Apr 6, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (Anders And-agtigt VakkZine, Lyntests & Waffen-SS Sundhedspolitik) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 |

(19) Rikke Hauge | Facebook
Statens Serum Institut testede vaccine på kz-fanger i 1944 (berlingske.dk)

🙏 ~ 💝 (#Stop&GetOutCoronaCOPS) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: 1st video, is very sad, after an family is being thrown off a SpiritAirlines flight because their young child is eating without a mask... 2nd, is from Canada where health inspectors are getting clear messages from the guests at a patio to get out. The servants of the system are thrown at the door... 3rd, police officers tried to shut down an Easter service and the pastor went bananas and it actually worked... 👀📢👂 TOP HEADLINES from Simon Parkes: "Helicopter activity at White House". "Unconfirmed reports that Biden taken to hospital.". "Has the Pentagon gone to DEFCON 2? - A Great Deal Happening... There is much taking place, and unless you are in the Pentagon it's practically impossible to get a full accurate picture of what's unfolding.". "China radio intercepts. Suggesting another play for Taiwan"..."US Navy assets capture weapon of last resort hidden on the container ship in the Suez Canal."📢👂👀... |

StopAntisemitism.org på Twitter: "OUTRAGEOUS - another Jewish family is being thrown off a @SpiritAirlines flight because their young child is eating without a mask. https://t.co/coa5mOkhzb" / Twitter


👋🤐🖕 ~ ('3 betænkelige risikofaktorer: RNA / DNA. Gensplejsede (GMO) eller syntetisk materiale.') Den Frie Presse: Anonym læge modtaget trusler fra SST for at udtale sig kritisk om Covid19 vaccinerne (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜'Hvis man bliver 'diagnostiseret' med f.eks.vis. uhelbredelig cancer, er der kun én vej i vores sundhedssystem nemlig; medicin, operation, stråling, kemoterapi og anti-hormonbehandling. Nu har man overbevist en hel dansk befolkning om, at en ikke-eksisterende-vira, ikke-levende, ingen-har-set dens påståede formering, kan reddes med mundbind, isolationer, restiktioner, coronapas samt vaccinationer. Og det er slet, slet ikke slut endnu.' ~ SoTW🤛] ... TAK til SoTW's ven, Anne for at dele, og den frie presse, som jo er helt fantastisk... Min holitiske naturlæge ND med 50 års erfaring, har også modtaget flere trusler, især efter enten uhelbredelig kræftpatienter eller unge HPV-ramte piger eller folk, som stort set ikke kan gå, kommer ud fra hans klinik, næsten "helbredt" (uhhhhh det ord må man ikke bruge i Danmark) eller i væsentligt forbedrede tilstand og overlægerne er målløse og ringer ham op... SOTW er faktisk lidt imponeret over vores regering... At man til stadighed, anno 2021, kan fuldføre Psykologiske Operationer (PSYOPS) i sådanne et omfang, at flertallet af en befolkning, bider til bollen... Mens Dronningen markerer 75-året for Bornholms befrielse med lys i vinduet, går Mink-Medico-Mette strækmarch på Corona forsøgsøen med russerne, græder snot over hun har slået 17 millioner mink ihjel, et undskyld til grønlandske eksperimentbørn og en kærlighedskrammer til Godhavnsdrengene... [LÆS VIDERE] ... METTE OG CO. LÆNGE LEVE HURRAAAA! OG SÅ DET KORTE - UP YOURS! ... PS: EMA's vaccinedirektør ser risiko ved AstraZenecas vaccine, USA og Søren Brostrøm smider dem ud eller pauser dem, dog vil danske landechef Christof Bischoff, ikke genetablere vaccinen med supplerende sikkerhedsstudier... |

Den Frie Presse er blevet kontaktet af en læge, der ønsker at være anonym, da vedkommende har modtaget trusler fra Sundhedsstyrelsen for at udtale sig kritisk om Covid19 vaccinerne.

