Jan 2, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (Let it be so now) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: 🎗️SoTW is here to remind you, that the first order of business is always to calm your mental / emotional state.. To assure you that you are not alone.. To remind you that you have journeyed through other challenging moments in this life, reincarnations and other realms and to move your entire vibration into a state of peacefulness... You deserve (unconditional) LOVE, to THRIVE and show your COURAGE...💜I hereby present you with a Purple Heart for the Spiritual Warriors of Peace... 🛐 Collectively, we ask Source to speed up any operations for activation of the "EVENT" moment of the "Compression Breakthrough" and LIBERATION OF PLANET EARTH by the Light Forces and to assist in removing all negative energies, entities, exotic weaponry, and dark beings from all planes of existence, thus ending the planetary occupation of Earth by dark forces forever!.. 💮So be it, and so it is...|

🌬️🛸🔺 ~ (Fox: I want to believe) UFO Sightings have increased in the last 10 days! Amazing UFO footage (mavi 777) ~ | Blogger: From many different countries.. And infamous TR3B flying triangle... Check out the video and link to many others, among them, a UFO, sighted over Trier, Germany (December 31, 2020)... Also, check out when numerous residents of the Hawaiian island of Oahu have been left scratching their heads after a mysterious, glowing, unidentified flying object was spotted both in the sky and in the water... |


🆕🗳️⚙️ ~ (brand new voting system) Charlie Ward: I’ve got some SERIOUS INTEL for you… The Voting System is being completely changed as we speak… (TheRumorMill + inteldinarchronicles) ~ | Blogger: Voting is now incorporated into the new QFS, that operates on the Blockchain system... Sorry guys, claimed video with CirstenW and Charlie Ward is missing. Censored on YouTube, so it seems.. Link on Parks Group, LLC Facebook is not working and there's no video on Dr. Charlie's site... Buuutt, a person called "Kat" and others, are very excited and video was, partially transcribed by Kat... |

Hi Dinarlandia,


What a scoop!!

Thrilling! Thrilling! Thrilling!

Thank you Charlie Ward for announcing it to the world.

I’ve been hoping for this for years…. and I guess the Alliance has too. WHA HOO!!!

No more 12-hours-waiting-in-line to vote.
No more fake voting numbers.
No more hanging chads.
No more shredded ballots.
No more ballots sent to puppy dogs and kitty cats.
No more coup d'états.
No more SCOTUS forcing Bush and Cheney down our throats...

For the first time since Abraham Lincoln — Americans will vote and their vote WILL be counted!!!

See below.

Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,

xo, Kat

CirstenW Talks to Charlie Ward (Massive Breaking news towards the end) Regarding the Vote 2020



Charlie Ward: I’ve got some SERIOUS INTEL for you… The Voting System is being completely changed as we speak…

Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Friday, 1-Jan-2021 23:48:09

In Response To: Special Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Fri. 1 Jan. 2021 (Lymerick)


Sorry-the video is not available as it is private on Dr. Charlie's site.


Partially transcribed by Kat:

