Mar 31, 2016

David Crayford responds to American Lawyer, referencing Benjamin Fulford, WDS (" But really, can we really pay off the national debt? I still don't believe that's possible! - Blogger: This is the responds i get from everyone i stumble into... People just don't beleive in the "unkown", only our five senses as a universal truth. Why can we just find the inner truth. It's our FEAR and ego who speaks for us....)

In Response To: David Crayford responds to American Lawyer, referencing Benjamin Fulford, WDS (igots2no)

In case you are new to the David Crayford and American Lawyer discussion, I am including the following links which contain a lot of information.


A LETTER TO DAVID CRAYFORD -- From an American Lawyer

David Crayford responds to American Lawyer


Dear American Lawyer,

A very passionate and sincere letter for which I for one am most appreciative of the definitive manner which you have stated your comments and compliment you on same.

If I may, I would like to take the opportunity to respond to some of the points raised within your letter. These are as follows:-

1). Your reiteration of my previous comments, quote “,

"I want to see America and other countries rebuilt... We have the financial resources to do that, to rebuild and reconstruct every nation on the planet... But...", coupled with your own comments, quote “You filled my email box with so many "buts" I immediately fell back into the defensive. For one, Mr. Crayford, and I know you speak on behalf of the International Treasury Controller, you're having a difficult time trusting Americans and other countries, and I'm sure it probably starts with me, and I can understand why you feel that way, and why you might say things like:

DC reply: I can understand your “buts”, or scepticism whereby such an opinion is more than common because there is little general understanding of the Global Debt Facility, its history and its purpose, but more so the volume of “Divine Wealth” that it contains.
As previously stated by me, this is a subject not taught even in Universities (The real truth is hidden from the masses) and therefore people’s belief system just cannot comprehend or cope with such information. It is all a “Pipe Dream to most” and that, unfortunately, is the way it will stay until we start educating people with real facts not hypothetical and incorrect beliefs generated for the masses by Governments and Banksters.

2). Your comments, quote

“ But really, can we really pay off the national debt? I still don't believe that's possible! And again you put me on the defensive, this time when it comes to Americans and our perception of what truth and reality really are. All I can say is that inherent in the truth of what you said above is why we as Americans are so confused and misinformed in the first place”.

Kommentator om Venstres pres på landbrugspakke: Det her forklarer, hvorfor Løkke optrådte så hidsigt (Ifølge avisens "centrale kilder" handlede møderne især om at lægge maksimalt pres på Eva Kjer Hansen og hendes embedsfolk til at favorisere landbruget mest muligt....Pia Olsen Dyhr: Hvis statsministeren har presset Eva Kjer, må han gå af......) 31. Marts 2016

Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V) Foto: Ólafur Steinar Gestsson
Under udformningen af landbrugspakken blev embedsmænd i miljøministeriet udsat fra pres fra Venstre.

København: Regeringstoppen var dybt involveret i regeringens omstridte landbrugspakke, hvilket kaster lys over den regeringskrise, som endte med at koste miljø- og fødevareminister Eva Kjer Hansen (V) jobbet.

Det mener Erik Holstein, politisk kommentator ved netavisen Altinget. Oplysninger tyder ifølge Berlingske på, at embedsmænd i ministeriet blev udsat for et systematisk pres fra Venstre og landbruget.

- Det kaster lys over, hvorfor Løkke optrådte så hidsigt i sagen om landbrugspakken.

- Det er ret usædvanligt, at en statsminister for en mandatmæssig svag mindretalsregering skruer sig helt op og nærmest er villig til at sætte regeringens liv på spil for en minister, der ikke hører til de mest centrale, siger Erik Holstein.

Statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V) truede med at udskrive valg, men det endte med, at De Konservative væltede Eva Kjer Hansen.

Berlingske skriver torsdag, at embedsmænd blev indkaldt til møder med en stribe Venstre-ministre.

Ifølge avisens "centrale kilder" handlede møderne især om at lægge maksimalt pres på Eva Kjer Hansen og hendes embedsfolk til at favorisere landbruget mest muligt.

- Det er klart, når den samlede regering har været mere involveret i sagen og været med til at lægge pres på hele systemet for at få landbrugspakke igennem, så bliver hans ageren mere logisk, siger Erik Holstein.

Repost - Are You Aware Of Big Pharma’s Impressive Records? (A grand total of vaccine-damage-related expenses of close to 3.2 BILLION DOLLARS! - “The FDA buries evidence of fraud in medical trials. [….] The silence is unbroken even when the FDA itself seems shocked at the degree of fraud and misonduct.”) March 31, 2016

Update: Blogger: First step towards "Totalitarian Tiptoe Society" & Smart Cities around the World (Collections of data into 'Big Data' or 'Data Silos' from every human on earth)...  -  Tick tock… The ‘death clock’ that predicts when you’ll die - 
First Step forwards Scientists have teamed up with insurance companies to develop a ‘death clock’ that can predict when customers are going to die. The four-year project at the University of East Anglia (UEA) aims to use medical databases to determine life expectancy and long-term illness.The program follows worldwide trends by insurance companies to find out as much as they can about people’s health and lifestyle. Professor Elena Kulinskaya, from UEA’s School of Computing Sciences, said scientists want to use ‘Big Data’ to predict the future.....


Catherine J. Frompovich, Guest Waking Times

Everyone probably is familiar with the world population growth clock. Likewise, there’s the time-bomb-like clockwork for the United States national debt. But has anyone ever imagined what a clock would be like that ticks off Big Pharma’s impressive records?

Such a clock would not tick off Big Pharma’s earnings or profits, though. Much to everyone’s probable utter shock, a ‘clock’ has been developed and posted online titled “Pharma Death Clock”, which lists “Total deaths in the United States since January 1, 2000…Big Pharma’s chemical warfare on humanity dwarfs the number of victims killed by all world wars and acts of terrorism combined… While drug companies profit billions, people are dying by the millions.”

