Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova |
Mar 17, 2018
TASS | Mar 17, 2018 | ~ London deliberately used codename Novichok to evoke associations with Russia - diplomat ~ | .. "The UK prime minister is using a codename which instantaneously evokes memories of Russia", Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said .. | Blogger: Soooo... NOT really the usual suspects within the western league of the military- industrial complex --> ... 🇬🇧UK, 🇸🇰Slovakia, 🇸🇪Sweden, 🇨🇿Czech Republic among most probable sources of ‘Novichok - Moscow ... Just saying: When the shit hits the fan (Fake vs. Real News) and it will, the world population wil go abeshit (Pardon my French). Surely you don't think that the rest of the NATO-alliance and NSA's '9-Eyes' has absolutely no involvement in this mess and IF they had the real evidence, would not present it for us??? 🕵️🕵️ ALL - countries has a propagandist apparatus. ALL - countries has secret military installations. ALL - countries has high-tech surveillance. ALL - countries has some dirt on eachother (money, porn and corruption). ALL - countries has their own agenda on various strategies to gain power and coerce people into submission. etc. etc. etc. ... Do you want an example: Denmark has just bought WORLD'S most sophisticated data mining from Palantir Technologies, that can predict the future - pre-crime - and monitoring technologies which can scan ALL your digital devices - WITHOUT EXCEPTION. It's meant as a simple office tool for the danish Police Force to file index or analysis tool (so they say), but national intelligence and security authority, PET has it already... A 400 million DKK bargain from taxpayers money ,to own the Dark Lord's crystal ball.. The company Palantir, which also has US intelligence services CIA, FBI and NSA on the customer list. And do you know what the name 'Palantir' symbolic means to these globally citizen surveillance evil apparatus?? It means the fictional magical artefact from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. The crystal ball, which helps the Dark Lord, the Necromancer, the Eye, the Lord of the Rings to see the present and into the future ... So why this spoliation of evidence?? Just submit it to the public, so we all know and can see the evidence with our own eyes and through an independent analyse forum, that it was really Russia, who did it? .. You Can't Handle the Truth! .. Yes WE can ... |
BREAKING | Sputnik News | Mar 17, 2018 | ~ US Prepared Militants for Conducting Chemical Attacks, Poised to Hit Syria - MoD ~ | .. Provocations by US-trained militants groups using chemical weapons will serve as a pretext for the United States to attack Syria, and Moscow has seen corresponding preparatory moves, including the formation of naval strike groups, the Russian General Staff has said .. | Blogger: we don't know if this is true - but most likely, since the Dark Alliance within the US military is funding ISIS and other rebels in Syria, incl. The White Helmets propaganda machinery ... Russian news feeds are also saying that Russia’s Defense Ministry says “US instructors” are training militants to stage false flag chemical attacks in south Syria. The incidents are said to be a pretext for airstrikes on Syrian government troops and infrastructure ... PS: Perfect time to hit the Syrian government - when Russian military is back home and 30,000 flea besieged east Ghouta ... |
Folkets Avis | 17. Marts 2018 | ~ DR bør skifte navn til SM ~ | .. I forbindelse med omlægningen af licensen foreslår jeg at navnet også ændres. Fra Danmarks Radio til Statens Medie. Fra DR til SM. For nu må det da være tydeligt for enhver at Danmarks Radio i virkeligheden er Statens Medie .. |
I forbindelse med omlægningen af licensen foreslår jeg at navnet også ændres.
Fra Danmarks Radio til Statens Medie.
Fra DR til SM.
For nu må det da være tydeligt for enhver at Danmarks Radio i virkeligheden er Statens Medie.
Danskerne er jo også verdens mest skatteplagede folkefærd. Og med den nye finansiering bliver personfradraget reduceret, så vi skal piskes for penge allerede fra en lavere indkomst (at vi så betaler AM-bidrag allerede fra først tjente krone gør det kun endnu mere absurd.)
Danmarks Radio er en underlig størrelse.
Millionlønninger i massevis. Forkælet og proppet ledelseslag. 150 redaktører.
