Jul 12, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟We Are United - A message for all those around the world in "the know", who are perhaps feeling fear or doubt🌟] ... |

🦠😷💉~ With Covid-19 vaccine almost ready, Russia intends to create special version – just for kids (RT) ~ | Blogger: [👉Russia is developing a special Covid-19 vaccine just for children, who require a different level of protection, according to the country's health watchdog Rospotrebnadzor👈] ... I don't trust that either Russia, China or EU, has develop a Covid-19 vaccine, to be humanity's "mass saviour"... |


👯‍♀️♀️🎎 ~ Politico Reports Chelsea Clinton and Ghislaine Maxwell Were Such “Close Friends” They Actually Vacationed Together (The Rumor Mill) ~ | Blogger: PS: There's many, many rumors floating around the internet, or inside the tabloid news (whatever), but NOBODY are able to confirm or deny it. One of them is Christina Oxenberg, that told The Sun that Andrew, the British Queen’s son, “is one of many johns, all of whom were videotaped by Ghislaine.” or like below, reports from politico, that Chelsea Clinton "befriended" Ghislaine Maxwell to the extent of them, vacationing together (in the open)... There's probably 2 entities that has the full picture and that is Ghislaine Maxwell, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's alleged (evil) madam, and FBI...🙏 SoTW thoughts and prayers goes to the hundreds of victims, to help them dealing with the traumatic experience and of course to settle this once and for all by "powerful" authorities that shows some force and sets of gigantic balls to indict and prosecute ALL, not some, but A-L-L of these elite MONSTERS that has been responsible and jail them, if sentenced, put them away, for a looooooong time... |

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Elefteria [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 11-Jul-2020 23:33:40

Imagine if Ivanka had vacationed with Ghislaine Maxwell...what do you think the media would say?
By Missy Crane
July 9, 2020
Imagine if the story I am about to tell you involved Ivanka and not Chelsea Clinton.
Imagine if I told you that Ghislaine Maxwell and Ivanka were such close friends that they worked together at the Trump Foundation, and Ghislaine was front-and-center at Ivanka’s wedding to Jared, and the two were such BFF’s that they even vacationed together on a swanky yacht back in 2009.
More from Wayne Dupree:
Politico Reports Chelsea Clinton and Ghislaine Maxwell Were Such “Close Friends” They Actually Vacationed Together

👼 ~ 💗 I assure you that the inner work that you are doing is very efficacious (Jesus through John ) 💕~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: "Therefore, be hopeful, be loving, be joyful, and know that God’s magnificent plan for his beloved children is moving perfectly and rapidly towards its most wondrous completion. You are all – there are NO EXCEPTIONS – infinitely loved and cherished in every moment of your eternal existence. Celebrate the wonder that is God and that is You, knowing, as you all do at the deepest level of your being that All is One. " ~ Your loving brother, Jesus👈] ... |

The Ascended Master Sananda / Jesus / Christ / Yeshua serves as a teacher of the whole world, and was one of the greatest spiritual healers who walked on our beloved planet Earth / Nova / Gaia. It is important to understand that all our ascended masters and galactic friends, so to speak, are not allowed to use their powers to change the course of civilizations, only in very rare cases. Law of the Universe. The Law of Divine Oneness.

channeled by John Smallman 
© 2020 johnsmallman

In these times of continuing confusion and uncertainty it is absolutely essential that you take time out every single day to do your inner work. It is your inner work, no matter how private and individual it may appear to you to be, that is leading humanity forward to its inevitable and long sought awakening. Yes, you all have daily lives during which you need to deal with the issues with which you are constantly being presented while living as humans in form, but your main work is your inner work. You all have inner work that needs to be done, work that you chose to incarnate to do at this point in humanity’s most wonderful spiritual evolution, and it is vital that you do it.

It may well seem to you that your inner work is something that only serves you, but this is most definitely not the case. When you set the intent each day to be only loving you are making a very powerful commitment to do what you came to do to assist in the awakening process. Mostly you will not receive much in the way of positive feedback, but I assure you that the inner work that you are doing is very efficacious, and that it is mightily assisting in bringing into the awareness of multitudes of people, who have not yet remembered that their life’s main purpose is spiritual, a need to deeply question the reason for their presence on Earth at this time.

