Jan 30, 2019

Ni News | ~ Prins Joachim og familien flytter til Paris og Alexandra tjener 200.000 kr. på halvanden times debatmøder ~ | Blogger: [♕åh, hvor er det skønt at være dronning! Den, efter sigende, skabsbøsse Obama, fik 2.5 millioner for 1 time♛] ... (2016: 'Helt hen i vejret' - Prins Joachim skal i skånejob hos Forsvaret. Ligger der andre planer bag?) ... Prins Joachim, har en STOR nyhed: Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Joachim, skal agere kongelig tv hofvært under sloganet: "En helt ny verden for mig". Siden Joachims familie har været en del af danskernes identitet i mere end 1000 år, og han har derfor danmarkshistorien tæt inde livet skal han i en ræk- ke serie programmer, stille skarpt på, hvem vi danskere er, og hvad vi er gjort af. Dog, flytter han gudskelov til Paris. Skal han lege Kongens efterfølgere, nu hvor prinsgemalen er død?... (Er kongehuset korrupt? Spurgte Information.dk engang ) ... Hvorfor er der ingen af de bukkende politikere, skrabende journalister, og fedt- ende kendis-venner, der fortæller Kongehuset, at den er helt gal?.. Hvis vi anfægter troværdigheden og om Dannevang har brug for Kongehuset, anklages vi for at være fordømmende, illoyale, uden fædrelandskærlighed og borgerdyd... |

Blogger: Det ikke er troværdigt, at pille ved glansbilledet omkring kongefamilien. Kongehuset er den sidste bataljon af folkekære, elskelige og troværdige ildsjæle som udbreder danske interesser rundt om i verden. 

Kongehuset ønsker dog ikke at være ulydige overfor folket. Formelt er kongehuset hævet over loven, og myndigheden til at drage for eksempel kronprins Frederik til ansvar ligger hos dronning Margrethe, men reelt overvåges kongefamilien af en kritisk offentlighed og rådgives af centraladministrationen. Konstruktionen forudsætter, at kongehuset følger den rådgivning.

Når jeg udgiver blog indlæg omkring Kongehuset, ønsker jeg ikke, at vække utilsigtet følelser op i folk omkring illoyalitet og upatriotiske sammensværgelser, formidler bare en realitet, set ud fra mange års interesse i tabloidpressens dokumentation(BT, information m.fl.) og de få som 'tør' kritisk journalistik.

Er helt klar over, der er mange som opfatter vores konstitutionelt monarki som en hellig institution og statshoveder som urørlige og trofaste mod vores nation. Dog, kan vi konstatere, 'magteliten' har særdeles gode forbindelser igennem Kongehuset og Kongehuset har særdeles gode forbindelser til politik og som tilnærmelsesvis truer hele den selviscenesættelse af magtvælden.

Fordi der findes så meget hemmelighedskræmmeri og beskyttelse-doktrin over Kongehuset, er det svært ikke, at konspirerer. Jo mere jeg graver i mudderet, jo mere skidt kommer der frem, vil vove den påstand, snavset sidder godt fast under neglene, uden de bliver rene igen.

Uanset hvor flasken peger hen, en ubestridelig kendsgerning, ud af de 300 navne, dukker Dronning Margrethe II op på listen samt Anders Fogh Rasmussen. 'The Committee of 300' - The Olympians - modelleret efter den Britiske East India Company Council of 300, grundlagt af den britiske aristokrati i 1727. Dronning Elizabeth II er øverste leder af denne magtfulde gruppe og de anses for at være ansvarlige for falske narkotika krige i USA. Gruppen styrer verden via en tre-bystats-imperium(London, Vatikanet, og District of Columbia), hvor byerne ikke betaler skat og adlyder kun deres egne love. "Tro den, som søger sandheden; tvivl på den, som finder den"...

Prins Joachim med stor nyhed: "En helt ny verden for mig"

Det koster et kongerige - Kære Kronprins, Tronarving til den danske trone, Frede, Pingo... Et Underskud på 4.200.000 kr. i 2015... Prins Joachims gyldne fidus: Får gratis feriebolig på Schackenborg Slot... Så meget får kongehusets medlemmer i apanage..." - Hvorfor er der ingen af de bukkende politikere, skrabende journalister, og fedtende kendis-venner, der fortæller Kongehuset, at den er helt gal?...|  

Det omdiskuterede salg af Schackenborg Slot for 100 millioner har vist sig at være en gylden fidus for prins Joachim

Hvornår skal vi afskaffe Kongehuset?