Og almindelige mennesker med beskedne lønninger skal over skatten tvinges til at finansiere dette tag-selv-bord for den snakkende klasse.
At tvinge folk til at betale for Xfactor, de slet ikke ser, det tenderer sadisme.
Her på Folkets Avis holder vi et vågent øje med DR. Eller SM. Eller hvad navnet nu bliver i fremtiden.
Pizzagate News | Dec 30, 2017 | ~ Hugh Hefner's Pedophile Empire Exposed #Pizzagate ~ | Blogger: Always use your own spiritual discernment - no clue if Hugh Hefner was owner of a pedophile empire - but nothing surprises me anymore. #GlobalPedoGate is the downfall of humanity and we must act accordingly ... BBC #JimmySavile #DK70sChildrenActorsSurvivorOfChildhoodSexualAbuse #UKHampsteadCoverUptoPizzagate #ProPedophilia #HistoryRepeats #CorporateMedia #CrackdownonPedophilia ... |
Hampstead Cover Up to Pizzagate Police Interview of A 11 09 14 Part 2 RAW | 16. Marts 2018 | ~ Khader: Det officielle Danmark bør boykotte fodbold-VM ~ | .. Kongehuset og politikere bør boykotte fodbold-VM i Rusland efter nervegiftangreb, mener Naser Khader (K).. - Danmark og andre EU-lande bør bakke op bag Storbritannien. Vi skal øge sanktionerne mod Rusland. Vi skal komme så tæt på (præsident Vladimir) Putin som muligt og oligarkerne omkring ham, siger Naser Khader .. | Blogger: [Danmark er ikke længere det land jeg elskede, da jeg var en ung mand🤨] ... Undskyld mit franske, mener ikke noget racistisk med udtrykket som er misbrugt af Kirsten-Birgit og Hassan Preisler m.fl., men brugt mange gange i medierne, nemlig: "den selvudnævnte præmieperker!" .. Man skal jo passe på hvad man siger, ellers kommer PET og censurGestapo efter os alle!. Vi har jo lige set, at Mette Frederiksens besked på Facebook blev rødglødende, da S-formanden torsdag aften svarede på en kritisk kommentar fra en bruger om Socialdemokratiets udlændingepolitik og partiets rolle i arbejdsmarkedskonflikten (måske også på tide, at Dannevang vågner til dåd) ... JEG STOLER IKKE PÅ EN POLITIKER PERSONLIGHED, som Naser Khader, der støtter mærkværdige koldkrigsmetoder og sender det ud i det politiske landskab .. Tag bare - 'Naser Khader' vs. 'Sherin Khankan'-sagen aka Mansplaining vs. Womansplaining .. Nasar og hele mandedominansen, kvinde-shaming og den skjulte racisme-retorik der propagandere over og sabotere kvinder med etnisk herkomst??.. - ELLER - bevidst fjerdebølge-feminismen og #Metoo kampagnen (“slutshaming og victimblaming”?) ... Naser Khader er politiker, forfatter, debattør, foredragsholder, rejseleder og Senior Fellow ved den amerikanske tænketank Hudson Institute (så han er allerede godkendt af magteliten). Naser Khader har tidligere friet til Sherin Khankan. Det har Sherin Khankan lige bekræftet i Rushys Roulette på Radi24syv! .. ".. Gad vide om den del af historien er blevet givet Marcus Knuth og Martin Henriksen, ej forglemme Inger Støjberg (aka #Stoejberggaten) inde på Christiansborg,' skrev P1-vært Geeti Amiri på sin Facebook-profil.." ... 24Syv Det, vi taler om, kan fortælle os, at Rushys Roulette på Radi24syv! og programmet skal give en officielt undskyld eftersom Nasar har KLAGET! ... O-M-G! ... Lad os tage fat i Nasar som beskyldes for at have skrevet store passager i sin bog af fra blandt andet Wikipedia.. Khader erkender: Mailen om Exitcirklen får ikke topkarakter - Khader erkender, at have fokuseret "alt for meget" på tidligere udtalelser fra kvinderne bag Exitcirklen.. Frontfigur for Exitcirklen: Støtten er væltet ind siden personangreb fra ordførere - Khaterah Parwani føler sig renset af Lars Løkke Rasmussen i sagen om støtte til Exitcirklen.. - "Sort arbejde hos Khader," lød forsiden på Se og Hør i 2007.. Jeg ved ikke hvem som lyver og hvem som har ret, måske lyver de alle sammen?? ... |
