Aug 16, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟"Its Happening | Patriots Stand United | Welcome to the Revolution." ~ IF YOU ONLY KNEW🌟] ... PS: Don't forget to watch the Trump Kicking Ass #GOP #MAGA #TRUMP2020 trailer made by Richard from IF YOU ONLY KNEW in the last few minutes of this video - it's really something... |
🍎☠️🗣️ ~ (Det burde da rydde alle forsider!) BREAKING NEWS INGEN på intensiv – og maskebrug i offentlig transport ude af proportioner (VM) ~ | Blogger: [🤜IGEN et fedt indlæg fra Vibeke Manniche. Mens andre syntes VM uddeler giftige æbler og svindel og humburg, til de sultne danskere🤛] ... Nu skal vi jo ikke komme for godt i gang - ikke tro vi er noget... Det erfarne panel på B.T.'s og Ditte Okmans 'Det, vi taler om', sponseret af AK Nygart privathospitaler - det ultimative Danmarks bedste sladdermagasin - påstår de selv, der graver i ugens store skandaler, overraskelser, forargelser og ikke mindst det kulørte stof grundigt, MASSAKRE mannickerne igen (igen, igen)... Tabloid journalister, forsidefruer og mediefolk, der underholder danskerne, som en kulørt og sorgløs hofnar, består bl.a. fra fredagens program af Jacob Heinel Jensen, Janni Ree, Anna Thygesen og Henrik Qvortrup.. Personligt er jeg ligeglad om VM og hendes datter Mai driver forlaget LIVA og er engageret i det familiedrevne smykkefirma JEWLSCPH og tjener på bøger og lægepraksis, har hadegrupper og alle hader dem... Der er kørt en hetz op, fordi de (måske) taler SANDHED! Sandheden om den medicinske mafia og regerings COVID-19 fupnummer og jeg på verdensalt, leder efter FAKTA, ikke RYGTER og DÅRLIG JOURNALISTIK, fordi, man er ANSAT af medieludere og adlyder Statens "system" Ja, bevares, undskyld, men man må sgu heller ikke snakke SANDHED mere, andet det er pakket ind i satire via Kirsten Birgit, som desuden, ligesom radio24syv, er afgået ved mediedøden... |
BREAKING NEWS INGEN på intensiv – og maskebrug i offentlig transport ude af proportioner
BREAKING NEWS! Aktuelt er der INGEN på intensiv. Det burde da rydde alle forsider! De aktuelle tal smittetal er markant faldende, således at forstå at procentuelt antal smittede af testede er 0,30%. Magnus Heunicke oplyste lørdag, at der var testet 34117 personer og fundet 104 smittet. SSI har også lørdag oplyst tallene og deres tal er 21159 testede og 104 smittede. Det bliver 0,49%. Men uanset om vi bruger Heunickes tal eller SSI´s er tallet markant faldende! I fredags var tallet 0,75%! Kort sagt udbruddene fx i Aarhus atter forventeligt på retur!
Kig lige grundigt på kurven ovenfor, før du bekymrer dig om “flere” smittede. Hvis man tester flere – fanger man flere! Den blå streg er udbruddets procentuelle fordeling og du kan se hvordan det er tæt på 0 og altså nu 0,3%. Den røde streg er tænkt eksempel, såfremt vi mod forventning var kommet ind i en bragende epidemi tilbage i marts (hvad vi som forventet ikke gjorde). Derfor kan du IKKE forholde dig til antal smittede alene, du er nødt til at sætte det i forhold til antal testede. Det er en gennemgående og stor fejl, som hverken pressen eller landets sundhedsminister Magnus Heunicke på trods af 5 måneders træning endnu IKKE har forstået. Men det har du – forhåbentlig :-). Så RO på!
