Nov 26, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 (Disobey Any CV Unlawful Orders) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdowns ~ The Corbett Report🌟] ... PS: Australians is horrified over security personnel brutalize young man for not wearing a mask and choked out, slammed to the ground, heaved out of a restaurant for not wearing a mask... Just think about it - will it expand and come to a city near you?... |
🧪💉☠️ ~ (Fra Danske CoVAXIX, Curevac, Oxford-AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna) Magnus LØGNICKE's fornemmeste job under hele "Event 201", var at sikre indkøb af vacciner til Dannevang! Og det har også lykkes, nu med 14 millioner af slagsen (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Blind man's bluff: Flere lande forventer allerede at kunne vaccinere borgere mod Covid-19 i december!👈] ... Der er absolut ingen tvivl i min bog; Coronakrisen, har gjort Magnus Heunicke til en af landets mest magtfulde mænd - men ikke en stor leder. Han er og bliver en middelmådig journalist, og nikkedukke, til et altoverskyggende udenlandsk geo-politisk spil, medicinalindustri og agenda, og danskerne, vil bare ikke forstå det... Tror mange, ligesom min egen far, som bare tager imod hvad som helst, ikke forstår, at I-N-G-E-N har fremlagt rådata, hvad disse vacciner indeholder... Hvordan man kan udvikle, hastegodkende og derefter, massevaccinere, under 1 år, om de overhoved beskytter mod CV-virusser og om der er fundet mere alvorlige bivirkninger...’s Forskerzonen, konstaterer at COVID-19, aldrig vil blive udryddet... Nej sgu, uskadelige Coronavirus varianter har ALTID eksisteret i naturen, siden mennesket, blev gensplejset af udenjordiske væseners DNA (hvis man tror på den slags)... Det, der er vigtigt, er at de såkaldte livsvigtige "CV-vacciner", kan indeholde, ligesom HPV-vaccinen, som var frontløber på super avanceret nanoteknologier; microchips, microbots, transhumanisme, genomredigering m.m... Det er ikke mig på som brygger en boblende heksekedel sammen med konspirationerne... Det kommer bla. fra den amerikanske læge, Carrie Madej, kinesisk virolog, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, samt Judy Mikovits, som både er/var læge, og researcher, på US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, der sad og fremstillede vira, som biologisk våben, nu bandlyst over hele verden... Vi snakker altså, teknologi, som jeg ikke troede var fysisk muligt på jorden (kun under de hemmelige rumprogrammer)... Hvis du ikke ved hvad jeg snakker om, søg efter "Fast Tracking Band-Aid Self Administer Vaccine Micro SnakeBits kaldet 'Microneedle Platform(MNs)'." ... "Luciferase" ID Branding eller Bill Gates of Hell's ID2020" ... "DARPAs "Hydrogel" et nano-robotmateriale, der kan forbinde med A.I. & din telefon og sende og modtage tekstbeskeder" ... "Coronavirus og 5G-teknologi" ... m.fl... ⚠️PS: VIDSTE DU, at der overhoved var et historisk partnerskab mellem Tesla og CureVac - og den er ældre end Covid-19? At tænke sig, Our Dark Lord And Saviour, Magnus Heunicke, har indkøbt 2,6 million doser fra CureVac, hvis firma, partner med Elon Musk's ambitioner om en chip i hjernen - en Hjerne-hacking chip Neuralink - kan du ikke se det? Eller skal jeg stave det for dig?... |
🌬️🛸🧧 ~ (Full Webinar) China's Secret Space Program Today: Global Threat or Opportunity? (Dr Michael Salla) ~ |
5️⃣📶😔 ~ (Sad Day For Humanity) Was Judge Sallie Elkordy the target of a targeted assassination by 5G so as to prevent her from testifying in the Tribunal Trial on Sunday Nov. 29, 2020? (NewsInsideOut+ exopolitics.blogs) ~ | Blogger: [👉Dear Judge Ingri and Judge Leo My condolences and Thank you for bringing us the word of Judge Sallie Elkordy's unexpected and tragic death on Sunday Nov. 22, 2020 in the midst of our Trial process, which she has worked so hard to achieve for so many years. I am writing now on Tuesday Nov. 24, 2020 because for some reason, Judge Ingri's email was blocked from my computer, and I only received word of this through Judge Leo's kind message!👈] ... |
Was Judge Sallie Elkordy, the target of a targeted assassination by 5G, so as to prevent her from testifying, in the Tribunal Trial, on Sunday Nov. 29, 2020?
Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice,
Dear Judge Ingri and Judge Leo My condolences and Thank you for bringing us the word of Judge Sallie Elkordy's unexpected and tragic death on Sunday Nov. 22, 2020 in the midst of our Trial process, which she has worked so hard to achieve for so many years. I am writing now on Tuesday Nov. 24, 2020 because for some reason, Judge Ingri's email was blocked from my computer, and I only received word of this through Judge Leo's kind message!
Tribute to Judge Sallie Elkordy
Judge Sallie Elkordy was a Heart and Soul of the Vaccine & 5G Awareness Movement worldwide, holding Awareness together across National boundaries, national identities as she spoke to Everyperson about Awareness of Vaccines & 5G and their perils for human wellness and well-being. To many like myself she is a Mentor in the entire area and awareness of Vaccines and 5G.
👀 ~ 💗 (The Kraken unleashed - Trump had like 80M votes - Biden 40-50M) Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast: 25th November Election Update 2020 💕 ~ | Blogger: To highlight some of SP talking points; 📑 As predicted General Flynn is pardoned!!! ... Fired Trump registered as a MILITARY LAWYER, Sidney Powell, is gonna find all the republicans that are traitors. She will also look into people who had a interesst of the Dominion Voting Systems, operating on foreign soil, who has infiltrated The United States of America (USA)...etc. etc. ... Putin says he's unable to recognize Joe Biden as president, same goes for Queen Elizabeth - The Queen Mother and 20 leaders phone calls congratulate Biden, is all part of the Cabal Conspiracy (The Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and danish Media has also congratulated Biden)... This is not about one of the smoothest elections ever, this is about the Battle of Humanity and the Planet... The (Great) Reset is about The Matrix A.I. resetting itself, to regain Control and Power and changing the way "they" manage Earth. It's not only about NESARA / GESARA and Fifth Dimensional Ascension Consciousness, SP warns... Buuutt, Ascension OVERRIDES The Reset... What happens in Amecia, effects every other country in the World (SoTW has said that for years and years)... The FIGHT is and will always take place in America, and Great Britain is the Energy-oil... This is "THE BATTLE", not yesterday, not in three years time and all humans has choosing to be here... 📑 ~ Words from Simon, more or less... | |
✍️👼💗 ~ (31.267 signatures and counting) Erklæring fra sundhedsfagligt personale vedrørende Covid-19 (Alle andre har også mulighed for at underskrive erklæringen) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉»Vi oplever, at de indgreb, der er foretaget, hviler på et meget spinkelt sundhedsfagligt grundlag, og at alvoren i det aktuelle udbrud af Covid-19 ikke står mål med konsekvenserne af indgrebene.«👈] ... 12.000 skrev under i Oktober måned under denne lad os kalde det "støtteerklæring" til Kim Varming og de 3 andre til Initiativgruppen fra, Speciallæge i almen medicin fra Hillerød til Specialeansvarlig overlæge, FAM, Sygehus Sønderjylland... Hvis man går ind og ser (jeg skriver under fordi...) kommentarfeltet er der et SANDT HAV af læger og mennesker fra Sundhedssektoren og alle os andre, så at sige, som har tilkendegivet deres/vores mening, hvor FORRYKT DET HELE ER... Det har givet mig på redaktionen et ENERGI-BOOST af en anden verden(salt), siden jeg stort set kun, kan snakke indgående med min egen mor, (og min holistiske naturlæge Louis) som har været leder (sygeplejerske) af skadestue / modtagelse på Nordsjællands Hospital i 40 år. Og til dem som kender min mor, hun har været med til alt, set alt og prøvet alt og været oppe og sloges med overlæger og ledelsen i al den tid jeg kan huske. Min mor har endda skrevet til Peter Qvortrup Geisling, Læge og journalist, på Danmarks Radio og andre, uden at få svar på tiltale og hun er RASENDE over det her... |
Erklæring fra sundhedsfagligt personale vedrørende Covid-19:
Kilde>>Fra et sundhedsfagligt perspektiv stiller vi os uforstående overfor de lovindgreb, som regeringen og folketinget har foretaget i forbindelse med det aktuelle udbrud af Covid-19. Vi er bekymrede for de sundhedsmæssige, sociale og økonomiske konsekvenser, som indgrebene har i forhold til befolkningens generelle trivsel og vores rettigheder som mennesker. Vi oplever, at de indgreb, der er foretaget, hviler på et meget spinkelt sundhedsfagligt grundlag, og at alvoren i det aktuelle udbrud af Covid-19 ikke står mål med konsekvenserne af indgrebene.