Udgivet første gang den 12. Februar 2016 af Verdensalt

Update:Alexandra om apanage-kritik: Nogle gange bliver der skrevet ting, man ikke skal blive ked af
Update:VIDEO Så meget får kongehusets medlemmer i apanage 
Update: Prins Joachims gyldne fidus: Får gratis feriebolig på Schackenborg Slot
Update: Kostbar fødselsdag koster kongehuset underskud i 2015
Update:  Massiv kritik: 'Skandaløst' at sende kronprinsparret på charmetur til diktatur
Update: Frederik vild med Wozniacki: Hun er en flot pige. Caroline også er en rigtig god veninde til tennisstjernen Serena Williams
Update: Kronprins Frederik får 19,6 millioner kroner i apanage  i 2016
Update: Frederik er langdistance-protektor for VM men mødte ikke op for de danske håndbold piger. Han befandt sig nemlig i sommervarme Australien
Update: Kongehuset modtager gaver af meget højere værdi fra erhvervseliten.
Update: Jens Høvsgaard det koster et kongerige
Update: Konge i sit eget liv - 26. April, 2015
Update: Luftture for en formue: Her flyver dronningen gratis
Update: Dokument afslører Margrethes hemmelighed: Bad om millioner til Alexandra
Update: 'Dronningen har jo ikke noget tøj på'. Hvorfor er der ingen af de bukkende politikere, skrabende journalister, og fedtende kendis-venner, der fortæller Margrethe, at den er helt gal?
Update: Prins Joachim geniale plan: Så stenrig kan han blive 
Update: Kendismægler: Alexandras vilde boligpris er for høj 
Update: Danish royal family deny claims that Crown Princess Mary is feuding with her Australian family following alleged Facebook posts about 'she who shall not be named'

BREAKING Feb 15, 2016 Update: bogen ‘Jan Bonde Nielsen: Afsløret’ - Prins Henrik holdt venskab skjult efter skandaler - Da en af landets mest kendte og omdiskuterede forretningsmænd, den tidligere B&W-direktør Jan Bonde Nielsen, i begyndelsen af 1980’erne kom i stormvejr i medier og retssale måtte forbindelsen til kongehuset og særligt den nære ven, prins Henrik, kappes..... 

......og vi kunne blive ved...... 
Radio24Syv har en kanon udsendelse - Det, vi Taler om - Denne gang bliver der virkelig gravet efter Kongehusets hemmeligheder.... følg med her.

💛 Forbiddenknowledgetv | ~ YELLOW VESTS CALL FOR GENERAL STRIKE ON FEBRUARY 5TH ~ | Blogger: JUST THINK - if all citizens against corrupted Banking Cabal countries would show a force of Mouvement des gilets jaunes courage like France, we would have the much needed changes, overnight... Viva La Revolution.. |

François Boulo is the a 32-year-old lawyer and spokesman for the Gilets Jaunes Yellow Vests movement in the northern city of Rouen, who is now calling on the French people to form a general strike on February 5th, as “The only way to force a deaf president to call us to the polls.”

As a lawyer, Boulo says, “I defend people threatened with the seizure of their homes by the banks,” and he complains that the “tax devices” of the Macron government work “for the benefit of the richest 1%,” at the expense of public services.

Boulo says he doesn’t seek to become the national spokesperson of the Gilets Jaunes, saying “One spokesperson is not desirable,” in this decentralized movement. Nor does he seek the support of a political party, as being unaffiliated is more powerful. He emphasizes that he “is absolutely neither Left nor Right,” and that the political “quarrels of people are sick.”

Boulo also affirms, “The problem is not the immigrant, it’s the banker”, that is to say that the European Central Bank is not an organ of the government but instead a private corporation.



🔴 Ty & Charlene - The Truth About Cancer | ~ [Bombshell] New study uncovers evil greedy killers ~ | .. This new study is stomach-turning .. |

That’s because it’s uncovered how truly evil and greedy Big Pharma has gotten. KILLING 47,600 innocent people in 2017 alone. All in the name of the almighty dollar.

This new study shows the direct link between Big Pharma representatives visiting doctors… and death rates from what they sell. Meaning: every time a Big Pharma rep walks into a doctor’s office and sells this one product, more people die because of that visit. To find out all the details about these evil greedy killers, just click the link below.

Click here to see all the shocking facts uncovered by this new study on Big Pharma.

And remember to share this with your family and friends on Facebook so they can know all the facts about this deadly trend in profits over patients.

God bless,

Ty and Charlene

P.S. Click here to support the MISSION at the TTAC Products Page >>

Dr. Michael Salla Exopolitics.org | ~ Navy Seal Reveals Secret Mission to Ancient Buried Structure in Antarctica ~ |

On January 23, Emmy award winning journalist, Linda Moulton Howe, released the video testimony of a new whistleblower discussing his highly classified mission to a large buried structure found in Antarctica. The whistleblower claims that in a classified mission conducted in 2003, he entered inside a very large octagon-shaped structure located near the Beardmore Glacier that extended down deep into the glacier’s icy interior.

The whistleblower is a retired U.S. Navy Seal who was first interviewed by Howe on July 19, 2018. He used the pseudonym Spartan 1 in Howe’s YouTube video where his face is shadowed out and his voice is altered to protect his identity. Howe says that she personally vetted Spartan 1, who provided ample documentation to substantiate his military career.

