Aug 25, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟"PAO Galactic Activation Webinar 30: Questions and Answers August 23, 2020." -- Yesterday's webinar was spectacular. We have received many, many testimonials from the attendees. Thank you for the feedback ~ Colleen & Jared Rand🌟] ... |
🐑💉🔐 ~ (Retreat Not Surrender) HEY VIRGINIANS! Coronavirus vaccine will be mandatory for you! Will other states follow your lead and “cause all, both small and great” to be injected? (Skywatchtv + ABC8News) ~ | Blogger: [🛐PRAISE THE LORD - HE'S NOT GONNA HELP ALL THE 'SHEEPLE'😟] ... While, the servants of the NWO in the Scottish Government have run to do the bidding of the World Health Organisation, by ordering COMPULSORY face coverings in Scotland's secondary schools, the pharmaceutical group AstraZeneca has started a clinical trial of a drug to help prevent and treat Covid-19, and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, who almost died of Corona, has stated, that UK will be the FIRST country, to receive and MASS vaccinate, when AstraZeneca RELEASE their, vaccine. Total population of United Kingdom is 72 million and British diaspora 140 million... Denmark has also secured 2.4 million vaccines from same company according to the Danish Health Authority and more to come from other Big Pharma companies. Magnus Heunicke, a danish journalist and politician, who serve as the Minister for Health and Elderly Affairs since 2019, has made it clear, in the latest TV-meeting, that ALL DANES should be vaccinated... |
State Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver told 8News on Friday that he plans to mandate coronavirus vaccinations for Virginians once one is made available to the public. Virginia state law gives the Commissioner of Health the authority to mandate immediate immunizations during a public health crisis if a vaccine is available… (READ MORE)
Bill Gates Explains How Everyone Will Need to Be Injected With Multiple Doses of Dangerous Vaccines
😴🥱🙉 Godmorgen Mens Du Sov Nyheder: 2 Hjemsendelse med fuld løn, 1 Anholdt og Fængselsstraffet af de 3 MEST magtfulde MÆND i Danmark, en del som udgør Magteliten, hvor 423 danskere styrer landet og hævet over loven. Baseret på 1 Whistleblower og 1 Reporter (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Findes der sikkerhedspakker for journalister som vil være whistleblowere? Nej vel, ellers ville den danske presse gå planken ud mod faglig selvudslettelse🤛] ... DET ER SINDSSYGT VIGTIGT at Staten har en "sladrehank-ordning" for snyd med COVID-støtte, i kommunernes anonym sladreordning, som kan bagtale og indberette "naboen", men når det kommer til det SUPERHEMMELIGE Politi, Militær og Efterretningsvæsen, så er tale sølv, men tavshed er guld... 🕵️♂️Mener det er én whistleblower og én Journalist på, og evt. andre graverjournalister (TET), som har LÆKKET sagen om Lars Findsen, Thomas Ahrenkiel og den tidligere hærchef Hans-Christian Mathiesen, der idømmes i Vestre Landsret tre måneders fængsel...⛓️DIN KARRIERE er slut, hvis du tør stå frem som kendis i offentligheden eller værre, ud af de 1100+ danske journalister som arbejder med Nyhedsjournalistik, privat og offentligt og afslører (U)SANDHEDER, der kan ramme censuren, der beskytter STATER, PERSONLIGHEDER eller andre MAGTINSTANSER... 🗣️SoTW var én ud af mange, som undrede sig over hvorfor 1600+ journalister / politikere / medieansvarlige var inviteret, tre gange via e-mail, ingen dukkede op, ingen mediedækning før og efter Mads Palsvig første LIVE optræden i Kedelhallen, Frederiksberg jan 2016. Største chok for danskere var nok, at Nationalbanken var på private hænder - og drives som en kartelvirksomhed... 🤔Nu kunne man jo fristes til at tro, at der sidder en række personer – en lille sammenspist magtelite – som styrer Danmark efter deres egne hoveder. Er det sådan, at toppolitikere og topchefer fra erhvervslivet sidder og lægger skumle planer for Danmarks udvikling?... 🙋SPØRG, Kronprinsen, HVORFOR han har holdt hemmelige møder med forsvarschefer... 