Oct 4, 2021

※🔮đŸ”ș~ ('By openly flouting the Satanic 666 number the criminals using rubber mask “Biden” as a front have fully come out of the closet.') Fulford's *Partial Full* Report & weekly geo-political news and analysis ~ | Blogger: OH WAUV!.. All BF' readers got the FULL MONTY... With the 666 illuminati signs from Creepy-Corona-China Joe, BF has no doubt, they plan to surpass 911, Fukushima and the fake pandemic of 2020. And the obvious candidate this time is La Palma. The volcano there is erupting with increasing intensity and is doing so in a manner that is increasing the chances of a massive tsunami hitting the East coast of the US etc... On the other end, Simon Parkes, has warned us, that something (spooky) is going on at the borders of Israel, Iran, Armenia, Russia, Ukraine? A military build up is ongoing now. As we speak, Finance Minister warns that war with China can't be stopped and Chinese war planes enter Taiwan air space... PS: That said, SoTW, do not and I repeat do not think for 1 second, that a war will break out in full scale and has always been my narrative. No way, on the brink of Dark Hats defeat, the White Hats, will allow a 100 meter Tsunami wave to destroy the Worlds cities, especially the cost of South and Nord America and Canada... What I do believe in on SOTW, is, that; "The underground base in Norway -where the HAARP attack on La Palma is originating- is a prime target for DESTUCTION". And as BF say, " The Khazarian mafia headquarters around Lake Geneva is another.". I think at SoTW, it's NOW or NEVER kinda situation... |

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? BF (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Biden regime defaults; is given until October 18th before all hell breaks loose

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...

Published by Benjamin on Oct, 4, 2021

The fake “Biden” regime in the US defaulted on September 30th and has been given until October 18th before the plug is finally pulled on that evil regime, Asian secret society sources promise. The funding was cut off because the Rockefeller/Rothschild etc. crime families behind the “Biden” regime failed to meet their promise to hand Australia over to the communist Chinese, the sources say.

That is the real reason why “The bad relations between China and Australia took an unbelievable turn this week when China fired a ‘Long March 3B’ nuclear-capable missile, directly over Sydney, Australia.”


The change in Australia is reflected by the fact Premier of Gladys Berejiklian resigned as New South Wales Premier “after an investigation found she & others in the govt. were receiving millions of $ from Pfizer to push draconian vax laws,” according to Australian intelligence sources.


🙏 ~ 💝 ('LET THE GAMES BEGIN: Facebook, WhatsApp & Instagram ALL down in major worldwide outage') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Brave supermodel exposes the dark side of Victoria's Secret (60 Minutes Australia)🌟] ... {UPDATE: 4/10/21 20:15 CET -- 2 hours and countring -- Facebook and some of its apps go down simultaneously. That includes the Danish version of "White Pages" "Yellow Pages" and many other webpages all over the world..} ... All I know or heard on SoTW is, that the big names in Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Black Book’ Clintons, Prince Andrew, Bill Cosby, Woody Allen, Tony Blair and many VIP owners behind the Victoria's Secret, forcing all "models" (iconic Angels - most beautiful in the world), to have sex with them all and so much more - you have noooo idea - and only the tip of the iceberg... |

"503 Service not available"

"According to RT.com - the DNS records that tell systems how to find e.g. Facebook.com got withdrawn this morning US time from global routing tables" tweeted former WaPo journalist Brian Krebs... 