Previously, Howe has released the testimony of another military whistleblower, Brian, who was a Navy flight engineer who had flown numerous support missions with the Antarctic Development Squadron from 1983 to 1997. He witnessed a number of anomalies pointing to hidden facilities or bases located deep under the Antarctic ice sheets. He says he witnessed silver flying discs over the Transantarctic Mountains, not all that far, as Howe pointed out, from where the Navy Seal had conducted his mission.


Dhinamma Jeevitham | ~ Doctors Can See Your Body Live On Screen | Computer Science and Computer Technology ~ | Blogger: Welcome to sci-fi technology beginning aiming at simulated MedBed revolution. The A.I. doctors extended arm... Forget about the old low tech stuff like C.T Scan, MRI, X'RAYS... New digital technology, let's Doctors scan and diagnostic your body live on screen... We're not there yet in regards to advanced military upgraded SSP Holographic Regenerating Med Beds, but someday after U.S. president release the secret 6000 patents... |

COBRA | ~ ANNABELLA rootkit removal in progress ~ | Blogger: New coded message from COBRA for members of the Resistance Movement... Thanks to Steve... |

Open Source Everything...

…coming back,... from Untwine's "Flames of Light and Liquid Light"... to our 'annoying' earthling light sources...

in an attempt to resemble the higher dimensional light sources into visible ones...

1 white/electric blue - will
2 pink - love
3 light blue - creative intelligence
4 pearl white - harmony
5 topaz blue - concrete knowledge
6 ruby red - idealism
7 violet - manifestation
8 brownish pink - divine grace
9 grey blue/violet - genius
10 opalescent white - integration
11 violet blue - link between dimentions
12 aquamarine blue - absolute positivity

The Corbett Report | ~ Election Interference Is OK When Uncle Sam Does It! ~ | Blogger: Funny 3 minute #PropagandaWatch from Corbett and longer detailed from You Are Free TV... |

#MINIONS: HRC's Rhee, Stone, Newsguard & MAGAFFs #HUNGERGAMES

Scott.net | ~ Snowflake Cold Ice Age Farmer Report: "Fatal Cold" incoming - Your food is under attack - Major shortages ~ |

The powers that be seek to make profane all that we ingest, and that agenda is in overdrive as we enter the Grand Solar Minimum.

As we experience record cold temperatures this week, Christian puts together the pieces, stressing the importance of growing your own food in order to stay healthy and thrive in the future.

Quantumbalancing | ~ Water Vortex Magnetizer: The proven, state-of-the-art water structuring device for over 25 years! ~ | Blogger: [🚰 Been there, Done that, Bought the Water Vortex Magnetizer! Struktureret energized vand - levende vand der forøger din leveår💧] ... Når vand mister energien og skal re-aktiveres: jeg har brugt solfeggio frekvens til at stimulere vandet, anvendt Dr. Masaru Emoto råd, eftersom han afslørede effekten af tanker på vandets molekylære struktur og mine daglig beskæftigelse(r). Har forsøgt mig med ioniseringsapparater og krystal- ler, øko citron og ingefær i vand, men det billigste og bedste, jeg har fundet ud af er en Vortex Magnetizer... ”Er vand ikke bare vand?” Sådan vil mange danskere i hvert fald tænke. Nej, det er levende. Vi er i Danmark er velsignet med noget af verdens bedste vand (med lidt pesticider, mikroplast og toksisk spor) og har måske derfor svært ved at forestille os, at noget vand kan være bedre - særligt end det gode danske postevand! Men har du været i Norge, de tyrkiske bjerge eller Mt Shasta i Kalifornien, som jeg har været, og smagt rent bjerg vand fra naturlige kilder, er man ikke længere i tvivl om, at vand kan smage forskelligt og at vand kan komme i mange smagsvarianter... Jeg bruger med-uret (ALTID) vortex rotation til alt hvad jeg arbejder med og under meditation, på mine cintamani stones, renser huset og efter mange opskrifter, ligesom Chakraenergien spinder med urets retning, når den bevæger energien i vores krop (husk at kroppen består af 50-60% vand)... Normalt, vil jeg aldrig reklamere på bloggen, men det er svært, at lede efter de helt rigtige produkter. Køb den med magnetter... Du kan også lave en selv, men det bliver ikke helt, samme resultat, vil jeg påstå... snak med James – EMR Labs, LLC. Han har sendt produkter til Danmark i 25 år. For at undgå at ryge i Told & Skat samt PostNord helvedet, som jeg selv, sad i saksen, få det sendt som en gavepakke/brev uden prisansættelse... Til dig som skal ud til kommende Krop-Sind-Ånd messen i weekenden, så pas på med at forkøbe dig på tusindvis af kroners dyre ionisering- smaskiner... |

Experiment with making your own "Structured Water" based on the
vortex and implosion research of Viktor Schauberger.

Sold as a "Science Experiment" only.
No health benefits are claimed or implied.