🙋SPØRG de 10,300 medlemmer af Frimureriet i Danmark gennem 250 år, der har beskyttet Formand (Ordenens Stormester) Walter Schwartz, og Den Danske Frimurerorden, der IKKE er demokratisk organiseret, idet foreningens organisation er autokrati ("enevælde"). Den Danske Frimurerordens formand er suveræn i sin ledelse... 🙋SPØRG, som er grundlagt af journalist Tommy Hansen, SoTW har mødt, den danske journalist - den ægte vare - og frihedskæmper, døde desværre i 2018. Ære være Tommy's minde... 🙋SPØRG, de 9 såkaldte MSM "junkmedier": 24nyt, Newspeek, Folkets Avis, Den Korte Avis, Dagens, Nyheder24, Digitale Nyheder/Krammet, og Døgnets... 🙋SPØRG,, et undersøgende journalistisk medie, som først og fremmest fokuserer på det offentliges forvaltning og dets afholdte udgifter... 🙋SPØRG, det internationalt panel af eksperter og én journalist, der holdt oplæg om, hvad forskningen har vist om elektromagnetiske felters påvirkning af dyr, planter og mennesker. Beretningerne var ikke for sarte sjæle, SoTW var med (5G konference på Christiansborg 2019 i samarbejde med Oplysningsforbundet May Day og flere)... |
💑 ~ 💗 Holistic Healing (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: "Living through a global pandemic highlights the necessity to pay attention to our entire holistic health…our immune system. 2020 is revealing the hidden, the forgotten and the suppressed aspects that require healing. In the spiritual/wellness community we call this Shadow Work. Stuffing traumatic feelings or blocking painful memories will only weaken our immune system. It creates an energetic barrier that blocks connection to our Soul presence. " ~ MEG👈] ... |
The sun just entered earthy Virgo, the sign of holistic healing. The holistic approach to life includes all aspects of our being, including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Instead of just treating certain parts, we heal the entire system, bringing all biosystems into coherence and harmony. Oftentimes the medical approach bypasses how emotional trauma or mental anxiety or spiritual karma is negatively affecting our physical health and wellbeing.
🎙️ ~ 💗 The Next 4 Months – What Will Happen - What To Do - w/Laura Eisenhower + Updates (Ground Crew Command) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🤜SoTW heard Laura Eisenhower speak about the Mars-Saturn square and its influence in the last episode of Jim's Ground Crew Command Radio. Check it out. Below, info from their latest newsletter 🤛] ... PS: As SoTW, Cobra, Benjamin Fulford & Ralph Smart has CLEARLY stated, humanity will experience the MOST intense times in history, with FALSE FLAGS until and after November USA election, to KEEP the Earth's population in a DORMANT STATE. And SoTW would also add, that the AGGRESSIVE move for Global 5G rollout, as we speak, will EXTEND the COVID-19 false flag fearmongering tactics.. Why do you think 5G network is here and now? Because it stops or pauses humanity, to evolve to next level in our Consciousness evolution and ascension process... |
Here's a copy of the info in his last newsletter:
"Cobra just alerted everyone about the tense & volatile period coming up the next two weeks - as the most likely period for false flags (& orchestrated riots, disguised with the customary benevolent facade the Cabal is infamous for).
He has correctly stated ... in no uncertain terms ... that - how the next two weeks go, will largely decide the rest of the year, and therefore ... the speed of attaining freedom & peace.
The two main 'tricky' dates most likely for false flags (or false flag events dressed as 'grassroots' movements) combined with dark rituals, is:
* This Monday, Aug 24 - for the VERY volatile Mars-Saturn Square
* Heliocentric Eris-Pluto Square, on Monday Aug 31st
Because the physical & non-physical dark ones will heavily co-ordinate all their efforts to 'mess-things-up' as much as possible on these two key VOLATILE astrological dates ... I'm concerned that loose co-ordination of a simple Flower-Of-Life visualization may not be enough.
