Jun 21, 2024

😎🥳🤪 (Fredags-Fjollerier) Frimurernes symboler viser ikke vej til Gud. Det er ren indbildning. Gå aldrig tilbage til en fuser ~ 21. Juni 2024 ~ |


Editors Note: Tror du vitterligt på, at de Kabbalistiske skrifter af Aleister Crowley, var en åbenbaring? Det er på tide at tage (frimurer) fløjlshandskerne af. Der er et udtryk som går igen og igen i 'Q', Anons / WWG1WGA bevægelsen; 'We got it all.' Og det tror jeg på. 

En Mason-Masseproduktion af Illuminati, Tempelherrer og Frimurernes symboler viser vej til Gud​​. Præget af sære legender og okkult lære (fx de såkaldte rosenkreuzere), antikkens såkaldte 'mysteriereligioner', samt hemmelige ritualer m.m. Og ALLE holder stadigvæk den 300 år gamle dampmaskine i gang, som ændrede samfundet for, altid. 

Der findes INGEN undskyldning. Disse 'kendis-satanister' eller 'uvidende logebrødre eller søstre', er NØDT til, at bekende kulør i det offentlige rum. Frimurernes doktriner KRÆVER, at de viser PRÆCIST med symbolisme, hvad Deres intentioner er, så de selv, får syndsforladelse, før, de eksekvere eller handler (bejler og beder til). Jeg kalder det for en stiltiende accept eller stiltiende samtykke, uanset om befolkningen agere en uvidende 'normie' eller velvidende 'blind høne'... |  

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😎🥳😵 (Tell-Lie-Vision Dread-Machine) Today's Crazy Vid, Quotes & Memes ~ June 21, 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Freaky Friday


SoTW - HAL - DC - CBS - indiatimes - RT - NATO - Trusselsscenarie: GPS jamming


📽️🔭☄️ (Beyond Blue Beam) Benjamin Fulford has since february 2024 dived into a curated selection of UFO/Project Blue Beam all over the world on wednesdays. It’s up to us to judge their authenticity ~ June 21, 2024 ~ |


By WindlanderJune 19, 2024

Hello readers, welcome back to another episode of Beyond Blue Beam. Today we journey into the realms of mystery and intrigue again. Is it fiction or is it reality? “Red is grey and yellow white but we decide which is right and which is an illusion”. (The Moody Blues) You decide! Share your thoughts in the comments. Also please add whatever other information you have to add to the article. Meanwhile, relax and enjoy the read.

In this exhilarating week dive deeper into Antarctica. Prepare for an immersive experience with a variety of articles and videos covering HAARP, mysterious pyramids in China, a colossal crystal possibly linked to Atlantis in the Bermuda Triangle, and more fascinating subjects.

Buckle up for a thrilling ride through uncharted territories where truth meets speculation. We start with an Antarctica video featuring a blend of CGI, drawings, and genuine photos—a deliberate mix to challenge your discernment. As always, you’re invited to decipher fact from fiction. Are you ready to unravel the mysteries?


This technology was developed by DARPA, an agency of the United States Department of Defense, responsible for creating new technologies for military use under the Pentagon’s oversight. Initially designed as a military weapon to alter the climate and generate catastrophes in enemy countries, HAARP is now also purportedly used to punish those who oppose globalist agendas.

Pyramids in Anlong County: Uncovering Ancient Mysteries in Southwest China’s Guizhou Province.