How much reality has to sink into human consciousness about the actuality of Big Pharma’s “medico-economics” harms—all done in the name of allopathic medicine championed by its super-duper trade unions like the American Medical Association? And, don’t forget their trade journals, too!

table1Consider just a few of the stunning (‘collateral damage?’) numbers — only from January 1, 2000, which obviously continue to accumulate on a daily basis:

However, what are not included are all the HRSA vaccine damage claims that have been paid by Vaccine Court Masters to vaccine-damaged vaccinees or their parents in the case of deaths. Let’s include that data set to see how that impacts Big Pharma’s ticking-time bomb, which the U.S. Congress and healthcare consumers ought to be waking up to very soon. How really sick do we have to be made by Big Pharma products?

Are you ready for the data and also the fact that Big Pharma is NOT liable for vaccine damages caused?

This represents cumulative payouts for fiscal years 1989 to 2015 for the following categories:[1]


Findes der sikkerhedspakker for journalister som vil være whistleblower? Nej vel, ellers ville den danske presse gå planken ud mod faglig selvudslettelse....31. Marts 2016

Udgivet første gang den 11. December 2015 af verdensalt 

Din karriere er slut, hvis du tør stå frem som kendis i offentligheden eller værre, som nyheds-journalist og afslører usandheder, der kan ramme censuren der beskytter stater eller andre magtinstanser.

Forord: "Når jeg skriver romaner, er jeg hersker i mit eget kongerige, skriver Bjarne Reuter"... jeg er selv blogger og det er min force... Med det i mente, årtier tilbage tilbragte jeg en kort årrække på Politikens hus som studentermedhjælper, endda i redaktionen. Men der skal ikke en journalistisk insider-viden til, for at gennemskue hvordan propaganda er skadelig for befolkningens tillid til pressens overlevelse...

Grunden til jeg gik i krig med dette emne er såre simpel, at lokalisere 'the silver lining' via den danske presse og vores journalister, få afdækket hvorfor journalister ikke 'tør' betale prisen og fortælle en kontroversiel sandhed, fordi det skaber fjendskaber, isolation og ensomhed. Eller rettere, 'den kritiske sandhed'. Der findes så og sige ingen som stiller spørgsmål til, troværdigheden af den danske presse, andet end deres egen selvhøjtidelige særpræg og stolthed, men det garantere jeg dig for, ikke er tilfældet i f.eks. USA. Amerikanere er efterhånden begyndt at stille spørgsmål til alting som kommer frem via mediedækningen med en god og kritisk tilgang. Er det fordi danske journalister er blottet for selvbestemmelse over historier, uden af været 100 procent dækket ind af anonyme tys-tys kilder eller det der er værre, journalister er 'betalt' for at fortie sandheden?...

Gallup 1966: Danskerne er kritiske over for Vietnamkrigen, men hvad med ISIS anno 2015?

Er vi som danskere, enten naive og sluger alting råt eller ikke selvkritiske nok, når det kommer til at få undersøgt baggrundsstoffet i historierne virkelighed? Begrundelse for Irak-krigen var 'sikkert korrekt' anskuet og afdækket i 2003, fordi samtlige medierne brugte samme retorik og politisk lederstil, for at 'føje' den dertil siddende regering. Dog er danskere begyndt at vågne til en ny virkelighed og ser Anders Fogh som en del af problemet. Men vi sluger historien 'råt', når den er dugfrisk... Tør du som læser dette blogindlæg, betvivle eller bekende, at det faktisk er amerikanske kræfter som finansiere og styre ISIS, i stedet dette maleriske 'Islamofobisk Propaganda' billede?

Sandheden er noget, vi alle skal 'søge' efter. Det får vi ikke fra flimmerkassen eller fra nyheds-medierne. Det manuskript som læses op på TV2 News hver dag 24/7 kunne ligeså være eksekveret fra aber. Det som jeg kalder "Monkey In Suits". Det er måske svært at forstå, men vi er ligeså meget underlagt censur og lobbyister fra stærke virksomhedsinteresser og geopolitiske kræfter og magtelitens 'banksters' som kvæler ytringsfriheden...

Hvis stærke kræfter (centralt kontrol) styrer roret og er en del af magtbalancen der tillader tabloidaviser- og nyheds-mediers "sensationalisme" over udgivelser af et konstant forenklet, underspillet og censureret fremstilling af nyheder som blot handler om skandaler, intriger, krig, terror, mord og ødelæggelse. Alt sammen som skaber negativt fortegn i mennesker. Frygt & KontrolMassedrab foregår omkring os, bare ikke i vores baghave. Det er ikke kun bomber og kanonerDet er også den medicinden forurenede luft og vores forarbejdet fødevarerDu er i en konstant krigszone, ikke kun tusindvis af kilometer væk krigszonen, vil du tillade dit eget ego og forblive 'tavs' i din tryghedens andedam?....

Vi ved fra udlandet, fra flere journalistiske whistleblowers, dem som tør vise sin sande ansigt og kritisere mediernes dækning af krig,  politikere, det farmaceutiske videnskab m.m. med andre ord, de journalister der står mellem at bekrige 'systemet (fastholde sin egen idealistiske tro) eller forblive trofast til systemet, men vælger det første, er dømt ude, allerede ved 'strike one'. Fordi, det ikke længere er muligt, at beholde sin journalistiske identitet eller sit 'netværk',  kollegialt sammenværd, som er så 'livsvigtigt', for en journalist (Intimideret, sagsøgt, truet, afvist af kollegaer, bortvist af systemet osv). Selv samme mønstre ville ske i Danmark, lige fra freelancere til vores ypperste journalister, vindere af Cavling Prisen eller vores elskede 'yderst' velbetalte nyhedsankere på TV2 og Danmarks Radio. Går du imod strømmen, bliver du slagtet....