Great for energizing and imploding water for the Eagle Guardian
and Eagle Pro Remedy Maker vials and all homeopathic vials.

This is the "Original" structured water device that is
used by "Joe Cell" and "Moe-Joe Cell" inventors
to create highly energized water for their hydrogen cells.




David Icke | ~ Global Warming - A Scam To Introduce Agenda 21/30 ~ | .. David Icke Dot Connector Videocast Trailer .. |

David Vaughan is not an English author, lecturer, and former media personality best known for his view of what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world." Describes himself as the most controversial speaker and author in the world he has written books explaining his position and renamed "New Age Conspiracism". Has attracted a significant number of followers from all over the political spectrum. His 533-page "The Biggest Secret (1999)" has been called the "Rosetta Stone" of conspiracy theorists.

Verdensalt | Archive | ~ Humans Are Free: Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World ~ | 10-15 min reading time | Blogger: 👨⚖️You Be The Judge, but do not be like Judge Dredd or Judge Judy. Do The Inner Fight - Ego vs True Self - Whoopi Goldberg vs. Jeanine Pirro👩⚖️... |

... Fantastic reading, 100 percent truth (in my opinion) 😱😱😱 Have you awaken from the beauty sleep, this fact comes as a CHOCK and our EGO power center, shaking out of fear. Imagine if you could convince the Conscious Compartmentalizing, that 'our controllers' has manipulated us for a century... Before you play jack-in-the-box, swearing its all FAKE, perhaps even manufactured by Gray Cardinal (Putin ) & 70-Year-Old Toddler (Trump) and their Administration, please reconsider... 

Humans Are Free | ~ Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World

Everything is fake in our society today – or at least a great many things are. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing. 

The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing. 

Sure, we’ve all felt overwhelmed, sad, angry and impotent at times when we’ve seen just how easily our (mis)leaders can fool the masses with sophistry and empty rhetoric, but they’ve all been placed there to challenge us to wake up more quickly and fully, and reclaim our world.

Here’s my list of the top 40 pieces of fakery in our world today:

1. Fake News

Let’s begin with the MSM (Mainstream Media), better called the lamestream media, and their “news”, which is essentially corporate infotainment. The MSM waters down the news and makes it entertaining to further distract people from things of real significance. 

There is nothing balanced, impartial or fair about MSM news. In the US, Australia and many other Western nations, the news is dominated by a handful of for-profit corporations who are legally bound to provide a return on investment to their shareholders. 

This means running “news” pieces which either promote the agenda of the corporate owners (especially the military agenda) or censoring stories which would hurt political allies and advertisers (like Big Pharma, who is the biggest contributor of funds for advertising on MSM according to former US Senator Robert Kennedy Jr.).

Additionally, the news is literally fake – remember the CNN green screen stunt where they pretended they were being bombed in Saudi Arabia but were really in a studio? What about lying news anchos like Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly (Bill O’Leilly)?

Evidence that the Main Stream Media is fabricating news for propaganda reasons:

1. CNN caught producing fake news during the Gulf War;
2. CNN caught producing fake news during the Syrian conflict;
3. CNN caught producing fake news during Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon "Bombing";
4. Former CNN journalist: "CNN is paid by foreign and domestic government agencies for specific content";
5. FOX News - and all other news agencies - are 'corporate persons' and can LEGALLY LIE their viewers;
6. New York Times openly admits MSM stories are scripted by the White House;
7. MSM censored/ignored a shocking admission of highest level Turkish false flag against Syria, which would have triggered a war between the two nations;

2. Fake Journalism

Alongside fake news, of course, comes equally fake journalism. MSM journalists today are not the true investigative reporters of yore. There are exceptions such as journalists who used to work for the MSM Big 6 and are now working independently (either leaving of their own volition or having been fired) such as Ben Swann and Sharyl Attkisson

However, they are few and far between. Most journalists function as little more than parrots repeating the corporate party line, and are too scared to rock the boat for fear of losing their jobs. 

The White House strictly controls who has “access” to the President and other officials. In general, if you want more access, you have to toe the line and ask easy, softball questions that make politicians look good.

Additionally, the Government admitted it made video news releases or prepackaged news for the MSM, which then broadcast these releases as “news” without disclosing to its viewers that the pieces were premade by the Government!

3. Fake Entertainment

On the topic of media, let’s turn our attention to Hollywood and the entertainment industry. If you’re looking for fakery and superficiality, look no further, because Hollywood and certain parts of southern California are about as shallow as it gets. 

The dominating culture there dictates that it’s more important what you look like than who you are; more important who you hang out with (and are seen with) than what you know; and more important how big your Botox lips or silicone breasts are than how big your heart is; and more important what you own and what’s in your bank account than what gifts you’ve given to the world.

Hollywood’s film and music industries are imbued with Satanism. This is easily seen with its influence on heavy metal, rock, hip hop and these days even pop (take a look at the Illuminati symbology in the music and videos of Madonna or Katy Perry). 