Lægen skriver følgende:

Det er det gale vanvid overhovedet at godkende disse vacciner, omend betinget, før der er lavet ordentlige undersøgelser over op til 20-30 år over de negative bvirkninger, som jeg har skitseret nedenfor.

Pfizer-vaccinegodkendelsen bygger på en undersøgelse med 44.000 deltagere.

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2034577

Moderna Vaccinegodkendelsen bygger på en undersøgelse med over 30.000 deltagere.


Undersøgelserne er ikke valide som grundlag for massevaccinationer, idet resultaterne udelukkende bygger på deltagernes selv-rapporterede virkninger, og ikke objektive undersøgelser af deltagerne.

Deltagerne er ikke blevet undersøgt, dvs der er ingen læger, som har udført kliniske objektive undersøgelser, og der er heller ikke udført parakliniske undersøgelser som urinprøver, blodprøver, blodtryksmålinger, el lign., og deltagerne har ikke set en læge eller anden sundhedsfaglig person, men har blot udfyldt et spørgeskema derhjemme.

Det fremgår desuden, at man i denne undersøgelse kun har spurgt om de samme bivirkninger, som kendes fra de gamle velkendte vacciner, som ømhed ved indstikssted, hovedpine, allergiske reaktioner, kvalme, etc. Her finder man en beskedent forøget hyppighed af anafylaktisk shock, lammelser og andre reaktioner.

Deltagerne kunne udfylde ’andre symptomer’ (those reported by the participants without prompts from the electronic diary), men det ved deltagere typisk ikke, hvad er.

🦎⚔️🦍 ~ (SSP Spoiler Alert) Godzilla vs. Kong: The Monsterverse's Hollow Earth DUMB Antarctica, ARV SSP Space Tech, AI Robots, Ape and Lizard go Toe-To-Toe (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Here on SoTW I do (try) or tend to see spiritual angles in anything... I looove sci-fi and fantasy movies, especially the ones, that gives a hint, to what we are able to do, that are 1000 years Star Trek & Star Wars ahead in time, and Christopher Nolan film 'Interstellar', was mind-blowing, and Master Jesus and our divine kingdom, are said to have a finger in the pie during filming... However, and I haven't watch Godzilla vs. Kong to the very end yet, Disney, seem to push part Darwin, part gorilla, theory, to a (w'hole') new level... Of course, I do believe in the Inner Earth Civilization Truth or Legend of Agartha... This movie has clues and hints about how a inner earth exist, secret entrance at Antarctica with flying SSP spacecrafts, and not so much about what shaped the creation of the Titans and why they ended up surfacing on our world instead of continuing to live beneath it (that's not what is important)... If you do not trust e.g., Goode's Sphere Being Alliance (SBA) testimony or Wilcock's Devine Cosmos about the subject in matter, lookup who Adm. Richard E. Byrd is, that claimed to have found tropic climate, mammoths, flying saucer, coal, oil, uranium and minerals near Hollow Earth and even entered a new world inside earth core... |


AGARTHA - INNER EARTH ENTRANCE - This is the First Movie ever to be seen of the Polar entrance & the powerful Aurora Borealis like energy field that is occurring at the entrance. This is literally looking into the 5th Dimension from the Russian MIR space station. A truly Celestial vision more beautiful than we could have ever imagined, simply breathtaking.( Both POLES are -No Flight Zones- so this extraordinary document has been made accessible by a courageous russian Whistle Blower) - READ MORE

Astraelia Vega - READ MORE


Below pic - Best video, now deleted/censored by NASA:

More info search on Verdensalt...'Inner Earth', Hollow Earth', 'Agartha'...

