Jan 19, 2019

HAL Turner Radio Show | ~ La Palma volcano M4.2 Earthquake! Fears of MEGA TSUNAMI for U.S. East Coast ~ | .. A Magnitude 4.2 earthquake has struck in the Canary Islands and concerns have been raised that if the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupts or otherwise shakes loose, a massive slab of rock could smash into the Atlantic Ocean causing a killer tidal wave along the entire U.S. east coast about 8 hours later .. |

Operationdisclosure | ~ RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - "Irreversible" ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... |

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

POTUS will be able to declare a national emergency by January 21st (3 days remaining).

POTUS is attempting to provoke the democrats into "shooting first" prior to declaring a national emergency.

Also, the US delegation trip to Davos was canceled.


The US won't be needed at Davos as many changes will occur in the country once the transition begins.

Once POTUS declares a national emergency, the Earth Alliance will make its move globally to destroy the Cabal once and for all.

Declaration of a national emergency in the US is the cue for the rest of the world to initiate 'the plan'.

Arkiv | 19. Januar 2019 | 5 minutters læsetid | ~ Tema: Selv Små Hvide Løgne Skader Din Sundhed! ~ |

Udgivet første gang den 26. Maj 2016 af Verdensalt

Pinocchio Paradokset opstår, når Pinocchio siger "Min næse vokser nu". Pinocchio's paradoks forårsager Pinocchios næse til at vokse, hvis og kun hvis, den ikke vokser..... 

Fra små hvide løgne til de dybeste og mørkeste af dem alle, er det en accepteret kendsgerning, at vi, ligesom drengen, der råbte ulv, lyver meget ofte, mindst tre gange om dagen. Løgne er en social fælles  manifestation, der er fyldt med modsætninger: vi lyver kanske ofte, men vi hader løgnere, og vi afskyr især, at blive løjet for.

De små hvide eller "uskyldige" løgne som redder os ud af uheldige situationer. Eller sørger for, at vi kan undgå at såre andre - som rent faktisk dækker over vores egne dårlige handlinger; jamen ellers troede vi vores partner/ven/veninde ville blive ked af det....

Løgne underminerer vores egen mentale sundhed, det er min påstand. Løgne kompromittere også dit forhold til din partner; han eller hun kan jo ikke svare dig ordentligt, hvis du er uærlig om, hvad du tænker, føler eller gør. I virkeligheden er det en fantastisk måde at få dem til, at sige noget dumt og få dem til at hade dig: det kører bare i ring med løgne, indtil hele forholdet falder fra hinanden!

Næste det er, du farer rundt og fortæller flere løgne til venner, bekendte og familien om, hvordan det hele var hans eller hendes skyld, ikke din egen. Næste ting der går op for dig, er, når du finder ud af, du bare er en del af den gennemsnitlige eller "normale" masse af mennesker, som også gør det hver dag.

Reality check er, når jeg står nede i det lokale supermarked og i det fjerne, observere jeg min separeret kones tidligere arbejdskollega som stopper op og kigger. 

I kender sikkert godt denne stirren, som viser og fornemmer, ofte mere, end vi selv er klar over. Vi fortolker og reagere på små signaler omkring os og indkoder det i vores hukommelse.

 Når det går op for hende, at jeg opdager det, prikker hun til sin mand, der nu begge står sagte og hvisker til hinanden og glor. Jeg behøver ikke at læse tanker, fornemmer godt, hvor det bærer hen!

Lyver vi ofte for at gøre os bedre, end vi i virkeligheden er?