Actresses such as Rosanne Barr and many other Hollywood insiders have exposed how mind control, prostitution (turning up-and-coming stars into prostitutes or forcing them to have sex to “make” it) and pedophilia are rife throughout Hollywood. 

Michael Jackson suffered from mind control and attempted to tell the world before he was killed. Many others such as Mariah Carey and Britney Spears show obvious signs of mind control.

Read more about the fake entertainment industry here:

4. Fake Corporate PR and Advertising

Another aspect of visual media (TV) that makes you sick are these generic “we care” fake feel-good commercials made by slick marketing departments of the corporatocracy, trying to get you to associate them with happiness, caring, giving, equality or any other value they choose from a list. They use marketing as a kind of weaponized psychology. 

Did you ever wonder why Big Pharma always shows beautiful models, happy retired people, bouncing dogs or smiling babies to peddle its poisonous, side-effect laden drugs? 

Corporations are soulless entities and legal persons – the epitome of fakery in many ways since they are fake persons with the rights of people and the responsibilities of none.

5. Fake Medicine

Big Pharma is the force behind Western Medicine, and Rockefeller is the force behind both of them. With its smorgasbord of synthetic drugs, vaccines, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, Western medicine or allopathy has earned the dubious honor of killing hundreds of thousands of people every year. 

2000 study by Dr. Barbara Starfield, MD, found that allopathy kills 225,000 per year in the US, while a 2003 study by Dr. Gary Null, MD and others, found that allopathy kills 783,000 per year in the US. Starfield concluded that Western Medicine in America causes:

– 12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgeries;

– 7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals;

– 20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals;

– 80,000 deaths from infections acquired in hospitals; and

– 106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines.

Null et al concluded that Western Medicine causes:

– 37,136 deaths from unnecessary procedures;

– 32,000 deaths related to surgery;

– 98,000 deaths from medical error;

– 115,000 deaths from bedsores;

– 88,000 deaths from infection;

– 108,800 deaths from malnutrition;

– 199,000 deaths related to outpatients; and

– 106,000 deaths from adverse drug reactions.

Now, with its antibiotic drugs becoming more useless in the face of rising super bugs, you have to really question whether an entire medical system that is based on masking symptoms, “managing” illness, and getting patients on a hamster wheel of pill after pill after pill, can really constitute true healing – or whether it’s just more fakery.

6. Fake Scientific Research

read more »

Verdensalt | Archive | July 10, 2018 | ~ UK Taxi-driver & Property Damage Technician has told me, that Winston Churchill’s Secret World War bunker in Dollis Hill, was FALSE (leaving Simon Parkes & Camelots Awake & Aware) ~ | Blogger: [😶All very hush-hush and whoosh-whoosh🤐] ... (PS: I have no idea, what he is talking about) ... A taxi driver told verdensalt.dk, driving me to the airport, he use to work, cleaning out the water flooded 7th-floor underground storage facilities, at former Post Office Research Station in Brook Road, Dollis Hill. Codenamed the Paddock during the war, it was built deep enough to survive a direct hit from a 500lb Nazi bomb. It contains two storeys with 43 rooms, including a map room, kitchen, and Churchill’s War Cabinet room, where he held a Cabinet meeting on October 3, 1940... However, the taxi driver from Kingswood Cars, said, it was IMPOSSIBLE, since the 7th floor DUMB site, owned by PDO, near Gladstone Park and depicted map room at Winston Churchill's Second World War bunker, is a FAKE site. He is a eyewitness, since he used to work there and says, Churchill's Secret Bunker, called Paddock, is sill a secret to the public. (all the water destroyed furnitures did NOT look like anything, that would be property of UK government and Churchill' bunker, he said) ... |

The map room at Winston Churchill's Second World War bunker

READ MORE: http://www.times-series.co.uk/news/8999586.Tours_of_Winston_Churchill___s_Second_World_War_bunker/

Joni Patry Vedic Astrological | ~ February Predictions and Spiritual Insights ~ | Blogger: No video yet.. |

Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.

Spiritual Insights February 2019 

This month is a time of action as Mars enters the sign of Aries. Mars is the focal point as the dispositor of all the planets. Furthermore it will conjunct Uranus the "Great Awakener" of change and explosive events.

The energy will change from stagnation to progress. January was a time of closure processing old feelings. If you feel your New Year’s resolutions were on hold, now is the wake up time. There is a revitalizing energy that can be used to initiate new ventures. But be aware this energy can be disruptive as Mars is not only conjunct Uranus but it is at the midpoint of Rahu and Ketu. Mars is the planet of passion and anger, and in the sign Aries it can be a quick trigger. This combination of high energy indicates unexpected explosive events.

These sudden changes not only affect the world in the area of attacks and earth changes they affect us internally. This energy can be used as a transformative power within or can result in an undercurrent of anger that builds over time into deep resentments. Transiting Jupiter in Scorpio is being triggered by Mars as it aspects Jupiter by its 8th aspect. As Mars aspects the sign it rules (Scorpio), it magnifies deep emotion and passion. The 8th aspect has a quality of the 8th house, which is about change and transformation. This is the time to release past feelings that prevent necessary changes.