😨💉🤢 ~ (MASS VACCINATION AND SO IT BEGINS!) Russia’s Sputnik V Vaccine Wipes Out Earth-Sized Coronavirus in Promo Video (Sputniknews) ~ | Blogger: [👉The Sputnik V, formally named ‘Gam-COVID-Vak’, has already begun production. Mass vaccination starts in Russia in about a month’s time. AND available to the Philippines by early November or early December, according to one of its developers - Gamaleya Institute director Alexander Ginzburg told Sputnik👈] ... |
🤥🤥🤥 ~ (ENDNU en DR LØGN) Detektor: Konspirationsteori om Magnus Heunicke og Bill Gates spredes på Facebook (DR) ~ | Blogger: [👉HER er BEVISET! Selvom Socialakrobaternes medie-troldehær, har forsøgt at fortie sandheden om twitter-posten!👈] ... {Det store CORONALOTTERI som ekstrabladet kalder det vi ser nu efter lørdagens 11.00 møde og lokale nedlukninger og KRAV om mundbind, som B.T. 's Henrik Qvortrup spurgte ind til; "HVIS nu at det her lille mundbind er en kæmpe i kampen mod stor smitte. Hvis det er så godt, hvorfor har regeringen så ikke påbudt det noget før?."} ... Var Magnus Heunicke og Mette Frederiksen's nedlukning, baseret på forkerte præmisser❓ Hvem bestemmer i WHO, og hvem betaler❓ Hvorfor har EU, herunder Danmark lige sikret sig en aftale, som giver retten til at købe 300 mio. doser vacciner med option på 100 mio. yderligere❓.. Det næste er hentet fra oplysningsforbundet "MAY DAY DANMARK": 📑"I oktober 2019, et par måneder før coronavirussen ankom, var Bill og Melinda Gates Foundation sammen med Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economics Forum værter for "Event 201" - en 3½ times simuleringsøvelse af et dramatisk scenario med en tænkt pandemi. Vores sundhedsminister Magnus Heunicke var også med, hvilket han selv har bevidnet på Twitter. "Tilfældigvis" handlede det hele om en ny verdensomspændende virus, der ville være yderst farlig - 65 mio. døde var det scenarie, der blev arbejdet med. Heunicke fik scenariemodellen eller køreplanen med hjem til Mette, må vi gå ud fra, og nu var det så bare at vente på, hvad der ville ske. Og voila - den kom ganske som spået i simuleringen. Men det gik dog ikke helt som præsten prædikede. Sygdommen opførte sig kun en del værre end almindelig influenza, var mest farlig for folk med andre sygdomme eller lavt immunforsvar, og hospitaler har stået tomme, mens ventelisterne for andre behandlinger er vokset, og samfundet er gået i stå."📑 ~ May Day Danmark... OG som jeg snakkede med min familie om på sommerferien til jylland for nylig, INGEN, kan se det, danskerne er DYBT forankret i løgnehistorien og alle mærket af Stockholmsyndromet... 🤔PS: HVORDAN kan panelet af afgørende sundhedsfolk og regeringsmedlemmer på lørdagens pressemøde STÅ OG SKRALDGRINE, mens Søren Brostrøm, leger klovne-mund-binder, og danskere går amok i dyre mundbind og virksomheder bankerot og alle lider, grundet et planlagt Virus-Falsk-Flag?... Jeg forstår det ihvertfald, ikke... Gør du?... | |
⛰️ ~ 💗 (Wisdom From North) Rahelio about Sedona's Energy Vortexes, Soul Mates and UFOs (SoTW Archive) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Jannecke Øinæs from Norway (on the Scandinavian Peninsula where SoTW also live) is a very popular spiritual teacher. Studied theatre, former singer, has a Bachelor Degree in Metaphysics from the University of Metaphysical Sciences (UMS) and many, many other things... (SoTW) As recommended by my friend and REIKI master Monica from US, Rahelio Roderiguez is also a great spiritual guide, astrologer and healer. Wisdom teachings from both eastern Yogic traditions, Taoist wisdom, the Medicine Wheel, practice of western astrology, Christian mysticism and Native American shamanism and many other things.. Been lucky to visit both Sedona, Arizona and Sacred Mount Shasta and its spiritual mysteries. Many different types of vortexes are claimed to exist. From paranormal portals that act as doorways to the afterlife (or other dimensions), to spiritual spots near the convergence of ley lines. Besides US, England has many know energy vortexes, but rest of Europe, very few and Scandinavia, none. But ley lines, yes... PS: After the complete nonsense from govt lockdowns around the world, especially America, a part of my heart is broken off, forever. Traveling by plane is going to be soooo hard - all part of a plan to keep people at home.. After the ID-chipping, Corona-Passports and vaccinations, and new normal with face masks, Social Credit System and 5G, everything will open up again... |
In this interview I met Rahelio Roderiguez in Sedona, Arizona. Rahelio is a great mystic, and astrologer and a spiritual guide residing in Sedona. I felt like I could ask him almost anything and he would have a wise answer to give. I really enjoyed hearing about soul mates and kindred souls as well as his encounter with the highly evolved star beings.