😟🤯💥 ~ (Det er ikke en sygdom) Særligt sensitive mennesker: Frygt er glæde i forklædning (Verdensalt Arkivskab) | 5 minutters læsetid | Blogger: [👉Tager man sine 5D spirituelle briller på; 'nutidens' børn, vælger “højfrekvente” forældre, spirituelt åbne eller kærligheds-mennesker👈] ... Hvis det modsatte viser sig, har de underskrevet en guddommelig pagt om, at ruske op i forældrenes grundvold og er per definition, sensitive 'Krystal-, Engle- eller Indigobørn' 🤗 Deres bevidstheds- og energiniveau er meget højere end deres forældres 🤔 De ønsker IKKE at tøjles med gammeldags og konsekvent opdragelse 🙄 Med andre ord, nutidens børn er ikke som os andre, de er anderledes, de har mange gange langt større basisviden, intuitive tænkende og stærkere end du tror. De er ikke tynget, som deres forældre, med livslange traumer, frygt og fornægtelse, hvad enten vi vil erkende det eller ej 😥 .. Disse børn, som er sensitive, nogle, med højt sensitiv personlighed, skal lyttes til, accepteres, og gives, ubetinget kærlighed 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 ..Tro ikke et sekund på, at nutidens børn er lægevidenskabens diagnosticering af ADHD, DAMP eller OCD.. Der er INTET i vejen med disse børn.. Vores eksperter på området, mener at 'HSP' er et personlighedstræk, som er nedarvet (siger de).. Det er muligt, men forstår man sig lidt på spiritualitet, holistisk menneskesyn, metafysisk årsagsforhold, åndsvidenskab eller esoterisk filosofi, kan man sige, vi er alle sammen skabt af rent lys, ubetinget kærlighed med en indbygget sjælefred, hvor børnenes engle-energifelt, ikke er ødelagt af traumatiske oplevelser, fobier, chok, begrænset kærlighed og sjælesorg. Det kommer helt automatisk når børn, bliver mødt med os, forældre, eller de 5 autoriteter; forældre, lægen, skolelæreren, præsten og samfundets levevilkår. Eller som 'Niham' (skytsengel eller åndelige hjælper) ville have sagt det; "de voksnes adopterede tankemæssige mønstre, der forhindrer os i at lytte til hjertets åbenhed".. Jo mere sensitiv du er, jo mere skal du arbejde intensiv med dig selv, resten af dit liv, indtil, en højere forståelse, er skabt. Bærer du på for mange byrder, uden selvransagelse, skaber du et eksplosiv indre, som begrænser din selvudvikling. Det går ud over dine omgivelser og dine børn.. Det er mit bud (verdensalt), søg selv viden...🙏😇 |


Udgivet første gang den 25. Juni 2014 af Verdensalt

Er du et meget følsomt menneske?

  • Reflektere du over ting mere end alle andre?
  • Bekymre du dig over, hvordan andre mennesker føler?
  • Foretrækker du roligere, mindre kaotiske omgivelser?
  • Har du en ivrig fantasi og livagtige drømme?
  • Er tid alene hver dag så vigtigt for dig - som mad og vand er ?
  • Er du "for genert" eller "for følsom" ifølge andre?
  • Er du ofte meget følsom, anspændt, nærtagende, utryg?

Hvis dit svar er ja, kan du være et særligt sensitiv menneske (HSP - Highly Sensitive Person)

Er det en velsignelse eller forbandelse?

Jeg har hentet inspiration fra egne oplevelser fra familielivet som ligger mig på sinde at have forståelse for hvordan man omgås sensitive mennesker, samt fra Lise August som er autoriseret psykolog - specialist i klinisk psykologi. Hun har i samarbejde med Jette Harthimmer , clairvoyant og spirituel rådgiver, udgivet en fantastisk podcast omkring særligt sensitive mennesker. Test dig selv

Hvad er "særligt sensitive mennesker"?

Personlighedstræk som er nedarvet -  11 gener forbundet til personlighedstrækket, dvs. allerede når et barn bliver undfanget, er man på godt og ondt mere modtagelig og kan blive påvirket af moderens stress og humørsvingninger. Samme gælder påvirkninger fra lyde, kulde & varme, lys.

