Mar 9, 2020

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Sometimes I'm wishing the Lucid Dreaming or Astral Projection would lead me "straight" into the Golden gates of fourth density where, fifth density is just around the corner and my Soulmates and Twin Flames resides. The happn app is definitely not helping me finding true love, more like damaging my mental health, by luring me into yet another A.I. controlled cash cow 3-D Matrix of illusion by layers of filters from a cold, heartless "like" or "dislike" platform. As many users are reporting that first dates are often awkward, crude, and unrewarding. It's like being naked and blindfolded looking for a emergency heat source in the perfect snow blizzard... |

💚 ~ (Dan Jørgensen COP25) fede tur til Spanien : Brugte 200.000 kroner på luksushotel & Brænder 350.000 kroner af på mødelokale under miljøtopmøde ~ | Blogger: [💌Nu hvor vi taler Katherine Diez's brændende ønske at få en mand, med en ph.d. (som bare var falsk), Narcissistiske træk, Behaviorisme og Adfærdspsykologi!🤪] ... Stoler ikke på nogle politikere, slet ikke mænd, som lyver om alt! Du skal ikke bilde mig ind, at den tidligere stripper, Dan Jørgensen, der har været så presset, at han har parket stop for oliejagt til hjørne, er bedre end andre... Han har i den korte ministerperiode, bedraget os alle med falske klimamål på 70 procent uden pricetag, blåstempling af 5G-netværket og godkendelse af Energistyrelsens projekter på Barmarksværkerne, der har efterladt flere tusinde familier på fallittens rand med usælgelige huse og skyhøje varmeregninger... Bare for, at tage nogle enkelte eksempler... Og nu også fråser med skatteborgernes penge, som alle andre i Folketinget... |

Dan Jørgensens fede tur til Spanien : Brugte 200.000 kroner på luksushotel. Kun det bedste godt nok til Dan Jørgensen og hans kæmpe følge : Brænder 350.000 kroner af på mødelokale under miljøtopmøde

Kilde (

❌ ~ Silent running is a tactic used when.... Q ~ | Blogger: [QAnon Posts: 3892. Mar 09, 2020 1:08:14 PM EDT] ... |

💚 ~ Er Alternativet FÆRDIGE? Sexchikane, festkultur, pyntet CV'er, rygter og løgne vandt? Tid til Partiet Klaus Riskær Pedersen og JFK21 (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🐰Mit lille Påskeeventyr; Meet the Fockers Grinch, som stjal det sidste påskehumor hos redebyggerne (aka jubeloptimisterne) i Alternativet - var det hele fup og svindel?🐤] ... Måske - et rigtigt spirituelt paradigmeskifte i dansk politik ville være på sin plads - en alliance mellem V og S, Blå og Røde lister? Eller er det også bare at blande skidt og kanel, lort og lagkageblande? (undskyld mit franske)... "Hug en hæl og klip en tå" - Brødrene Grimms eventyr om Aske&Pot (Pest eller Kolera), hvor stedmoderen, den almægtige Social-demigod (Mette Frederiksen) får de to onde uværdige stedsøstre (Gay Uffe & Captain-Focker) til at gå til det yderste i forsøget på at få deres store fødder presset ned i Aske&Pot's (seks kerneværdier: mod, generøsitet, gennemsigtighed, ydmyghed, humor og empati) alt for lille balsko... Prisen er stor for at vinde et ubestridt autokrati (kongedømmet), og den ene søster klipper en tå af, mens den anden hugger en del af hælen. Desværre for søstrene var den blodige indsats spildt, og med os tager vi ikke blot moralen om, at man ikke kan lyve sig til at få ægte kærlighed hos vælgerne, men også at det ikke kan anbefales at forkrøble sine fødder, så de passer til det begærede fodtøj inde i det Grønne monster, Alternativet, som faktisk, både er GRØNT, RØDT, BLÅT og SORT (af humor)... For hvem vinder til sidst - det gør Socialakrobaterne og de 80% procent af befolkningen som vitterlig tror, at hele Rød blok, kan, gøre en forskel!... Det er blevet en bunden opgave for de bolsjevik oppositionelle leninisterne, dvs. de kinesiske kommunister og Kinaformanden, Skrigeskinen, nu hvor Thulesen Dahl-rapperen og Den Sorte Greve Jakob Ælle bælle mig fortælle, har givet op... For, er der noget som Gay Uffe og Meet the Fockers Grinch ikke kan tåle, så er det, at tabe (vi så det også hos Luksus-Lars fra V - samme mentalitet)... Nu må vi jo se om Alternativet og dens dysfunktionel familie, kan rejse sig fra asken over i ilden, og den fromme Moder, Mette, forbarmer sig, for at redde den Grønne / Røde liste, ellers vil den upopulære Josephine Focker, skråle i Mette-demigod's »store patter« (ja ja beklager - reference til fodboldens 'store patter'-debatten)... |

