The moment you've been waiting for is here... the VIDEO version of my interview with Jenny McCarthy and Corey Goode just dropped 21 minutes ago! Check it out!— David Wilcock (@david_wilcock) February 22, 2020
Feb 22, 2020
🌟 ~ Jenny McCarthy talks to Corey Goode & David Wilcock about their documentary "The Cosmic Secret." ~ | Blogger: [🌰In A Nutshell: Everything You Have Been Told Is A Lie?🤥] ... {How to Spin a Good Story? Star Wars movies is actually portrayed as a documentary. Cabal's family jewel}... I (SoTW) know what you're thinking. Corey Goode & David Wilcock are fraudulent in natural form and used way too much as "sources."... Fake first contacts, crisis actors and spiritual emergencies or not, this interview is for me at least, mind-blowing and real... But of course I lost many friends believing in this sort of stuff, the remaining (old) friends I have left, don't bother, if I tried to explain, they would have laughed in my face!.. Oh well, sometimes it's really really hard to live in this simulation, sometimes i rather be in (my) mirrored parallel universes... |
🤥 ~ Største pilotprojekt til dato: Helsingør er testby for 5G 🏴☠️ ~ | Blogger: [👉Professor of Technical University of Denmark, Lars Dittmann. Mayor, Benedikte Kiær of Helsingør Municipality & The Danish Health Authority, lying caught on open mic in regards to 5G!?👈] ... |
Kilde (
Der er blevet opsat 5G-udstyr på 40 mobilmaster i Helsingør, og for nylig blev signalet tændt. Den nye teknologi skaber debat blandt byens borgere.(LÆS VIDERE)
🧟🏻♀️ ~ 'Kisser' erstatter Mette F. i Fælledparken 1. maj ~ | Blogger: [🙈HUN ER I LIVE!🥰] ... Som også Anette skrev som kommentar: "Godt at se, at der er endelig kommet en sendemast eller anden form for forbindelse til internettet ude på Birgitø, kære Kisser. 👍 Vi har brug for dig.".. |
LO H.-staden og @PerGOlsen! Jeg elsker at se børn der slås, og holder meget af det arbejdende folk, så derfor stiller jeg gerne op som taler på hovedscenen 1. maj i Fælledparken, nu hvor @Statsmin ikke tør. Min rider er 20 smøger, en flaske vermouth og 7 marcinpanbrød. Suck. Dem.— Kirsten Birgit (@DenKorteKirsten) February 21, 2020
🌌 ~ 💗 Ashtar via Erena Velazquez: Humanity are now ready for the Galactic Disclosure 💕 ~ |
Source (sananda)
I am Ashtar Light Forces Commander,
I am grateful to be here and to be channeled by this channel.
It has been a long road for us and humanity. Now it’s about 40 years ago when the Galactic Disclosure was suppose to happen and it was stopped. The transmission was in England on BBC channel, we decided that humanity was not ready for the Galactic Disclosure. Then, in the beginning of 2000, another Galactic Disclosure was suppose to happen, which was interrupted by the Dark Forces with September 11. Now, we are in 2020, this time we believe that we are on the right road to the Galactic Disclosure and the Ascension of Humanity.
We are pleased to announce that we are doing everything we can to save humanity from the Dark Forces who are still trying to interrupt the Event. Please, don’t be alarmed by the Coronavirus, it’s another attempt by the Negative Forces to stop the upcoming Galactic Disclosure. We suggest that you don’t let fear take over you and please meditate to raise your vibrations. We are doing our part from another side trying to stop and eliminate the Coronavirus, which was created in the laboratory. The Cabal wanted to create panic and distress globally.
It has been a long road for us and humanity. Now it’s about 40 years ago when the Galactic Disclosure was suppose to happen and it was stopped. The transmission was in England on BBC channel, we decided that humanity was not ready for the Galactic Disclosure. Then, in the beginning of 2000, another Galactic Disclosure was suppose to happen, which was interrupted by the Dark Forces with September 11. Now, we are in 2020, this time we believe that we are on the right road to the Galactic Disclosure and the Ascension of Humanity.
We are pleased to announce that we are doing everything we can to save humanity from the Dark Forces who are still trying to interrupt the Event. Please, don’t be alarmed by the Coronavirus, it’s another attempt by the Negative Forces to stop the upcoming Galactic Disclosure. We suggest that you don’t let fear take over you and please meditate to raise your vibrations. We are doing our part from another side trying to stop and eliminate the Coronavirus, which was created in the laboratory. The Cabal wanted to create panic and distress globally.
