Jun 30, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (Victory of Light over Darkness. Beauty over Ghastliness. Unconditional Love over Ego) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: In Christianity, the four horsemen who, according to the book of Revelation (6:1–8), appear with the opening of the first four of the seven seals that bring forth the cataclysm of the apocalypse... NATO's 4th Reich WWIII or depopulation orders by Agenda 21 (2030) or W.H.O.'s DIRE warning: 'Covid-19 cases rising fast again, millions still unvaccinated'... HUmanity will win - but expect casualties, human sacrifice and deaths by Crown-Vaksine-KillSh0ts. Cabal's Psychological warfare, Spiritual Warfare going on right now is on it's 'last legs'. OMG! It has to be. It's getting very tiresome. We're all spiritually exhausted... |

(8) Teri Wade | Facebook
Ukraine news live: Russia withdraws from Snake Island; 'aggressive' sanctions could justify war, Moscow warns; Putin says G7 leaders would look 'disgusting' topless | World News | Sky News
WHO's BIG warning: 'Covid-19 cases rising fast again, millions still unvaccinated' | World News | Zee News (india.com)
German lawyer Reiner Füllmich: COVID-19 vaccines were designed to experiment on the human race (vaccinedeaths.com)

🤑🚴‍♂️💨 ~ (Vil ikke skabe ballade...) Det er PRÆCIST det du netop gør lige nu! ’Ørnen fra Herning’ stadig Danmarks bedste sportsbrand, selv om han snød sig til DKK 150 millionformue (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: ... nåååårh hvor er det synd for ham ham BJARNE... Lad mig fortælle dig en lille historie omkring Bjarne-Fis... {Det er rent tilfældigt, SoTW's familie, er ikke, elitesportsudøvere, i den forstand og nej, tror ikke Vingegaard er dopede!}... 📍Kan du huske den korruptramte Oleg Tinkov og Bjarne Riis alias kaldet "The Eagle" fra Herning i ordkrig over den måde, Tinkoff-holdet blev kørt på og hans doping?. Måske skulle man spørge sig selv om, hvor meget vidste Hr. Riis-fis om Mr. Tinkovs svig og hans anliggender?. 🤐Min far cykler indendørs med den nu gamle Jørgen Emil Hansen, verdensmester i landevejscykling. Verdensalt har vundet en konkurrence efter en svømning med ham under et party-gig. Vi var begge platkatfulde, men sjovt, var det! Under min egen bachelorfest konkurrerede jeg i Triathlon med Peter Sandvang, verdensmester Ironman 2001, (tabte😉) og det er ikke småting, der bliver snakket om, også omkring hvor plumrådden Fusker-Bjarne og hans bedårende brud, Anne Dorthe Tanderup er (rygter om forsikringssvindel). 👂Nu snakker man igen (igen) om motordoping i daværende Tour de France og den schweiziske avis Le Temps, har talt med tre anonyme ryttere, der melder om 'underlige lyde' fra nogle af cyklerne i feltet... 👪SoTW's (familien) kender også en amerikansk tidligere "chef" for Fusker-Bjarne Fis cykelhold, a la "Christa Skelde" og han var RASENDE, blev snydt for en stor lønpose og truede Bjarne med sagsanlæg og om at skrive en bog om ham, siden hen, lever han i dag, for de "penge", som Bjarne, gav ham, et hold-kæft-bolche, sagde min søster, bare for 3 dage siden (min søster er veninde med konen, som også "arbejdede" for Bjarne)... 🤔Hvordan Dannevang er blevet så pilråddent og det eneste vi tænker på er, "begæret" - opnå eller være nummer #1🥇.. |

Allerede inden ankomsten til Danmark fik Tour-hold besøg af politiet: Stjerne har tidligere sendt et kontroversielt signal til kritikerne (jyllands-posten.dk)

