opposes Venus Retro in Scorpio. The Full Moon joins the T-square on October 24th, creating more fluctuation and uncertainty in intimate relationships and finances. During these times of rapid change, the Full Moon trines Saturn, providing more stability and new solutions to old challenges in life. 

The cosmos is preparing us for the powerful year-end Stargate Activations on 11:11, 12:12 and the Solstice on 12:21. Plus this year we are blessed with an 11:11:11 influx of plasma light codes and consciousness of Mastery! The New Earth cannot birth without the divine feminine force. It is imperative that we all embrace and embody the New Earth light codes of unity consciousness and awaken the feminine force within. 

We will be broadcasting our monthly Global Activations on Saturday, October 20th at 12pm Pacific Time. Join other Gridworkers, Gatekeepers, and Star Beings from all around the world, as we form a ‘group mind’ and birth the New Earth. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, you can register here: https://newearthcentral.com/?p=206962

Lovingly, Meg 

Copyright (c) 2018 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Verdensalt.dk | Archive | 2017- 2018 | ~ 10 Signs Of Our Global Awakening ~ | Blogger: 🌰 1. The fall and further fall of the mainstream media 🌰 2. Trust in Big Government and Big Business has fallen to an all-time low 🌰 3. Marches against Monsanto have intensified 🌰 4. Increasing health awareness 🌰 5. Increasing recognition of disinformation 🌰 6. Increasing support for social media 🌰 7. Changing viewpoint towards the ‘Conspiracy theorist’ 🌰 8. Increasing attempts to shut us up 🌰 9. Awakening through unknown/unforeseen processes 🌰10. Rise in local meet up groups ... |

-By Paul A. Philips

Since time immemorial, under the ruling thumb of the world’s dark overlords, humanity has been hacked, stymied, suppressed and coerced into submission through mind controlling, soul destroying atrocity. Those unable to see that just about every subject under the sun is a deception and how their family and friends are affected don’t yet realize the extent to which the dark overlords have us snugly stitched up.
However, alternative media sources tell us that people are awakening exponentially to the realization that they’re being stitched up and in the swathe of these awakened souls, more and more are playing their dutiful part in enlightening others.

So, here are 10 signs of our global mass awakening.

1. The fall and further fall of the mainstream media

Trust in the mainstream media has fallen to an all-time low and continues to plummet. Much of this has to do with an increasingly aware and disgruntled public: More and more are able to discern a mainstream media totally lacking in integrity, thanks to the rising popularity of the independent/alternative media exposing the dishonesty.

Unlike the alternative/independent sources, the servile corporate controlled mainstream media has been a highly effective tool used to manipulate the consensus reality of the masses for a number of powerful individuals having political and financial self-interests. A number of us know we have seen attempts by these elitist individuals controlling the mainstream media to thwart the rising popularity of the independent/alternative media through false, baseless accusations of ‘fake news.’ - Indeed, it's an attempt to discredit because it exposes the truth about the elite and reveals their hidden agendas...

Essentially, the unjust ‘fake news’ labelling of the independent/alternative media has backfired on the manipulators: Instead of achieving censorship it has given rise to further increasing support for the alternative/independent media, while the mainstream media has taken an even bigger fall. –As many of us know, the real fake news exists in the mainstream media with its propaganda and mind controlling...

-Given that these 2 paradigms cannot live side by side each other, which one will win the information war?

2. Trust in Big Government and Big Business has fallen to an all-time low

Besides the mainstream media, worldwide, an increasingly aware public show a growing distrust for Big Government and Big Business institutions from multiple polls.

The distrust and unpopularity implicitly expressed by the public on these crooked institutions with their resident crooks mainly come from the truth revelations put out by the alternative/independent media.

Further, this is what happens when Big Government and Big Business not only ignores the people’s voice in decision making, but also demonizes their dissention and public opinion, which only serves to fuel the public's uprising.