Vi er så småt begyndt se en bedre tendens... Tag bare Michael Qureshi, det har opdigter falske kilder i årevis..Se og Hør-sagen m.fl.   Men... der er faktisk nogen som 'tør' gå mod strømmen - 'all-the-way-in' og fortælle den kritiske sandhed... vender tilbage til det senere...

Det nemmeste er at falde tilbage i strømmen, padle videre i gummibåden sammen med alle andre, journalisterne er nemlig 'styret' af systemets selvcensur, loyalitet overfor Deres arbejdsgivere. 'Journalisternes selvopfattelse og ambition kommer i første række, dernæst historiens indhold'

Mens tabloidpressen, den lever i bedste velgående... Danske læsere eeeelsker skandalejournalistik, især om vores elskede, hadede politikere på Borgen, intrigere i vores kongerige, landmændenes evindelige jamren og kendissers sidespring. Uanset om det er løgn og latin, køber vi Se&Hør, i stor omfang. Det fordriver os væk fra vores egne problemer og ind i andres, som er en form for selvtilfredsstillelse. 

Har fornylig lyn-skannet igennem alle aviser i hele Skandinavien, efter timers lemfældig søgning finder jeg blot een positivt historie som skaber glæde og er til gavn for menneskeheden. Finlands regering er ved at udarbejde planer for at give hver enkelt af sine borgere en grundlæggende indkomst på 800 euro (DKK6000) om måneden mod at simplificere de sociale ydelser. Drage dine egne konklusioner omkring emnet.

Chili tasting with the Smash Man (now with English subtitles) ( Danish Comedian Flemming Østergaard as "smadremanden" eating World's Hottest Pepper with Chili Klaus...

Chili Klaus & Bubber eating worlds hottest chili pepper

Also watch: Danish TV Host goes completely berserk after "World's Hottest Pepper Challenge" with Chili Klaus (This guy cracks me up! Can't stop laughing - Folks!!! Don't try this at home...REALLY..)

BREAKING: Fuel rod snaps at Sweden’s Ringhals nuclear plant (Coverup at Swedish Nuclear Plant in 2015? Remember, Fuel Rods Was Removed From Damaged Fukushima Reactor Building, fears of additional releases of radioactive material...) March 31, 2016

Authorities say that no radiation was leaked during an accident at Ringhals yesterday (photo: Vattenfall)
March 31st, 2016 8:12 am| by Ray W

A fuel rod at the nuclear plant Ringhals located on the southwest coast of Sweden was damaged yesterday during an inspection with a robotic arm.

Krister Svahn, the press officer for the plant, told the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet that the situation is under control.

The four metre fuel rod was damaged last year and has been in storage since then.

The rod broke in two while being checked for damage,” said Svahn. “One part slid back into its socket while the other remained in the tool that was being used to lift the rod.”

Still hot
Svahn said that wand was still radioactive, but about 90 percent less than it has been. He also said that it was too early to determine if the accident will present challenges when the damaged rod needs to be moved off site.

“All work is stopped for now and we are continuing to analyse the situation,” he said. “For now the rod is safe and secure where it is.”

READ MORE: More nuclear power flowing through Danish outlets

The nuclear power plant has been in contact with all relevant authorities, but the incident – which happened at about 5pm yesterday afternoon – does not appear to have caused elevated radioactivity.

Denmark does not operate any atomic plants, but about 14 percent of DONG’s energy supply comes from nuclear power, much of which is generated in Sweden.

Nyheder fra ZAP og andre angående forestående Revaluering af Valuta og TRN - 31. Marts 2016 CET

Finansielle Akronymer


Hi, Folks -

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Subject: Fwd: MID WEEK BY ZAP FROM "The Office of Poofness"
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 21:30:57 -0400






March Monthly Update by Cobra and Another Interview (...The Illuminati is not a real Group. It is just a label. There are 3 main groups that make up the Illuminati: The Masons, the Jesuits and the Rosicrucian’s..)

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller ( for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

You might be interested in the March monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change: The audio version and the transcript are available here:

From now on, you can submit your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.

You can find an excellent analysis by Justin Deschamps of intel from that interview here:

There is also a new Cobra interview by Cary Kirastar Ellis, with audio and transcript at the following link:

The Youtube version of that interview is available here:

Answered questions from past interviews are nicely gathered here:

Victory of the Light!

Black Hole Has Major Flare (NASA is reporting their NuSTAR have spotted something coming out of a black hole - "You Wish Talk Radio" with James Gilliland Show (between the 10-15 minute mark) James explains that it was an 11th dimensional ship...) March 31, 2016

This diagram shows how a shifting feature, called a corona, can create a flare of X-rays around a black hole. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech › Full image and caption

The baffling and strange behaviors of black holes have become somewhat less mysterious recently, with new observations from NASA's Explorer missions Swift and the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR. The two space telescopes caught a supermassive black hole in the midst of a giant eruption of X-ray light, helping astronomers address an ongoing puzzle: How do supermassive black holes flare?

The results suggest that supermassive black holes send out beams of X-rays when their surrounding coronas -- sources of extremely energetic particles -- shoot, or launch, away from the black holes.

"This is the first time we have been able to link the launching of the corona to a flare," said Dan Wilkins of Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Canada, lead author of a new paper on the results appearing in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. "This will help us understand how supermassive black holes power some of the brightest objects in the universe."

Continue Reading at .....


Talk Show:
As You Wish Talk Radio
Show Host:
James Gilliland

Episode MP3 Link:
asyouwishtalkradio - March 26, 2016
Show Headline:
As You Wish Talk Radio
Show Sub Headline:
with James Gilliland
About Episode:

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

- See more at:
As you Wish Talk Radio, cutting edge authors, healers & scientists broadcasted Live from the ECETI ranch, an internationally known UFO & Paranormal hot spot. Everyone is feeling it. Something is in the wind. Something grand is unfolding on the horizon, just around the corner. A knowingness and feeling that soon it will no longer be business as usual. Is it tumultuous times of exciting social, economic and physical Earth changes? A collective initiation and ascension into Higher Consciousness & Energy? A grand reunion with ancient ancestors from the stars?