 [👉Hos et rørt studie af Rolf Sørensen-sportskommentator via TV 2 & SPORT ligesom hos DR Sporten, under fodbolden : Tårerne trillede, da Vingegaard kom i mål og et storhyldende Danmark, fejrer vi drenge-manden, der arbejdede på en fiskefabrik i Vestjylland! Det gjorde vi også over cykelhelten "Ørnen fra Herning" aKa Fusker-Bjarne, "kyllingen fra Tølløse" og alle de andre dopede, med et hav af "skønhedsportræter" i tabloidaviserne! For sport, er en cash-cow og clickbaitsensation👈]

'Stein Bagger snød sig til millioner af kroner og blev straffet for sin forbrydelse med fængsel. Det samme gjorde andre erhvervsledere som Klaus Riskjær Pedersen, Rasmus Trads og Kurt Thorsen, men ikke forretningsmanden Bjarne Riis, selv om ejeren af cykelholdet Team Saxo Bank også byggede sin erhvervskarriere på at snyde sig til en millionformue. Anden pointe er, hvordan kan Lars Seier Christensen, milliardær, pensioneret udlandsdansker med bopæl og skattely i Schweiz, trofast støtte af Liberal Alliance, genoptage et samarbejde med Bjarne Riis som er svindler? Måske er jeg bare for sart.'... ~ SoTW


Har snakket med Riis: - Vil ikke skabe ballade – Ekstra Bladet
Tre anonyme ryttere fortæller om 'underlige lyde': Pogacar afviser | BT Tour de France - www.bt.dk

Tidligere Riis-direktør: 'Jeg havde ingen frihed - ikke engang et kreditkort'

Kilde (BT.dk)

Christa Skeldes jobtitel var 'administrerende direktør', men hun erkender, at det var mere af navn end af gavn.

»Jeg havde ingen frihed. Jeg havde ikke engang et kreditkort. Så man kan sige administrerende direktør for hvad? Alle de her beslutningerne blev taget henover hovedet på mig,« siger hun.

Til Feltet.dk fortæller hun nu om sin korte periode som direktør hos Bjarne Riis' cykelprojekt Virtu Cycling,

I februar 2017 blev Christa Skelde i første omgang ansat som mentalcoach for både herre- og kvindeholdene Team Veloconcept Women og Team Veloconcept, hvorefter hun i april blev administrerende direktør for begge.

🏆 🌟✨ ~ (Inside home of NORAD & USNORTHCOM - Quadrillion worth of Gold for HUmanity? a BIIIG yes!) Cheyenne Mountain Complex (Laura's View and Tarot, Too) ~ | Blogger: Laura: "Is it true that a quintillion dollars worth of gold is stored there safely until it can be used in our new, asset-backed currencies when they roll out? What else did the Universe want us to know?"... Btw - isn't Cheyenne Mountain where Stargate SG1 operates from and TESLA created a time traveling machine?... |

Telegram: Contact @WhiteHatsQ

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra Solar Warden ≤ 1 km long spaceships?) IUFOC - T. L. Keller Lecture Slides "Spacecraft Carriers," at the 2018 International UFO Congress (SoTW Archive) ~ | Blogger: [👉Picture(s) below is a actual "real" prototype Solar Warden Spacecraft(s) according to Supersoldiertalk.com & USS Hillenkoetter is T.L.Keller claims - who I have meet IRL. ~ SoTW👈] ...How US government covered up UFOs for 80 plus plus years & Secret Space Program (Solar Warden armada and other Naval & USAF space fleet etc)... Why Mr. Keller highly recommend Dr. Steven Greer by Dr. Carol Rosin and others, part of the Rockefeller UFO initiative, I don't know, but I did talked briefly to him and got this material below... Enjoy... As a former Royal Danish Air Force Security Forces K9 (rookie), awaken to 1977 Star Wars movie, interest of Area 51, Terma A/S, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, kinda facilities and MIC-SSP, has long played a role in the development of secret aircraft and aircraft technologies... |

T.L. KELLER - USS Hillenkoetter


Take a look at the size ...REAL PIC???  - Secret Space Program - SSP - Solar Warden -
 Massive Air Ships For Evacuation Or Survival Purposes | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban


Ufo Congress Final by tim

👁️⃤ 🏰🎖️📯👑👺 ~ (FØJ... FOR... 'HELVEDE'...) 1560 Kong Frederik II mageskifte fra benediktinerkloster til udklækning af DK-magteliten. Og dermed opstod en præfektordningen, der blåstemplede et "drabsforsøg" og med en syg, syg herskerkultur blandt elitens børn, der gør mobning, overgreb, vold, seksuelle krænkelser til hverdagskost (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Og har du PENGE, så kan du GÅ, men har du ingen, så bliver du STRAFFET!... Denne tidligere "knivstikker" og "herlovianer" som BT omtaler, er sikkert og vist ustraffet i dag med frifindelse og måske endda, direktør og frimurer?. Selvom der var 55 vidner – øvrige elever fra skolen – var indkaldt, formåede denne "mangemillionær og kostskoleelev" at hyre den kendte topadvokat, Henrik Holm-Nielsen, som kort forinden havde været håndplukket til den særlige rolle som udspørger i Tamilsagen... Som også jeg har sagt på denne kanal, TV 2-dokumentaren "Herlufsholms Hemmeligheder", er blot toppen af isbjerget... SoTW har fået en "forsmag" på det fine selskab, ved at gå på et Nordsjællands prestigefyldte 3-årig HHX - Handelsgymansiet - del af CBS. Har været på Broderloge nr. 55 PAX til fester. Boet i Fredensborg og fulgte Kongefamilien på tæt hold. Og hele min barndom boet i en by, hvor kongen overdragede HSK ved til gengæld, at overtage Hillerødsholm, der derefter blev til Frederiksborg Slot. Været i "mandeklubber" som fik mig "afsat" for jeg var ikke hardcore nok og sanseløs - var al for med-menneskelig, tilpasset og (spiritual) sensitiv. Jeg var så heldig, at operere indefra, maskinrummet (hovedkontorer) af 2 storbanker - både som konsulent og som fastansat i 25 år. Der passede jeg heller ikke ind - var altid oppe og tottes med "psyko-ledere", fordi, jeg kunne knække chefens snyd, løgn og manipulation... Det er så tonedøvt, så umoderne og så nedslående hvis man troede at kultur og årsager til ekstreme oplevelser på HSK-skolen skulle ændres. SÅ MAN ER STÆRK hvis man kan tåle tæsk, hvis man er den der giver tæsk, hvis man er den der kigger væk, hvis man kan undertrykke følelser, hvis man ikke er i kontakt med egne og andres følelser og grænseoverskridende adfærd? SÅ MAN ER SVAG hvis man ikke evner at sige fra, hvis ens værdigrundlag er, at behandle alle med respekt, hvis man ikke har behov for at undertrykke andre, hvis man den stille type, der mere tænker, end råber højt og står på andres skuldre for at blive set?... |

Herlufsholm-formand: Skolen har skabt problemer for de svage (berlingske.dk)
Ekspert retter hård kritik af ny Herlufsholm-formand: »Alt i alt betvivler jeg, om Jon Stokholm er egnet« (berlingske.dk)
Professor: kritikken af Herlufsholm er historisk hård | Information

Herlufsholm (HSK) 27 år tilbage: 'Hvad fanden laver du?’ råbte vægteren. Som svar fik han fire livstruende knivstik i ryggen af ung mangemillionær og kostskoleelev'... B.T.

Skolen blev stiftet d. 23. maj 1565 af rigsråd og admiral Herluf Trolle; som en skole for 'adelige og ærlige mænds børn'...


Trolle's fremmeste mission var – sagde han – »at beskytte og beskærme med al magt og formue vort fædrene rige, således at vore undersåtter må bo og være i fred og rolighed.«

SoTW illustrerer frimurernes paradis

Det vi taler om - BT | www.bt.dk
Log ind | LinkedIn
Susan Astani-Kjær på Instagram: “Hvor er jeg glad for at langt om længe kommer der fokus på Herlufhulms dårlige ledelse. Min søn Sam træk sig ud af skolen tre måneder før…”