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🛦🤑👑 ~ (The Almighty Military Dictatorship) Could This Be America's Most Expensive Combat Drone Ever? (ZeroHedge) ~ | Blogger: Blogger: [💰The ACTUALLY Program Cost: US$1.508 trillion (through 2070 in then-year dollars)💰] ... PS: As former foot soldier in Royal Danish Air Force military police K-9 handler security forces, i'll seen many military aircrafts in/out Air Force Base in Værløse and of course interested in what is going on with F-35, which is considered the WORST military fighter plane of the century... Verdensalt has said this for years and years... ✍️HOW Denmark and EU (and on other continents), was FORCED or DRAGGED into signing the Joint Strike Fighter program (JSF), Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II, years back in time, before decision was final, to order F-35's, instead of Boeing’s F/A-18 Super Hornet, SAAB F-35 Draken, France’s Dassault Rafale or other competitors, stealth fighters. A contract that has (will) cost danish taxpayers 66-100 billion or danish kroner for one-time-cost, personal schooling, operating and maintenance costs, new hangers and all the lies they need to paid out to Mainstream media (MSM) etc. etc... 🤔DID YOU KNOW, that former chairman of board of DR(Danish Official Broadcasting Media Corporation), Michael Christiansen, and co-owner of the Danish lobby bureau, Lead Agency A/S, with other V.I.P.'s from Danmarks Radio, had financial interests in choosing F-35 fighter? Since 2013, when Lockheed Martin hired Lead Agency as its Danish weapons lobbyist, the turnover in the company has more or less doubled from DKK 11.8 million to now DKK 20.6 million. WHAT THE HELL are famous Torsten Stiig Jansen, Danish journalist, foreign reporter, US correspondent, foreign director and news host at TV Avisen and THE CHAIRMAN of a Danish public-service radio and television broadcasting company involved in covert military operations? Oh Oh the Planned[Demic] Corona[FrankenVirus] is runned by a former reporter, Magnus Heunicke, Minister of Health and the Elderly (Was at Bill Gates exercise meeting of EVENT 201 - twitter post, so it all make sense now🤪 ... 🕵️♂️(Speculations:) NOW, Trump has recently commanded former CIA chief Mike Pompeo to Denmark to buy Greenland with oil wells, huge uranium reserves and Arctic F-35 rearmament, as well as plan top secret military measures, against a life-threatening Russia? Mike has probably also talk about the Faroe Islands' cooperation with the Chinese and 5G and how the USA can destroy the possibilities for Turkey and Russia's North Stream 2... 😀ANYWHO, one thing is for sure, The US Department of Defense is not exactly cheering on the F-35 fighter jet. Some of the 1,000 deficiencies on the plane are still a problem and it can only fly half the time, especially not in the arctic cold weather and many has crashed landed... | |
Source (Zero Hedge)
The National Interest suggests all this new technology packed into the F-35, that being an advanced suite of long-range sensors and targeting systems, could allow it to become a "long-range drone."
