Feb 8, 2023

🕐💣💥(Here we go almost official) U.S. carried out Nord Stream bomb attack under top secret plan led by Joe Biden, report claims | Daily Mail Online ~ Feb 8, 2023 (SoTW: "U.S. Navy divers planted C4 explosives that caused $500 million damage to Nord Stream pipelines between Russia and Germany, sensational report claims.".. I bet you a million bucks Scandinavian shadow govt was in on it through the military intelligence services and Kabballah. I recall, NATO tested advanced underwater drones in the area, just before it happen) ~ |

U.S. carried out Nord Stream bomb attack under top secret plan led by Joe Biden, report claims | Daily Mail Online


👨‍💻📰🗜️ ~ (I can't 'stress' this enough) Alle børnene har svært ved at sige stop, undtagen Jacob-hanehop der får en tudekop ~ 8. Feb 2023 (SoTW; Zelenskyj i 'opsigtsvækkende' audiens hos Kong Charles - WHAAAT?? Hof-kok tiltalt for befamling? Har Dronningen, VIP medlem af Committee Of 300 (måske verdens mægtigste magtelite), en hemmelig søster som lever i Aarhus og ligner hende på en prik? (via pålidelig kilde). - Skal hun overtage, hvis operationen går galt? Ligesom man siger om Putin, ikke er den originale, spillet af hans nevø, ifølge russerne. Ligesom Fans er bekymrede for Madonna efter at have set hende i weekenden: “Det kan da ikke være hende? Ligesom Biden, bliver spillet af hans tvillingbror, Beau, siger Naomi Biden?. Under hans årlige State of the Union-tale i Kongressen, blev han afbrudt af tilråb flere gange med "Buh", "løgner", mens andre råbte "morder" til 'præsidenten'. Lige nu LIVE på Fox News griller de tidligere Twitter-chefer over Hunter Biden-computerhistorien! Mærkværdigt ikke sandt? Samme sekund Mørke-Mette's porcelænsdukke, Jacob, går ned med stress, melder Mikkel Hansen sig i køen, kåret til verdens bedste spiller. DDFO-Daisy får hold i ryggen, Prins “Wombat”, aflyser skiferie – frygter angiveligt for kroning, skriver, BT Royale og Prins Jokke, scorer topjob i Washington, D.C. med fuld løn og million-apanage. Anders Langballe med hjerneskade og 2 blodpropper, erkender han er misbruger og krænker, skal være særlig rådgiver med millionløn. Kirsten Birgit har en saftig bøf i dagens Den Korte r8Dioavis - at Christina Egelund, har raget og krænket flere mandlige personer! Minder mig om "lystløgnerne", Cecilie Beck og Co. Hvis du ikke ved hvad jeg snakker om, læs alle artikler fra journalista.dk. Mærsk slår egen milliard rekordoverskud igen igen og har modarbejdet at skulle betale mere end 3 pct. i skat. GUD BEVARE DANNEVANG) ~ |

Dronningen om opsigtsvækkende billede: 'Jeg ligner min morfar' | BT Royale - www.bt.dk

Ekspert: »Det er virkelig usædvanligt, at Biden valgte at svare igen på tilråbene« - politiken.dk
5 takeaways from Biden's State of the Union and Republican response - ABC News (go.com)

🙏 ~ 💝 (D.C.'s RR via a GCR reports Charlie Ward + others being hit by energy attacks) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Feb 8, 2023 (SoTW; "Just for the record there have been many energy attacks in the past days and weeks. I experienced a few in the past week. They are not nice and thoroughly draining. This is a war. It’s not a game.".… Charlie Ward. "Massive Earthquakes believed caused by the Cabal were happening in Turkey, Russia and New York, while certain individuals such as Charlie Ward and Ritual Abuse Survivors reported being hit by energy attacks."... Dinar chronicles". SoTW have seen insider video w/Mahoney / Charlie / SimonP promo for 'Great Awakening Tour 2023' 20th/21th of May Manchester. SoTW have been very dizzy or a false sense of motion or spinning (vertigo); Lightheadedness or feeling faint, for many days now. That could linked to something like a trauma-trigger, full moon or Uranus In Taurus'. DEW? No - SoTW is not that important. Under C.O.B.R.A R.M. and under UFO conferences - yes I have been attacked by energy weapons!) ~ |