Jun 29, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (Trust your Gut: The Matrix's Red Pill or Blue Pill - which is Better?) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Here's food for thought - “Q,” (the 17th Letter of the Alphabet) was created through a time-travel device... To all my beloved "normies, muggles and naysayer"- readers, put all your trust in Sadhguru, Dalai Lama and TheSun (Daily mail, Express etc.) Sadhguru has been EXPOSED as a WEF cult leader who talks about "Population Control" and accused of killing his wife. Dalai Lama - it one of the WORST or SMARTEST masters of the illuminati game of Satanical belief-system. Mother Teresa - don't get me STARTED! The Sun cashes in on more ‘government-sponsored propaganda’ and fearmongering BS... Instead, for the "highly enlightened spirituel"-readers of today's recommended video with Michael Jaco, Tom Numbers and Janine. it's a long interview - but worth your while. Just saying you guys! Believing is seeing and seeing is believing!... |

US announces HUGE military build-up in Europe including F-35 squadrons and troops on Putin’s border as WW3 tensions rise | The Sun
(5) TAROT By JANINE Sending Ravens discuss Roe Versus Wade & Hot Summer with Tom Numbers & Michael Jaco - YouTube

Solar storm could hit Earth TODAY as 'crack' opens in Earth's magnetosphere | Science | News | Express.co.uk

China Reveals That a Massive Alien Outpost and Mining Facility is Operating on the Moon | UFOHolic

🏳️‍⚧️🥴 ~ (“Robin Williams didn’t kill himself”) Robin Williams "Betrayer Of Christ" Illuminati Agenda Exposed!! Nano-Nano As In Nanoparticles?? Mrs. Doubtfire Modeled After Peggy McMartin Of The Biggest Preschool Satanic Sex Scandal Trial Of All Time!! (Before It's News) ~ | Blogger: This is a very disturbing video to many "normies" out there! (including SoTW). It's a video made by a dude and website called "Nicholson1968's DoUSeeWhateyec" posted by Jim Crenshaw - also well-known for these kinda "special videos"... I believe at SoTW, that "The Illuminati" KILLED Robin Williams, like Whitney Houston, Prince and many, many, many others, because they were just fed up and ready to EXPOSE the whole deal and wanted to get out. When you start to see or hear of baby/children sexrituals and sacrifices, it's a no-go... Sorry, couldn't find the direct video-link - go to "beforeitsnews"... |

Robin Williams "Betrayer Of Christ" Illuminati Agenda Exposed!! Nano-Nano As In Nanoparticles?? Mrs. Doubtfire Modeled After Peggy McMartin Of The Biggest Preschool Satanic Sex Scandal Trial Of All Time!! | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)


(4) Nicholson1968 - YouTube

Okay this video goes into some rabbit holes for sure, and one of them is Robin William’s career (beginning at 38:00 mark).

Let’s take a glance over, and see… for it does seem that Robin Williams was given roles that advanced certain agendas. Maybe he found out over time, and this depressed him greatly as he realized his talent was used to slowly destroy humanity? It’s true that Robin William’s movies have a ‘betrayal of Christ’ overarching theme… extending over his career. Love you Robin! Brief summary and study notes for: Robin Williams – Alien, Gay Transgender, Human Trafficking, Artificial Intelligence, Vaxx Agendas… includes some more ideas that are not in video, and there is some overlap so some projects are mentioned more than once. I’m not going to his entire career here, but there’s overwhelming evidence that Robin’s career projects were created, or groomed, and/or promoted to advance certain agendas.

Maybe that’s what really makes a star, is someone talented who can advance certain agendas??? I do believe so.