3. Marches against Monsanto have intensified

There couldn’t be a better example of the public’s growing distrust in Big Business than Monsanto. As the years roll by marches against Monsanto from people of many different backgrounds all over the world have risen significantly and don’t look like cooling down…

Although there are signs of Monsanto clawing back, in recent years earnings have plummeted. The earnings drop for the biotech company suggests a growing public disdain for their GM seeds as more and more people realize thedangers of GMO and its glyphosate herbicide.

More and more realize that Monsanto are out to patent, own and control every seed in the world. This threatens the destruction and diversity of every natural God-given seed…

4. Increasing health awareness

Although still very popular people’s awareness of the dangers of fast food has increased, as indicated by recent erratic share prices in some of the major fast food corporations who’ve had to pull out all marketing stops to claw back on fallen share prices…

Reports indicate that last year people have shown more interest than ever in organic non-GMO healthier food options. Besides how these choices affect health, people’s increased interest and awareness has extended into concerns over the environment, animals and the workers involved in food production.

🔴Destroying the Illusion | Oct 12, 2018 | ~ [10.11] Facebook CENSORS Over 800 Pages & a QAnon Website Gets BLACKLISTED ~ |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics

Activist Post | Oct 12, 2018 | ~ Another Bank “Fined” For Rigging The Gold And Silver Markets ~ | Blogger: [🤑Could there really be a more fraudulent bank than Danish Danske Bank in Worlds history of Rothschild Khazarian Mafia!? The Danish government has recently endorsed (again) Danske Bank, as being the sole contracter of wage payments for 800.000 large public employees staff force in the main infrastructure of Denmark. That's AFTER, everyone KNEW, DB laundered (1.500) billions poured through Danish banks🤔] ...💡 PS: When the danish State chooses Rothschild as a sole financial adviser, according to the ministries, it is due to the special skills of the financial house, so they claim. But it goes muuuuuch deeper than that... FACTS: 🚩 -- Rothschild & Nathan-Rothschild-and-famed-quoteSons is the sole financial adviser to the Danish government and here on capital structure and the recapitalisation of 43 Danish money institutions. And no wonder. In 1813, Denmark went bankrupt due to debt to Rothschild – the creditor of all European countries, which were also in financial dire straits during the Napoleonic wars. Nathan Rothschild had hoped to thereby take control of all of Europe´s indebted countries through “Europe´s United States” at the Congress of Vienna. Czar Alexander of Russia prevented it – Rothschild has ever since seen Russia as his arch enemy. Denmark introduced a private (Rothschild) bank in 1818, a precondition to borrow more Rothschild money, – and even today it is impossible to learn who all the shareholders of this money printing machine /indebtedness are.... |

By Rory Hall

The evidence continues to mount proving that the work GATA has performed for the past two decades is, not only 100% accurate, but shows how large a role gold actually plays in our world. Don’t think for a minute that gold is not part of our monetary system. If it weren’t, these price-rigging schemes would not happen – especially on a global basis.

We reported on Deutsche Bank two years ago – click hereclick hereclick here – when their precious metals market-rigging schemes were exposed and the bank was “fined” for rigging the gold market. During the investigation it was also discovered Deutsche Bank was rigging the silver market. A series of internal instant messages confirmed the rigging mechanism and the fact the price rigging was actually happening.

This situation with Deutsche Bank reached a point of two different class action lawsuits being filed for damages caused by the bank’s market-rigging scheme. As Craig Hemke of TFMetals Report explained at the time of this leg of the crime spree:
This post is intended to remind you that this case is not about the present and it’s not about the $38MM dollars. Instead, the true significance of this lawsuit will be on display over the coming months and years as innumerable new class action lawsuits are filed against The Bullion Banks for their collective role in rigging and manipulating the precious metals markets.
Now we learn the Canada-based Bank of Nova Scotia has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar and charged with “spoofing” the gold and silver markets.