Aug 28, 2020
🥰🤳 ~ In a Dialogue with My Higher Self - Beyond the Veil (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤙Higher Self, Atma, the inseparable ray of the Universe and one self, passing informations down through The Silver Cord to my physical body🙌] ... What the world situation and my higher self wanted to share with my "Consciousness" today, when I closed my eyes, visualizing being uplifted crossing the Veil (3-D Matrix) boundary, 8.6 miles above the surface and saw the universe hidden in every Human Heart, waaas... By December 2002 we will all be confronted with MASSIVE DISCLOSURE. In particular, about the COVID-19 pandemic, is a in fact, a SCAM, both in Denmark / EU and the America... Furthermore, February of 2021, we will be told, that we are NOT alone in the universe...That's according to my higher self... Take it or leave it...🦮 PS: Got some "special assistance" from my 50 years plus experienced holistic naturopath kinesiologist... And no, none of us are Ascended Masters journey through the ascension process to give you THE ANSWER, to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything (which of course is "42")😉... Sometimes it's just good to listen and trust what is presented by our Guardian Angels and Higher Self awareness, that's all... |
Udgivet den 28. August 2020 af Verdensalt
Højere selv er et begreb forbundet med flere trossystemer, men dens grundlæggende forudsætning beskriver et evigt, almægtig, bevidst og intelligent væsen, der er ens virkelige selv. Blavatsky formelt definerede det højere selv som "Atma den uadskillelige stråle af universet og en selv....
Dit Højere Selv er dig. Dit Højere Selv er den virkelige dig, din samlede sjæle-bevidsthed. Den del af DIG der lever her på Jorden er blot en projektion af bevidsthed i dit Højere Selv. Dit Højere Selv er den mere komplette del af dig, den ene, der ikke bliver frustreret over sløret, der trækkes ned over os, når vi inkarnerer, der får os til at glemme, hvor vi kom fra. Det højere selv er den ene del i din besiddelse af din åndelige kontrakt, den plan du har lavet for dig selv, før du inkarnerede. Dit Højere Selv besidder den guddommelige plan, selve brugsanvisningen over dit livs plan, i sin hule hånd.
Dit Højere Selv er som en tilbagetrukket bevidsthed, der tilbyder sin visdom og anvisninger om, hvor flasken peger hen. Sommetider kan disse retninger tage lang tid at komme igennem ind til dit underbevidsthed. Men der er måder at få adgang til visdom og dit Højere Selv direkte ved at omgå ens underbevidsthed.
Din Højere Selv er ikke "derude" i æteren omkring dig. Dit Højere Selv er dig, din bevidsthed, i din krop.
Det er kun dig, der sætter gang i hjulene og oplever, det du kom her for at lære, før du blev inkarneret, igen og igen. Det er dig, der har dine egne følelser, som reaktion på dine tanker, der skaber din virkelighed. Det er dig, der sætter det op som en mekanisme og kan bruge dem som en "spiritual" feedback om, hvor du er på vej hen, i dit liv...
🌞🦠😷 (BREAKING) Opdatering fra oplysningsforbundet MAY DAY DANMARK ~ | Blogger: [👉"Breaking: Bestemte næringsstoffer virker som vaccine - Forespørgsel i Retsudvalget om at lukke May Days website!" ~ Hovedoverskift på MAY DAYs Nyhedsbrev👈] ... UDDRAG: Mundbind beskytter – måske – og kun ganske få! Det siger TV-lægen Peter Geisling i Tv-avisen den 15. august.❗ Pandemi eller Plandemi? Ny video med danske undertekster: "Indoctornation". Der bliver stillet nogle saftige spørgsmål.❗ Hvorfor flere tiltag, når der er færre på hospitalet?Hvorfor flere tiltag, når der er færre på hospitalet? Er det kollektiv afstraffelse? Er det magtfuldkommenhed? Er det dumhed? I hvert fald er det uforståeligt ❗ Whistleblower fra GlaxoSmithKline med alarmerende oplysninger.❗21 grunde til at 5G skal stoppes. Mangler du argumenter i debatten, kan du hente inspiration her.❗ Hvorfor siger flere ikke fra over for regeringens totalitære tiltag?❗... |
⚖️💞🧸~ US Marshals Find 39 Missing Children in Georgia During 'Operation Not Forgotten' 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉More than 420,000 children are currently missing in the United States👈] ... |
B-roll of "Operation Not Forgotten" can be found here:
Photos of Operation Not Forgotten (open in Google Chrome):
Additional information about the U.S. Marshals Service can be found at
America’s First Federal Law Enforcement Agency
America’s First Federal Law Enforcement Agency
😷🤐🗣️ ~ (#Gaslighting #StockholmSyndrom #GhostVirus #YouHaveAChoice) ‘Tremendously Effective’: Face Coverings Block 99.9% of COVID-19 Respiratory Droplets - Study (Sputniknews) ~ | Blogger: [👉NOTHING quite like being forced to cover your MOUTH = The END of FREE SPEECH👈] ... AND a new study conducted by SoTW Citizen Journalism reveals face coverings can block 99.9% of a real SMILE and EMOTIONS! Hence, you tell your Body, Mind and Soul to undergo the SILENT TREATMENT stealthily... This mask crap is a continuance of the LOCKDOWNS and Black Nobility Agenda, prepared decades ago... Your country doesn’t care what you wear on your face, since nothing will work. They just want people to wear the UNIFORM of a MASK – it’s like how some churches or muslims countries ask you to cover your hair. We are all NIQABIS now, with all due respect... The military dresses the troops in uniforms or health workers for the same reason: to take away their individuality, and to teach the troops they are part of a “team,” under the control of the government. Hive mind, or mob mentality. The mask is a symbol that a) you are afraid and b) you will obey... Cloth face coverings do nothing at all to solve the problem that all the doctors in the world have not solved yet: how to handle the coronavirus. Why is it so contagious, with effects that range from nothing, to death? No answers. If no one knows anything, including the CDC, WHO and all the Global Health Scientists, why is the government pretending they do? And that they know what to do to prevent it? “Cloth face covers” is as far from science as you can get. No instructions or directions or description with them, because they are a PSYCHOLOGICAL PANACEA, to try to control the rampant FEAR that THEY started... 💬PS: I have heard that the Berlin demonstration, which many invites on youtube has been blocked, and the german police or govt CAN'T STOP, expects over SIX MILLION PEOPLE... If that's the case, it will be the BIGGEST peaceful MASS protest for a century in the western hemisphere... Simultaneously "solidarity demonstrations" in Uruguay, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, (Denmark) and many other countries... |
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