🤰🏼🔮🦚 ~ (Placenta, Palantír, Peacocks) Trust the Plan - not the Man: Hvad DJÆVLEN er det for en verden vi lever i❓ (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Ooog nej - Henrik Qvortrup - er ikke 'Q'😂🤣... ⏰Ved, at sige; vågn så for 'fanden' op - Satan og Lucifer - er taget på ferie...🚴‍♂️ Tour-de-Mørklægning eller Tour-de-Flop for 300 millioner kroner❓ Syntes du ikke det er mærkeligt, at Tour-vinders hold og danske cykelryttere m.fl, er ramt af CORONA i 11-time, kort før start når COVID er udryddet og inden snakket om det❓ Borgerne har ikke råd til benzin - EU vil sikre flere bestyrelsesposter til rige kvinder. Dvs. EU - som er et elitært projekt skabt af og til eliten❓... Hvad ser du i din krystalkugle❓ - Hvorfor tror Sauron, at Pippin har ringen, når Pippin holder Palantír❓... Hvem arbejder Hans Engell for❓ - Er han en (skjult) [Plant] Socialdemokrat og arbejder for MMM❓ Hvorfor har Mikael Goldschmidt, hentet Lene Espersen ind i sit ejendomsimperium❓ Hvordan kan tidl. KGB-agenten, bilderberger og norsk frimurer, "Steklov", være her og der og alle vidervejne, mens han har Corona og Helvedesild❓ Ser vi en CGI-version❓. Hvordan kan "BoJo" overleve, nu igen (igen) vildledt parlamentet❓. Hvem "beskytter" MMM, BBB, Søren Barbapapa og Jacob ælle-bælle-mand❓ - Er Mink-Medico-Militær Mææætte en [Plant] - den sidste Statsminister - allersidste kejser under Frimureriet - sammen med hendes medsammensvorne 'Barbamama'❓ Ligesom, at CCP Obama styret øresnegl, Joe Biden, bliver SIDSTE Kabbalah styret USA Inc.❓ Ligesom, 'Lillibeth' reptilian-energi Dronningen-over-alle-dronninger, bliver SIDSTE monark❓ Ligesom, Frede-Fup, aldrig-nogen-sinde, bliver KONGE af Dannevang❓Ligesom, Pedo-Paven, SIDSTE Pave, i verden❓ Ligesom, de fleste G7-ledere, snart går af, styret af Rothschild-familien og verdens dårligdom og ulighed skyldes slaveri/kolonialisme/imperalisme/etc.❓... [LÆS VIDERE].. |

Q (qanon.pub)

MARIE MUNK | Roskilde Festival (roskilde-festival.dk)
Borgerne har ikke råd til benzin — EU vil sikre flere bestyrelsesposter til rige kvinder | Folkets Avis

Nu melder Mette Frederiksen ud om minksag: Vi fortjener hård kritik – men der er ikke grund til en rigsretssag mod mig (berlingske.dk)
- Ufatteligt arrogant! – Ekstra Bladet
Q: Mor Mette i total panik – Ekstra Bladet

Journalista – Klassisk Journalistik

Man er NØDT til at forstå, at, Det 17. bogstav i alfabetet - Bogstavet Q - er en BRILLIANT lynafleder for, at afbøde eller fortælle os, om NWO-verdensordenens og jordens undergang, med brødkrummer, koder og optimisme og QAnons - afventer “The Storm”. Bevægelsens centrale kilde, den anonyme Q, er en 'militær enhed eller entitet' som har bl.a. brugt Project Looking Glass - visuelt at projicere dig selv til fortiden, for at kunne 'se og spå' om fremtiden. Direkte-energi-våben findes også, og andre eksotiske teknologier.

Altsammen kommer fra højudviklet udenomjordiske hyperintelligente væseners erfaring og vidensdeling. Mange, at disse super-advancerede teknologer, er misbrugt af "Kabbalah" og igen, anvendt af "DeHvideHatte" som (counter-force-doktrin). 

Som at trykke på en knap, kan 6000 patenter af-undertrykte-teknologier, redde jorden, fra Fossilt brændstof og brændsel og elimere forurening og alt-mulig-andet.. 

Lad nu være med at være naive. Q - findes og millioner af Qanons-tilhængere, som tro på en bedre verden med sloganet "Where We Go One, We Go All". Det er RENT Service-2-Others - uanset om Qanons er kristne og naive, så er det en USTOPPELIG bevægelse, for Planetary Liberation. Ligesom COBRA og SIMON og andre spirituelle organisationer. 