Kilde (

Uffe Elbæk og tre andre folketingsmedlemmer melder sig ud af Alternativet

Rygter og løgne har vundet over fakta og menneskelig ordentlighed, skriver Elbæk i farvel-brev til Alternativets medlemmer. Han bliver nu løsgænger og får følgeskab af Rasmus Nordqvist, Susanne Zimmer og Sikandar Siddique.

💥 ~ Interesting Experience On The UK's M1 Motorway... (SP) ~ |

Source (Simon Parkes Official)
Yesterday while on the M1 motorway my car broke down.
I managed to get onto the hard shoulder where a car had just recently collided with a truck and the police were already there.
While waiting to be got off the dangerous road via the breakdown crew, suddenly both sides of the M1 had no traffic, followed by a truly eerie silence.
Then a police car with lights activated went past, slowed down and counted the cars in the emergency reservation.

⚔️ ~ Chefer i forsvaret sendt i hjemmekarantæne ~ | Blogger. [🎖️Tsk-Tsk! Hvor er det bare brandærgerlig, altså! Så kan de ihvertfald ikke lave ulykker og falske krige i den tid og Kong Frederik, kan ej heller, under mystiske omstændigheder, underrettes via hemmelige møder under sektlignende tilstande. Måske burde det også omfatte Forsvarets Ejendomstyrelse, PET og FE?🤴] ... GUD BEVARE FORSVARET OG KONGERIGET DANNEVANG... |

Chefen for Hæren, generalmajor Michael Anker Lollesgaard er sendt i hjemmekarantæne. Foto: Henning Bagger/Ritzau Scanpix)
Kilde (newsbreak)

Begge har været til møde med en kollega, der siden viste sig at være syg.

To chefer i Forsvaret er sendt i karantæne, efter at de fredag deltog i et NATO-møde med Italiens hærchef, der er testet positivt for coronavirus covid-19. Det oplyser Forsvarskommandoen i en pressemeddelelse.

Der er tale om chef for Hæren, general Michael Anker Lollesgaard, samt en chef i Forsvarskommandoens kommunikationsafdeling. De blev sendt i karantæne søndag aften.

De to var fredag forbi USA’s europæiske militærhovedkvarter i Wiesbaden i Tyskland, hvor de, sammen med kolleger fra en lang række NATO-lande, var til møde.

※🔴Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | ~ US Presidential Election, Tokyo Olympics cancelled? Engineered pandemic ushers in World Government ~ | Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: 📍Excerpts from BF report which SoTW finds veeery interesting: “U.S. troops sent to Europe for a NATO exercise may also engage in arrests of Zionist and deep state assets not just in Switzerland but Brussels, Antwerp, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, and London.”.. “Trump is set to be the next president as he will declare martial law, to protect the people of course. It’s estimated that up to 70% of Americans will be affected. He will cancel the elections. May he be the last President standing? He has been aware of this maneuver for a long time. The dominos are starting to fall.”... |

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

US Presidential Election, Tokyo Olympics cancelled? Engineered pandemic ushers in World Government

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. Especially after Cobra and David Wilcock and others latest outbreak of mistrust in BF postings... With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...

Published by Benjamin on March 9, 2020 CET

The controlled demolition of the Khazarian mafia financial system is now visible for all to see. The 30% plunge in oil prices, the meltdown of stock and bond markets and a freeze in world travel and trade are all being orchestrated in tandem with a fake pandemic, multiple sources confirm. The pandemic, which is mostly a media event, and the financial collapse, which is real, are the cover being used to usher in a world republic, P3 Freemason, Illuminati and CIA sources all confirm. The trigger event was the default on February 16th of the U.S. Corporate Government, they say.

The aim of this controlled demolition is to remove Satan-worshipping, genocidal criminals from the apex of world power, Pentagon and other sources say. This will allow the release of forbidden technology and usher in a new age of wonder, they add. For example, old age will soon be a treatable condition, the sources say.

To make this possible, a ruling class that has been trying to kill us with pandemics, carcinogens, war, etc. is being systematically hunted down and brought to justice, they add. They elaborate:

“U.S. troops sent to Europe for a NATO exercise may also engage in arrests of Zionist and deep state assets not just in Switzerland but Brussels, Antwerp, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, and London.”