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots. ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.- See more at:

Malaysia PM Najib spent millions on luxury goods, political payments: WSJ ('Planes don't just disappear': Former Malaysian Prime Minister accuses CIA of covering up what really happened to flight MH370.. Who is Lying? CIA or Malaysian PM. Both are corrupt? right?) March 31, 2016

Also 'Planes don't just disappear': Former Malaysian Prime Minister accuses CIA of covering up what really happened to flight MH370

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak spent millions of dollars on luxury goods and gave millions more to politicians, think tanks and lawyers from bank accounts to which funds from state investment fund 1MDB were diverted, Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday (March 30), citing an investigation by Malaysian authorities.

The newspaper said investigation documents it viewed contain bank-transfer information that shows more than US$1 billion, the majority of it originating from state investment fund 1MDB, entered five accounts belonging to Mr Najib at AmBank Bhd., a Malaysian bank, between 2011 and 2015.

It said the documents also show for the first time how some of the money in Mr Najib’s accounts was allegedly used for personal expenses, including clothes, jewellery and a car at stores in the US, Malaysia, Italy and elsewhere.

Mr Najib, 63, did not respond to WSJ's requests for comment. The premier has vigorously denied wrongdoing since the newspaper first published allegations last July that US$681 million from 1MDB, which has racked up debts of US$11 billion (S$14.87 billion) since being set up by Mr Najib in 2009, was transferred to his bank account in 2013.

Mar 30, 2016

Benjamin Fulford Email Q and A: Chinese have ET Backers Ready to "interfere in the workings of this planet," Iraqi Dinar is a Bush/Clinton Scam (That's the reason i've 'almost' never post DinarGuru's Intel Reports, except 'zap office of poofness'... Like Dave Schmidt are saying "We will NEVER see a Public RV.." True or Not? - 20 million dinarians await your response - Be Prepare to Wait Forever, Guys!! )

By Ricardo Montalban

March 28, 2016

The following [was sent] to Benjamin Fulford:

May I be direct and ask to verify if you know of any powerful group the dinarland intel providers keep referring to as the Chinese Elders who claim to be or are with Chinese Ancient Royalty. The claim is they're the ones responsible for funding the upcoming world global currency reset. Being that they are profoundly proselytising Christ, they are viewed as authentic supernatural human beings.

20 million dinarians await your response. If the Chinese Elders are a fiction, there will be a lot of disillusioned people.

It's time to face reality or to be invigorated in our beliefs.

We can also reveal here that the Chinese, through the Dragon families, also claim extra-terrestrial contact going back thousands of years.

Ben would that be the Chinese Elders (500 + yrs old) we hear a lot about and their E.T. connections.

Also, you didn't mention the 737 crash in Rostov on Don. Rumor was CIA was onboard with 27M USD. From my observations, the flight path was consistant with a plane that was out of the flying envelope and the explosion was inconsistent with jet fuel burning. Jet fuel does not explode and tear the plane to a million pieces. Free fall from altitude does not do that much damage either. That aircraft was flight control disabled then blown up. My speculation is based on a 25 year flying career.

Fulford's response:
The Red Swastika secret society is the one that claims this contact. They have an office in Ginza, Tokyo that is filled with solid gold slab shaped shrines with strange writing on them. General MacArthur was involved with them.

Also, the dragon family guy I met in Singapore told me the Chinese had ET backers who were ready to interfere in the workings of this planet if we did not get our act together.
I have also heard stories of people hundreds of years old. The Soong sisters, for example, are said to still be around. I also met a man who looked exactly identical to Mitsuru Toyama, founder of the Black Dragon Society. It is weird stuff.

As far as the plane crash goes, I did not mention it because I had no real information or analysis to add to what was already out there.

Benjamin Fulford 古歩道ベンジャミン 090-3439-5558
Thank you for responding and the acknowledgement of the Chinese Elders. At least they are real and not a scam. But I do believe the Iraqis are making a huge effort to become UN Article 8 compliant hence revalue their currency.
The Iraqi Dinar thing is a Bush/Clinton scam and always has been. The Chinese elders are Christian though and wish to do good for the planet. If the White Dragon Society emerges victorious in its battle against the Khazarian mafia, I am sure we can find a way to help the Dinar people who are not part of the Bush/Clinton mafia.

Benjamin Fulford 古歩道ベンジャミン 090-3439-5558


David Icke Update: Schools are Programming Prisons For Your Kids (End-Of-Parent-hood: With the New School reform in Denmark and now in England - "Danish school days are among the longest in the world" Karen Tilma, a specialist in children's diseases - Danish children get sick of going to school. In my long life as a pediatrician, I have never experienced anything like it. Children arise with symptoms of stress and strain, headaches, migraines, stomach pain, anxiety symptoms, tics, sleep disturbances, severe tiredness, school absence and lost courage. And for children with special needs is a high risk that they get lost in the educational system..)


Published on Mar 25, 2016
To have David's Videocast sent to you in full every week, Click here

Update on the Boston Marathon Bomb Case — Paul Craig Roberts - March 30, 2016

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.

Update on the Boston Marathon Bomb Case

Paul Craig Roberts

Movies are used to set official stories in stone, and a movie is going to be made about the heroic capture of a badly wounded 19 year old kid, not old enough to buy a beer, who, despite being shot up and severely wounded, is alleged to have written a confession in the dark on the side of a boat under which he was hiding to escape execution. Apparently, the 10,000 troops who violated the US Constitution and searched the houses of a shutdown Boston without warrants are going to be credited for “saving America from terrorism.”