✅ ~ 💗 Kryon: Manipulating Fear (eraoflight) 💕~ | Blogger: [👉Superb piece of TRUTH! I couldn’t agree more! Thanks to Lee Carroll for channeling Kryon of Magnetic Service' amazing message to the (unaware) humanity, fearful inner child in adults and afraid children, that (just) require accurate parenting! Please read it to the END and be prepare for a surprise about our media outlets, that belongs to drama business, and not the truth business and of course The Corona Experiment with all the economical doom and gloom that they’re telling you!👈] ... Are Verdensalt.dk a TFH channel (TRUTH-FACTS-HOPE)? You be the judge of that... |

Source (eraoflight)

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

We are not oblivious to the elephant under the table. This channel is being given in an auspicious time. It’s a time where many are in fear and others are struggling to stay out of it. Before we go into something that I want you to hear, let’s just take a moment…

There are those right now who are saying goodbye to their elders. That’s difficult. They never thought it would be this way, and it’s difficult. You can be told some of the principles and the esoteric attributes and reasoning of it all, but it doesn’t help when you’ve lost someone. Let’s take a moment of compassionate action to be the Lightworkers of the age, and share the peace and compassion that you have – Light of the world that you are, for those who need it, just for a moment.


There are those who will say, “How long is this going to last?” The answer is: Long enough; long enough.

I want to tell you things, given in metaphors. Some of you will understand and some of you will not. Let’s talk about children for a moment.

🤥🦠😷 ~ Den danske stat gav blankocheck: Bestsellers partnerfirma handlede værnemidler og tests for 760 millioner (politiken.dk) ~ | Blogger: [👉Der blæst' en vældig vind den daw ud' fra vest. (Uha da da, uha da da da da). - Øøøh 'Anders'? Er det ham CEO for Bestseller nede fra øøh... - Ja! - Nå! Uha da da, uha da da da da👈] ... tsk-tsk... FØRST smutter Journalisten Heunicke, til Bill Gates & Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center Event-201, om at implementere en NØDLØGN i Dannevang og resten af verden, og for at FORFALSKE, Coronatal. Så LUKKER han landet ned og implementere forfatningsstridige NØDLOVE, som modstrider Grundloven. Så modtager han millioner af UBRUGELIGE værnemidler til det danske sundhedsvæsen i et mediestunt, sammen med vores Konge, Frederik og Mærsk-oprettet 20 flyvninger "luftbro" til MODERLANDET Kina. Mærsk har desuden igen (igen) uddelt ULOVLIGT gaver til Kronprinseparret i form af 4,5 millioner kroner til opførelsen af en ridebane på Fredensborg Slot og renovering af staldene, mens, Caroline Wozniacki danser brudevals i Monte-Carlo, Monaco og Prins Joachim og prinsesse Marie lejer luksusvilla ud på ny til 60-80.000 pr måned. OG nu er det også kommet frem, at modegiganten Bestseller, som INTET forstand har på beskyttelsesmasker, andet end Caroline's designerkjole, fik en blankocheck til coronaindkøb af UBRUGELIGE værnemidler? MENS, alle kendisserne er til FC guldkamp sammen med Lie Kaas og Anders Holch Povlsen, Pernille Rosendahl og folketingsmedlem Kristian Jensen og med alle MILLIONÆRVENNERNE sidder og lægger yderligere planer for frimurernes bevarelse og for "fælleskabet"? Er det sådanne det skal forstås?... Foregår der en fordækt dagsorden her, eller eller er jeg helt galt afmacheret!?... "Samtidig med, at Anders Holch Povlsen blev voldsomt kritiseret for Bestsellers fyringer og manglende huslejebetalinger, købte Holch Povlsens holdingselskab covid-19-test for 36 millioner til et næsten tørlagt sundhedsvæsen. Det viser en aktindsigt i regionerne, som afdækker det hidtil ubeskrevne forløb op til den anonyme donation, skriver Berlingske.dk"... OG 15. Juni 2020, stillede jeg spørgsmålet på verdensalt om, hvad Bestsellers topchef Anders Holch Povlsen, får for sin heltedåd... Der er INTET som er GRATIS! - Here you have it!... FACEMASK ON / FACEMASK OFF... Hvor vi bare eeeeeeelsker at høre om glansbilledet af de superrige, smukke og begavet medmennesker, som SNYDER OG SVINDLER med vores sure skattekroner... PS: HUSK nu remsen - Ministre forgår - embedsmænd består!... HUSK også: Politikere har parlamentarisk immunitet og Skat, ligesom DR licens, er noget vi gir', til hinanden... |

