Oct 30, 2017

Yahoo News | Oct 30, 2017 | Trump Campaign Adviser Lied To FBI About Russian 'Dirt' | Blogger: Keep in mind, Manafort’s alleged crimes are from ‘years ago’ and predate his presidential campaign, according to Mr. Trump (just saying)... |

Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | Oct 30, 2017 | Is Donald Trump too scared to name George Bush Sr. and P2 Freemasons as Kennedy assassins? | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: Excerpts from the Full Report -- There are no free rides, this time... |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier. 

Is Donald Trump too scared to name George Bush Sr. and P2 Freemasons as Kennedy assassins?

Udgivet af Benjamin den 30.Oktober 2017

U.S. Corporation President Donald Trump last week announced he would release all records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, “other than the names and addresses of any mentioned person who is still living.” In other words, it appears he is too scared to mention the involvement of George Bush (Scherf, Pecce) Sr. and the Vatican P2 Freemason lodge fascist New World Order faction.

Pentagon officials, however, say, “Trump muscled the CIA, Mossad, the FBI, and the Bush cabal to release ALL JFK files, since [then Israeli Prime Minister] Ben Gurion wanted JFK dead, and the same perps also did 9/11.”

These are the people who aim to create a world fascist government controlled by members of European royal families who claim descent from the Caesars and from King David, as revealed by forensic research over a period of many years. This research, including meetings with many members of this family group, has led us to the conclusion that these are the real “elders of Zion.”

Thanks to the confessions of Benjamin Freedman…

and others, John F. Kennedy became aware of a plot to start World War III, wipe out 90% of humanity, and turn the rest into slaves. The Zionists very nearly succeeded in accomplishing this by triggering all-out nuclear war during the Cuban missile crisis. That is why Kennedy decided to take away their main source of power—the ability to create money out of thin air.
George Bush Sr. (whose real family name goes back through Sherf and Pearce to the Roman aristocratic Pecce name) and the Zionists had Kennedy assassinated in order to prevent the nationalization of the Federal Reserve Board.

These people are still in control of the creation of U.S. dollars, Euros, and Japanese yen out of thin air. Their main instrument of power in the U.S. these days is still the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller Zionist Federal Reserve Board, truth researchers agree.

A very interesting example of how these gangsters distribute their fiat money can be seen in the article at the link below that shows how the rise in Amazon share prices matches the rise in central bank money printing and moves in the opposite direction of actual Amazon results. There can be little doubt that Jeff Bezos is now “the world’s richest man,” because he has been selected as a premier distributor of fiat money.

Forensic research has shown that most (if not all) major listed corporations are controlled, via hedge funds like Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity, etc., by this family group, known now to many as the Khazarian mafia.

In Japan, this writer has identified the quislings used by the Khazarian mafia, thanks to testimony by assassins formerly in their employ here. These people are now vanishing one by one as their former hitmen turn on them, the assassins say.

The quisling politician Seiji Maehara played a key role in the recent theft of the Japanese election by Khazarian mobsters led by Rothschild agent Michael Greenberg and Barbara Bush cousin Richard Armitage. Maehara is the son of the North Korean agent Son Tae Chuk, also known as Daisaku Ikeda. Ikeda for years was the absolute ruler of the Soka Gakkai Buddhist lay group and controller of the Komeito political party, whose duped members are crucial to maintaining Khazarian control of Japan. Ikeda has been in a vegetative state (probably dead) for several years, so Maehara is effectively in charge now, even though he ostensibly belongs to a different political grouping. White Dragon Society (WDS) sources in Japan say Maehara regularly walks into the U.S. embassy in Tokyo and is never asked to show any ID.

The Khazarians stole the Japanese election because the Party of Hope led by Koike Yuriko was planning to nationalize the Bank of Japan, say sources close to the Japanese emperor.

With U.S. President Donald Trump scheduled to visit Japan November 5-7, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS, the employer of Greenberg and Armitage) had big meetings this past weekend in Tokyo to discuss what agenda they were going to present to Trump.