🙏 ~ 💝 (“Gud bevare Danmark”: Det er Ulf Pilgaard, der er morderen, i "Nattevagten" og den "ĂŠgte" HM Dronningen i Cirkusrevyen) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: GĂŠk, gĂŠk, gĂŠk ... Det var faktisk stand up komikeren Casper Christensen kort efter premieren, der fik den lyse ide at afslĂžre overraskelsen i sit show pĂ„ et nĂŠrliggende teater. "Det er Ulf Pilgaard, der er morderen", lĂžd replikken, og den historie spredte sig hastigt... PLUDSELIG ud af det blĂ„, kom H.M. Dronningen valsende ind i en liveforestilling, eskorteret af Niels Olsen, og "overraskede" skuepilleren Ulf Pilgaard med en hvid gaveĂŠske, bestĂ„ende af en kalapĂžjser, som er et stykke krydsarmeret grĂžn haveslange pĂ„ 175 mm pĂ„monteret en som oftest gul ballon. Kunne ogsĂ„ vĂŠre en seddel fra Trump og de Hvide Hatte, hvorpĂ„ der stĂ„r "We know"... Nej, ved sgu ikke hvad han fĂ„r stukket i hĂ„nden, og aner ikke om han mĂ„ give hende et kram, mens Dronningen, per automatik, bakker tilbage, men er det hele iscenesat? Ja gu' fanden er det sĂ„. IfĂžlge pĂ„lidelige kilder, skulle bĂ„de Dronning Margrethe og Ulf Pilgaard vĂŠret bag lĂ„s og slĂ„, sĂ„ hvordan det lige kan gĂžres, aner det ikke. Dronningen har 100% en eller flere "Stunt Doubles", sĂ„ det er nemt at efterligne, men Ulf, den er svĂŠr... Ved bare, dem, som mener, at stort set samtlige A-list Hollyweird-skuespillere er VÆK i en en sĂŠk fuld af blĂŠk, men hvad ved jeg... Kommer det bag pĂ„ os alle, at den medicinske mafia, og sundhedsmyndighederne tager alle midler i brug for at lukke munden pĂ„ dem som har set gennem al tĂ„geslĂžret. NOPE!. Men, at gĂžre det netop nu, hvor, Mai Manniche, har vĂŠret ude for en voldsom ulykke, der resulterede i et brĂŠkket knĂŠ, hĂ„ndled og albue og skal opereres, er jo sindssygt, men vi ved, (they feeds on) negativitet og vrede, disse frimurer entiteter, uden sjĂŠl og empati... |

PS: HVIS du ikke allerede har set det, sĂ„ stopper, udgĂ„r, dĂžr, der kendte hver evigt eneste dag og har gjort det i mere end en mĂ„ned nĂ„r man scanner tabloidaviserne. Og det indikere for mig, selvom det lyder fuldstĂŠndigt vanvittigt, at min "danskerliste" giver mening, at Trump, de hvide hatte (og udenomjordiske vĂŠseners planner) om DS, Cabal og "kendisser" der har forgjort sig mod bĂžrn, og overgivelse, har vĂŠret foregĂ„et, ogsĂ„ i Danmark. Og du kan rĂ„be og skrige lige sĂ„ hĂžjt mod verdensalt-bloggen sĂ„ meget du vil. SĂžg pĂ„ SoTW og "Danskerlisten" hvis du ikke aner, hvad jeg snakker om. Det er gĂ„et fra at vĂŠre en lille test-leg, til alvor... Hvis du kan bevise, at du inden for det sidste stykke har spottet Mink-Medico-MĂŠĂŠtte og Magnus LØGNICKE pĂ„ Ă„ben gade, sĂ„ imponerer du mig.. Tror ikke de findes mere... Du kan ikke lige nu sĂžge pĂ„ FjĂŠsen og InstraSpammer, for de er NEDE...  |   


Vibeke Manniche ‘vil kunne udgĂžre en forringet sikkerhed pĂ„ grund af alvorlig kritisabel faglig virksomhed.'  ~ Bt.dk

🚩🕊️🛐 ~ ('There's hope and light for HU-manty: Simon Parkes Green Light - Kerry Cassidy Red Light. MASS exodus of corrupt elites and politician heads. 2 robots playing 007 in No Time To Die.') REPORTS OF MILITARY MOVEMENTS AROUND N. AMERICA! MARTIAL LAW COMING OR IS IT DS RECKONING TIME? (Tarot by Janine) ~ | Blogger: SoTW looove Cassidy, but agrees with Janine, that Kerry Cassidy, seems to be off-track putting out "Doom and Gloom" scenarios, where HU-manity will not survive (kinda)...That Norway and Sweden is dropping everything about Corona restrictions, says Janine (Denmark as well - but not vakkZination effort - sotw) ... Card reading tells Janine that (WH) are expecting but also anticipating some "disruptions" in October. The potential upcoming "Martial law" with military presence and build up is to protect us and not against HU-manity... According to the Cards "tell-tale sign" of a later takedown of thousands upon thousands of people facing justice that is still in power, a whole bunch of deals has been stroke for really long time, but at the end, a lot of them, will be coming down in the month of October. Some of them will not honor their deals and run for the hills... Janine also talks outside the card readings about ALL the royal family heads are now gone, so is The Vatican, a long time ago... Last question (I think it was in Simons latest video she refers too)... Is all the military groups connected to the White Hats?... Janine gets 80%, but they think 70%, is onboard the positive military, but some will go rogue in the last minute and the WH's are anticipating the move... |