Arkiv | ~ De 10 mest dødelige plager og vacciner med neuro-toksiner ~ | Blogger: Jeg er dybt rystet over, hvor meget magt og frygt nyhederne og medicinalindu- strien stadigvæk kan indgyde hos de almindelig danske familier med små børn, der æder råt prognosen, at børn kan dø hvis vi ikke får vaccine mod mæslinger, influ- enza og livmoderhalskræft m.fl.. Kan Du huske den "Etårig tysk dreng død af mæslinger"? Jeg er den opfattelse, bakterier er sunde – specielt for børn. Et sundt og stærkt immunforsvar er uundværligt for et godt velbefindende og hyppige infektioner er almindeligt hos små børn. Hvordan skal vi ellers akkumulere nok modstandskraft, til at kroppen 'lærer' sygdomme at kende og være modstands- dygtige nok senere i livet. Eller.. handler det om, det vi spiser, indånder, lader os påvirke af i vores 3D matrix af illusion, frygt og kontrol, bevidst er frembragt af vores Cabal elite og industri, så vi har brug for medicin og vacciner hele livet... helt præcist nøje planlagt, som når din bil går i stykker efter 3 år, eller kondensatorer i vores LCD TV er skabt til, at gå fejle... Der er ikke mange som tør, at tro på de gamle husmoderråd eller cannabis, kokosolie, ingefær, citroner, gullerodsaft, kolloid sølv, homøopatisk behandling eller andre alternative behandlingsformer...Vi er nødt til, at forsøge at få afgiftet vores system naturligt...|

Vi modtager glædeligt, uden tøven, vacciner hele livet!

Denne artikel skulle gerne lede dig til at tænke lidt over alle de vacciner ( dødelige epidemier )  som vi uden tøven tager imod, både som børn og voksen. Søg selv efter den viden som du vil anfægte..... her er mit bud...  

18 Nov 2014 UPDATE: Antibiotika skader flere børn, end det gavner
Kun hvert 20. barn får glæde af antibiotika, mens hvert 14. får bivirkninger. Forbruget skal begrænses, mener ekspert.

Tror du selv på vacciner kurere dig for sygdomme eller bare tilfører toksiner som gør din krop mere syg? Har du nogensinde tænkt på, hvad vacciner indeholder? Det, man ikke får at vide under en hysterisk tiljublen af et vidundermiddel, er de alvorlige bivirkninger, så som lammelse af nervesystemet, synsforstyrrelser, panikanfald eller død. Bare for at nævne et par af de mere alvorlige bivirkninger, der ikke nævnes af sundhedsmyndighederne.

Vidste du, at HPV-vaccine (mod bl.a. livmoderhalskræft) og influenzavaccine indeholder Thimerosal - kviksølv, en velkendt neuro-toksin (nervegift)Aluminium erstatter kviksølv nu - Aluminium er et grundstof, som kan være meget neurotoksin, hvilket kort og godt betyder, at det er ødelæggende og nedbrydende for nervesystemet (men er det bedre end kviksølv?) 
Tilsatte ingredienser i vacciner er: Aluminium, Gelatine fra svin, emulgatoren Polysorbate 80, smag forbedrende ting. Der findes vist ingen kemisk fremstillede medikamenter, hvor sjældne og alvorlige bivirkninger kan udelukkes. Sundhedsmyndighedernes hjemmesider beskriver HPV som sikker.

Her er en rigtigt god dansk artikler som anfægter HPV (HPV-vaccinen er som russisk roulette)

Lad os for en god ordens skyld sige, vaccine er rent "virus, bakterier og protein" som skal gøre dig modstandsdygtigt, danne antistoffer, ifølge myndighederne. Hvis jeg skulle vælge med alt den viden som findes om emnet, ville jeg ikke tage imod eller give mine børn HPV, MFR, HIB, vacciner... Kan vi overhoved vælge som børn og sige nej som voksne? Vi har en læge som gentagne gange offentligt anbefaler HPV til drenge (produceret til piger), men samtidigt modtager penge fra en lægemiddelvirksomhed, der netop producerer en HPV-vaccine godkendt til begge køn.....

Lad os gå videre med pandemier som påvirker os mennesker fysisk når vi smittes, men også på et rent mentalt plan når frygten og angsten stiger i befolkningsgrupper....

Forsker skaber vira, der kan ødelægge menneskeheden

Som jeg ser det, de 10 mest dødelige plager i øjeblikket. Skal ikke gøre mig klog på hvorvidt om rigtigheden om det er menneskeskabte bio-våben eller ej, men lidt foruroligende er det, at masser af artikler, specialister udtaler sig positivt, men sundhedsmyndighederne er fuldstændige tavse. 