I find it difficult to believe that a shot-up kid, who had to be put into intensive care when he was discovered, who was hiding from execution under an upturned boat, spent what little energy and life force he had left writing a confession in the dark on the inside of a boat. What convenient instrument to write with did he happen to have on hand?

Why would we believe assurances of such an unlikely confession from the same lying government that assured the world that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction justifying a multi-trillion dollar invasion that destroyed a county? We know for a fact that Saddam Hussein most certainly did not have weapons of mass destruction as President Bush later admitted, and even if he had, such possession is no justification for illegal US aggression that destroyed a country. Why would we believe a government that assured the world that Assad used chemical weapons against his own people, which we know for a fact was Washington’s made up excuse for invasion?

One wonders how much the Boston Marathon Bombing movie makers have been paid for setting the official story in stone. As one correspondent asked: “I’m wondering how they are going to portray Boston cops as heroes as they kill the older brother and then surround an unarmed teenager who is hiding under a boat. They start firing…they put a bullet through his face but the damned kid won’t die! Heroic Senator John McCain then explains how Miranda rights don’t apply in his case. Suddenly it’s discovered that while hiding in the boat he’s written a confession on the inside of the boat with a Sharpie…”

John Remington Graham has 48 years of legal experience as a defense attorney and as a prosecutor. An aunt of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who is herself an attorney in the Russian Federation, requested John Remington Graham to assist her in making an amicus curiae intervention in the federal district court in Boston. Mr. Graham has since written to the US Attorney General about conflicts between the government’s evidence and the guilty conviction. After 3 months, he has received no answer, an indication that the US Department of Justice has no interest whatsoever in what appears to be a wrongful conviction carrying a death sentence.

BREAKING: French counter-terror boss says Putin didn't kill Litvinenko, US and UK did - and he has proof (Alexander Litvinenko, the Russian spy who died from polonium poisoning, was killed by US and UK special services...)

Paul Barril
Ricky Twisdale, Russia Insider Tue, 29 Mar 2016 16:59 UTC
A former French official who has had senior roles in internal security and terror fighting has come forward with a remarkable statement: that he has documentary evidence proving that Alexander Litvinenko, the Russian spy who died from polonium poisoning, was killed by US and UK special services.

In a lengthy interview which is soon to be published, he goes further, saying that Litvinenko's murder was a special sevices operation designed to defame Russia and Vladimir Putin, that the notorious Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky was involved, and was himself killed by MI6 when he became a liability. He even says he knows the code name of the operation: "Beluga".

From Oped News, Monday, March 27:
Operation Beluga: A US-UK Plot to Discredit Putin and Destabilize the Russian Federation

Renowned French security expert Paul Barril has let loose a bombshell: the existence of Operation Beluga, a covert Western intelligence scheme intended to undermine Russia and its leaders.

Is that what's behind much of the threatening rhetoric now going back and forth between the US and Russia?

Barril exposed Operation Beluga in a recent interview with Swiss businessman Pascal Najadi on the 2006 Alexander Litvinenko death case. Litvinenko was a reputed former spy who many believe was murdered with radioactive polonium on orders of Vladimir Putin.

Najadi says the interview drew out the converse revelation that Litvinenko was actually killed by "an Italian who administered the deadly polonium 210." What's more, he astonishingly says, the operation was carried out under the auspices of the US and UK.

In my books The Phony Litvinenko Murder and Litvinenko Murder Case Solved I've written about an Italian connection. But I can't confirm that Barril is talking about the same person.
Barril's allegations should be taken seriously. He is a renowned French intelligence figure who is known in France as "Superflic", which translates roughly as "Supercop." In the French public eye he is a kind of combination of Eliot Ness, James Bond, and William Bratton. For many years he was the second in command of the ski-mask wearing GIGN, the legendary elite French special forces unit, who top the "badass" rankings of special forces anywhere, and had other high ranking internal security positions in the French government.

ExoNews TV – Navy Disseminated Nazi Antigravity Secrets to Leading U.S. Companies & Think Tanks - March 30, 2016

Ep 1 Title Navy disseminates Nazi secrets

In this exclusive ExoNews TV interview series we hear directly from William Tompkins’ about his work for U.S. Naval Intelligence during the Second World War. He reveals that he was directly involved in debriefings by Navy Spies embedded in Nazi Germany’s most advanced aerospace projects – some of which involved antigravity flying saucers that were capable of space flight.
Tompkins job was to design intelligence briefing packets based on the Navy spies debriefings, and to then deliver these packages to leading U.S. aerospace corporations, think tanks and universities for study and evaluation.
Tompkins describes how from 1942 to 1945, he participated in over a thousand debriefings of U.S. Navy spies, who had been embedded in leading Nazi Germany aerospace corporations involved in building flying saucers. Disseminating this vital intelligence information to various U.S. aerospace corporations and universities was Tompkins primary responsibility.
Tompkins said that he served under Admiral Rick Obatta who was in charge of intelligence operations out of the Naval Air Station at San Diego, and three Navy captains who were specialists in different areas of Naval aircraft design, engineering, and procurement. In the interview, he describes some of the circumstances of the debriefings that he participated in.
The following interview extract features Tompkins answering questions from Dr. Robert Wood and I on the information he gained from the Navy operatives, the different corporations and thinks tanks he travelled to, and some of the aerospace technologies that were being secretly developed by the Nazis during the War.
Tompkins begins the interview by describing the small office where the debriefings of the Navy spies took place at Naval Air Station, San Diego.

Nej til krig i Syrien - DEMONSTRATION torsdag d. 31. 3. 2016

torsdag d. 31. 3. 2016
16-18 Christiansborg Slotsplads

Ingen tropper eller kampfly til Syrien.

Det er i strid med folkeretten, uden FN-mandat og vi er ikke inviteret.

Nej til dansk krigsdeltagelse.