✔️❤️😮 ~ ("Til dig, jeg holder af") Den får tusindvis af delinger: Vaccineskeptisk advarsel indeholder både usandheder og konspirationsteorier (tjekdet.dk) ~ | Blogger: Hvad var det nu, som Kirsten Birgit Kretz Hørsholm - stjernerapporteren over dem alle, med MASSER af humor, sagde engang om TjekDet.dk - 📑"Det er, det ’modsatte’, af et medie, som ikke ’faktatjekker’, deres nyheder."📑 (hentet fra én af Den Korte Radioavis dengang direkte citater). Det var efter, at Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen, ville bekæmpe ’Fake News’ og ville forpligte EU-kandidater til at føre valgkamp, uden ’Falske Nyheder’ og afgive et løfte om ’valgintegritet’... 🗯️Vi mangler sgu så meget kommentarer nu---fra Kirsten Birgit... 🤔Hvor er hun henne og Rasmus Bruun?... 💸Købt og betalt med millioner af DR og TV2 til at lave middelmådig satire, gemt væk fra rampelyset, uden at være kritisk stemte overfor magteliten og angsten for pøblen... 💯HUSK PÅ, ligesom Kirsten Birgit, må man gerne uddele "konspirations-øretæver" til højre og venstre via Satiren... 🤫DESVÆRRE, har vi dog set, at Jonatan Spang, (kun) kommer "Tæt på sandheden", siden, at CENSURKANALEN Danmarks Radio, der slår alle konspirationer ned, sammen med Huxi Bach, der storhyggede og blottede sin polarisering og politiske korrekthed i 'Det Gode Gamle Folketing', på radio24syv. Der også mestre, at nedgøre alle, som DR, anser som 'Junkmedier' og I den seneste udgave, gør Jonatan Spang, grin med 'spirituelle mennesker'... 😔Tror du, 'Det, vi taler om', med Ditte Okman er bedre? Hele panelet har sagt, i det seneste 2020 nytårsversionen, at ALLE i studiet, skal være de FØRSTE, til at modtage, Corona vaccinationer, mens de giver 20 minutter taletid til skattely, grinebidder og sexsurrogat, Guzzi-Helle med glimmernegle og udslået hår... Tænk lige på, hvad det gør ved folket, som lytter med, sponsoreret af den medicinske industri...✊SoTW støtter dig, Rikke Hauge, 100%, du, ligesom jeg, er udskammet af familien m.fl... 🚁Jeg er snart træt af det her, der er nogle af os, som burde sætte os ned og brainstorme over hvordan vi får, Corona Dannevang, på ret køl, igen. Tror nok, at Per Brændgaard, har 'sit-down' møder i privaten, men er selv for langt fra staden og djævleøen... Nu hvor CCP ejer 'zoom' og overvåger, platformen🙃... |

FOTO: En vaccineskeptisk tekst, der må formodes at henvise til blandt andet den nye coronavaccine fra Pfizer, løber som en steppebrand på Facebook. Mens nogle deler det oprindelige opslag, kopierer andre opslagsteksten og deler den i opslag på egen facebookside. Pool/AFP/Ritzau Scanpix

  • Et væld af facebookbrugere deler identiske opslag om, at covid-19-vaccinerne angiveligt er skadelige for menneskers helbred
  • I den enslydende tekst i de mange facebookopslag hævdes det blandt andet, at 'den nye coronavaccine', som der reelt er flere af, ikke er testet på dyr, kan gøre kvinder sterile og kun beskytter mod milde symptomer på covid-19
  • Men flere af påstandene er decideret usande, mens andre afvises af forskere, selvom der i enkelte tilfælde mangler mere viden om de nye vacciner
  • TjekDet har fundet frem til forfatteren bag teksten, der deles ivrigt. Men hun vil ikke oplyse, hvilken dokumentation hun baserer sine påstande på



✊🗽🕊️ ~ (Disclosure & Reckoning is Coming) Exopolitics & the 2nd American Revolution (Dr. Michael Salla) ~ | Blogger: 4 minute short video, will explain it all... |


Today, we are in the midst of a Second American Revolution where Deep State, rather than British, tyranny is to be overthrown. In the process, the advanced technologies that have been hoarded, exploited, and used against the American and global citizenry will be revealed for the first time to the world.

Understanding the dynamics of this Second American Revolution requires an “expolitical” perspective on the origins of advanced technologies that were clandestinely reverse engineered and used as key instruments for maintaining the Deep State’s tyranny. The release of these advanced technologies will not only restore the American Republic but also usher in a Galactic age of unprecedented global prosperity.

👨‍💼🏳️🙌 ~ (This is God/Creator/Great Spirits last stand) New Years Message 2021 James Gilliland ECETI Ranch) 💗 ~ | Blogger: POWERFUL MEGA-update from ECETI... |


James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience 


New Years Message 2021
Message From The Galactics, Orion Council of Light, Pleiadian and Andromedan Council. 

In the days to come you are going to see a grand polarity. It will be accelerated and amplified the byproduct of which is chaos. How much chaos is up to the people of Earth individually and collectively. There are those who align with Universal Law many refer to as Unity Consciousness the main premises of which are Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. The spiritually and technologically advanced Off Worlders, Ancient Ancestors, and Trans/Ultradimensionals have transcended all religious and cultural boundaries, war, disease, and poverty. They have fueless energy, anti/counter gravity and technologies beyond our wildest dreams. Tyranny does not exist in their civilizations. There is no lack, no competition they can replicate, materialize anything they need, the universe, multiverse is their playground.