"I can spot bullshit from a blimp in a fog storm a mile away but it's so much harder to detect when it's around you all day" ~ SoTW slogan 

PS: And no, SoTW is not part of any Q-movement or Guru's or Cult of anykind. As we speak, SoTW, has left some amazing and beautiful people, I though were my new bestest friends, because they all thought they where Archangels and Gods and heard voices in their heads and the "Chosen Ones" to lead the way into the new Golden Age. Well, it might be so, or it might be, that they have smoked too much weed and cultivated the 70's Peace movement. When someone tells me, that I'm a Archangel and my twin-flame is now a male homosexual and therefore, sexual orientation change, I have to dedicate the next 800 years with him, and all my former reincarnated lives, I say him in my dreams, I simply had enough. I'm a very patient man, but love woman in every aspect, mind, body and flesh, inside and out. OMG! I have been inside many so-called "cults", with all due respect, and out again. Yes, that leaves me friendless, Maybe, many of my friends has left me, because of my blog or beliefs, 5 of them has died and that leaves me sometimes alone. But I'm never alone, still have my family and guides in the sky.  I'm a very strong person, with a strong sense of justice towards protection of Mother GAIA, children, weak and neglected, 100% committed to what I do and what I say, feel and act upon. Of course I'm a Archangel  - who isn't? đŸ˜‰

😇 ~ 💗 ('Personal Transformation, Changing Relationships, The War of Beliefs, Bringing Yourself Back to Creating the Life You Want') October 2021 Energy Update 💕 (LeeHarris) ~ |

Lee Harris has monthly forecasts via 15-30 minute intensive videos and he works with energies that are truly rewarding and very real bids on how we are influenced by the energy fields and energy streams that exist everywhere in nature and around us. Lee Harris describes the current situations that all people and children should relate to and how we restore the balance.

Source (LeeHarrisEnergy) 

🕉️ ~ ✨ (NEW COBRA UPDATE) Hold the Light II (Cobra2012) ~ | Blogger: [đŸ€œ"The old world is in a slow state of collapse, and a new world is being born. You may choose to put your focus on the new world being born, if you feel so guided:" ~ Cobra RMđŸ€›] ... Simon Parkes has 100K CC members, Cobra RM has many, many more (not comparing - just facts) ... Honestly, I (SoTW), don't think "toplet bombs" still is or has ever been, biggest threat to the Earth and HU-manity. Cobra RM is the only one(es) talking about it... Yes, I do believe MANY exotic DEW weapons exist in SPACE, that includes US Air Force 'Rods From God' Kinetic Weapon etc. but, "most" of those DEW incl. HAARP tech, is now, in the hands of White Hats!?!... 🙏PS: The most hardcore Cobra RM 'occultist' or "I belong to a cult," still hangs on to these news reports, like, glue. And please continue to do so, if all the intel, resonate with you... For me at SoTW, on the other hand, I would compare these reports, to Benjamin Fulford’s reports, reading them, should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth and some is false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment... |

SoTW has NOT been in Cobra's organization as Deep Discipleship, but once very engaged in the inner circle, but no more, since 2018. I (kinda) lost my ex-girlfriend, because of him and I told her in 2018, that I felt he was phoney about all his money-scam. Gitte, who was coordinator to Denmarks "Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network" is now dead, totally agreed with me, and also deceased Peter, my lost friends. Tarot card told me later on in 2021, he was (Controlled Opposition) overtaken by Dark Forces, thought he was working for the Light and will return working, for the good guys again?. My ex-girlfriend  told me in 2021, in particular, about Cobra's  American spouse, is a "Dark Witch", and rumor has it, was involved in the (killing) of Cobra's old spouse from his own country that called herself, "Isis Astara", with black magic, draining Mrs. Astara for along time period which SoTW meet in 2015. There you have it - first and last time, I'll spill the bean about this subject and are rumors... The guy "Untwine", my ex, "Emi", and many others who was very close to Cobra, has left him, and will not return.. But what do I know... I know nothing ... I am from Barcelona... Victory of the Light!... |  

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Much is happening behind the scenes but not much can be said for security reasons, yet I will reveal as much as I can.