Prior to this gathering, the CSIS sent a top agent to meet with a representative of the White Dragon Society. At this meeting, the CSIS official, who personally does not approve of Armitage, said that he was sent by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to…

( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author) 

RT - Russia Today | Oct 30, 2017 | ‘ISIS will be destroyed before year’s end’- Duma defense chief | Blogger: Oohrah!! First of all, no peace will come as long as somebody is funding ISIS, almighty powerful 'CIA' scares the bejesus out of me (Shadow Factory) & US-MIC that are in cahoots with ISIS and other terrorist factions meant to destroy Syria and want nothing more than conflicts and war in the world. WAR IS BIG BUSINESS. Who do you think support and fund ISIS.. God? Allah?.. No, US Inc. aka Elitist DC Zionist Criminal Cabal.. |

FILE PHOTO: Russian soldiers, on armoured vehicles, patrol a street in Aleppo © Ali Hashisho / Reuters
READ  MORE: https://www.rt.com/politics/408187-russia-will-destroy-isis-before/

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Oct 30, 2017 | We Can Still Smile – Can They? + Nov. ‘Healing Computer’ Treatment Bookings In The U.S. (VIDEO) | Blogger: Neil is scamtastic eh?... |

Alternative Bio

Neil Keenan skulle efter sigende være 'Sagsøgeren' for Dragon Familien ( ansvarlige for de Globale finanser).. Red Dragon Familien har i årtusinder, indsamlet langt størstedelen af alt Guld på Jorden. De ser ikke dem selv, som eneste ejere af dette Guld, snarere som forvaltere, fordi de forstår, at guldet kommer fra menneskeheden og tilhører menneskeheden og vil blive overlevet tilbage til menneskeheden, når tiden er rigtig. Red Dragon Family nedstammer fra multietniske Japanske og Kinesiske aristokratiske familier. Deres HQ ligger i Kina, men har en bred skare af medlemmer fra verdens kontingenter. Mere end 180 blodlinier. Der er masser af misinformation omkring disse forskellige "farvede" symboler og familie grupperinger. Red Dragon, har levet "under jorden" så at sige, væk fra offentlighedens lys i mange tusinde år, som nok er forståeligt, da Illuminati / Cabal sikkert har gjort alt hvad de kunne, for at stjæle Deres guld og skabe ødelæggelse. Dragon Familien har dog sagsøgt det amerikanske Federal Reserve (FED) og skulle efter sigende have vundet lidt tilbage.. White Dragon, der har en gammel asiatisk modstykke, Black Dragon (Højere østasiatiske fælles velstand m.m.), Dragon familien (merovingiske royalty), Green Dragon, som har rødder i Iran (Persien) og Centralasien. Yderligere findes der Gold Dragon, Blue Dragon, m.fl. Benjamin Fulford skrev en artikel i 2011, omkring han mente, at Red Dragons kunne være nazisternes nye alias navn, fordi Odessa gruppen (efterkrigstidens nazister) var så afgjort, på krigsstien (Nok nærmere MIC-SSP). Det er naturligvis altid svært at bevise at Dragon Society eksistere og sandfærdig, men ikke mere end andre fantastiske og eventyrlige fortællinger fra vores hemmelighedsfulde verden, som kun få kender til.. Som altid, søg selv viden og brug din indre guide, til at hjælpe dig.

Visit www.neilkeenan.com for further information.

You have heard of Fuller Brush and the Avon Lady who, in the past, would always come to your door. Well, now Group K is attempting to bring the healing computers to your cities within the U.S.
We are doing our best to make it easier for those who need medical treatments:

I want to thank everyone for their interest and involvement in the ‘healing computer’ technology. Whether you are owners or clients, one way or another you all have brought many smiles to our faces. The incredible testimonies from 3rd party treatment clients are truly hopeful and inspiring.

Although we would much prefer to have already delivered more machines as well as having been able to offer expanded healing services to you, our team is now working tirelessly to create better and more convenient opportunities. By bringing the healing computers directly to you in various regions throughout the world, we hope to lessen travel challenges.