😂 ~ Officials keep warning the public not to touch their faces – and then do just that (WP) ~ |

Source (Washington Post)

Health officials and politicians alike have repeatedly warned the public to refrain from touching their faces in order to stop the coronavirus from spreading. Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube:

🙅‍♂️ ~ Trods kæmpe underskud i kendisfirma: Direktøren lever i luksus (E.B. i nye afsløringer) ~ | Blogger: [👏En Euforisk Selvdestruktiv Vækstfanatisme💩] ... Staten har lånt penge til kriseramt komet-firma, bundløs korruption og vækstfanatismen, der breder sig og planeten er på sammenbruddets rand... Det kalder jeg sgu realisme katekismus af børnelærdom, især, hvis man ikke kender til den udemokratisk magtfulde »Statsadel« og Elitenetværket. De bor i de samme områder i Nordsjælland, er uddannet fra de samme DJØF-uddannelser, er aktive i de samme organisationer på vej mod toppen og plejer hinanden i de samme netværk.. Denne korruptionsform burde udgives i bogform og smugles ind i folkeskolens samfundsfag og udslette kristendomsundervisningen... Fantastisk at se, hvordan Statens BOMMENDE pengepung undergraver folkets overlevelse og hvordan egocentriske Direktører og Penge, er narcissistens magtmiddel. Hvordan Magt og og Pengegriske narcissister, svigter alt og alle, for at skabe sig et liv i luksus. Narcissistens højeste mål er at være i stand til at købe alt det, han eller hun drømmer om og samtidig tiltrække mennesker, som let lader sig udnytte... 10 STJERNER OG UG PLUS TIL CARSTEN JENSEN, FODBOLDLEGENDEN HENRIK 'STORE' LARSEN OG DE ANDRE, I EJERKREDSEN (NOOOT!)... |

Kilde (

Mens ACT.Global over årene har lidt store milliontab, har direktør Carsten Jensen forsødet tilværelsen med en Porsche og dyre ejendomme

🦢 ~ THE 2020 BLACK SWAN EVENT (SGTreport w/Jim Willie) ~ | Blogger: [🤜"There Are No Coincidences"🤛] ... Jim Willie talks, in a very careful manner, about ShockWaves in the Gold Market, connections or links with the 5G confounding installations and Coronavirus spread by mapping the world, is it overlapping? Bio-weapon and China, who was on the brink to leave the dollar market, just before virus outbreak, says Jim. Then he talks about Jeffrey Epstein's oil painting of Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation was paid off to sell schematics and the link to Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories, back in 1994 etc. etc. He also mention in this interview, that Angela Merkel (Hitler's Daughter and a Rothschild - If the secret police citizen's file in the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit GDR, is correct) was seen in Wuhan, just before the Coronavirus outbreak (just like Joe Biden says he'd want Michelle Obama to be his running mate and was seen, when the Notre Dam fire was happening?) ... |

✅ ~ Coronavirus scares Finnish military away from joint NATO drills in Norway ~ | Blogger: Gooood news... No more #RussiaGate and #Russiaphobia. No Military drills and Fear Warmongering fake Operation Gladio NATO, Zionist Banksters and military-industrial complex making money on NothingBurger, phony baloney war profiteering... |

FILE PHOTO. US Marines are pictured during NATO drills in Norway. © Global Look Press / ZUMA Press
Source (

Finnish soldiers will not participate in a Cold Response exercise in Norway over coronavirus concerns. The drills were expected to bring together 15,000 soldiers from 10 countries, but the numbers might shrink over the virus.

😇 ~ 💫 Englebudskaber om energien i marts måned (Sofie Rose) 💗 ~ |

🦉~ 💗 LIVE STREAM GALACTIC WISDOM CONFERENCE (3/13-3/15)! 💕 ~ | Blogger: Mail received from Theodore Mahr... |

Hello Friends!

On Friday, March 13 to Sunday, March 15, I will have my Sixth Annuel Galactic Wisdom Conference in Olympia, Washington with some famous ET contactees and spiritual healers, including: 
  • Simon Parkes (famous ET contactee from England),
  • Alex Collier (Contactee from the Andromedia Galaxy),
  • Michiko Hayshi (Emoto Peace Project, Tokyo Japan, and wonderful Hado water healer),
  • Tom Paladino (Famous Scalar Energy Healer),
  • James Redfield (Famous Author, Celestine Prophecy),
  • Dr. Gerald Pollack (One of world's most famous water professor and discoverer of 4th Phase of Water),
  • Bllie Woodard and Zorra of the Hollow Earth,
  • And many others! 