Kilde (politiken.dk)

Staten og regionerne var i slutningen af marts så desperate efter at få købt værnemidler og testudstyr på det utilregnelige verdensmarked, at de på helt usædvanlig vis gav modegiganten Bestsellers partnerfirma Nine United ret til selv at bruge penge fra statskassen.Firmaet fik et honorar på 2,5 procent for alle indgåede kontrakter. Det viser dokumenter, som Politiken har fået aktindsigt i. Samtidig blev Nine United fritaget for ansvar: - Regionen er bekendt med, at produkterne ikke er inden for Nine Uniteds normale produktfelt, og som resultat af det kan der ske fejl, lyder det i en aftale 15. april ifølge Politiken.


Et opslag delt af Caroline Wozniacki (@carowozniacki) den

🧬🧟🤖 ~ Maxwell, Epstein and the Control of Science since WW2 (Amazing Polly) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Oh Yeah, It's All Coming Together for SoTW Aswell🤛] ... WAUV!... PS: Talking about Elon Musk Earth Control Domination with brain chips and NASA - SpaceX’s Space Domination and putting HUMAN SLAVES into Space (ring a bell - MIC-SSP), Neuralink - Transhumanisme - Merge with A.I. - Human Testing, the Eugenics Movement, and Immorality - CIA Mind Control Programs - Bill Gates, Big Pharma and Big Tech' Depollution & Control Programs (Eradicating the 'Useless Eaters'); Agenda (21) 2030 - ID2020 - 5G - Event-201 - OMG!... Early eugenic ideas were discussed in Ancient Greece and Rome and the eugenics movement of the early 1900s Eugenics was one of many ideas and programs debated in the 1920s and 1930s in Republican China and Russia.... 1945 Operation Paperclip - was a secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) largely carried out by special agents of Army CIC, in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians from Nazi Germany and Switzerland... You wouldn't believe it in a million of years... |

Source (Amazing Polly)

Tracing the Eugenicists' technofascist takeover from World War 2 until present day by looking at the role of Ghislaine Maxwell's two leading men: her father Robert Maxwell and her 'business partner' Jeffrey Epstein. In the first part I go through some fascinating history to set the stage, and then I get to more & more recent events to show that SCIENCE was co-opted to direct humanity into our current, near devastating condition. Topics covered: US Army's "Project RUSTY", NASA & JPL, Chinese studies of Population Control, Cybernetics, Wuhan connection, Qian Xeusen (who?) and more.

🚀🧠🧬 ~ SpaceX, Christianity, and a Worldview Big Enough for the Stars ~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: "SpaceX’s stated goal is to make off-world travel more affordable, but Musk has deeper, more science-fiction-like ambitions, including seeding the human species on other planets. In addition to SpaceX and (of course) Tesla, he founded a company called Neuralink to “develop ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers.” At the press conference announcing the launch of Neuralink, Musk restated that in plain English. He wants to help humans “achieve a symbiosis with artificial intelligence,” creating technologies that would enable humans to “merge with AI.” In other words, the worldview at work behind most of Musk’s projects is an atheistic transhumanism that seeks to control the evolutionary process toward the end of preserving and expanding human consciousness and capability"👈] ... AND I know what Cobra is saying, that Mr Musk a.k.a. Starman a.k.a. Iron Man (DARPA CIA Con-artist?) has turned and is now one of the GOOD guys, however, as long as he is 1000% dependented on NASA and SSP (Secret Space Program) to help him get to the (Secret & Restricted) LEO (Low Earth Orbit), Mars & Beyond, I don't trust him or his super advanced implantable brain–machine interfaces (BMIs) Neuralink... |


🧿🛸🌠 ~ Shocked witness films ‘UFO emitting turquoise lights’ above Colombia (dailystar.co.uk) ~ |