Mar 26, 2021

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (SSP NEWS) Final Message for Great Awakening vs Global Reset Webinar (Video Trailer) (Dr. Salla ~ | Blogger: I'm not a recruiter for Dr Michael Salla webinars or anybody else's for that matter... is a nonprofit blog, no ads, no advertising and marketing, non governmental organization and no funding of any kind. It's meant as a Portal. Using symbolism, video or photos to create a good atmosphere. Do my own research, speak my mind, good friends giving me intel some times. However, most of the times, I do my own thing, as a citizen journalist, just treading water with no paycheck but lot of my mind... Yes, I have meet Dr. Salla, twice actually, goofy guy, really, tried to talk to him, but not a friendly character as a nobody hillbilly from Denmark, with no leading or interesting storytelling in the UFO community, to share, but who cares. I've meet some amazing people, in the days, at a time, when it was possible to travel, and that is why, it's sooo much more interesting, to speak about our Galactic friends in the skies, instead of being bothered about all the DRAMA on Earth... |



Aloha all, I’ve just finished my powerpoint presentation for tomorrow’s Webinar Intensive on the Great Awakening vs the Global Reset. It will be an information packed Intensive with nearly 140 slides detailing the history and exopolitical processes behind the “Global Reset”, or what the World Economic Forum wants to call the “Great Reset” – there’s really nothing great about what is being planned!

What makes my presentation different to many others critical of the “Global Reset” is my exopolitical analysis. After more than 30 years teaching, researching and writing about international conflict, I’ve learned that it is only through an understanding of the hidden involvement of extraterrestrial life that one can make sense of what really happening behind the scenes. Without an exopolitical analysis, it’s like trying to understand the complexities of world politics from the perspective of local government personalities and issues.

So, what is it about the hidden history and involvement of extraterrestrial life that brings clarity to the ideas of a Great Awakening and a Global Reset? First of all, we need to understand that multiple secret agreements have been made between those making up the Cabal or Deep State with their extraterrestrial overlords. These agreements involve the creation of wars, poverty, and famine in order to fulfil the conditions of the agreements, but without the rest of the population learning about what is truly happening. Countless millions have mysteriously disappeared and been used for a myriad of purposes by their extraterrestrial abductors.

✋👮⚖️ ~ (B up front v/Bettina J. - Spirituel udvikling til privat, erhverv) Hvor korrupt er Centraladministrationens politi, retsvæsenet og statens ministerier og styrelser og alt hvad der ligger herunder? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤑Den væmmelige korruptionssag i Rigspolitiet og svimlende grådighed hænger IKKE sammen med Spiritualitet🧘] ... O-M-G!... WHAAAT!?🙄😱... ENDELIG ER "NOGLE" AF DEM BLEVET SIGTET!... Kan du huske hele den rådne sag og hende, Bettina Jensen, tredje øverste chef i Rigspolitiet og alle hendes fake venner og veninder såsom Mariann Færø fra Danmarks Radio, herunder tidligere DR-boss, der fik vennetjeneste af politikvinde?... JA hende Bettina-pigen med det uglede hårpragt, der hyrede DR-veninder, der malkede politiet, staten og skatteyderne for over 47 mio. kr. vha. ulovlige kontrakter, skal nu "hjælpe andre mennesker på deres vej - og dermed også gå min vej i mit liv", siger hun på hendes hjemmeside med Clairvoyance, håndlæsning, tarotkort og se og tale med afdøde mennesker... Minder mig om Henriette Zobel(med al respekt for de døde og hendes dengang forfærdelige sygdom, alkoholisme), havde underskud efter hendes spirituelle firma's konkurs og skyldte over 2 millioner kroner i flere år, før hun døde, til Skat... Min forrige polske kæreste som også var dansk Clairvoyant, der misbrugte mig og mine penge, og kunne redde ALLE i verden, ligesom Bettina, men IKKE, sig selv. Hun snød det danske system med at overbevise om, hun havde rygproblemer i mere end 20 år og var på overførselsindkomst, men da jeg var sammen med hende, havde hun INGEN problemer... JEG FORSTÅR DET IKKE!!... ☝️PS: Jeg vil våge den påstand, hvis BT og EB's graverjournalister var lige så dygtige og forhippede på at afsløre hele Coronaløgnen, som med Bettina-sagen eller F-35 i DDR, Michael Christiansen og Torsten Jansen fra Lead Agency AS venner fra Lockheed Martin og Forsvarsindustrien, så havde vi et friere land i 2021... Og ikke som nu, hvor hver dansker skal betale for nedlukninger og oplukninger i hele dette COVID-scam eller hoax, helt ind i næste generation, mens vores børn og ældre lider og Mink-Medico-Mette kan indkassere Nobels fredspris, topjob i EU med millioner på kontoen og griner hele vejen ned til banken... |

Politichef sendte opgaver for 10,5 millioner kroner til sin veninde og modtog 790.000 kroner, lyder anklagen

🙏 ~ 💝 (‘You Are Being Lied To') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: You are being 'programmed' - new age, political or religious - all of them are 'control' mechanisms or based on 'spells' or 'words' (or lost in translations)... |