Når man kommer til den konklusion, så tror man også på, Reinkarnation. - At vi har gennemlevet 1000-vis af liv, på Moder Jord og andetsteds, for at udleve vores traumer og fobier, som kød-avatar, under Kulstofkredsløbet, og skal igen, tilbage i vores originale engleform. Tilbage, til det guddommelige aspekt, som ikke-fysiske krystallinske struktur (det hedder Ascension). 

Ja, måske lever vi snart i 800 år, uden sygdomme og med Star Trek's Med-Beds, men til syvende og sidst, skal vi videre, mod nye mål i universet og tilbage til det femte-element og opefter... 

Vores 3-D Matrix af Simulation og Moder Jord, som vi kender den, har eksisteret, siden mennesker kom til jorden og Annunakierne (de gamle guder) rå-bollede med vores kvinder og derfor har vi nu, E.T. i blodet og DNA og derefter, indsatte, højstepræsteskabet, der forvandlede Jorden, til et fængsel. Det er DETTE liv som tæller, ikke forrige og ikke fremtidige. Man kan død og komme igen, men så er den gyldne tidsader, i gang. Det ved "Kabbalah" udmærket godt alt det her, så de kæmper til SIDSTE mand, og alle Deres forbistrede "Peacocks" (man ved snart ikke hvem som er en mand eller trans-kvinde) tager andre med ned i "faldet", hvis de kan. Uanset hvad, vinder de ikke, og stilheden venter, nede i Marianergraven i Stillehavet eller i maven på Sarlacc's (Star Wars) - fortæres som levende-sjæle - i tusindvis af år... | 

🦠🧪💉 ~ (Around $21 millions from Pentagon to Kiev in 2012 for Dangerous Experiments) VITAL! The Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus. Ukraine Laboratories Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta (VT Today) ~ | Blogger: it goes without saying you cannot trust ANY of the G7 leaders, NATO with Finland, Sweden on path to NATO with blessings by Erdoğan, or the western CABAL - you know that - right?... SoTW own intuition says, that the BRIC- countries with Putin-in-Play, will kick ass soon and EU, UN, NATO is going to break down... |

VITAL! The Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus. Ukraine Laboratories Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta – Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services



I tell you that if these keep silent, the stones will cry out” Jesus Christ (Gospel of Luke, 19:40)

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italy


His father broke his back as a miner in Sheridan in Wyoming (US), he, after this article, will become famous for opening a dozen suspected bacteriological laboratories in Ukraine and Georgia with which the American Obama-Biden administration actually violated the agreement signed with Russia for the non-proliferation of biological weapons in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Leon Edward Panetta was born on June 28, 1938, in the United States of America, in Monterrey (California), thus crowning the dream of his father Carmelo “Frank” and his mother Carmelina Maria Prochilo, who emigrated from Italy to make their fortune beyond Ocean. After opening a small restaurant they sold it to buy a ranch with a peanut plantation and to have their only beloved son study.

From Siderno, a stronghold of the ‘Ndrangheta in Calabria, they did not bring with them any suspicions of the mafia, but only the dialect with which Leon spoke to his cousin Domenico Panetta, twice Mayor of Siderno, when he went to visit him at the White House. The latter did not hesitate to make a great media fuss when his relative first became Bill Clinton’s Chief Cabinet (1994-1997) and then director of the Central Intelligence Agency (2009-2011), the American counter-espionage, thanks to the will of Barack Obama.

Leon Panetta was in fact the head of the most powerful secret service in the world in the years in which Obama wanted to relaunch the “National Center for Disease Control and Public Health” founded in 1937 in Tbilisi, opened by the former Soviet Union to fight dangerous pathogens, which in 2011 was named after Senator Richard Lugar and in 2013 was equipped with a BSL-3 laboratory.