Thanks to Larry and Nancy’s recent research questionnaire to determine people’s preferences, as well as finding the best places to set up seminars and healing appointments, we will continue to study more efficient methods to better serve you.
We already have sessions available for people to book treatments in Grand Rapid Michigan and Long Beach California this November. If you are interested in booking treatments at these events in the U.S. please contact:

If you are interested in purchasing the ‘Healing Computer’ technology, please contact:
I personally wish everyone the very best and pray that whenever I meet you, no matter what your age, you are still playing sports. Ha ha ha.

RISE ( R$E Side Channel) YouTuber | Oct 29, 2017 | Pope Francis Plan to Take Over the World (2018) |

Exposed - the Jesuit plan to counter the protestant reformation. As we draw close to the 500 year anniverary of the reformation on 31st October 2017, the agenda to re-unite Christian churches under the Roman Catholic Apostate Religion is underway. Despite a long history of persecution, matyrdom and heretical doctrines, some groups of protestant Christians are embracing this Papal Templar scheme with open arms. I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away. They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do these things because they have not known the Father, nor me. But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told them to you. John 16: 1-4 “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. But all these things they will do to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me.
John 15: 18-21

GAOG | Oct 28, 2017 | By Suzanne Maresca | You Asked for [Collective Evolution's] Stance on Trump, so Here It Is |

By Joe Martino, October 23, 2017, CollectiveEvolution.com


When Trump was elected as president of the United States in November 2016 the world pretty well shit their pants to say the least. How was it possible that this guy won the election? But what many in the world never considered is just how fed up people are with the same old same old. There isn’t much trust in government or corrupt politicians these days, and people were ready to try anything new.

After the election a slurry of stories began to hit the media about who Trump really was, how Hillary could have lost and of course, fake news was to blame for everything. Oh, and months later Russia was to blame for everything. Even though there was no evidence of either. We saw a massive media slandering that was essentially the childish outcry of a Deep State upset about how things didn’t go its way.

As we covered the many stories related to the election, Trump, Hillary, Wikileaks and so forth here at CE, our readership often asked who we truly support; Hillary or Trump? Of course, we support neither and have stated this numerous times, yet this was something that was difficult for many to understand because the belief is you must support one or the other, and if you don’t support one you automatically support the other. This is understandable of course.

The amount of anger, emotions, and frustration we collectively have had about Trump being president is incredible. While I believe this shows how much we collectively need to shift our perspectives on things in general, I also believe that in many ways our emotional outcries are where things start. We have to observe our emotions and what they telling us about our beliefs and perspectives in order to see how we can move beyond them. We are massively limiting our world and reality by holding on so rigidly to what we believe. To be clear, we cannot change things from a state of anger or aggression, we must first move past this. This is a lesson humanity is learning big time right now.

Before we go on, politics are an emotional subject for many of us because we believe so strongly in one side or another, this is perhaps the biggest challenge we face. But that said, it’s most serving at this point to set emotions aside as we go through this. This won’t lift up nor bash Trump but will simply state things for what they are. But emotions will need to be set aside to see that more clearly.

The Truth About Trump

Disclosure News Italy \\ Return To Your Truth | Aggiornato il 30 October, 2017 | Blockbuster Interview GREEN-LIGHTED: Unknown Lightwarrior, Michael Salla & Cobra ~ Part One |

Jason A World News | Oct 28, 2017 | Corey Feldman Exposes the Illuminati in Hollywood! (2017) | Blogger: I've been enjoying his channel, like so many others - it's a little bit end-of-time-pessimistic-religious in nature, but he is offering up some good and current footage from US news outlets and unexplained events around the world... |

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/jasonayoutube/ ILLUMINATI MESSAGE FROM COREY FELDMAN... corey feldman shocking confession 2017 2018 today news jason a entertainment industry

LUFOS | Oct, 29 2017 | BREAKING NEWS: Oklahoma City Thunder Plane Hit By A UFO |

Oklahoma City Thunder Plane Hit By A UFO

This happened to NBA team Oklahome City Thunder, after a game on Friday night. After the game in Minneapolis they flew to Chicago and their plane was hit by an unidentified flying object at 30.000 feet (9.1km) in the air.