MASS ... EXTREME ... and DELIBERATE transmutation of a sustained nature is most likely needed - to remove any danger of further delays to The Event & Freedom.
ENTER THE 144K ...
🤗🗣️🙉 ~ 💗 (Gymnasieelever - og deres rektorer - kalder på handling) Elever strejker og demonstrerer igen i Aarhus: Nok er nok! (TV2 FNYS NEWS) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉SÅDAN! Skønt at se, der ENDELIG er nogle, desværre mest unge mennesker, der faktisk er vågnet op til dåd efter prinsesse skønhedssøvnen og fået nok af Coronaløgnen! Dog skal min egen 12-tals pige Eliteniecen og hendes 3.g'ere fra Nordsjællands mest prestigefyldte gymnasium, dog ALDRIG på gaden - så hjernevasket De er.! Stakkels dem👈] ... PS: Hvorfor kalder Verdensalt TV 2 Nyheder for 'FNYS NEWS'? Tror jeg starede dillen og Kirsten Birgit samlede det op, eller omvendt, dvs., når Kirsten svarede med et fnys og fortsatte sin historie... TV2 og DR er politisk (korrekte) skandaløse propagandamedier, det ved du godt, ikke?... |
🦹♂️💰🔐 ~ Most Controversial Document in Internet History: The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (VT Today) ~ | Blogger: [👉LOOONG article, some of the storyline SoTW has shared before from Veterans Today about the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia, that the journalist, Benjamin Fulford, keeps referring to. According to wikipedia, VT Today is a pro-Kremlin, antisemitic conspiracy theory and fake news website. You be the judge of that👈] ...Thanks to Louis, my 50 years experienced danish Holistic / Naturopathic Doctor friend, for sharing... |
※🔴Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | ~ Covid-19 fear porn mongers are being systematically hunted down and killed ~ | Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: [👉IF... if, a campaign to systematically hunt down all the Covid-19 Western leaders are true, will that include the take down of The Danish Corona[Corporation]? Perhaps you don't know, but Rothschild & Rockefeller "owns" Denmark, since The Danish State Bankruptcy of 1813👈] ... According to COBRA; "The critical moment of the spread of the virus throughout Europe was when European ministers decided to keep the borders with Italy open at their meeting in Rome on February 25th, as ordered by the Black Nobility" (from Monday, March 16, 2020 'Endgame Scenarios')... |
Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.
Covid-19 fear porn mongers are being systematically hunted down and killed
Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. Especially after Cobra and David Wilcock and others latest outbreak of mistrust in BF postings... With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...
Make no mistake about it, Satan-worshipping Khazarian gangsters are trying to kill you and your family. That is why a campaign to systematically hunt down and kill all the Covid-19, fear-mongering, fascist Western leaders has begun, multiple sources say.
“The entire Covid-19 fiasco is part of the UN agenda 2030, which includes many things but most importantly the digital currency and RFID implants to interface between government and private industry surveillance of global populations,” MI6 sources say.
P3 sources are claiming the trail leads directly to the Rockefeller family and their current patriarch, David Rockefeller Jr. While Japanese military intelligence sources agree, the Rockefeller family did not respond to my queries as of the time this report went live.
🐰🕳️🏃♂️ ~ Ghislaine Maxwell plots defense for 2021 criminal trial (OAN) ~ | Blogger: [👉MONEY TALKS AND MONEY KILLS - ELITE RABBIT HOLE👈] ... According to this report, "'Madam' Maxwell linked to film stars and top politicians" (#GlobalPedoGateRing), could avoid jail time, and how Prince Andrew, has isolated and silenced himself, while innocent lambs, being "slaughtered" (sexual abused)... PS: the Video Part III - 'PEDOGATE 2020 PT.3 - Symbolism & Pizzagate 2.0' is out... |
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