Zelensky makes surprise visit to UK as Ukraine appeals for more military support | CNN
Brussels on tenterhooks for long-awaited Zelensky visit (france24.com)
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of February 8, 2023 | Dinar Chronicles

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 (SSP whistleblower Jean-charles Moyen, Dan Winter, "Natasha", Kevin Luengo etc. Reference to Dr. Michael Salla and Tony Rodrigues etc.) REVELATIONS OF A STARSEED 2 The unique SHOCK documentary !!!!(English-Version Dubbed) ~ Feb 8, 2023 ~ |

Editors' Note:  I Have a Dream or let's say - I HAD a dream last night! It was so real to me like daytime! I was together with Billy Carson and he showed me lots of different types of physically new gold foil banknotes from around the world after the financial crash started and QFS/G-NESARA begins! (I hate he's showing us symbolism - but I do not know if he's controlled opposing). Anyways, on another note, a "council" of ppl told me in the dream, what I do and what say on SoTW get's many upset! I understand that! I just think I lost a small group in my town belonging to the same intl. spiritual organization, because who I AM! So be it! Yes I'm a sensitive-soul and get sad losing friends, but I AM TRUTH - my truth! It doesn't mean it's your truth! Apparently, i'm not everyone's cup of tea - of course not and I respect that! My last polish girlfriend told me I had a devilish blog, speaking and going against the freemasonic system showing my readers, illuminati symbolism! And she herself alone, can save the world, because she came out as newly-wed Danish teacher with clairaudient abilities. But I saw through her with so many unsolved traumatic problems, she refuse to fix, but could save others, but not herself. Well, I understand I get many ppl upset - I do! But I rather be Service-to-Others, than Service-to-Self and just plainly tell the truth! Spiritual websites sometimes forget, the positive sunbeam stories will not always take you HOME. The imaginable place, where we all sit around the campfires singing "Kumbaya my Lord" smoking hash tobacco and blessing each other's bad self-esteem and traumas, forgetting OUR REALITY, is not always, what takes us all home to God / Source... | 

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍💼⭐👈 (Simpsons incredible predictions for 2023) Ultimate Simpsons Predictions Compilation ~ Feb 8, 2023 (SoTW; A clip from The Simpsons allegedly predicts that Trump's daughter Ivanka will become Pres. of the United States in 2028? No way! I don't think Trump will be pres. in 2024 or before that time, either! You know, Trump is a wild card - a starter - not the finisher. A protected Light warrior by galactic forces, but have served his term in the White House (a building with mysterious concrete barriers, boarded up, emptied out, ‘lights out,’ there is ‘zero activity’ DC, basically a ghost town). He will keep the pledge to 'drain the swamp'. A very likeable and people's favorite woman from outside any political corrupt system, will be leading as the last president of U.S. inc., or the first president of the new republic, according to my H-S (higher self). I have asked 5-6 times now in 1 year and the answer is the same. A woman will take the lead that everyone trust. Could it be the returning "Lady Di"?) ~ |

@laszlounplugged Simpsons incredible predictions for 2023 #nuclearwar #chinaandusa #elonmusk #zombies #simpsons #simpsonsclips #simpsonspredictions #ultimatehandymanshow ♬ The Simpsons (From "The Simpsons") - Just Kids

😇✨💗(Absolutely B-E-A-utiful - must read!) KejRaj from EOL: Awaken, A New World Is Emerging ~ Feb 8, 2023 ~ |



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Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj. The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.

A new light from the Sun shines on Earth at this time. A new energy envelopes the Earth and all of her inhabitants. These are higher frequency light waves, which are bringing great change to life on Earth. One of these changes is the exposure of all the secrets. On a personal level, from family, to local, to federal government, and vast amounts of information kept secret for thousands of years by cults around the world.

The light is dissolving the veils and the lies used to enslave humanity for more than ten thousand years.

There is a group of entities, who work behind the scenes, they are rarely caught by cameras. The television media which they themselves own, do not give them any attention. These people, among many things, they are also trillionaires. They own the banking system. And the majority of the politicians, large corporations, media, and so on.

They can afford and do pay agents(their puppets) to go public with certain agendas, pushing societally destabilizing ideologies on the populace for the purpose of chaos, division, and ultimately control. While some of them are used to push larger agendas, such as climate change, vaccinations, wars between nations.