Verdensalt | Oct 30, 2017 | Death Animals, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Sinkholes, Sonic Booms, Bible Prophecy Signs in the Sky, Tsunami, Flooding and Wildfires All at once - What The Heck Is Going On? MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST - 403 Known MASS Death Events in 75 Countries (or Territory).. |

Anomalous hailsorm in Cordoba on October 26, 2017. via Twitter

NN | Oct 29, 2017 | Big Pharma billionaire arrested, charged with conspiracy, racketeering, bribery |

Big Pharma billionaire arrested, charged with conspiracy, racketeering, bribery
Mike Adams
The tide is turning.

The feds have arrested the billionaire founder of Insys, a global drug company, and they'd charged him with conspiracy, racketeering and bribery.

The US Dept. of Justice, in other words, just confirmed everything Natural News has been reporting about the criminal drug cartels over the last fifteen years.

Also today, on the political spectum, brace yourself for a fake news barrage all next week as special counsel Robert Mueller -- a "dirty cop" with a long history of collusion -- tries to distract America from the Uranium One scandal.

P.S. Also see the first story below, where a notorious "science bully" internet troll has just been unmasked and exposed.

TV2 NYS | 30. Okt 2017 | Danmark kan blive første land der stopper udbredelsen af hiv | In english: Denmark can be the first country that stops the spread of HIV - the stated-owned Danish Health Authority (Danish: Sundhedsstyrelsen) recommends preventive treatment of HIV virus with the PrEP pill. HIV, can become a past issue, according to the AIDS-Fondet | Blogger: Something is terribly wrong with our genetic modified politicians, who 'solemnly swear to tell the truth', but are paid by the pharmaceutical mafia monopoly and financially supported by the chemical industry.. They got one thing right though - if you choose to take the placebo effect of the 'blue pill' -- (Matrix - This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more) 💥HIV is a LIE!!!!!💥 BILL GATES AND THE POLIO VACCINATION LIE!!!! THE CHEMOTHERAPY LIE!!!! HPV LIE!!!!... AIDS is Real, HIV is Fake - AIDS, as in immune deficiency, is real enough. It certainly can be ‘acquired,’ either through drug abuse, poverty, toxic exposure, or antibiotic overload. It can be congenital – some people are born with broken, weak or deficient immune systems. AIDS is real enough. HIV, as in “HIV tests,” and the ‘wily retrovirus,’ however, is an invention, or really, a conglomeration or accumulation of separable phenomena – cross-reacting protein tests, budding ‘exosomal’ sub-cellular particles, bits of broken cellular structures – brought together over time, by different researchers at different labs, all believing that this hodge-podge of cellular detritus adds up to one thing (but only in the gay men and African women they like to target for the make-believe ‘HIV test’ rigmarole). The drugs that come next will knock out any fungus or bacteria that’s growing in you – but it will destroy your blood, intestines and bone marrow too, leaving you lifeless after extended use. It makes the drugs dangerous to take, and hard to quit. AIDS is real enough. Immune deficiency exists, and has many causes. It’s the idea that this diagnosis has one, and only one cause, that is the greatest medical fiction of our age... |

LÆS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/samfund/2017-10-30-danmark-kan-blive-forste-land-der-stopper-udbredelsen-af-hiv

Saturday Night Live | Oct 27, 2017 | Most Haunted (Hugh Laurie) - SNL | Blogger: In the light of the Halloween traditions - LOFL 😄... |

In a spoof of the Travel Channel's show Most Haunted, ghost hunter Derek Acorah (Hugh Laurie) makes excuses for a mysterious sound his crew (Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, Amy Poehler) captured and plays back over and over.

X22 Report | Oct 27, 2017 | Episode 1411b | Something Big Is About To Happen & It Might Take Place At An Amusement Park | Blogger: X22 Report breaks down the MSM media, who push the narrative of fake news regarding JFK, NATO, Edward Snowden, IS, Trump, Hillary Clinton... |

Clapper says who cares who paid for the Trump Dossier. The FEC is looking into election misconduct during the Trump and Clinton election. DOJ clears FBI informant to testify about the Uranium 1 deal. Tillerson scraps the sanction department. Catalonia votes for independence. NATO keeps silent about unmarked helicopters flying in and supporting the terrorist organizations. Snowden reveals documents that the US knew about Saudi Arabia planning an attack on Damascus. The FBI is having a drill at an amusement park, is the setup for the next event.