September was a very intense month. The Light forces have successfully averted three different dangerous planetary situations that could have quite serious consequences. One hint:

Inflection point on September 18th went better than expected and clearing of physical subquantum anomaly has started. Since September 18th, the dark forces are beginning to lose the grip on the physical plane and every negative scenario they trigger, it usually backfires with more and more people awakening, leading to dark forces losing even more power:

Clearing of the subquantum anomaly also means that the Light forces are finally beginning to resolve the problem of the toplet bombs, isolating their effective radius of topness production into the so-called “collapsed spacetime bubbles”.

Time crystal created by Google is creating the first completely non-entropic domain on the surface of the planet which defies the second law of thermodynamics. This is helping the Light forces with clearing of the primary anomaly, although that was definitely not Google's intention:

Mjolnir quantum cannons are clearing the primary anomaly quite effectively, and they have begun to emit imprints of perfect life and divine plan into the quantum field around the surface of the planet. With those emissions they are especially targeting quantum fluctuation resonators, and people who own those devices are receiving constant stream of updates of the perfect plan for their life from the Light Forces into the quantum field around them.

🩾🎭đŸŠč ~ (Euphemism, Mannequin, Beauty Biden-Obama DNC Lover) Superhero Harley Helle Quinn and Poison Ivy and Birds of Prey. The Facebook-General who Decided the Fate of Donald Trump, the most Powerful President elect ever❓ (SoTW Archive) ~ | Blogger: [👉Illuminati, Freemasonry, anti-Christ, New World Order: The Illuminati arose as Europe's wisest minds secretly prepared to establish a society without a King and a Church and no laws👈] ... Can I please have your attention Mr. Trump❓... We can both agree, that Mrs. Hitlery is dangerous and Danish PM, Mette F. AKA Mink-Medico-Mette is ‘nasty’ in Greenland row, as we all know changed that wording to, a ‘wonderful woman’ (after she gave in and Greenland is now U.S. military property). 1️⃣ - Greenland’s polar lookout 2️⃣ - Space control 3️⃣ - U.S. investment in it's natural resources, such as coal, zinc, copper and iron ore & rare minerals and potential oil resources... đŸ€”Strange it is, that SuperDemocrat Helle-Horny was Danish PM during 2011 Norway attacks & 2015 Copenhagen Syngagoue Zionism attacks, wouldn't you say❓ How much does she know❓. Was it all about raising awareness and protecting the fake Danish Israeli Jews and "BIBI" involved in 3/11 Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011❓ Why did 4,000 Israelis stay home from work at the World Trade Center on 9/11, Sept. 11, 2001❓ How can a minor car accident in a civilian car protected by SĂ€kerhetspolisen (SÄPO) AKA Swedish Security Service, kill 2 policeman AKA secret agents, including Swedish artist Lars Vilks❓ Was Mr. Vilks about to spill the beans about False Flags or was he involved in some heavy Cabal-shit❓ Olof Palme styled assimilation-liquidation attack conducted by CIA or Princess Diana car crash lookalike or Dark Hat hackers remotely overtaken the car driving directly in the opposite lane into a truck and burned up❓. I don't believe in coincidences - do you❓... đŸ„ș👉👈If you really wish to know your ENEMY Mr. Tump about Mrs. Guzzi-Helle just go to her Instagram profile or look at these KEY FACTS... ⛓️Arrest them all because what they're done to HU-manity❓ It's up to YOU Mr. President... [READ MORE] ... |



Both Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram decided to suspend Donald Trump in connection with the storm at the Congress in Washington, D.C. on January 6 this year. The decision came everywhere within a short time. And the decision was initially "indefinite"... Yesterday, Donald Trump's ban from Facebook and Instagram has been upheld by Facebook's Oversight Board.. UPDATE Oct 2021: Trump asks U.S. judge to force Twitter to restart his account... Calls for Pulitzer Prize Board to revoke award given to NYT & WaPo for reporting on Russiagate ‘hoax’..