De Konservatives udenrigsordfører, Naser Khader, mener, at kongehuset og politikere bør boykotte fodbold-VM i Rusland efter giftangrebet i byen Salisbury mod en russisk eksspion og hans datter. |
OOM2 \\ Julzee | Mar 16, 2018 | ~ Obama's Secret Army FOUND! (SES) ~ |
Omg be ready to get pissed off. Thomas Paine & Michael McKibben found some hard to find (and decipher) documentation of what most of us have never heard of. A government organization of HIGH LEVEL positions with super authority called the Senior Executive Services (SES). 8 thousand Leftist foot soldiers INSIDE government whose sole mission is to thwart Trump's agenda. We can finally SEE in the light of day, with actual names, who this "Shadow government" is we've all heard about. Seperate from what we call the Deep State.
The Gateway Pundit | Mar 17, 2018 | ~ Stunning. Hillary Clinton Gave Russia the US Technology for Hypersonic Intercontinental Nuke Missiles ~ |
by Jim Hoft
On Wednesday Russian leader Vladimir Putin threatened the West with unstoppable intercontinental nuclear missiles.
Putin announced that Russia had developed an intercontinental nuclear missile that can’t be stopped or shot down by any country’s defence system
The Russian leader said the rocket travels 20 times the speed of sound and has unlimited range.
Now we know where Putin gained the technology to build the missiles.–Hillary Clinton.
Diana West at The Daily Caller reported, via Andrew Bostom:
This shocking set of emails that the Examiner reported on shows the nexus of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s foundation, Hillary Clinton’s State Department, Bill Clinton, Russian oligarch Vekselberg, and Skolkovo, “Russia’s Silicon Valley,” the Putin project to transfer Western technology to Russia that was championed and driven by Mrs. Clinton — and, what do you know, 17 out of 28 tech companies that hitched up with Skolkovo also contributed to the Clinton Foundation? What a coincidence. Meanwhile, Barack Obama’s support for Russian WTO membership made the whole global flow so much easier.
No wonder Herd Media, the Uniparty Congress and FBI Director James Comey never noticed a thing. Oh, except that Putin “hated” Hillary Clinton, “wanted to do her harm,” as Comey told Congress this week. Grrr. Maybe hypersonic technology wasn’t enough. But I’m getting ahead of the story.
Let’s pick up with an Army report on Skolkovo written in 2012 (released in 2013) to assess “the implications … for U.S. policymakers.”
Although military activities are not an official cluster of activity, the Skolkovo Foundation has, in fact, been involved in defense-related activities since December 2011, when it approved the first weapons-related project—the development of a hypersonic cruise missile engine. The project is a response to the U.S. Department of Defense’s Advanced Hypersonic Weapon, part of the Prompt Global Strike program.
Message from Montague Keen | for Sunday, 4 March 2018 | Channeled by Veronica Keen | ~ Dedicated to love, truth and simplicity ~ |
Kanaliseret af Veronica Keen
© 2018 Montague Keen
Hver søndag, bringer Montague et budskab om håb og støtte til alle, der er villige til at lytte. Han snakker tit om Cabal og deres evindelige destruktive adfærd.
Many who planned and worked towards the destruction of the human race are being removed from the Earth. Some "deaths" are being reported, many more are just being edited out as if they had never existed. Many, like Zuckerberg, have lost millions, and as money equals power, his power has gone. Without it he is nothing.
The bubble is bursting. That is all it ever was. There was never any substance to it at all. Their control is fast disappearing and the evidence of this is there for all to see. There is nothing they can do to stop it. One of their last underground bunkers in TORC mountain, Co Kerry, Ireland, was demolished last week. This was a significant blow to them.