Journalista.dk | 30. Oktober 2017 | Lars Bjørknæs - Cand. jur. og markedsøkonom | ~ Så meget tjener topembedsmændene i landets kommuner ~ | .. Hvor meget tjener direktionerne i landets kommuner? Det kan Journalista.dk nu afslører, efter at vi har indhentet et overblik over landets kommunale topembedsmænd via aktindsigter. Den største undersøgelse af sin art fastslår blandt andet, at der udbetales iøjnefaldende lønninger over alt i det kommunale Danmark. Medlemmer af kommunernes direktionerne er nemlig næsten per definition sikret en løn, som ligger på den særdeles pæne side af millionen – uanset om der fx er tale om embedsmænd i København eller Kalundborg, Aarhus eller Aabenraa eller for den sags skyld Odense eller Odsherred.. | Blogger: Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd i centraladministrationen... |

LÆS VIDERE: http://journalista.dk/saa-meget-tjener-topembedsmaendene-i-din-kommune/

Verdensalt | 30. Okt 2017 | Danskeren gør det igen: Går som katten om den varme grød - ‘Never underestimate the power of the dark side’ | Blogger: Vi er blevet bange for vores egen skygge... Vi er sofavælgere når det gælder kommunalvalget, der er endnu flere sofavælgere, når der er valg til EU-parlamentet. Danskeren stemmer JA til EU, NATO, USA samt JA til at være en krigsførende nation. Det, er også selvom EU, er et uigennemsigtigt, korrupt og udemokratisk system. ‘Soros network’ har gennemsyret, influeret og infiltreret hele EU. Et netværk, der drives af amerikansk-ungarsk finansminister George Soros, har stor indflydelse på EU-organer i Bruxelles og fremmer oprettelsen af et "Europa af blandet befolkning" ved at tilskynde til indvandring. Nu er det også kommet frem, at Europa-Parlamentet vil ansætte eksterne efterforskere som reaktion på åbenbaringer af den langvarige og udbredte seksuel chikane af kvindelige medarbejdere.. En ny undersøgelse fra TrygFonden viser, at danskerne frygter terrorangreb mere end tidligere undersøgte år. Men danskeren nægter at lade sig indvillige i hvad et Falsk Flag er for en fisk. Vi vil hellere påstemple "muslimer og onde mænd" og naturligvis Rusland, for alt rædsel.. Danskeren vil heller ikke se ind i Hillary Clintons synderegister af sexuelle eskapader, mord, korruption og sammensværgelser, næææ - hun er den pæne gamle tante, som kæmper for feminismen og magtens holdeplads (Stronger Together). Trump er til gengæld den onde mand, vi hader mest, boogeymanden som gemmer sig under sengen (Han står for alt det som vi nægter at sige og gøre og ændre på os selv - han tør hvor vi andre tier).. Danskeren læner sig tilbage over popcorn, sodavand i familieprogrammet 'knæk cancer - i nationens tjeneste'. Salget af Knæk Cancer-blomsten indbragte over 4,5 millioner kroner. TV2’s store indsamlingsshow, som indbragte i alt 147.113.040 kroner. Der er ingen som stiller spørgsmål, vi mobilepay'er bare kæmpebeløb ind, uden at vide hvor pengene går hen, nu har vi gjort vores samfundspligt og samtidigt blevet underholdt.. Skjult stigning i apanagen : Kongehuset får ekstrabetaling i millionklassen for middage og frokoster. Udenrigsministeriets udgifter til frokoster og middage afholdt af regentparret mellem 2006-2016 er hemmeligholdt og udenfor apanagen, overstiger 2 million kroner ifølge aktindsigt. Kongehuset har allerede fået en lønforhøjelse, som dog ikke fremgår af statsbudgettet. Men vi eeeeeelsker vores Kongehus, vi må ikke kritisere heller, men jeg er meget enig med Ditte Okman når hun siger, hvad i alverden vi skal med prinserne? De præstere intet, meget private og sky, har ikke noget umiddelbare gøremål (Kronprinsen nægter at overtage tronen). Helt anderledes står det til med den meget charmerende britiske prins Harry som har væltet Dannevang og især