Vi oplever, at disse indgreb har ført til en sygeliggørelse af raske mennesker og har skabt angst og splittelse i befolkningen.
Konsekvenserne af indgrebene, som regeringen og folketinget har indført, er ude af proportioner og gør mere skade end gavn for os alle sammen som enkeltpersoner, for sundhedsvæsenet og for det danske samfund som helhed. Vi mener, at restriktionerne og indgrebene bør ophæves øjeblikkeligt, så vi igen kan få et trygt og velfungerende samfund.
I øvrigt mener vi, at det er uetisk at fratage selvstændigt tænkende, følende og medfølende mennesker retten til at leve og dø, som vi hver især måtte ønske det, herunder at fravælge en given behandlingsform. Derfor tager vi afstand fra tvangsaspekterne i hasteloven og fra udkastet til den nye epidemilov (1).
Følgende ligger til grund for vores erklæring:
⭐⭐⭐ ~ (Happy Thanksgiving 2020) Game Over for the Cabal: The Takedown of the Cabal From A to Z (FreakSense TV) ~ | Blogger: [🍁To summarize: With Trump as President; The United States of America that was once close to be converted into a United States of China, Saudi Arabia and Israel has been averted. Bad deals for change of powers was once made by Gay Muslim Obama. The still sitting president of USA also Trumped out NATO, stopping sex trafficking and #GlobalPedoGate, goal of saving the Constitution that was badly shattered and violated and tried to shift power away, from The 13 Families in the world that apparently Control Everything - from Politics to Terrorism ~ SoTW🦃] ... PS: With Biden in power, we are straight back to Zero - no Hero!... New Hunter Biden explosive email thread allegedly detail dealings of corruption, in countries like China and Ukraine. And many, has broadens claims against »Creepy Uncle Joe or Gropey Uncle Joe« to include sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, grouping, touching and kissing woman and teenagers, children... Xi Jinping calls for Germany, Europe to ‘remain open to Chinese companies’ and the most powerful woman in Europe, Hitler's daughter, Angela Merkel, has just accepted... In 1950, Denmark established diplomatic relations with China as one of the first Western countries, and this provided new opportunities for Danish-Chinese relations. And now Denmark, is ruled once again by a socialist-communist party and has capitulated to W.H.O. (Event 201) that is controlled by China & The 13 Families... Chinese virologist, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, claims and has hard evidence COVID, was human-made in a lab in China and worldwide 25.000 doctors claims Corona is all a Hoax... Is it a unstoppable agenda?... W.H.O. COVID envoy warns of third wave in Europe in 2021 and it will not stop, until every single Soul in the world, has been vaccinated with unimaginable advanced DNA and mind-controlled altering nanotech, mankind has never seen before... |
This is, IMO, the BEST presentation done thus far of my "famous" Youtube Video entitled, The Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z (now watched by almost 3 million people). Put together by Bonfire Guy (on his Youtube Channel by the same name), this version of my 3 hour presentation on Mark Devlin's Show focuses upon the Big Three Takedowns by US President, Donald J. Trump, on his World Tour that brought down the Cabal and forced every Nation, every major Corporation and every major Private or Public Organization that had Earth wide influences Politically and Economically (including our entire Banking System) to Capitulate and come to their Knees. This Video is incredibly well done as Bonfire Guy used established Mainstream News Sources to verify everything that I alleged happened at the time, making this extremely important Video very watchable (at only 43 minutes long) and easier to believe in by the Masses, because what I alleged has now been corroborated by the "Trusted" Mainstream News Sources...thus, this version of my Presentation becomes the MOST ACCESSIBLE version of them all and a GREAT option to present to those that you care about and who find themselves on the wrong side of all of this... So, SHARE this version of my Video Far and Wide in the hopes that Millions more will finally awaken to this extremely important Truth that the Cabal have been taken down, and that what we are watching is a well-orchestrated MOVIE, in real time, so that the many can wake up to the hell that they have been living within, and finally come to know the Truth.
So, sit back, relax, and let God's Holistic Truth wash over both your Body and Mind, and let it cleanse away all the dirt and grime from your Soul...enter into the realm of the ONE where ONLY the Holistic Truth exists...God Bless ALL Life, in the hopes that it may indeed journey to discover the Father and the Mother and create the Holiest of Holies, the Holy Trinity of the Father, Mother and Child!!!