  •  Polio / Enterovirus HEV68
  •  Ebola
  •  Listeria / Salmonella
  •  Parasitter / Resistent Malaria
  •  M1N1/MRSA
  •  Hanta Virus / SARS
  •  Luftforurening 
  •  Dårlige vaner 
  •  Fedme

Arkiv | BREAK-IN SATIRE | DKW | 29. Juni 18 | ~ De 10 små cyklistbaroner, 2 går konkurs og hvem hæfter for de 150 millioner? ~ | Blogger: [🚴Lille Lars fra Græsted er blevet til Generalen fra Gribskov. Statsministerens feriebuddie, Claus Hougesen og cykelven dømt i Danmarks største historiske bestikkelsessag, mens den teknisk insolvente, Statsminister, skaber i panik, #DenPrivateLarsLøkkeSugar- FondensPensionsScamUdenRegnskabspligt, mens #UdenlanskeFremmede-MagterSvenskeHandelsbanken, har en gældslemme på Larskviklån realkredit mens Venstre og skattekronerne, betaler hele gildet💸] ... 00'ernes Don Ø's Kommanditselskab, som komplementar og UDEN regnskabspligt, snører Løkke og de 9 kommanditister, bla. med Fitness-konge Palm og Jørgen Glistrup, der går konkurs og man hæfter solidarisk med Don's sommehuse-indkøbs-fidus, tager skraldet, men en lille kæk cyklist, blev Statsminister og gik 'fri', så ham kan vi li’! ... Der var en , der var to, der var tre, der var fir’, der var fem, der blev til grin. Der var seks, der var syv, der var otte, der var ni, men den tiende, han var FIN!?? ... |

"Find five errors": 

Do not intend to interfere, but allow me to give a danish perspective: @realDonaldTrump, please, respond to the request of your youngsters who demands gun control. Don’t accept the world record in school shoutings. Make America great and safe again!
381 personer taler om dette

Kilder som 'Kisser' nævner (nogle): 👉

    Her er Løkkes kaotiske privatøkonomi

    Lars Løkke Rasmussen tynges af massive renteudgifter

    VerdenVersion2 | ~ Dansk officer bekræfter brugen af Chemtrails ~ | .. Chemtrails er ikke en konspirations teori, hvordan kan det være det når man kan se det med sine egne øjne? Anonym officer fra det danske luftvåben bekræfter her brugen af det! .. | Blogger: (udenom denne histories bekræftelse): ... På verdensalt.dk kanalen, har min bekendt, en aktiv officer i de danske specialtropper, som er gået under jorden, fortalte mig, bla. om hemmelige missioner, der effektivt piller ved vores følelser og kan få alle de små hår til at rejse sig.. Tror ikke han syntes hvor sjovt det var, og hvor meget jeg vidste i forvejen, og aner ikke om han nu er ude af systemet, men tænker på, hvor travlt USAF, Naviair, DMI og Miljøministeriet, eller hvem der nu ejer luftrummet over Dannevang, skal sprøjte chemtrails, inden den 21. Jaunar 2019, for at få, en overskyet himmel ... |

    2015attores | ~ The Time Has Come, We Must Stand As One! 20/21 Jan.: Return of Light Activation ~ | .. Can you feel it? See it? Have you heard? On the 20th/21st of January such thing will happen that never happened before in this Universe. At the time of an amazingly complex and extremely powerful astrological alignment, we will have the chance to anchor the Highest Light from the Cosmic Central Sun, through the Galactic Center, Sirius and the Pleiades. This is our great opportunity. If at least 144 000 of us from the surface population of the planet take part in the Return of Light Meditation, we could take a huge step towards the final Break- through. All we need to do is, to put aside our dissensions, focus on our power and reunite as One for 20 minutes. And could we do this? Of course we could! And we should!... |

    There’s going to be a total Lunar eclipse on the 20th/21st (depending on time zone, at 5:11 AM UTC for instance) making 20+ astrological aspects with three stargates (Sirius, Alcyone in the Pleiades and Galactic Center) and with almost all planets and significant asteroids in the Solar System.