🛡️ ~ 💗 What you need to hear! UFOs, Space News (ECETI) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Excerpts: "We have had the pleasure of spending several days with Corey Goode filming the Accelerating Ascension series along with other shows. Get ready for some real bomb shells, nuclear in nature, that are going to shake up the Spiritual and UFO community. The Luciferian deep state has infiltrated and controlled the narrative within these communities especially the disclosure groups for years to the point where the narrative is now controlled, almost in it’s entirety. It began with the Rockefeller Initiative then grew from there with the same players backing the majority of the researchers, lecturers, and conferences who went along with their agenda. It’s going to get biblical. "... Oh Vauw! Something that SoTW has said for years... |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience

The Latest from ECETI and James Gilliland 

What you need to hear! UFOs, Space News

What everyone seeking enlightenment and contact need to hear.

Congratulations you made it through the last major shifts of energy. The good news is another shift is coming in on the 18th through the 21st. Although these shifts of energy are intense and at times extremely challenging they are a necessary component of the awakening and healing process. We have been extremely busy with plumbing repairs, winter cleanup, painting and remodeling along with the births of 13 new lambs. One today is walking backwards? All the white ones are males, the black and white ones are all female? Playing with the new born lambs watching them run and jump gives one a whole new perspective. We have had the pleasure of spending several days with Corey Goode filming the Accelerating Ascension series along with other shows. Get ready for some real bomb shells, nuclear in nature, that are going to shake up the Spiritual and UFO community. The Luciferian deep state has infiltrated and controlled the narrative within these communities especially the disclosure groups for years to the point where the narrative is now controlled, almost in it’s entirety. It began with the Rockefeller Initiative then grew from there with the same players backing the majority of the researchers, lecturers, and conferences who went along with their agenda. It’s going to get biblical.

Rockefeller Initiative

Gaia TV's Top Presenter Confirms That it is a Corrupt and Luciferic Organization! His Resignation Letter in Full! — Steemit
Link -

ECETI has always maintained impeccable integrity throughout this infiltration and take over not succumbing to the temptations of fame and fortune. Unfortunately, most fell victim too or were willing participants in this takeover. It’s never too late to shift back to the light side of the fence. There were some in the field of ufology that knowingly and willingly took their place as planned opposition, pointing the finger at the government for censorship and deception with one hand while the other was taking a check behind the back. I found it odd those who profess no New World Order often had card carrying CFR members and shills on their boards. Any question why ECETI and others who are authentic have been black balled. It has never been about truth, education or contact. It is about profit, entertainment, and controlling the narrative.

🦸‍♀️ ~ Corona er farlig og bøvlet for regeringen (B.T. Debat) ~ | Blogger: [👉"Man kan spekulere over, hvorvidt ministeren har mistet kontrollen, om ministeriet er blevet politiseret, eller om regeringen simpelthen bare er magtarrogante. Døm selv. Men at der er noget rivravruskende galt, kan vi vel være enige om." ~ Søs Marie Serup👈] ... I efterdønningerne af Kvindernes internationale kampdag' røde flodbølge og fællessang med Det røde kor, samt slogan; Kvindekamp er Klassekamp, står Søs Marie Serup, som den ægte heltinde... Dagen efter, hvor det danske aktiemarked åbner mandag med store fald. Det toneangivende indeks, C25, falder med cirka seks procent ved åbningen af handlen og røde Mette F. har gjort sit, for at spolere verdensfreden. Nu har Cathrine også hamstret masser af varer: 'Jeg er da bekymret', grundet Mette F... FORTVIVL ikke, Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm, der er i eksil på sin private ø, Birgitø i Aarhus Bugt har lovet os alle på Bremen, hun møder personligt op på arbejdernes internationale kampdag den 1. maj 2020, nu hvor Mette F. ikke kan udstå Folket, vender hende ryggen, med tilråb og slåskampe foran scenen, som sidste år... |

Kilde (B.T.)

I disse dage kan man dele de fleste danskere op i to grupper: Dem, der mener coronavirus-hysteriet må stoppe, og dem, der mener at vi slet ikke tager det alvorligt nok.

🔴 ~ 60 Minutes: When will we have a Coronavirus vaccine & will it go away this summer? ~ | Blogger: [👉"We haven't seen nothing yet and vaccine is ready within 2 months" ~ Dr. Anthony Fauci👈] ... |