Use your energy in meditation to bring down all their strongholds in all parts of the world. When you direct your energy and your thoughts, you will be amazed at what you can do and what you can achieve. Your rewards will exceed all you thought possible. When huge numbers of you come together with one thought in mind, then you will realise your own power. Things are moving fast and you must be ready and willing to move forward. Use this window of opportunity. The lies of the Cabal are now laid bare before you. You must consider each case carefully as they seek mercy. Read the Jesuit Oath of Office. This is what they live by. This is what you are up against. It matters not what they call themselves, Zionist/Jesuit, since they have many guises. They hide in plain sight. They are everywhere.
If you stand together, the Cabal can be taken down, and within two weeks you could be free of them and their evil laws. Everything is ready to be put into action when you open your minds to it. Do you have the courage to embrace a new way of life with no more war, poverty, or Cabal-created illnesses. What are you waiting for?
Changes visible to all may happen on March 18th 2018. That will be the first step forward. The second step forward will happen 8 months later.
Be prepared to proceed to the New Age that many of you dream about. You are about to enter the best years of your lives, when you will remove all the blockages that have trapped you in darkness. You will explore the Earth. Everything will be open to you. Life will become exciting. All illnesses will be removed as these were a construct of the Cabal to keep you under their control.
© 2018 Montague Keen
Hver søndag, bringer Montague et budskab om håb og støtte til alle, der er villige til at lytte. Han snakker tit om Cabal og deres evindelige destruktive adfærd.
Many who planned and worked towards the destruction of the human race are being removed from the Earth. Some "deaths" are being reported, many more are just being edited out as if they had never existed. Many, like Zuckerberg, have lost millions, and as money equals power, his power has gone. Without it he is nothing.
The bubble is bursting. That is all it ever was. There was never any substance to it at all. Their control is fast disappearing and the evidence of this is there for all to see. There is nothing they can do to stop it. One of their last underground bunkers in TORC mountain, Co Kerry, Ireland, was demolished last week. This was a significant blow to them.
Use your energy in meditation to bring down all their strongholds in all parts of the world. When you direct your energy and your thoughts, you will be amazed at what you can do and what you can achieve. Your rewards will exceed all you thought possible. When huge numbers of you come together with one thought in mind, then you will realise your own power. Things are moving fast and you must be ready and willing to move forward. Use this window of opportunity. The lies of the Cabal are now laid bare before you. You must consider each case carefully as they seek mercy. Read the Jesuit Oath of Office. This is what they live by. This is what you are up against. It matters not what they call themselves, Zionist/Jesuit, since they have many guises. They hide in plain sight. They are everywhere.
If you stand together, the Cabal can be taken down, and within two weeks you could be free of them and their evil laws. Everything is ready to be put into action when you open your minds to it. Do you have the courage to embrace a new way of life with no more war, poverty, or Cabal-created illnesses. What are you waiting for?
Changes visible to all may happen on March 18th 2018. That will be the first step forward. The second step forward will happen 8 months later.
Be prepared to proceed to the New Age that many of you dream about. You are about to enter the best years of your lives, when you will remove all the blockages that have trapped you in darkness. You will explore the Earth. Everything will be open to you. Life will become exciting. All illnesses will be removed as these were a construct of the Cabal to keep you under their control.
A Message from my Higher Self | Channelled through Mike Quinsey | Mar 16, 2018
Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2018 treeofthegoldenlight
Do not be dismayed at whatever measures are called for to clear the old away, as you will have everything to gain in the course of time. As time progresses the old ways that have no place in the future will gradually disappear. It will be an unsettling unavoidable situation, so never lose sight of the fact that the best is yet to come.
Now that you have progressed past the marker, the restrictions where extraterrestrial visitors to Earth are concerned have been lifted, but there is still a vetting system to ensure that none of them are intent on interfering with your path to Ascension. It is time to meet your “spiritual parents” who are the Pleiadians, and in due course it will take place.