They live according to Universal Law in service to the Creator within all Creation. They too have had their challenges, most in a long distance past, they understand and have compassion for Earth Humanity. They are here now to assist in the awakening and healing, “Ascension” process well underway with Humanity and the Earth. It is undeniable Humanity and the Earth are undergoing a quickening, a vibrational lifting. According to science we are moving through a highly energized place in space. All bands within the electromagnetic light spectrum have increased, the Schuman Resonance has had unprecedented spikes, incoming Cosmic, Gama, and Xrays from far off distant galaxies are also bombarding Earth increasing exponentially as well. The Sun has been very busy with Coronal Mass Ejections and Solar Flares, also having an impact socially, economically and physically. These incoming energies can create mood swings, lethargy, emotional outbursts, social and economic changes, severe weather, and an increase in volcanic and earthquake activity. The Earth is expanding with these energies.

🚸🧸😟 ~ Children of the Great Reset (R.G.) ~ | Blogger: Sorry guys!.. Ny intention is not to be a spoilsport, cold fish, killjoy, party pooper, stick in the mud or wet blanket... But THIS IS our 3-D reality right now... The so-called 'Corona Agenda' is affected our children.. Perhaps spares most kids from the virus, but its effect on their mental health is deepening... This is not something we can just overlook, forget and throw under the yellow carpet... |


This video is one of the last projects my friend Jeff C. worked on before he passed. Jeff dedicated his life to informing others on what was really happening in the world, and he taught us all that it was more than okay to ask questions and demand answers. You can watch his original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js0o1...

👼 ~ 💗 (Global Transformational Shift) January 2021 Energy Update: Major Birth/Gestation Period for New Energy (LeeHarrisEnergy) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉leeharrisenergy: "I can hardly believe I'm saying this, but the January #2021 #EnergyUpdate is here!⁣👈] ... |



▶️ Themes:

02:12 - Major Birth/Gestation Period for new energy (January & February). 

02:31 - All that is not 'heart-connected' will have a rocky ride for the next 2-3 years. 

10:12 - Cultivate WHO and HOW you want to be in the next few years 

13:07 - Creative Endeavors - HUGE theme for the coming years 

15:07 - Hold your center - and/or hold it for others 

18:12 - Chaos is dismantling and it is SLOW.

⚠️💉🔫 ~ (go ahead make my day) Nurse shows up on death records days after Pfizer vaccination fainting episode - Really then who is this??? (OOM2 + jonsnewplace + Cairns News) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Margrethe II of Denmark has been vaccinated with Pfizer (so she / they claim). 8 out 10 danes wants it, but our beloved Queen Commie-Corona Mother, PM, Mette Frederiksen, refuse it, but will (partly) lockdown the country under govt supervision, until Easter Sunday 2021 in Denmark, or until EVERY SINGLE danish citizens has received it and if not, been, ridiculed, shamed, beaten up and broken down, mentally🤛] ... Israel has vaccinated 10 times more of its population, per capita, than the US... South Korea orders COVID-19 vaccines for 88 percent of population and Danish Big Pharma jesuit politicians are SCREAMING to get everyone vaccinated after Israel's announcement... Dr. Fauci advises against the British approach of delaying a second dose of vaccine, just like Korea, but believes vaccinations against Covid-19 could be mandated by “individual institutions” and for travel, though he’s unsure if the vaccine prevents the spread and wants people to keep wearing masks... 😵Buuuuuuuuuttt, don't worry guys, Nurse Tiffany Dover (Deepfake ghost?) has later on explained, she has a history of an over-reactive vagal response to even minor pain... |




A 30-year-old Alabama nurse manager has registered as deceased on public record searches eight days after getting Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine and fainting, despite media “fact checkers” and her hospital claiming up until December 21 that she was alive.

Death record searches on SearchQuarry.com (recorded on this video) and another search on December 25 of Ancestry.com and posted on Twitter, show nurse Tiffany Dover (nee Pontes) as deceased. This points to her apparent death happening sometime after she publicly received a COVID-19 vaccination on December 17.

Photos and a short video posted on Twitter on December 21st by her employer, the CHI Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga, showed Nurse Tiffany standing with a group of her colleagues who were holding various posters supporting COVID vaccines and one specifically supporting Tiffany. The local TV station and others ran the same pictures. But the link posted by CHI Memorial Hospital on the 21st failed to work when accessed on December 31.