Mar 25, 2024

👁️⃤𓂀🥚🐇😘 (What happens in Madrid, stays in Madrid) Mens en geomagnetisk storm og flodbølge af ladede partikler sendes mod jorden: Er det blevet farligere, at være dansker? ~ 25. Marts 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Kæreste i Madrid
Geomagnetisk storm kan give nordlys over Danmark

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Rolig nu Mulle - spis din skovsnegl (og så ellers gør hvad vi siger)...

Editor's Note: Skal vi frygte at insinuere noget eller nogen, når statsapparatet overvåger og stempler flere og flere som, antimyndighedsekstremister? PET ser konspirationsteoretikere som en trussel. Dvs., fritænkere er farlige - oprøret var folkets - men ideen var tænkernes.

2019 - Pia Kjærsgaards klimatossesnak (falsk klimaændringer) og samtlige danske politikere var rørende enige om, at Trump, var/er farlig og har fornærmet DDFO-Daisy. Magnus Løgnicke's "Event 201" med indførelse af nedlukninger, og epidemilovens "Drakoniske love" over i 2020. 

2020 - Var vel nok et såkaldt Annus Horribilis, som den britiske dronning Elisabeth 2. (Queen-Lizzie) plejede at kalde skrækkelige år.   

2021 - Angreb på USA's kongres (udført af Dems og Cabal) og ta' nu din mund-ble på, slug dit hold-kæft-bolsje og stil aldrig spørgsmålstegn til "vaksinen". 

2022 - Skyderiet i Field's (Falsk Flag) og Chabad Miriam-Mette gav danskerne lov til at rejse til Ukraine for at være frivillige soldater i konflikten (bare de hadede Putin og russerne). Queen-Lizzie døde (officielt).  

2023 -  Israel indledte folkemord på 7 mio. palæstinensere i Gaza og på den besatte Vestbred. En dobbelt Tour-vinder (match fixing) og DDFO-Daisy, abdicerede (smidt ud af DeHvideHatte eller for at redde Frede-Fup ud af skærsilden). 

2024 - Vi lever ikke længere i et åbent demokrati, hvor man som en selvfølge, kan udtrykke kritik af magthaverne (USA og Israel). 

Kæmpe skuffelse for danske swifties og dansk økonomi når Trans-Taylor Swifter væk, fra Dannevang. Stokholm i maj forventes at generere en gevinst på 307 millioner danske kroner. Imens Tracy Morgan har taget 18 kilo på, efter han startede på Ozempic-kuren (ups Novo)... |

SoTW - ny katastrofemåling for regeringen
SoTW - Mette Frederiksen lagde en påskehilsen

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🌍🤝 (JUST-IN) Benjamin Fulford Preview. Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis ~ Mar 25, 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Fulford Report

Editor's Note: Very troubling, disturbing and or important informations about what The KM is planning and the messianic fanatical criminals. More on Jacob Rothschild (Roth=Red, Schild=shield of Satan) and Barack Obama, the Thunder of Satan in London. And lots of stuff about the events surrounding the British Royal family are a sign of this imminent collapse (perhaps that is why the new King and Queen of the Danish Royal Family has secretly flee the country and Queen Margrethe is suddenly in command again?)... | 

The Khazarian Mafia is planning a holocaust for April 8th; they will be stopped

By Benjamin Fulford March 25, 2024

The Khazarian mafia is planning a holocaust or mass murder event for the US Christian heartland on April 8th. The entire April 8th solar eclipse event has been forensically traced to the (kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest) Chabad death cult.

They are also telegraphing a “black swan event” through people like the fake General Mike Flynn and the politician Ron Paul.
Video Player
Video Player

There is also widespread preparation for mass casualties, as can be seen for example in this emergency hospital being set up in Calgary, Canada.

🙏 ~ 💝 (Pure-blooded & Truthers: The New Golden Age Victorious Leadership?) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Mar 25, 2024 ~ |

SoTW - joke of the day 😂
Being awake can be difficult; look towards God. 

🧱💔🧩 (Legobroken - Once You See It, You Can't Unsee It) Unfreaking-believable: Kirk Kristiansen - Master Carpenter, Master Builder & Master Mason? ~ Mar 25, 2024 ~ |


SoTW - Legos hemmelighed (

Editor's Note:  Kirk family is the Ghosts that is Haunting LegoLand? A "Danish LEGO toy building brick company" copying a poor English inventor and pioneer Hilary "Harry" Fisher Page's idea?. So that was ALSO a freaking lie??

"The Kirk Kristiansen family from Billund is known by many as the inventor of the LEGO brick. But one day, journalist and LEGO fan Mads Ellesøe discovered that there is another story hidden about the origin of the Lego brick. A story that only a few people know about. It will be the start of a long investigation into what actually happened when the adventure began for Denmark's now richest family. 

For many years, the successful LEGO group has had a secret. Journalist and LEGO geek Mads Ellesøe, together with Emil Eusebius Olhoff-Jakobsen, set out to investigate the extent of that secret. Because didn't LEGO actually get the idea for the Lego brick themselves? And can it really be true, that Denmark's richest family started its success by copying a poor English inventor's idea? In "LEGO's secret", the two journalists hunt for the full truth about one of Denmark's biggest business adventures." ~  (from link above and below from podcast translated)

Is Lego really the work of Satan?
LEGO Illuminati - BrickNerd - All things LEGO and the LEGO fan community
LEGO illuminati | Hello illuminati members, we are the elite… | Flickr
Lego møder modstand i forsøget på at udskifte klods-plastik -
Lego-boss der fik ridder af Dannebrog - Google Search
TIL Original LEGO bricks were modifications of the KiddiCraft "Self-Locking bricks"
TIL, Lego stole the "self-locking building bricks," - Google Search
Legos hemmelighed (

✨🌓💟 (Welcome to Eclipse Season) The Lunar Eclipse In Libra March 25th ~ Mar 25 2024 ~ |

By Lauren Howard Coleman

In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. I realized through it all, that in the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy.

For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger ~ something better, pushing right back. ~ Albert Camus

On March 25th, at 3 AM Eastern Daylight Time (12 am Pacific Time; 7 AM Greenwich time) the Full Moon will enter the Earth’s shadow (the Penumbra) creating a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. Not quite as dramatic as a blood red total eclipse, the earth’s shadow will only barely obscure the face of the moon. And yet it is still an eclipse of the moon. This is the time of year when the Sun, Moon and the Earth are so perfectly aligned to allow the Earth to cast a shadow on the Full Moon. And so perfectly aligned so that the Norns sitting at the feet of Yggdrasil have free rein to weave their webs and plot our fates in the tapestries of our lives. Welcome to Eclipse Season.

👑👽🦎 (Reese & Royals) The British Royals and the Reptilians – One of the Most Monstrous Families on Earth is Fading Away ~ Mar 25, 2024 ~ |


Putin Accuses Western Leaders of Pedophilia and Cannibalism? (Video)