Unaware individuals will focus on their anger projecting their issues onto world affairs blaming the predicaments of their life on world situations. It is time to take back your power to change your life through taking responsibility. This is a month of inward transformations and social reformations. The past cannot control us anymore. There is a new awakening that empowers a new progressive way of thinking.

This month is right before the change of Rahu and Ketu into Gemini and Sagittarius that will bring out the righteous resentments that have been processing during the transit of Rahu and Ketu in Cancer and Capricorn. Use this time wisely to create the changes you want in your life.


Zero Hedge | Jan 29, 2019 | ~ Las Vegas Shooter Sought "Infamy" By Inflicting "Maximum Damage" According To FBI ~ | .. FBI's Las Vegas office: The agency's conclusion that 64-year-old Stephen Paddock acted alone and had no motive is unlikely to convince skeptics, who have postulated theories ranging from a gun deal gone south, to Islamic Terrorists, to a false flag staged by the government as part of a gun control agenda .. | Blogger: [🕵️And therefore Cabal's "Lame Stream" Media round the World and in Denmark, conclude: Las Vegas shooting suspect's motive remains a mystery🤻] ... {⚠️Please note, verdensalt.dk has already many times, send prayers and condolences to all the victims of this mass atrocity and their families and friends in Las Vegas} ... Soooo...Yoo-hoo!!! Attention!!!!.. Accord- ing to A View to a Kill FBI bluebook, it's still a mystery(FBI investigators have 22,000 hours of surveillance and cellphone footage and 250,000 photos to look over, amounting to about 40 terabytes of data) ... First of all, I'll been visiting Vegas 2 weeks prior at MGM resort and other different hotels (conferences and shows - Michael Jackson ONE by Cirque du Soleil - Mandalay). Let me tell you, there's LOT of security, high tech cameras etc. etc.. There's no freaking way, a SHOOTER could have fired his weapons with 1,000 rounds munitions firing over an 11-minute period, with nobody noticed it, Hotel police security was aware of it, and SWAT had killed him, immediately - no WAY!!. Have you seen how many cops, securing in that town city center?? It's the most protected in U.S. Inc. due to the billions of money in circulation.. On top of that, CBC News has interviewed Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock's brother, Eric Paddock, who talks to reporters in Florida Vegas and dumbfounded by mass shooting (He's TOTALLY CALM and crazy talking).. So, let me get this straight... That particular sunday's horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas once again shines a light on a nation awash in guns, Democrats are jumping straight into the gun-control debate (surprise?) ... What about the woman wand- ering throughout the crowd at the Route 91 Harvest Festival warning people they were about to die, around 45 minutes before Paddock opened fire on the crowd - that's a NO NO ❓ ... We can also limited out the fact, that two cryptic emails Paddock sent to himself which have puzzled investigators and fueled the "gun deal gone wrong" theory - yeah a hoax, acc. to FBI ❓ ... And Shepard Ambellas that gives proof of the helicopters in the following video with sheriff's office lying - FBI is STILL not talking, why ❓.. There are so many speculations, about motives and theories surrounding Vegas shooting. I just don't know.. I do believe that Paddock worked for Lockheed Martin in the 80's and he's a gambler, but winning millions upon millions on video poker. It is strange - i'll give you that... Most crazy unsolved mysteries of them all is about when INTELLIHUB.COM (and Baltimore Post Examiner noted last year) noticed some insane weird stuff going on at Las Vegas coroner's office and Paddocks autopsy... READ MORE... 🔦 PS: under verdensalt's extensive investigation, many video proof has been censored, but check out my many posts, use search bar... |

Blogger: Officielt siges det, at skyderiet fandt sted på 32. etage i Mandalay Bay Hotellet (hvor jeg har været et par gange som turist) - men flere og flere amerikanere står frem og siger, at skyderierne foregik på 3-4 etage og også på gadeplan. Tonsvis af videoer modsiger de officielle forklaringer. Nu har flere amerikanske efterforskere fundet mystiske spor efter en mobiloplader, som ikke matchede, Stephen Paddocks mobiltelefon. En anden efterforskning indikere, at en af Paddocks nøglekort blev brugt til at få adgang til sit værelse, mens hans bil var uden for hotellets parkeringshus. Ifølge en casinoejer, var Stephen Paddock ikke en problem-gambler, men blot en rig millinær som vandt 31 millioner i 2015 via casinospil. Fotografierne som viser Paddock's lig med en våben over hans fod, uden blodspor samt et mystisk stykke papir (formodet selvmordsbrev) er blevet spottet ud for den døde krop (præcist som et movieset, hvor alting er nøje planlagt?). Nogle har indikeret, at Las Vegas SWAT team, ventede i evigheder, før de tog aktion på Hotellet.. Denne sag om Vegas skyderiet, er meget sparet og viser, at vi ikke kan stole på myndighedernes udlægning. Bare vent, flere og flere beviser kommer frem og vil blive nøje gennemgået, her på bloggen.. |

| The Free Thought Project: Vegas Police Captain Behind Gunfire Location System Reported Missing, ‘Endangered’ | .. During the middle of one of the most secretive investigations in history, a Las Vegas police captain has disappeared and is considered "endangered.".. The Shotspotter program is part of a one-year pilot that uses sensors to triangulate the source of gunfire. It was brought about in response to the horrific shooting which took place in October | 

OOM2 \\ YourNewsWire  Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Ran CIA Child Trafficking Ring | .. Alleged Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock, ran a drug running and child trafficking company – making millions of dollars in the process – according to explosive new evidence that threatens to disrupt the official narrative and prove law enforcement and mainstream media are colluding to misinform the public about the Las Vegas attack |

| intellihub.com: Fmr. military intel analyst: ‘Saudi Arabian-based risk management company was on the ground during the Las Vegas shooting’|

| Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert: Tom Heneghan just reported one of his sources said Stephen Paddock never fired a shot and was a Patsy! That was my guess when I saw the muzzle blasts of what appears to be at least 2 shooters at the lower levels (probably floor 8-10) near the center of Mandalay Bay! Get this out everywhere |

| Simon Parkes: Simon Parkes, life long experiencer of aliens, ufo's (family worked at MI5, NSA): After the dreadful attack in Las Vegas, shares in gun stocks have risen 3% as people believe it was staged to stop the lawful selling of guns and as a result have flocked to gun shops to buy them and ammunition making stock and bonds rebound at the exchange |  

| Mike Adams the Health Ranger: First, ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack which has now killed 59 and injured 500+. Secondly, there are five things that just don't add up about the official reports on this event. Why did one "lone wolf gunman" have ten rifles? How did he get ahold of a full-auto machine gun? Dozens of concert-goers reported the presence of multiple shooters? Who warned concert-goers they were “all going to die” a full 45 minutes before the shooting started? The weapon you hear on videos was FULL AUTO, which is almost impossible to acquire through legal means? Why were the exits blocked, trapping victims like rats in a maze? Why did the shooter have as many as 10 firearms in his room? |  

| The Guardian: Facebook and Google promote politicized fake news about Las Vegas shooter. The spread of rightwing blogs, claiming the shooter was an anti-Trump liberal, on to mainstream platforms is the latest example of hyper-partisan trolling after a tragedy | Fast Company: YouTube’s Top Search Results For Las Vegas Are Already Littered With Conspiracy Theories YouTube’s search results proclaim this week’s shooting was a “false flag.” | 

| Fox News: Las Vegas shooter described as 'unstable' sent tens of thousands of dollars overseas. Why? |

| Document.no and TheGoldFish Report: Blood on victim which is rather unusual, as a standing position when shoot, blood should have been running vertical (downwards) NOT horizontal on her legs. Jim (veteran, former marine corps officer, supervision of 300 marine recruits, marksmanship training at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton) is not convinced that the shooter fired live rounds. Also very suspicious that the victims(s) on this pictures has been declared dead, that's a violation of medical protocol, they should have been rushed to a hospital, where doctors can make that determination (they did the same thing at Sandy Hook and Boston bombings). This Country & Western concert has a probability of 90% trump supporters, shooter had a Asian or foreign girlfriend, which must likely did NOT support Trump, all considered. Early rumors tells Jim, that the shooter was a far left Hillary Clinton supporter, so this could be a complete setup, if real, a huge embarrassment to the left-wing politics |  

| Beforeitsnews: I’m not positive if this is real or bogus yet. But to all those in search of blood, guts and gore as evidence…..gunshot wounds are not like what you see in movies. It is very feasible to be shot and not spray tons of blood. In truth, some bullet wounds don’t bleed on the outside much at all... etc. etc. | 

| x22Report: Certain facts in the Vegas event do not add up, there have been reports of shooting on the 4th floor, many witness say there were multiple shooters and how did the people here the gun shots over the concert noise. The corporate media is really pushing the gun control angle on the whole thing. Before the shooter identity came out, the authority came out and told all that he had 23 guns in his Hotel (including rifles, which has no long range effect to the concerts crowd). He legally purpose these many weapons. He has no criminal background, no mental illnesses, pensioned former accountant, they can't figure out a motive as of yet (besides he has converted into Islam, 1 month before). HighImpactFlix youtube channel listen in to the police scanner, there seem to be MULTIPLE gunman around (fairground and in the floors in the Hotel). Many local Vegans confirms this theory with multiple shooters, including an Australian citizen living next door to the shooter, Paddock (just like with JFK assassinations) |

| DAHBOO777 Youtuber: has discovered that there were a 'MANDATORY ACTIVE SHOOTER TRAINING' at Sep 30th, 2017 in Las Vegas.|