Future events are well planned, and all with the intention of preparing you for the upliftment of your vibrations, and the ultimate is of course your Ascension. So to say, happy times are around the corner and most likely far beyond your present ability to predict. Little by little you have been given some ideas of what it holds, yet you will be greatly surprised by the extent of the beneficial changes.
You will become free souls that are so advanced, that you will be the master of your own future and have much more choice as to what you can do. You will be responsible souls and lead your life in accordance with spiritual edicts from the hierarchy that oversee all of your progress. Life from hereon will get better and better, and already some of you sense the changes that are taking place.
TV2 NYS | 17. Marts 2018 | ~ Først fik spionen nervegift, og så gik Ruslands trolde i gang ~ | .. Stod Hillary Clinton, CIA eller EU bag giftangrebet på en russisk eks-spion i Storbritannien? - her er et udpluk af de russiske konspirations-teorier .. | Blogger: 🍹🍹🍹 Spy poisoning: Putin most likely behind attack - Johnson 🍹🍹🍹... [RT vs. TV2 NEWS - hvem holder DU med? Skab dit EGET fjendebillede ellers gør TV2, det for dig] ... (The grand delusion: Why nothing is as it seems!!!) ... RT (tidligere Rusland Today) er et russisk internationalt tv-netværk finansieret af den russiske regering. TV2 Nyheder aka TV 2 DANMARK A/S blev den landsdækkende del af TV 2 i 2003, som ejes 100 % af den danske stat ... PS: holder med INGEN - forsøger bare at finde en DEL AF SANDHEDEN og den har TV2 NYS (AAA... CHOO!) 'måske' ikke ligefrem! (mange af' postulater kommer fra hvad vi kan grave frem selv, og bla. fra Q-anon, "Zach" - anonym militær efterretningsagent i InfoWars og You Are Free TV og MANGE andre kilder) ... TV2 har dog ret i ÉN TING: ".. Det står klart, at den tidligere spion Sergej Skripal og hans datter Julia blev forgiftet, og de britiske myndigheder er overbeviste om, at styret i Rusland på en eller anden måde er involveret i mordforsøget .. " ... De kompromitteret nyhedstrolde er i gang med at opstille en ILLUSION - så danske borgere SKAL hade Rusland og især #BlamePutin #HighlyLikelyRussia - Vesten har krav på ihvertfald ÉN fjende - #Fjende-Terrorisme-Eller-Sekt-Din-Fjendes-Fjende-Er-Din-Ven .. Måske skulle vi sætte General Birgits troldehær ind og General Dryptud?? ... Tror vi skal til at passe alvorligt på, ikke at SKRÆMME Hr. og Fru. Jensen, der får krydderen galt i halsen lørdag morgen og min egen far, finder haglgeværet frem .. Der findes INGEN fjender af Danmark - husk lige det! og det har INTET at gøre med, at centraladministrationen skal være SOLIDARISKE med andre krigsliderlige NATO-lande og Danmarks allieret og fordømmelsen af det propagandistiske Rusland .. Som Q-ANON og andre Amerikanere har sagt i MEGET langt tid, det her drejer sig om, at flushe den Mørke Stats operative agenter (Cabal) frem i lyset. JA - vi er tvunget NØDT til, at forholde os til lidt konspirationer, ellers kan man jo ikke agere graverjournalist. PUNKTUM .. Mr. Trump er hamrende SMART - han leger katten efter musen. Noget amerikanerne kalder for; 'Project Dragnet' (Drained the Swamp på lokkeduer). Der er en grund til, at Trump fortsætter i et væk med at skabe præsidentdekreter for, at komme den 'massive korruption' til livs, samt ophævelse af parlamentarisk immunitet (politikere er håndlangere til den Mørke Stat som bruger mafiaen, bandemedlemmer, war-lords m.fl. som deres paramilitære arsenal - kommer tilbage til emnet). Bl.a. via militær-tribunalerne og lignede (ala Guantánamo) ... Han 'lader' som om, at pålægge sanktioner på Rusland og sikre Israel støtte (eller hvem der nu er dagens