🙏 ~ 💝 ('Jew's Star', Kids Fake PM & Vaccine-Rat-Race) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [👉Mette lystløgner og hård benægter, 2 mia. kr. ugentlige 700.000 om dagen dyre falsk positiv lyntest, coronapas, grundloven og gakket matematikere. Hvorfor er der ingen COVID-19 spytstest???👈] ... Lad være og lyv, vær ærlig over for dig selv - er du det ikke? Lyver vi for at beskytte os selv og andre? Vi har svært ved at sige sandheden - og dermed stå ved os selv. Det kræver selvværd at turde sige sandheden. Det kræver mod, at stå udenfor det fine selskab - at være den, som ender med at blive sat udenfor, når musikken stopper, og der ikke er flere stole... Fat mod, du er IKKE alene... Der er flere og flere, som stiller sig "uforstående" overfor de lovindgreb, som regeringen og folketinget har foretaget i forbindelse med det aktuelle udbrud af Covid-19... Flere, som vitterlig er bekymrede for de sundhedsmæssige, sociale og økonomiske konsekvenser, som indgrebene har i forhold til befolkningens generelle trivsel og vores rettigheder som mennesker... Flere, syntes, der er foretaget en fejlanvendelse af folkesundhedens- og forsigtighedsprincippet, et centralt aspekt i dens politik, oplever, at de indgreb, der er foretaget, hviler på et "MEGET" spinkelt sundhedsfagligt grundlag, og at alvoren i det aktuelle udbrud af Covid-19 ikke står mål med konsekvenserne af indgrebene... Flere, oplever, at disse indgreb har ført til en sygeliggørelse af raske mennesker og har skabt angst og splittelse i befolkningen... Flere, syntes, at konsekvenserne af indgrebene, som regeringen og folketinget har indført, er ude af proportioner og gør mere skade end gavn for os alle sammen som enkeltpersoner, for sundhedsvæsenet, især sygeplejersker, som har fået nok og for det danske samfund som helhed... Flere, syntes, at mene, at restriktionerne og indgrebene bør ophæves ØJEBLIKKERLIGT, så vi igen kan få et trygt og velfungerende samfund... I øvrigt mener flere, at det er uetisk at fratage selvstændigt tænkende, følende og medfølende mennesker retten til at LEVE OG DØ, som vi hver især måtte ønske det, herunder at fravælge en given behandlingsform. Derfor tager flere og flere, afstand, fra tvangsaspekterne i HASTELOVEN og fra udkastet til den nye EPIDEMILOV (SoTW fik hjælp fra 35.553 medunderskrivere "Erklæring fra sundhedsfagligt personale vedrørende Covid-19")... |


🌎 ~ 💗 ('With kindness, compassion, and love') Pia's Pleiadian-Earth Energy Report: 22 March 2021 (Pia and Cullen) ~ |

We experienced Equinox just two days ago on March 20, and following the balanced day and night energies we enjoyed that day, we are now entering into a 13-day period governed by the Eastern Earth energy of Exploring. Eastern energies bring movement, life, and new beginnings, and this particular period is full of dynamic changes!

The largest and most important change is the movement of the Venus Star from Gemini into Aries on March 25th, followed by the movement of Venus into the Phase of Transmutation the following day on the 26th. And then we have a Full Moon in Libra's balancing energy on the 28th. Clearly we are experiencing a cosmic push to balance ourselves and our world! Venus in Aries encourages action often accompanied by a sense of outrage at injustice.

It reminds us to voice what needs to be said with courage and do our part to correct social imbalances. The Venus Phase of Transmutation forces us to confront everything that is not working and overcome any fears that may be holding us back.

💖😊🤘 ~ (Viral Videos of The Day!) The Truth Is Out There... And It Hurts... Carpe Diem (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Why Are We Going Through This ~ Lorie Ladd👈] ... |

💉🥤☠️ ~ (“Drinking the Kool-Aid”) Covid Vaccine Lies, More YouTube Covid Censorship, Economic Update (USAWatchDog + MIT + HAR + Reiner Fuellmich) ~ | Blogger: (SoTW) Needle phobia? No prooooblem, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers have now developed a vaccination strategy that can create an army of T cells that are ready and waiting at those surfaces, offering a quicker response to viral invaders - Vaccination by Inhalation - yes, you heard me. The vaccine was delivered intratracheally, which simulates inhalation exposure... JUST like Denmark and other countries, has approved rapid self-test kits (for kids) to take 2 times per week or more, must guarantee asensitivity of over 80%, meaning they must detect four out of five infections... Rather you like it or not, DNA altering genetherapy nanotech microchip implants "vaccine digitization operation system" will be delivered by, injections, inhalation or by PCR swabs (perhaps also by chemtrailing)... |

👩‍💻👨‍💼🤏 ~ (VP CGI China Joe) Put not your trust in Princes, nor in the Son of Man, in whom there is no Help or Salvation! Don't trust Anyone - not your best Friend or even your Wife!?! (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Why is it so hard to trust people these days? How do you trust that God is good in these COVID-19 circumstances? Well, I can only answer this question one way, from my own spiritual insight, not a biblical standpoint or political angle... Some people, tend to want to see the world as predictable rather than capricious... We hate being lied to, but prefer looking at a fake donkey's ass with dementia, than a president, with an unshakable belief in something, hope of strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls... If you wish to get a thrill after spotting a 'ghost' in the mirror, that 'ghost' will stay forever and always hunt you in your dreams... Same goes for COVID-19 Corona Corporation Agenda or any other "Event" in the history, that The Cabal and 'Hidden Hand' has put upon us... Isolation and fear of infection are two factors contribution to a rise in anxiety and depression amid the so-called "pandemic", however, when you learn about the truth, there's no more fear and panic and of course, no going back, to the fakery 3-D Matrix World... And very few, are aware of it but the "digitalization" of the human race is advancing at break-neck speed... |