    This is a breathtaking, excessively strong configuration which is a huge opportunity for the breakthrough. The activation of these 3 stargates means that 3 hiperdimensional plasma streams will reach the surface of the Earth at the same time, bringing the energies of the Galactic Center, Sirius and Pleiades. For this very reason the Central Civilization/Sphere Alliance, the Sirians and the Pleiadians will be also very active. Before the activation, connecting to them is highly recommended. You can do it simply by observing Sirius and Alcyone, clearly visible at night in the Northern hemisphere. (This site can be helpful in finding them. Also easy to find with your phone via SkyView Free: for Android and IOS.)

    We are facing an energetic event comparable in it’s significance to the portal activation of the 21st December 2012. Right now we are experiencing a pretty powerful clearing process, which is not always easy. Many are in doubt, even of those who know what is truly going on on planet Earth, because the process of liberation takes this long, longer then expected. But in the last few months the unrest is getting more visible, the energetic tension is getting more palpable and we experience people awakening en masse. It’s partly the result of our mass meditations in the last few years. We built a connection that is getting stronger and stronger between our physical world loaded with darkness and the higher dimensions. And we have reached the point where we can establish conscious direct connection with the Cosmic Central Sun, which connects the whole Universe to the Source/Creator. This never happened before!

    To properly anchor these 5th and higher dimensional energies to Earth, there’s a worldwide call for a mass synchronized meditation. As a series of scientific studies proved it, violence can be effectively decreased by mass meditation.

    If in this wonderfully special moment, at least 144 000 of us participate in this meditation globally, we can switch the liberation process of this planet and the creation of the New Golden Age to full speed mode. Nobody else can do this, it’s all on us! Including you!

    The Light Forces are doing their part of the job, without them we would not have the chance at all but they can’t do this part, here on the surface only we can. This is what depends only and solely on us, the surface population because we are here in the 3D, inside the quarantine and the matrix. We can channel the energies and wake the members of our soul families, thus cracking the matrix. And the dark forces of course are doing whatever they can to frustrate and prevent us from our goal, mostly in non-physical ways. They are able to distract people’s attention, discourage them or making them forget about the meditation, so stay alert, folks! And as always, there’s the ’divide and conquer’. One group (or person) doesn’t like the other for ’this and that’ and in the end the quest for our common most important goals gets derailed on tiny little and yet divisive details. And the dark ones are cheering.

    Special Request For Benjamin Fulford | ~ Mass Meditation on January 21 ~ | Blogger: Excuse me🤔☝️... Have scanned all social media and blog posts🔍... But where is the support from Divine Cosmos, Sphere-Being Alliance & Emery Smith, the insider who claims to have autopsied 3,000 different species of ETs, and the rest of the hard core UFO communities? Stopped by GAIA TV?... What about The GoldFish Report, Alex Jones and the rest of the ally, pagans that flock to these co-conspirators?... Don't they care or believe in mass-meditations makes a differ- ence?... They've seeming only to promoting episodes of Cosmic Disclosure and events like Cosmic Waves and Dimensions of Disclosure, Edge of Wonder and conspiracies etc. etc.... But where is the real commitment?... Do humans have free will? Yes of course, and verdensalt.dk, do respect free will and choices made of every soul, but how can we stop the dark forces, pretending to care, but not following troops, when needed?... Just asking... Love & Light.. |

    Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

    Dear Ben:

    The war against the cabal will lead us either to survival or ruin, and therefore we have to fight on all fronts. That is why I invite you and your readers to participate in the RETURN OF LIGHT mass meditation on January 21st at 12:11 AM EST in New

    There are occult reasons behind Cabal’s rituals, and now we have an opportunity to anchor more positive energy onto the surface of this planet by participating in this meditation.