🦠 ~ Novel Coronavirus(2019-nCoV): The Conspiracy That Will Not Die ~ | Blogger: Denmark contributes DKK 8 million to the WHO crisis fund for global preparedness and response in the ongoing Corona outbreak. Why❓. To help enforce the vaccination programs, when it comes?... Italian town of Codogno on lockdown amid coronavirus fears. Mike Adams & are claiming, that italy has lock down 50,000 people across 10 towns as coronavirus outbreak leapfrogs across Europe. Why❓ To install more FEAR into humanity and then be saved by our Health Authorities?... Coronavirus infections has also EXPLODED in South Korea as spread accelerates across Iran, Lebanon and Israel and USA has now over 1.000 cases in secret. WHY❓. Because China, can't box all of the infected people inside their FEMA camps and because no devices can detect if you got it or not... Is it really true, that the Coronavirus was funded and patented by Wellcome Trust (UK, fake sold to Glaxosmithkline), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, DARP, Defra (UK), World Health Organization, European Commission (EU) via the Pinbright Instutute (UK)❓... You be the judge... |
Reports on defaulted banks in China. And so it begins...— Russian Market (@russian_market) February 21, 2020
💣➖💸 ~ 110.000 danskere har mindst en million stående i banken ~ | Blogger: [💰At tænke sig, 237.000 danskere, er dollarmillionærer💲] ... {HVAD SKAL JEG GØRE MED MIN OPSPARING I BANKEN?} ... For det første, har Banken ikke "rede" (kontanter), at dele ud, selvom, det er dine penge. De er allerede i omløb og tjent penge til Banken, via udlån, rent digitalt. Vi snakker om KONTO-penge, derfor kan du ikke længere, gå ned i banken og trække 1 million ud i kontanter. Desuden, producerer Nationalbanken, kun seddel og mønt (5% af pengemængden). Faktisk er det nu overdraget til Finland. Resten, de såkaldte digitale kontopenge (95% af pengemængden), som vi har på vores dankort og som bankindestående bliver produceret af pengeinstituterne uden nogen som helst form for begrænsning eller statslig kontrol... For at undgå at du TABER konto-penge i banken, investere dem... Med den rette strategi samt tid, engagement og en smule held kan du få en større aldersopsparing ud af at droppe pensionselskabet og i stedet selv investere i enkeltaktier, fast ejendom, forældrelejlighed, sommerhus, guld og sølv mønter eller hacienda i Spanien... 💞 På den mere spirituelle side, og ikke egoistiske, kunne det måske endda være, det ville glæde din sjæl, at donere 'nogle' af dine millioner? Gør dine børn og børnebørn, glade. Tænk lokalt, ikke globalt! Forær dem væk af "ægte" kærlighed, uden betingelser, til fattige, donorer og værdigt trængende familier i hele Danmark. Der er så mange fra min forældres generation som bare (bruger) rup og stup og den endnu ældre generation, sparer op til Dansk Blindesamfund og Kattens Værd, som også er godt - et sted? Men, hvis du VED, du ikke kan bruge ALLE dine penge, giv dem dog til dine nærmeste i familien når de trænger MEST til dem, dernæst, hvor det gavner mest. Arv giver jo også anledning til stille nag eller frådende skænderier i mange familier. Pludselig slås man om jagttrofæ og det gamle kaffestel, og det går helt galt, når svigerbørnene blander sig. Arven efter mor, far eller pap-forældre kan splitte selv de mest velfungerende familier, hvis der opstår tvivl om, hvem der skal arve hvad. Særligt galt kan det gå når halvsøskende skal fordele boet - eller endnu værre, hvis svigerinderne blander sig... |
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Arkivfoto. Foto: Bax Lindhardt / Scanpix Denmark |
Omkring 180.000 personer har en formue, der bringer dem i risiko for at skulle betale negative renter.
👼 ~ 💕 The Universe is "on it!" (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ | .. So, when you have a life challenge of any sort, be it financial, health, relationship, career, or a gazillion other things that can arise there upon your earth, think of yourself as a tiny and yet important cell in the body of God .. |
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Photo by Ann Albers in Phoenix, AZ |
The entire universe has support... including you!
(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Message from the Angels
Breathe dear ones, you are all loved beyond anything you can possibly imagine. You are supported in the heavens in ways that are beyond belief. Your only task is to surrender to your heart in each moment, to do what you know to do, and find the joy therein. In a vibration of love, joy, or peace, you allow the universe to help you. In a vibration of fear, worry, or doubt, you block the love that is ever-present and always trying to reach you.
Consider a small thing, such as a tiny cut on your finger. There are so many cells affected – skin cells, nerve cells, blood cells, immune system cells… and the list goes on. Built into your very body, and indeed into each tiny cell is an internal guidance system. "Help! We are cut!” The skin cells alert the nerve cells. The nerve cells alert the brain. Chemical processes are initiated as well. The physical vehicle, with all its miraculous systems working in miraculous harmony, alerts immune cells and cells that help the blood clot. There are nations of cells alerted, mobilized, and coordinated simply to stop the bleeding, prevent infection, and imitate the healing process.