Konferencier: Anne Marie Helger & Tanja
Talere: Katrine Aagaard, fagl. sekr. PLS – Anders Koustrup Kærgaard, veteran, whistleblower – Christian Juhl, mf Enhedslisten - Claus Westergreen, fmd. 3f BJMF - Gerd Berlev, TID TIL FRED-aktiv mod krig - samt en beretning fra Palæstina, ved Pernille Grumme

Musik mm: Travellin’ band – Fin Alfred – Grev Lyhne

Initiativet er taget af: 3F Bygge-, Jord- og Miljøarbejdernes Fagforening BJMF, Enhedslisten, TID TIL FRED – aktiv mod krig

Anbefales og støttes af:
3F BJMF – Aldrig mere krig – AKTIVE ANTIFASCISTER FIR-DK 2016 – Antifascistisk Forum – APK – Budskab fra græsrødderne – Dansk Cubansk Forening – Demos – Den palæstinensiske nationale forsamling i Danmark – Enhedslisten – Fey-kurd – Folkeringen – – Fredsvagten – Horserød-Stutthof foreningen – Internationale Socialister/ISU – KPiD – KP – Kunstnere for fred – Kurdistan Initiativet – Kvinder i sort – Migrante Denmark – Nationalpartiet – Nazim Hikmet Kulturforening – PLS – Stilladsarbejdernes Landsklub – TID TIL FRED aktiv mod krig – Trans-Europæisk Fredsdialog – Valby og Sydvest mod krig – Århus mod krig og terror - 911truth

University of Alaska Fairbanks Professor Launches New 9/11 Research Project - March 30, 2016

Also read: (Repost) 9/11 History Made in Danish High Court - WTC 7 & Nano-thermite Evidence Admitted (Two 'fantastic brave' independent private citizens dare to stand-up against the fascist Zionazi-Crime-Cabal. Victorious UK Tony Rooke, refused to pay TV license fee, accusations against BBC who reported the collapse of WTC 7 - 20 minutes before it actually fell. Danish nano-chemist Dr. Niels Harrit Performs a Master Class in Danish High Court about 9/11)
By Derrick Broze -

Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey, Chair of the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ (UAF) Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, is conducting a study into the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on September 11, 2001.

Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey, of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and two Ph.D. research assistants are partnering with the non-profit Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth for an engineering study known as “World Trade Center Building 7 Evaluation.” The researchers are using finite element modeling to evaluate the possible causes of World Trade Center Building 7’s collapse.

Although questions still remain about how the two planes that hit the Twin Towers could cause the total collapse of the high-rise buildings, many 9/11 researchers now focus on the mysterious collapse of building 7. A number of 9/11 family members point to the collapse of WTC7 as a possible crack in the official story that could spark a new national conversation on the events of that day. WTC7 was not hit by a plane that day; however, it collapsed at 5:20 p.m. according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the official cause for the collapse was office fires. A growing number of family members, activists, architects and engineers question the official theory for collapse and are seeking a new investigation into WTC7.

Nykredit og det danske realkreditsystem i forfald - deres arrogance er kun overgået af deres uvidenhed om "Folkets magt" (Basel-komité og JP hiver tæppet væk under Nykredits ledelse, mens Kritikere gør klar til retssag. Nyt " lavpris" realkreditinstitut på vej, men hvilket?) 30. Marts 2016

Basel III og den finansielle sektor

Basel-komité og JyllandPosten hiver tæppet væk under Nykredits ledelse

JP har tilsyneladende gjort sig den ulejlighed og ringe til Basel-Komitéen, efter den seneste tumult omkring den udmeldte bidragsforhøjelse i Totalkredit, som ejes af Nykredit. JP har fået et opsigtsvækkende klart svar, som kan læses i JP´s artikel. Nykredit bliver nu undsagt fra værste side – nemlig af den internationale komité, som selskabet beskylder for at indføre nye regler, der tvinger Nykredit til at hæve priserne og gå på børsen. Det er første gang, at den magtfulde Basel-komité blander sig direkte i den danske debat, der har rejst sig som en storm, efter at Nykredit i februar fortalte om de nye tiltag, som ifølge selskabet er en direkte konsekvens af kommende kapitalkrav fra komitéen,” hedder det i artiklen. Det er god journalistik. For udmeldingen fra Basel Komiteen er uhyggelig klar: Den fjerner desværre den sidste rest af troværdighed og tillid til Nykredits ledelse, og det er samfundsmæssigt et stort problem, da Nykredit er en af landets største finansielle koncerner. Netop finansielle koncerner lever i den grad af tillid og troværdighed, og derfor er det nu ved at udvikle sig til et samfundsproblem, at ledelsen kegler rundt i manegen. Lad nu kunderne få den rigtige begrundelse for en eventuel nødvendig børsnotering. Det er sidste chance.


Kritikere gør klar til retssag mod Nykredit

Gruppen af kritikere af Totalkredits bidragsforhøjelser er i dialog med Forbrugerrådet og advokater om at anlægge sag mod Nykredit og Totalkredit. Den massive kritik af Nykredits kommende bidragsforhøjelser for kunder i Totalkredit ser nu ud til at resultere i en retssag.
”Vi er ved at samle ind til en retssag mod Nykredit og Totalkredit,” fortæller Sanne Fonnesbæk Vestergaard, der er en af de aktive medlemmer i Facebook-Gruppen ”Kritiske Interessenter i Nykredit og Totalkredit, der tæller over 40.600 medlemmer.....

Professor saver realkredit-udvalg over: Slet ikke nok

Opgaven til et nyt udvalg, der skal undersøge realkreditsektoren, kradser kun i overfladen, mener professor på CBS Finn Østrup. Realkreditsektoren bør kulegraves helt, fordi den har ændret sig markant, mener han. Allerede inden det første møde er der krads kritik af erhvervsminister Troels Lund Poulsens (V) udvalgsarbejde om forholdene i realkreditsektoren. Udvalget er nedsat som følge af den storm af protester, som Nykreditkoncernens prisstigninger har medført.....