    Before any of us decides to skip this mass meditation, let’s ask ourselves one thing: do we really want the Cabal to win and destroy our beautiful planet? They call us the useless eaters and our death is a great cleansing for them. They hate us because they think we are inferior to them, and they are destroying everything that humanity and this planet can be.

    During this critical time we have to decide whether we want to be free or to only have an illusion of freedom. Those of us who want to be truly free must fight on all fronts, and therefore I invite you and your readers to participate in this planetary mass meditation during the lunar eclipse on January 20th/21st.

    Messages from Ann & the Angels | Channeling through Ann Albers | ~ God doesn't want you to settle! ~ | Blogger: Newsletter - Excerpts only.. So profoundly important to remember that you are 💖LOVED💖 beyond limits... |

    (Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.

    Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.

    Message from the Angels

    This week the Presence came through with a powerful heat. Read it and then close your eyes and feel the love pouring through behind the words.

    When I created you I envisioned for you a life of love, passion, and joy. I envisioned you being happy. I envisioned your relationships being ones of mutual respect, trust, and upliftment. I envisioned that you would find joyful expression and have all your needs met. Even as I designed universes to work in cooperation with one another I imagined the same for you. Why then, dear embodiments of my Love, do you settle for anything less?
    I know the answer of course… you have forgotten that you were birthed from my very heart – the heart of love – and you live within me. You have never lost your connection. You cannot be disconnected from me anymore than a wave can be separate from the ocean.
    I am there for you in every moment to guide you towards that which your heart truly desires. I have created angels within me that purely embody aspects of my love – protection, healing, truth, and so much more – so that you can more easily relate to my love, and hear my guidance. The angels, like you, live within me. They were created to assist you in this expansion.

    The angels encourage you to dream your dreams, and guide you to take the steps to make them come true. They live to gently steer you away from unpleasant thoughts and beliefs which attract unpleasant realities. They whisper kind thoughts and inspired ideas to you so you can attract that which you truly seek. They love you even when you don't love yourselves. They are embodiments of my love for you, created to remind you always that you are loved and guided.

    Verdensalt \\ COBRA \\ SITSSHOW | ~ ASCENSION PROTOCOLS: Primary Contracts Removal Decree or Spiritual (Soul) Contracts Revocation ~ | Blogger: From Budapest 2018 and Brazil conference and more... |

    Background - Burning Man Night - flower of life art - Verdensalt.dk
    To come here you had to accept terms with the dark forces. An agreement that your consciousness will be limited and programmed. You have all signed this, but we have arrived to a moment of free will where we can choose to cancel them.

    Those of you who have attacks have contracts from the past, if you cancel these contracts, attacks will stop.

    In the name of my I AM That I AM
    In the name of my Soul Presence
    In the name of all the Light Forces

    I now cancel and nullify all my agreements and contracts with the dark forces.
    All these agreements and contracts are now null and void, regardless of their content, consequences and my sub-conscious programming
    I now release all belief systems that I no longer need or do not serve my higher purpose.

    With my free will, I now declare myself free from all influences of the dark forces, now and forever.
    I now decree and command full conscious cooperation between myself and the Light Forces.
    I now decree and command that my life is guided in full alignment with the Divine Plan.

    I now decree and command that miracles manifest in my life in a way that will manifest happiness for me and everyone involved.

    I declare and decree that I AM a Sovereign Being of Light.

    So be it, and so it is!

    Every time you do this you remove…

    If you release past contracts, you will be protected and have more freedom of movement, but you have to go through this period of awakening, awake now to who you are, what life is about, sincere and honest, what your mission is and understand the planetary situation.