veteranerne, ikke sandt?.. Når en svensk Politiker har klædt sig ud som blodig Raket-Madsen til halloween-fest, så bliver vi foraget, af helvedes til. Men når eksministeren, Manu Sareen, sagsøger staten for at få legaliseret cannabis, så går vi til kamp (bare inden i os selv?). Vi skal sandelig ikke ud i det offentlige frirum og proklamere vi støtter noget, som er ulovlig i Danmark, nu hvor "Moffe" sikkert får livstid, for at hjælpe andre, i nød.. Vi bliver enormt bange, når regeringen og DF foreslår at Screening af enkeltpersoner, en whistleblower-ordning og seks andre stramninger af friskoleloven. Fordi noget vi godt kan se, er at Folkeskolen er noget bras og hamburg og flår vores børn ud af skolen, for at sætte dem i privatskoler og friskolerne.. Danskeren kaster sig grådigt over artikler om de rige, smukke og excentrikerne, såsom H&M, der er en af verdens rigeste familier. Vores børn handler der jo hele tiden. Men vi ser ikke bag om facaden, hvor H&M overtræder arbejdstagerrettigheder i Usbekistan, Bangladesh og Cambodja eller at H&M har udledt og gjort stærkt forurenede vandveje i Kina med farvestoffer og anden afledning fra deres fabrikker. Eller H&M har slave-og børnearbejde i Indien, måske kan man huske Rana Plaza-sweatshop-komplekset, der dræbte 1.135 mennesker i Dhaka, Bangladesh, i 2013?.. Tysk Storbank Advarer: Vi er på vej mod næste finanskrise. Finansielle kriser er blevet mere hyppige. Og fremvæksten at populistiske partier er kun med til at øge risikoen, advarer Deutsche Bank. Den almindelige dansker er da bedøvende ligeglad. Vi har hørt om finanskriser siden 2008 og førhen og lever vores liv, præcist som vi plejer. Så hvorfor netop i 2017, er det vigtigt?.. Vi bliver lidt klamme håndfladen når vi læser, at muskelsvind koster to millioner om året, men ser aldrig ind i den dybereliggende årsag, som kunne være magnesium deficit som var årsagen til stagnation af energi cirkulationen i gamle dage. Det forbudte stof (Sundhedsstyrelsen) BORON kunne mangle i kroppen, magnesium og calcium ikke omsættes korrekt, akupunktur kunne muligvis også sætte gang i systemet igen sammen med NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) ifølge min Holistiske Naturlæge.. Rummelighed bliver Europas undergang. "Der er skønsmæssigt halvanden million migranter i Italien nu. Og i stedet for at stoppe skibstrafikken af migranter vil EU tvangsfordele dem – men der er bare ikke rigtig nogen der vil have dem.". Måske skulle danskeren sætte sig ind i, at EU har selv været med til at stimulere flygtninge- og immigranternes indtog ved at ødelægge Deres lande? Måske kunne det være en del af en politisk agenda for at skabe had, frygt og splittelse, så en militarisering og Orwells kontrol-fascisme er blevet det nye 'normal'.. OPRÅB -- Sundhedsministeren har i oktober-2017 sendt et lovforslag i høring, som er den største trussel nogensinde mod danskernes ret til selvbestemmelse og informeret samtykke vedrørende egne helbredsdata. Ministeren kræver nu selve danskernes DNA (genom) kortlagt og sendt til et nyt superregister ”Nationalt Genom Center uden vores samtykke! I dette register skal ”visse andre” af vores helbreds- og personoplysninger også gemmes til evig tid uden vores samtykke. Desuden skal sundhedsministeren have enevældig magt til at beslutte, hvad vores personlige DNA og andre helbreds-og personoplysninger derefter må bruges til! Og hvem der må få adgang til dem. Staten, forskerne, medicinalindustrien med? Det er et fuldstændigt brud med retssikkerheden i det danske demokrati, hvis ministre på den måde får magt til at beslutte uden om folketinget! (Hisen Biodynamisk forbrugersammenslutning, Oplysnings- og Borgerretsforeningen May Day og Forebyggelses-og Patientrådet (FPR)... |