Kundestorm sender Nykredits image i frit fald

Den seneste måneds kundeprotester har sendt Nykredit ud på en imagemæssig nedtur. »Nykredits omdømmetab er både brat og dybt og minder om Danske Banks nedtur i 2012 og 2013,« siger analysefirmaet Yougov. En Facebook-gruppe med flere end 40.000 vrede kunder og hundredevis af avisartikler og TV-indslag har sat sit tydelige præg på realkreditkoncernen Nykredits image...

Stadig stor usikkerhed om regler bag Nykredits prisforhøjelser 

Et nyt udspil fra den såkaldte Basel-komité har langtfra lukket debatten om baggrunden for Nykredits stigende priser. Ifølge en ekspert skubber Nykredit »det store Basel-uhyre« foran sig, men Nykredit fastholder, at udspillet »bekræfter« baggrunden for prisforhøjelserne. Hvad er baggrunden for de stigende priser hos den danske realkreditgigant Nykredit?

Skyldes det, som Nykredit selv siger, forventede skrappe krav fra den såkaldte Basel-komité, som sætter standarderne for finansielle virksomheder? Eller skyldes det, som kritikerne siger, at Nykredit forsøger at gøre sig lækker over for investorer i forbindelse med den kommende børsnotering?

Svarene på de spørgsmål er der fortsat langtfra enighed om, selv om Basel-komiteen torsdag i sidste uge offentliggjorde et foreløbigt udspil til de regler, som Nykredit har brugt som hovedforklaring på de stigende priser.

Where's Denmark's gold? Not Blue or Black, but Pure gold, slightly reddish yellow. The answer will leave you stunned (The Secret Gold Treaty. Owners of Empire - The Vatican, the Crown and the District) - March 27, 2016 CET

Here is 3D matrix of illuion of why's: The Danish mortgage finance system (Det danske realkreditsystem) has been a mainstay of the economy for literally hundred s of years and has performed well in extremely difficult circumstances. Danish covered bonds backed by mortgage loans are: of high credit quality; very liquid; and among the best & largest investment alternatives to government bonds in the world... Covered bonds backed by mortgage loans totaled nearly €360 billion at the end of 2013, second only to Spain (just over €400 billion) in aggregate amount. The stock of covered bonds is equivalent to 143 percent of GDP, more than four times as large as in any other country. The covered bond market is also nearly four times larger than the Danish government debt market. Denmak/IMF Financial Sector Assessment Program. Read the rest of the story here

Ophavsmand til rentetilpasningslånetypen - Flexlån®?

FIAT penge kartellet  6. Marts 2016

Verdens bedste boligfinansiering?
Det danske realkreditsystem er kaldt verdens bedste. Ekstremt lave renter til boligejere og robust nok til at gå stort set uberørt gennem finanskrisen. Men nu vil den sidste forening, Nykredit, omdannes til et aktieselskab. Kritikere kalder det en katastrofe for de 59 procent af landets befolkning, der bor i ejerbolig, og Nykredit er havnet i en storm af vrede kunder

»Vi kom fra en verden, hvor realkreditten var en slags non-profit virksomhed med lave, men faste og sikre afkast. Men det var nødvendigt at transformere virksomheden,« siger Jørgen Nue Møller. Det førte også til, at Realkredit Danmark i 1996 opfandt flekslånet - et lån med en rente, der blev tilpasset kortere eller længere mellemrum. Arkitekterne bag det hyperpopulære lån var i øvrigt Lars Rohde, der i dag er nationalbankdirektør, og Bjarne Graven Larsen, der i dag er investeringsdirektør i den store canadiske pensionskasse, OTTP.

Warning! Global Government Imminent! Agenda 2030, TTIP, TPA, & TPP

Læs også: CETA, FTAA, NAFTA, TPP, TTIP, TISA, GATS, CISPA - Alt-i-Ét løsningen for globale virksomheder, NGO'er, fagforeningers totalitære kontrol af menneskeheden. Globalisternes Bedst Bevarede Hemmelighed... 17. Marts 2016 

Published on Mar 26, 2016
The elite are making a major move towards a one world government, AKA the New World Order. This is beyond conspiracy theory now, it is a reality.

De tre T'er: Telepati, Telekinese, Teleportation - Der findes nogen fantastiske unge talentfulde tryllekunstnere rundt om i verden, så som engelske 'Dynamo' 29. Marts 2016

Udgivet første gang den 27. December 2014 af

Tænk nu hvis, alt det vi ser med det blotte øje, ikke er en illusion, synsbedrag og manipulation, som man til tider kan mistænke de bedst kendte og længst levende legender, så som Siegfried & Roy ( en tysk-amerikansk duo af tidligere nutidige tryllekunstnere og entertainere, som optræder på Mirage Resort and Casino siden 2003)
Eller hvad med  David Copperfield (Airplane Vanish) ( David Copperfield den mest succesfulde tryllekunstner i historien. Vundet 21 Emmy Awards, 30 år indbragte ham 11 Guinness World Records, en stjerne på Hollywood Walk of Fame, og en ridder af den franske regering; og han har fået navnet en levende legende af den amerikanske Library of Congress) 
Men alt det er jo Show Business, en milliard forretning i Vegas kulørte lampeskær. Det imponere os ikke mere, for mig er det blevet lidt mere af en pornooptræden end et magisk tryllekunst, uden Wauv Effekt. Vi så en ny tendens, da David Blaine vidste sig på gaden (Street Magic) og udførte stunts og magi på åben gade. (Mest kendt for "frosset i tid", hvor han blev blevet indefrosset i blok af is i 72 timer, den anden stunt "vertigo", hvor han stod på 100 fods søjle i 35 timer i "Over nedenfor "det var verdens tv-dækning, hvor han blev suspenderet i glaskasse ved Themsen i 44 dage uden mad og mange flere)    
Der findes masser af talentfulde tryllekunstnere, også i Danmark, men den ene tryllekunster som imponere mig mest lige nu, er også en gadedreng som Blaine, nemlig Dynamo Magician Impossible, siden 2009, er han nok den mest jordnære og ukomplicerede bekendskab af en "ægte" tryllekunstner, end nogen anden. (Steven Frayne, almindeligvis kendt under sit kunstnernavn "Dynamo", er en engelsk tryllekunstner, bedst kendt for sit show Dynamo: Magician Impossible. Dynamo blev født i Bradford, England.)