    PowerThoughts Meditation Club | ~ 852 Hz - LET GO of Fear, Overthinking & Worries | Cleanse Destructive Energy | Awakening Intuition ~ | .. Solfeggio 852 Hz is directly connected to the principle of Light, and Light is a higher form of bio- energy.This frequency can be used as means for opening up for communication with your higher self and awaken your intuition and inner strength. This frequency can be used to cleanse trapped negative energy and dissolve fear, overthinking and worries .. |

    OOM2 | ~ UFO Captured Hovering Above The Clouds During Flight From Amster- dam to China, Video, UFO Sighting News (VIDEO) ~ | Blogger: [👽Yes, UFOs exist. But they're probably not all, what you think🛸] ... Some of them is in fact, alien biological spaceships controlled by alleged extraterrestrial beings (EBEs)... Others, "Camouflaged Aliens", made in US of A. MIC-Inc., once manufactured & developed by Roswell, reverse-engineering and Project Serpo. That summer, a UFO crash-landed on a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico. When the U.S. military tried to cover it up, conspiracy theories ran wild, as no one accepted the explanation offered - that the mysterious metals were just a conventional weather balloon or a nuclear surveillance test balloon, manufactured as part of the Cold War-era surveillance operation, Project Mogul. No Sir!... "In 1997, Colonel Corso took the field with a series of deflagrating statements: the Roswell UFO crash did really happen, the craft was a biological spaceship that worked in conjunction with a crew of Extra- terrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) who drove it through a particular neural interface. Corso said that, executing General Arthur Trudeau’s orders at the Pentagon, he was responsible for handing the parts of the recovered flying saucer to several U.S. companies connected to the U.S. Army in a reverse engineering operation." ~ openminds.tv (..)... |

    Roswell, reverse-engineering and Project Serpo: information vs. disinformation

    UFO Captured Hovering Above The Clouds During Flight From Amsterdam to China, Video, UFO Sighting News (VIDEO)

    Date of sighting: Sept 14, 2018
    Location of sighting: Between Argentina and Amsterdam

    This UFO is shaped like a cloud but has a dark black ring around its edge which clouds never do. Also the center area of the cloud is glowing from within. Aliens pride themselves on outwitting humans around every corner, and humans do not help the situation by saying...its your imagination...or its just a cloud...which falls into their metal trap perfectly. This is a beautiful disk UFO.
    Scott C. Waring

    Eyewitness states:

    COBRA | ~ Return of Light Meditation Final Update ~ | Blogger: [🎑Going Off-Grid-Into-Nature During The Super Blood Wolf Moon? No Problem🌕] ... So now, It's easier to join the many outside courageous souls in nature stargazer groups (offline) who wants to look at the super blood wolf moon, sending their best positive intention for humanity & GAIA, while the rest of us are doing the return of the light activation mediation (with or within internet access), but still get a hold on the 144k critical mass...Let's do this!... VOTL💥🌹🤗❤️ ... |

    Blogger: found this comment on Cobra's blog:

    "Dear family of light, please consider that on the time of our meditation the Youtube videos might not function properly. Weather it's because they're lagging because of too many people opening the links at the same time, or because it's being interfered with or being removed completely.

    So, to make sure that you have the guided version and lessen the traffic on Youtube for those links, please download the mp3.


    I uploaded the English version on WeTransfer...  please spread it around on your social media, blogs, sites etc."...

    Sidst var vi 30.000 til måneformørkelse på Amager Strand, årstiden og tidspunktet er måske mindre atraktivt - men måneformørkelse og solopgang er den perfekte start på ugen.
    Vi holder åbent og stiller teleskoper frem fra klokken 04.33 når månen kommer ind i jordens skygge. Klokken 05.41 vil månen være helt i jordens skygge og klokken 06.43 kommer månen igen fri af jordens skygge, klokken 7.50 ender den delvise formørkelse. Og når du alligevel er stået op, så kan man nyde solopgangen over Øresund klokken 08.20.
    Hvis der er overskyet kan man ikke se månen, og arrangementet vil derfor blive aflyst.

    Who is Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official provider of communication from the Resistance Movement.

    Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

    Friday, January 18, 2019

    Return of Light Meditation Final Update

    We are creating a huge momentum and there is a very real possibility that we will reach the critical mass.

    Many people are supporting our meditation.

    Benjamin Fulford:


    Stillness in the Storm:

    And many others:

    The main facebook group for our meditation is here:

    The video which shows how to do the Goddess Vortex part of the activation correctly, is available here: