May 18, 2022
🙏 ~ 💝 ('Tucker Carlson says Nancy Pelosi is Michael Jackson.') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [👇THIS IS NOT NORMAL👇]... Huuuuuge victory to (dobbelt-gangster) Putin and Special Forces after Ukraine Territory Defense Forces (Azov) Steel Works Regiments in Mariupol surrender. They have reached an agreement to surrender 300 seriously wounded Ukraine Solders, so they can get hospital treatment. 2,000 others will surrender tomorrow & lay down their arms. It is widely rumored that NATO troops - or "advisors"- are among those 2,000 or so troops, but this has only been rumored for months. Recently, secret tunnel entrances from the catacombs beneath the steel mill, were located and sealed by Russian forces surrounding the mill. This completely cut off those troops from food and water. Skirmishes between those troops and the surrounding Russian Army forces, depleted Azov ammunition supplies, which could not be refreshed. Azov repeatedly asked Ukraine leadership in Kiev for permission to surrender, and that permission was repeatedly DENIED. - Cant you believe that?. That is your beloved actor-gay-cross-dressing "Lord Voldemort" Zelenskyy - right there! (And Obama, Clinton, EU and DS)... 😟NOTE: I have seen parts of a video called "IN THE STORM NEWS 'ADRENOCHROME: THE REAL TRUTH' SUPER-UBER GRAPHIC!!!" Do not watch it unless you have the stomach for it and understand, how the very, very sick satanical pedophiles operates, and even if I have seen most things on SoTW, due to my 20+ yrs of research, the first 4-15 minutes, is not NORMAL! (you have been warned - link or video - not added)... |
👁️⃤ 💂♂️👑 ~ (Magt korrumperer, offerenes totale overgivelse & hemmelighederne gejler Deres ego!) Linie 3: »Åh, det' skønt at være Dronning,« sagde Preben Kristensen igen og igen (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Og måske er Preben selv, en homoseksuel "dronning" af Showbizz Danmark, søn af (fri)murersvend og god ven af Kongehuset, som også deltog, i prinsesse Isabellas konfirmation... Tror du vitterlig selv på, at Zelenskyj, og hans hustru Olena, der har sunget sangen "Endless Love", skrevet af Lionel Richie, er ægte kærlighed og ægteskab? En præsident, som har vist sig som hardcore bøsse-trold, korrupt millionær, skuespiller samt topstyret af sine elite-håndlangere... Alle kaster sig frådende over Herlufsholm, som blot, viser toppen af isbjerget, af en syg elitekultur af lukket- og magtliderlighed, der driver Dannevang, af mennesker, med en dyssocial personlighedsstruktur - når kynismen og narcissisten råder, bliver røvhullerne belønnet. Disse mennesker, fra mysteriesamfundet og bevarelse af alle hemmelighederne, mangler empati og har så stort ego samt selvbillede, at de anser alle os andre, som "useless eaters" eller "slaver og træller". De største CEO's fra Guld1000 VL-gruppernes domæne til Kongehuset til danske Celebs - er alle bevidst eller ubevidst, sympatisør af Frimureriet (vejen til Gud, penge, magt, vold, begær, sex og undertrykkelse)... Hver dag er vi fra Sandhedsbevægelsen, på jagt efter sandhed og retfærdighed, men ser kun frygt, den rene elendighed og fratagelse af borgerens rettigheder samt overgivelse, i medierne og religions- og politiske-kult-organisationer fremmarch mod toppen af poppens frimurer-dynastier... Og det er ganske simpel, hvordan, vi kommer det hele til livs - meld dig ud af samfundsorden... Det er da ikke anderledes end i Vikingetiden og nutiden... Vikingesamfundet var inddelt i tydelige sociale lag. I samfundets top var stormændene, i midten bønderne, landarbejdere, handelsfolk, håndværkere og mange andre. I bunden var trællene. Samfundets store skel gik mellem fri og ufri, men også mellem rig og fattig. Samfundet var bundet sammen af traditioner og normer. Blev normerne brudt, mistede man samfundets beskyttelse, og i værste fald blev man fredløs... |
🙏PS: Beklager mit ordvalg og jeg er ikke bøssehader - tværtimod - én af min bedste venner er homoseksuelt, men har haft nogle som har forsøgt at tage mig i r*ven bogstaveligt talt og illuminati-ordenen og underholdningsindustrien, er fyldt med kvinder, som rent faktisk var mænd eller trans, engang, også vores rigtige dronning og den engelske, samt 'Michael' Obama (Big Mike), ifølge Janine Morigeau og et hav af andre, fra sandhedsbevægelsen. Du tror, simpelthen, det er løgn. Ved ikke hvad jeg skal sige efterhånden - boller fra Kohberg - det er INTET, som chokere mig, har også brugt 20 år i mit liv (check links)... |
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🎴👑😮 ~ (The Moloch Bunch: Horrific and shocking dark tarot reading about Denmark's royals, hunting parties, Maersk/Evergreen Line & secret cult vaca Greenland with Adrenochrome) TAROT BY JANINE LOOKS DEEP INTO DENMARK 🇩🇰 DEEP STATE/ DARK CULT TIES? ~ | Blogger:... 🧷As you have already noticed, are not involved in any way, shape, or form with hatrism, politics, lluminati, NWO, crazy tinfoil hat and providing plots for hit TV shows and dark material for online chatrooms, conspiracy theories and alike... 🏩This is a place for love, happiness and harmony to all of us... 🤔That said, frankly, i'm also a Spiritual Light Warrior to wake up the sleeping populace and you cannot do that, with only presenting my readers holding hands around the campfire, singing Kumbaya and getting the joy joy joy down in your spiritual beating heart!!... 💭I know what you're thinking - it's too darn easy sitting on (my) spiritual keister and post anonymously, day after day, on a blog, without conveying its messages through an open forum, on youtube or holding seminars, like Anthony Robbins, awaken the inner giant in others... 👤 It's easier said than done when you are a private person facing loneliness on the spiritual path and a minority in a society that does not praise (deep) spirituality, openness, living the art and virtue of defenselessness... 🙅♂️In a dysfunctional society, which knowingly rejects the existence of our extraterrestrial ancestors and fact-truth-giving conspiracies...🤟Don't forget that we all hold the truth inside, recovering empath lovely sensitive, introverted or extroverted, but not ego-narcissistic...😮 do (sometimes) publish blogposts about things that our "deep (dark) state" really hates. Themes and Topics may appear 'negative' but are just a deep basic understanding of fact giving - in our 3-D Matrix of Illusion, that we all live in. The question that you probably have to ask yourself is: What is fake news, alternative facts, source criticism, post-factual, lies and rumors?. YOU, can only hold the truth of that, be the judge, jury and executioner... |
O-M-G!... THATS IMPOSSIBLE!... All men? was Janine 100% correct about Denmark-Daisy? ... I'm getting sick!... My head is spinning like a screw!... I recall, that Kent Dunn told us, that JFK (was) once female and XtremeRealityCheck, says, Lady Di (was) once male (trans)... (Obama called Michelle for "Michael"(transgender) + President Reagan called Princess Diana, for "David" (Elton Johns boy-toy David Furnish) ...
[👉DISCLAIMER: Please - I don't want you guys to burn down my house, or Janine's for that matter, but it makes more sense to me now about my nurse mom told me about gay, Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark and how they put a gag order on him and how he died. SoTW knows the lay of the land and generally doesn't get lost or sidetracked, but this is a stunner! Royalists and parliamentarians, watch out! Truth or no truth, this short video might be plutonium to the 'liar paradox' or adding fuel to the fire of truthseeker paradise! I'm not gonna judge👈]
"In the past, The Danish Monarch, was a deep state cult, a stronghold, fighting NOT to be taking down. In particular Queen Margrethe II is fighting to have her "lifestyle" and it's gonna take some time, before it could be cleaned out by white hats but will be brought to justice - within 6 months it looks like from the cards. There's is a lot of children taking out of there, a lot of it is happening underground, as Janine can see. There might be human hunting parties and the land should be taken away from them if their land is used for that purpose. This Queen is born a male and that is a big sign of cult families and it goes back many satanic cult generations. The White Hats are here in Denmark to infiltrate, but it's a big big mess and it took them awhile to get there! The Royal family is really hanging on to their "lifestyle" - their "reality" and considers us danes as cattle! There's a battle between the Good guys and Bad guys control, and the Good guys still have a ALOT of work to do there!" ~ Janine
PS: the 6 months has passed now...
PSS: Danish: [mɑˈkʁeˀtə]; Margrethe Alexandrine Þórhildur Ingrid, born 16 April 1940) is Queen of Denmark and commander-in-chief of the Danish Defence and member of Committee of 300 and so is Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen...
🔆🌊✨ ~ (The EVENT) "Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold. - Maurice Setter" (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: 🛸UFOs: Few answers at rare US Congressional hearing (surprise - surprise - right??)... 👨🏫I would really like to see some more deeper esoteric teachings on the matter at hand about THE EVENT AKA SOLAR FLASH!... 🤦♂️At least we're all sick and tired of hearing NASA telling us, every week, about Near-Earth objects, asteroids, comets or meteor size of a football field orbiting or close approaches Earth and could potential, kills us all... 😪(15th of May 2022) In two videos length of 5,6 hours by David Wilcock; SoTW - this might be tangible evidence from our 3-D matrix and kids stuff below on your presentation slide David - please next time stick to the topic "The 11-Year Solar Cycle". That said, know, that we all feel compassion for what trauma you've experienced in this life, and thanks for sharing... 🔮Tarot by Janine has touch the subject (EVENT) with her own views and by card zodiac and by saying, the magnetic field will be affected but no Pole-Shift or we will all be dead!... 👽The 'spiritual' leader or spokesperson of Pleiadians resistance-movements C.O.B.R.A. R.M. are saying "The Cycle is Over" with no text, report or explanation. Only a video = disaster movie- made by CIA, called "Cosmic Disaster"...🤔 AM I missing something here?... 🙌My Higher-Self told me in April of 2022; that a MAJOR Earthquake would create epic tsunami. An epicenter in Iceland AKA the North Atlantic ridge hitting New York City (Edgar Cayce predictions 1930). - New York is flooded - YES! - December of 2022! - Will it be called worse than 9/11? - YES! - Is it due to pole change due to the Sun - NO! - Is it due to the earth's magnetism South and the North Pole that revolves? - YES! Ie. the electromagnetic shift on our planet, but not as such a physical landslide - YES! Will it affect Denmark in the long-run - YES (read more at link below)... 😮And next up it's time to end the Ukraine war, prepare for THE GREAT RESET (1929 Economic, Food- & Gas-Great Depression, Cyberwarfare etc.) OR (RV, GCR, QFS, Uplifting of Humanity - Return to Full Consciousness) and initiate Operation London Bridge... 🤗Aaaand then we'd all home free - right (wishful thinking anyway)... 🤫SoTW, off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush.... |
'The EVENT' = Ascension-Energy-Pulse. A SolarFlash from the Galactic-Central-Sun = Solar-Flare or Great-Solar-Flash / Natural-Disasters EMP / Frequency-Transformation / Planet-X-Nibiru / Magnetic-Fields Gravitational-Pulls / Magnetic-Polar-Flip / 3rdEye & DNA-Boosters / Biological-Information-Transfer / The contract of the New Earth = "whatever"... ~ SoTW |
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