Jeg ved jo godt, vi alle sammen hele tiden vil afmystificere alt det vi ikke forstår eller kan bevise, "det er jo bare trylleri og illusion" - det er da naturligt. Mirror eller dailymail og alle de andre tabloid aviser er da også hurtigt ude med hvordan Dynamos hemmeligheder er afsløret. Vi sætter Autopilot på : skepticisme
Dynamo har vist os han kan udføre en levitation med en kørende London bus og gå på Themsen. Han teleportere også en mobil telefon fra sin egen hånd ned i en tom Cola flaske, får en person til at trække en halskæde igennem Dynamo's egen hals og jeg kunne blive ved...  Så forleden hvordan han sammen med Jamie Oliver kunne "fremvise" en skrevet sætning ud af det blå, fra en dyb tallerken, hvor bunden kun var dækket af vineddike, en opskrift som Jamie tænkte på (Telepatisk)  
... men tænk nu, hvis der fandtes mennesker som kunne bruge Telepati, Telekinese samt
Teleportation... For en del år tilbage, har to Whistleblowers uafhængigt rapporteret omkring teleportering til Mars fandtes, fordi de skulle møde Mars rumvæsener (siden 1970'erne er teleportation anvendt) for blot at sætte en anden surrealistisk vinkel på det hele... gu fanden er det langt ude... men hvis vi fortsætter at blive ved med at forblive i en tilstand, der kun fremmer logik, fysiske beviser og benægtelse, kan det være svært at udvikle os til næste trin i vores evolution...  I vores bestræbelser på, at alle skal være ens tænkende, opdraget på nogenlunde ens vilkår i den vestlige verden, undergrave egne behov og drømme...flyde med strømmen, gør os ikke ligefrem frittænkende individer, og lege med tanker så som, 'tænk nu hvis' verden så anderledes ud. Er det så hammerende nødvendigt, at skulle bevise, at jorden nu også er rund hele tiden og rumvæsener hører kun til i Hollywood filmene?... 

... hvor mange tør springe ud og erklære sig 100 procent upåvirket af vores 3D matrix af illusion?

- Åbensindet, tror på engle og dæmoner, er afklaret med der er mere end hvad øjet ser, gør os fri af begæret, pengebehovet, ligefrem udøvende uselviskhed, selvstændigt, være tilstede i en magt- og kontrolfri zone, at leve minimalistisk, gøre sig fri af forældres faste tankemønstre fra det vi lærte i vores barndom, politikkere og myndighederens konstante træng til at opdrage og bestemme? Jeg ved det ikke... men måske er det blot 2 procent af verdens befolkning som lige nu lever for en spirituel opvågnen, så vi har langt vej endnu...  

Jesus through John Smallman: The awakening of humanity is occurring right now, in this eternal moment

Sananda udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den Opstegne Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer af hele verden, og var en af ​​de største Spirituelle healere, der gik på vores elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle vores opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har tilladelse til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af civilisationer, kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov. 

Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2016

Jesus Audio Blog for Wednesday March 30th

Humanity is precisely on schedule for its imminent awakening. God wills that humanity awaken, and humanity has made the collective decision to awaken, so nothing can prevent it. Do not be discouraged by the mainstream media reportage of bad news. Yes, of course people are suffering in wars and in dire poverty in many places on Earth, but this is nothing new, war and poverty have been endemic on Earth for eons. However, never before have so many cared compassionately about the suffering and poverty that those less fortunate than themselves are undergoing, and never before has so much been done to alleviate poverty and suffering, and to bring wars to an end.

The vast majority incarnate on Earth at this time are ready for enormous changes to occur to bring the way you live into line with the divine Will, which is, of course, utterly in agreement with each of your wills, even though many seem, as yet, to be unaware of this collective will. In fear, many, not seeing the true spiritual trend of human evolution, still cling to judgment and blame, while deep within themselves they are desperately hoping and praying for the change that is imminent.

Sakurajima Major Eruption (ECETI: "Right after major solar event as expected"...) March 29, 2016

Last update: 29 Mar 2016
Typical eruption style: Explosive
Sakurajima volcano eruptions: 1955-ongoing, 1954(?), 1950, 1948, 1946, 1942, 1941, 1940, 1939, 1938, 1935, 1914-15, 1899(?), 1860, 1799, 1797, 1794, 1792, 1791, 1790, 1785, 1783, 1782, 1779-81, 1756, 1749, 1742, 1706, 1678, 1670(?), 1642, 1478, 1471-76, 1468, 778, 766, 764,
716-18, 712(?), 708. stratovolcano 1117 m / 3,665 ft Kyushu, Japan, 31.59°N / 130.66°E
Current status: erupting (4 out of 5)Sakurajima webcams / live data Sakurajima volcano videos

34 Year Old Doctor/Cancer Researcher Found Dead in Field

Posted: 29 Mar 2016 07:00 PM PDT
We are sorry to report that yet another cancer researcher/doctor has been found dead. This young doctor was from the UK (as were a few others we’ve reported on in recent weeks).

by Erin Elizabeth

Despite being found dead in a field by a passerby and the fact that the autopsy was inconclusive, the death is not being treated as suspicious.

This comes as no surprise as many of the doctors who have been found dead have had their deaths ruled out as suspicious right away (including one UK researcher found hanging in a tree in a rubber suit).