fjende) og følger det engelske parlaments aggressivitet. Dermed kan han under radaren, 'tvinge' den Mørke Stats kombattanter til at titte frem, af musehulet (aka Obama/Clintons våbenbrødre) .. Hvem er smidt på porten lige nu af Trump Admin? .. #You'Re-Fired -- #1: USA's nationale sikkerhedsrådgiver, H.R. McMaster - grundet af uacceptabel lækagesager samt, at arbejde undercover for den Mørke Stat og Trump fandt ud af det (undermineret Trump på mange niveauer) ... #2. USA's udenrigsminister, Rex Tillerson, mens han var på officielt (lyssky) besøg i Kenya under dække af Obama/Clintons Kartelet. Der er en grund til, at den Kenyanske præsident Uhuru Kenyatta, sagde på en Tweet: "We have resolved that the future (of) our nation is more important than any sole individual," - altså det var en hentydning eller insinuering til Obama-regimet, at Rex Tillerson's besøg ikke var sanktioneret (derfor fyrede Trump ham INDEN han kom hjem) ... #3: Ligesom James Comey, tidligere direktør for The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), kom Rex Tillerson med meget kryptiske meddelelser til den Mørke Stat (og FED, Rothschild m.fl.) som man fandt ud af. PS: det siges at James Comey, fik millioner af dollars under bordet af Bill og Hillary Clintons 'velgørende organisation' (The Clinton Foundation) ... #4: Andrew McCabe - Mistænkt partisan leaker blev angiveligt impliceret i Obama White House overvågningsmemo ... PS: (Trump-Russia investigation) .. Hele sagen om FBI og Trump, er hængt op på Felix Sater, en sovjetfødt amerikansk forretningsmand og tidligere spion, børsmægler, men er også dømt for knivstikkerier og 'dump penny stock scheme', som siges, at være den øverste leder i New Yorks underverden, den Russiske Mafiaen (vi kan også sige, at den Jødiske mafia, den Mexicanske mafia osv. er bundet op til den Mørke Stat, som lejesoldater. 9/11 er et eksempel) .. PSS: (Noget som den engelske regering DESPERAT forsøger på lige nu:) .. Naturligvis skal vi ej forglemme, den tidligere britiske spion Christopher Steele, der udarbejdede et "dossier" af påstande, der forbinder den amerikanske præsident Donald Trump med Rusland, skal afgive sin vidneforklaring i et amerikansk 'libel case'. Det er umuligt at vide, om Christopher Steele er helt eller skurk (højst sandsynligt forbindelse til Obama/Clintons kartellet, da han er bestilt til DNC kampagnen MOD Trump) ... Det er alt sammen postulater, noget som, ALDRIG, vil blive genereret via danske mediehuse eller hos, som 'påstår', de er et uafhængigt netmedie om amerikansk politik og bliver TIT brugt i danske medier ... You be the judge ... Vil lige sige til sidst, at det er MEGA mistænkeligt, at den unge Adrian Lamo, computerhackeren som var bedst kendt for, at indberette whistlebloweren Chelsea Manning, er pludseligt død på et hospital, efter indlæggelse. Det meget mærkelige i sagen er, at INGEN, hverken i den amerikanske stat, Kansas, hospitalet eller retsmedicineren i Sedgwick Amt, vil sige, HVORFOR han døde. Og vi ved jo at mange bliver slået ihjel i USA, hvis de ligger inde med informationer, som kan komplimenter den Mørke Stat (det er altså en kendsgerning) .. Bare tag - Seth Rich og DNC-mordet ... |
Dette billede anvendes på sociale medier til at støtte Ruslands påstand om, at landet er offer for en uretfærdig hetz. Foto: TV 2 |
History repeats itself, but the second time in the form of farce.#HighlyLikelyRussia
The #UK calls for urgent #UNSC meeting on #Skripal case
Medierne har døbt dem 'Puteens' og de er vilde med deres
#ICYMI: Whatever goes wrong, you can ALWAYS blame a Russian!
BOMBSHELL: British Scientists Balked at Pressure to Link Nerve Gas to Russia
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