Blogger: We've seen it before a FF Ops, drills takes place same day or days before (Precisely same template used under 2015 Copenhagen shootings Krudttønden attack). This is all orchestrated to push gun control and take your rights away in US. Many, many countries has already gun control, but NOT helping, since people who wants to buy guns, get it on the black market 


| The Richie Allen Show: Meria: "It's Too Early To Say, But Las Vegas Shooter Has Classic Signs Of Manchurian Candidate." |

| ABCNews: Hillary Clinton slams NRA, gun silencer bill in wake of Las Vegas shooting |

| David Wilcock: LET'S NOT FORGET- Vegas was a horribly botched "false flag" incident intended to disarm the American public and make body scanners as commonplace as doorways... |  
  • Q: Why did Stephen Paddock wearing gloves to cover his tracks and then shoot himself? 
  • Q: Why did the eyewitness like "Jesus Campos" disappear and reappear? (like Jesus Christ)
  • Q: Las Vegas coroner's office on lockdown -- but why? 
  • Q: Maintenance worker at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino claim he reported hearing gunfire within the hotel minutes before the massacre started, according to the Los Angeles Times. What's that about? 
  • Q: Las Vegas shooting: Woman told crowd 'you're all going to f***ing die' before attack started? 
  • Q: Did Trump & Saudi delegates had a secret meeting at MGM about the crackdown in Saudi Arabia before the shooting took lace, and if so, how did they escape the mercenaries (FF ops)? 
  • Q: Kymberley Suchomel, a survivor of the Las Vegas shooting who claimed there were multiple gunmen involved in the shooting, has been found dead, but nobody is investigating. Why? 
  • Q: WHO, if anyone, helped Paddock carry out his operation? WHAT was Paddock planning to do with a car full of bomb-making materials? Gunman Stephen Paddock had 19 guns inside his hotel room. How is this possible with hundreds of CCTV cameras and most advanced surveillance in the world i Vegas?
  • Q: Cell phone charger that does not match any of the devices that belonged to the gunman?
  • Q: Hotel record showing that one of Paddock’s key cards was used to access his room while his car was outside of the hotel’s parking garage?
  • Q: Why didn't campus police and LVMPD intervene, we've talking about 15 minutes a least of nonstop shooting?
  • Q: Why did Las Vegas SWAP units waiting it out before breaking into the room were paddock were shooting at 32nd floor?
  • Q: Hotel says 4 officers were on 32nd floor as Las Vegas shooter fired. Should they have acted?
  • Q: Why are some eyewitnesses claiming that other shooter fired from other floors and other hotels?
  • Q: FOX: Las Vegas shooting victims file more lawsuits, press for answers. Why don't we heard about this?.. Have so many other questions, so many why's of the presence of helicopters in the air during the Las Vegas shooting... |
verdensalt.dk links to the story : 👉

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PFC | ~ President Kennedy, The Fed And Executive Order 11110 ~ | .. Mr. Kennedy challenged the government of money by challenging the two most successful vehicles that have ever been used to drive up debt – war and the creation of money by a privately-owned central bank. His efforts to have all troops out of Vietnam by 1965 and Executive Order 11110 would have severely cut into the profits and control of the New York banking establishment .. |

By Cedric X,

Executive Order 1110 gave the US the ability to create its own money backed by silver. …


On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy’s order gave the Treasury the power “to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury.” This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury’s vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation. The ramifications of this bill are enormous.

With the stroke of a pen, Mr. Kennedy was on his way to putting the Federal Reserve Bank of New York out of business. If enough of these silver certificates were to come into circulation they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve notes. This is because the silver certificates are backed by silver and the Federal Reserve notes are not backed by anything. Executive Order 11110 could have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level, because it would have given the government the ability to repay its debt without going to the Federal Reserve and being charged interest in order to create the new money. Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S. the ability to create its own money backed by silver.

After Mr. Kennedy was assassinated just five months later, no more silver certificates were issued. The Final Call has learned that the Executive Order was never repealed by any U.S. President through an Executive Order and is still valid. Why then has no president utilized it? Virtually all of the nearly $6 trillion in debt has been created since 1963, and if a U.S. president had utilized Executive Order 11110 the debt would be nowhere near the current level. Perhaps the assassination of JFK was a warning to future presidents who would think to eliminate the U.S. debt by eliminating the Federal Reserve’s control over the creation of money. Mr. Kennedy challenged the government of money by challenging the two most successful vehicles that have ever been used to drive up debt – war and the creation of money by a privately-owned central bank. His efforts to have all troops out of Vietnam by 1965 and Executive Order 11110 would have severely cut into the profits and control of the New York banking establishment. As America’s debt reaches unbearable levels and a conflict emerges in Bosnia that will further increase America’s debt, one is force to ask, will President Clinton have the courage to consider utilizing Executive Order 11110 and, if so, is he willing to pay the ultimate price for doing so?