✅ ~ Natholdet: Lidt om den politiske situation hos familien Kakooza 🤷🏿♂️☑️😂 ~ | Blogger: [🖤Hvor kommer al det HAD til "fremmede mennesker" fra🤔] ... DF, Venstre, Nye Borgerlige, Stram Kurs, Klaus Riskær Pedersen - Alle ønsker stramninger på asyl og indvandrerområdet og nogle gange syntes jeg de er ligefrem racistiske? Men de røde partier, holder sig jo heller ikke tilbage? Har ord konsekvenser, kan ord føre til angst og hadefulde handlinger? Kan vi tillade os at sige hvad som helst til andre mennesker? Er danskerne blevet bondefanget af politikernes sprogbrug og retorik i indvandrer- og flygtningedebatten siden starten af 1970’erne, som er gjort os til hadefulde eller er det et urinstinkt?.. Den hårdere politiske tone bliver efter 9/11, World Trade Centre i september 2001, naturlig i dansk politik. Fra at stå alene med skrappe udtalelser om udlændinge, og fra at være et parti, som de andre politiske partier af denne årsag ikke vil samarbejde med, at Dansk Folkeparti efterhånden ikke længere står alene. Partier, som tidligere tog stor afstand fra Dansk Folkeparti, og som nægtede ethvert samarbejde med dem, indgår pludselig i et tæt politisk samarbejde med partiet. Skal det virkelig være sådanne og dermed kan vi konstatere, at landets minoriteter konstant bliver mindet om, hvor de kommer fra, og talemåder, som frakender dem menneskelige værdier og værdighed, står nærmest uimodsagt. Spørgsmålet er, om vi skal acceptere det?... |
🛸 ~ Conference on Extraterrestrials in the Vatican: This is what happened ~ |
Source (
On the 12th, in the Church of St. Anne of the Vatican, a conference was held to an audience full of Jesuits (considered the scientists of the Church), about possible encounters with aliens. Source:
😲 ~ THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE: Unexplained Videos That Will Leave You Baffled... ~ | Blogger: [🔺At around 5:43 minute marker, a videoclip showing a black Triangle that suddenly stops, and vanish going vertical. A man-made Military TR-3B Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts or UFO🤔] ... Perhaps it was created with Project Blue Beam Hologram Technology or CGI Fakes or Photoshoped? (I-don-t-think-sooooo) ... Thousands of sightings of the Flying Triangle have been reported, photographed, and investigated around the world - The USAF denies having such a vehicle. It also denies having replaced the Strategic reconnaissance spy plane - the SR-71 Blackbird. I'm speaking about Secret Government Technology, Black Programs, SSP and the Top Secret TR-3B Flying Triangle... |
🚸 ~ USDOJ: Texas Couple Sentenced to a Combined 140 Years in Prison for Conspiracy to Produce Child Pornography and Other Crimes Against Children ~ | Blogger: [⚖️Protection of Children from Sexual Predators Act👨⚖️] ... As we all know by now, then financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein died in an apparent suicide August of 2019 while awaiting trial on federal sex-trafficking charges at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City.. One of the reasons why Prince Andrew, Duke of York, Royal Knight of the Garter, will never ever be allowed to enter the U.S. of A. without being arrested, since President Trump, has authorised the FBI to subpoena the Prince to force him to give testimony... #QAnon, #Pizzagate, #Pedogate, #Sprit-Cooking, #Pay-to-Play, #Grove-Satanic-Ritual-Abuse-Coverup, #GettyMuseum (Home Of The Cabal's Underground City of Child Sex Slaves), #WestminsterPaedophileDossier, is REAL!?... Aw, so sweet. Everyone's getting in on the lunacy! It must have been made up by the Russians ... just a conspiracy ... created by black magic witches ... never Clinton, just a innocent sweet old lady... or maybe that guy in front of me in the coffee line the other day who seen to many movies... Noooo... This is the REAL DEAL and not only happens every day in peoples normal lives, also behind the scene in dark underground dungeon with satanic rituals and most disturbing forces of evil among secret societies who has no remorse or empathy or regrets for other human lifes... |
Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Texas Couple Sentenced to a Combined 140 Years in Prison for Conspiracy to Produce Child Pornography and Other Crimes Against Children
Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S Attorney Erin Nealy Cox of the Northern District of Texas and Special Agent in Charge Ryan L. Spradlin of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) made the announcement.
Christopher James Regan, 38, a former shipping logistics manager, was sentenced to 90 years in prison after pleading guilty in October 2019 to conspiracy to produce child pornography and two counts of producing child pornography. Tanya Marie Regan, 35, was sentenced to 50 years in prison after her October 2019 guilty plea to conspiracy to produce child pornography and possession of prepubescent child pornography. The sentences, which were imposed by U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman of the Northern District of Texas, also included lifetime terms of supervised release for both defendants.
According to court documents, Christopher and Tanya Regan sexually abused and produced child pornography of multiple children, and they possessed and distributed child pornography to one another as well. The Regans also engaged in graphic discussions about the sexual abuse of children over several online platforms.
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