💱☮️💖 ~ (What is G.E.S.A.R.A.?) New Dimension 2012: GESARA Notes by James Rink (GAOG Archive) ~ | Blogger: [👉From midsummer, a new summary (no pun intended) of GESARA by James Rink and Rev. Dennis Shipman ~ thanks to GAOG and my Danish naturopathic doctor, for sharing is caring👈] ... Excerpts: "Why is GESARA necessary? Planet Earth and humanity are experiencing The Great Shift of Consciousness, also known as Ascension or The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness. Mother Earth is returning to be a sacred planet, and is taking the entire human population with her (whoever wants to go). It’s a golden age beyond our wildest imaginations. The “dark cabal” governing authority has intentionally and methodically hidden humanity’s historical truth (including extra-terrestrial occupation and genetic tampering) for over 13,000 years or more. It’s plan was to enslave humanity for its own selfish ends. It almost succeeded. The Galactic Federation of Light and the Forces of Light have been tasked by Prime Creator Source to stop and reverse the momentum of this rebellious and blatant dark cabal, and put an end to its deceit and to help humanity and Mother Earth bring into alignment the goals of The Great Shift in Consciousness." (..) ... |


GESARA Notes by James Rink

New Dimension, June 12, 2020



No Poverty, No Hunger, No Debt, Only Global Prosperity, and Peace for ALL!

NESARA has merged with GESARA

Alliance sources are claiming that NESARA no longer is needed in America, since last month Trump signed the revised Paris Agreement, in which GESARA was secretly embedded. Therefore, NESARA, which originally was destined for the Republic of America, has merged with GESARA.

The announcement of GESARA at the U.N. will now affect the Republic along with the rest of the world amounting to a total of 206 sovereign nations.

The new financial system is part of GESARA law.

The IMF will announce the “global gold-standard monetary system” once GESARA is announced at the U.N. All remaining fiat currencies will be cashed in for gold-standard currency. Paper money will eventually be phased out and all currencies will be digital under the new financial system.
The Alliance’s goal is to make the transition event simple, smooth, and swift.

The new financial system (Quantum Financial System – Click Here) has been online for months and is hosted on a protected quantum server that cannot be hacked or accessed without permission.

😂😹🥳 ~ (Attention! distinguished member of the planetary resistance defies the cabal and leaves confinement) Roman Authorities Investigating Jesus For Violating Stay-In-TombOrder (babylonbee) ~ | Blogger: [👉Queen - Who Wants To Live Forever👈] ... From one of Cobra-support groups and thanks for the laugh... We all need some Laughter Therapy in these unpredicted evil timelines... "Jesus turned 125 years old - according to Denmark's most important Bible scholar and the book "Christ in Kashmir" which was written by a Muslim named Aziz Kashmiri in 1973. As many of you are now aware, Jesus did not die on the cross physically. Thanks to the drug with a narcotic that was handed up to him, he fell into a death-like state, was declared dead and then buried in a rock grave with his brother, Joseph of Arimathea, also called, rich man from Arimathaea." (see link in danish)... |

JERUSALEM—Roman authorities are investigating controversial religious leader Jesus of Nazareth for violating the Empire's clear "stay in tomb" order. After crucifying him and laying him in the tomb, Roman guards put Him under strict orders to stay there and not come back, rising victorious over sin and death.

But Jesus, answering to a higher authority, refused to stay dead and busted out of the tomb, establishing a kingdom that would never end -- again, in clear violation of the government's orders.

"Jesus is a dangerous rebel, refusing to bend the knee to Caesar and not abiding by the law of sin and death," said one Roman official. "He clearly broke the law by leaving the tomb, and we're going to be issuing a citation and placing him under mandatory quarantine for these crimes."

After coming into contact with many large groups over the course of approximately 40 days, Jesus ascended into heaven and is currently thought to be reigning on high.

Authorities are also investigating Him for planning to gather with a large multitude of every tribe, tongue, and nation. He says he currently has no plans to obey any earthly king on the matter, pressing ahead with the gathering of those who believe He died and rose again and trust Him alone for their salvation.