The idea would be to leverage its advanced suite of long-range sensors and targeting technologies. In fact, it would not be a stretch to say that the F-35 can function as a long-range drone, aerial relay node, missile tracker or surveillance plane. - The National InterestThe F-35 costs between $94 million (F-35A) and $122 million (F-35B) per plane. The entire program is expected to cost $1.5 trillion over its 55-year lifespan. There are no figures publicly available that shed light on how much it would cost taxpayers to transform one of these stealth jets into fully a fully autonomous aircraft. (READ MORE)
😩😠😟 ~ (#SaveOurChildren) A must see! Parents really need to MONITOR the things purchased by and for their children! (GalacticConnection1 + Alice Down The Rabbit Hole) ~ | Blogger: [👉Disturbing Things For Children👈] ... (SoTW) I'm speechless - disgusting... UPS - SoTW made a mistake (corrected)... #SaveTheChildren = The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation... #SaveOurChildren = to end human trafficking and abuse of children (thanks to the "IF YOU ONLY KNEW" youtube channel)... |
A must see! Parents really need to MONITOR the things purchased by and for their children!— GalacticConnection1 (@HMajesty888) August 15, 2020
Disturbing Things For Children
🔴 ~ BREAKING: Robert Trump, younger brother of President Trump, has passed away (Daily Caller) ~ | Blogger: [👉R.I.P. Prayers go out to the Trump family👈] ... DID YOU KNOW Trump's former daughter-in-law, Vanessa Kay Haydon Trump, an American socialite, actress and former model has been on several secret visits to a little Danish island? The family relationship between Denmark and the US President is closer than previously assumed. On a small danish island called Orø, near Holbæk, lives John Ewans Porting, son of jazz composer Kai Ewans, who emigrated to the United States in the 1950s. John Porting's siblings still live in the United States, Vanessa Trump and Donald Trump Junior have five children together - only one was in Denmark. In addition to her visit to the family, Vanessa Trump was also invited to lunch at Marienborg with Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti) at that time (2017)... |
BREAKING: Robert Trump, younger brother of President Trump, has passed away— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) August 16, 2020 |
❌🦸🕵️♂️ ~ THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening (Qlobal-ChangeUSA+VA Patriot+ABCNews) ~ | Blogger: [🤜The FAKE NEWS (MSM) are in full panic mode about the Q-Movement !!! They called *Q* a diabolical plot ~ EMKA17 on PARLER🤛] ... (SoTW) Apparently all MSM media outlets is out saying that QAnon followers has hijacked the #SaveTheChildren Movement and ridicule that "no" #EliteGlobalPedoGate exist... Video called THE TIMELINE - is a good video - watch it as newbie or expert... .. [👉SO WHO IS *Q*?👈] ... SoTW's interpretation: Reported as not only ONE male person, but several people from the "handpicked" Pentagon's top military brass (staff) and other groups in the US. Could also be senior intelligence analysts, Trump admin employees or from the 'positive' military, equipped with Q-CLEARING (hence the name) - Top Secret Clearance with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Access (TS-SCI)... They are actually 'required' to relay intel-drops 💧 (cryptic messages) - which for some reason they call "crumbs". Q posts post through a medium like "4chan" ( from anonymous users as "Anons". (anonymous "bulletin board system" website - compared to BBS in the old days - many emails authenticated are confirmed via Google's DKIM 2048 key), to tell the public about POTUS 'master plan, to set up a counter-coup against members of the Deep Dark State ( TheDeepState / ShadowGovt), is outside the country's laws... *Q*, will 'show up' if the stories spin too WILD and PEOPLE are misled to get EVERYONE back to reality!!... So the *Q* posts speak in "codes" (trip codes and have since tried to compromise, imitated by other 'dark combans' - code - conspiracy, intell., Coup vs. counter coup, advanced tech, micro & macro / endo & exo narrative awareness)... There is much more, but do you own research and use your own spiritual discernment... |
💰⚰️🔫 ~ Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Banker At Deutsche & Citi Found Swinging From A Rope (HAF) ~ |
Source (humansarefree)
Jeffrey Epstein’s private wealth banker, who brokered and signed off on untold multiple millions of dollars in controversial Deutsche Bank and Citibank loans spanning two decades for the convicted pedophile, has died from a reported suicide.
The news of yet another mysterious Epstein-linked death comes shortly after the FBI was seeking to interview the bank executive about loans he approved for Epstein and the indicted child trafficker’s labyrinth of US-based and offshore companies.
The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner confirmed Thomas Bowers died by an apparent suicide by hanging at his home. (READ MORE)
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