From: https://www.verdensalt.dk/2021/05/euphemism-mannequin-beauty-biden-obama.html 

 2015 Copenhagen shootings - KrudttĂžnden attack - later deleted FB post about a danish drill,
poster on NĂžrrebro train station, 20-30 days before it actually happens, LIVE

 PS: DID YOU KNOW, February 2015 Copenhagen shootings (KrudttĂžnden - meaning "The powder keg " - a.k.a. The British Gunpowder Plot of 1605) is almost identical (FF template) to May 2015 in Garland, Texas in which, FBI was involved? Was PET (Police Intelligence Service) involved in 2015 Copenhagen shootings?... Both VT Today and Ole DammegĂ„rd has talked in details about 2015 Copenhagen shootings...

READ MORE: (undeniable facts???)  

🍆 Former President ValĂ©ry Giscard d'Estaing and two unnamed bosses are accused of inappropriate behavior in Helle Thornings new book called "Blonde's considerations". (Link)

⚖️Wife to Lord Kinnock son, Stephen Kinnock, accused of tax evasion in Denmark in 2010... 

❌Danish x-leading largest lockout of 69,000 teachers in Danish history
    -     x-leading DONG/GoLDMaN SLaCKS sale, 
    -     x-Denmark Prime Minister
    -     x-CEO NGO Save the Children
    -     x-Vestas' Board of Directors
and Mrs Helle Thorning-Schmidt, should have been In charge of UN to chase tax evaders (thank god she didn't manage to pull that off) ... 

đŸ€Present in charge of Facebook Oversight Board earning millions of funny money (of political censorship and posible awareness of voter fraud in USA), and now, front-runner to lead conference on Europe’s future... 

📰A danish tabloid newspaper, Ekstra Bladet, has already revealed that the former prime minister holds board positions in two tax shelters in Jersey. And she even has a stake in one of the companies, together with former CEO of OW bunker, who has been investigated for fraud...

⏰đŸ„±đŸ„Ž ~ (Vital news you missed overnight!) Red October Is Here! Ten Days of Darkness of (Craziness) (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: ONE of the biggest stories right now is actually not the ENERGY CRISIS goes global as supply lines collapses - OR - Swedish artist threatened over Prophet Mohammed cartoon killed in car crash and the Fales Flag 2015 Copenhagen shootings (KrudttĂžnden - meaning "The powder keg " - a.k.a. The British Gunpowder Plot of 1605) )... - OR - that Stock trading with the Chinese Evergrande Group was suspended and will create a ripple effect in the stock market. The Wall Street stock market and EU regulator warns of 'high risks' for market crash in October of 2021 and USA has been bankrupted many lifetimes over (US debt default)... 💯No, the BIGGEST story of today must be the "timing" from "lamestream media" to expose the Pandora Papers and the BIGGEST ever leak of offshore data exposes financial secrets of rich and powerful - from Jordan, King Abdullah II, Azerbaijan president, Ilham Aliyev, The Czech prime minister, Andrej BabiĆĄ, Cyprus, the president, Nicos Anastasiades, prominent Bahraini minister and Tony Blair... Why now? When, rumor has it, 500,000 sealed indictments has been unsealed and 2,7 million worldwide is to be or has being arrested and are waiting for prosecution and military tribunals at GITMO and many, has died. I know, most people don't believe in the the Trump, White Hates military tribunals scenario. But I think, the timing is a MASTERPIECE chess-move to let us know, that, A-N-Y-B-O-D-Y, could be targeted living on Mother GAIA and face a purge, no more Argentina secret underground bunkers or spaceships jumps to another planet (Tall Gray alien leaders just been captured by the Galactic Federation) etc. etc.. There's no more protection, since the Dark Cabal's Highest Hierarchy has been arrested or will be soon, so no more "Get out of Jail Free" illuminati deck of cards. That also goes for the #GlobalPedoGateOrder... |

Mon. 4 Oct. “First day of Ten Days of Darkness. Darkness Necessary. Our most expansive exposĂ© of financial secrecy yet is coming.” (link)