🙏😔🕯️ ~ (Missing children used for prostitution and rituals, 10K Central American migrant caravans and 500K immigrants arrested a year) Human smuggling across the southern border (2018) (60 Minutes Archive) ~ | Blogger: [👉Below, From 2018, Scott Pelley's report on illegal immigrants, in the hands of professional smugglers, trapped in a system of cruelty, neglect, and death👈] ... I would like to make it clear and I don't care what you think of Mr. Trump - but the 46 migrants might and I say, might, have been found in time, and to some extend, had a better chance, if Trump was president.. Outside 60 Minutes - Migrant caravan traveling through Mexico to US could soon be largest ever, the last few years, and many sources says, CABAL, did it on purpose. Along with "normal" people, there was 'crisis-actors' to install fear and motive anger among all of the immigrants and deadly MS-13 gang and lots of guns, drugs and what-have-you. Trump wanted to put a stop to that... Aaand, according to FBI statistics on missing children in the U.S., so that skeptics can prevent the sheer evil of these deeds from shutting their minds. In 2015, 442,032 juveniles went missing; of these, 42,032 were not found.... |

Texas: 46 Found Dead in Truck Along US-Mexico Border; Human Smuggling Angle Suspected (thewire.in)

Shocking Child Abduction Statistics (Editor’s Picks)

  • In 2019421,394 children in the US were reported missing.
  • 1 out of every 10,000 missing children reported to the police is not found alive.
  • In 2019, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCME) assisted law enforcement and families with more than 29,000 missing children cases.
  • In the US, a child goes missing every 90 seconds.
  • According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children statistics, about 4,600 children are abducted by strangers every year.
  • In the EU, the reported number of missing children every year is 250,000.
  • The recovery rate for missing children in the United States most difficult cases rose from 62% in 1990 to 97% in 2011.
  • A family member masterminds 9% of child abductions due to a custody dispute.

🔭🌌🪐 ~ (OMG! Oort cloud = 100s of Earth-like Planets with 6-root races. Saturn is Female. Venus Goddess. Male-Mars a war-tomb-planet.) Intuitive Discoveries of our Solar System (NewEarthTeachings.com) ~ | Blogger: [👉Science as-you-know-it: The Kuiper cloud or Kuiper belt, is a disk-shaped region that is seen beyond Saturn’s orbit, consists of millions of icy comets. The Oort cloud is a mass of trillions of comets and dust that circle the Sun👈] ... Brad Johnson has discovered "secrets" about CABAL said to be the Male Saturn (planet the Edomite Judeans associated with their “god”, now called “Satan” - which is NOT true). He has also discovered our Earth-Mother-Gaia - is NOT only habitable planet in the Solar System, of course not. Our 'Earth' was once, part of Oort cloud-community of 100s, maybe, 1000s of Earth-like planets, that decided to leave 'Oort cloud, as a unique jewel and be part of the 'planetary solar system dynamic matrix', as Brad, calls it. He also discovered massive Spaceships, near the Sun collecting 'etheric intelligence' and was NOT, as many predicted, used as 'evacuation spaceships' for our Earthlings... 🤳PS: Unfortunnaly Brad, did not look into whereabout of "Planet X or Nibiru". In which, my higher-self told me at SoTW, that is soon entering our solar system and has some influence on the Earth's geological and magnetic field, as well as North or South Pole displacements...|


🔭🌌🪐 ~ (Elena Danaan = Matrix computer grid on Moon + Saturn rings completely destroyed in 2021) The Hubble Space Telescope Just Gave Us A Jaw-Dropping New Video Of Saturn’s Rings (Forbes 2019 Archive) ~ | Blogger: [卐'Sieg Heil' Saturn, NASA & 3-D Matrix of Illusion. The Dystopian Archon A.I Cyborg Machine Controlled Influence🔋] ... {BEFORE you turn this down, you should listen to what Cobra, Simon Parkes, David Icke, George Kavasillas and Alfred Lambremont Webre, has to say on the subject} ... SORRY, to push out a dramatic headline this morning, but received news feeder or notifications all the time, and yesterday, one from space.com, saying something like we all should 'praise to high heaven' that Saturn's Rings exist in living color (perhaps the situation stinks to high heaven?)... And Saturn with it's rings is amazing to look at, in NASA's 'Pan Over Saturn' video, unless it's created for the purpose to deceive us, an illustration or Computer-generated imagery (CGI)?... 🧐 MILLION-DOLLAR QUESTION❓ ... [READ MORE] ... 🤔Oh just to be clear - verdensalt truly believe the existence of a 3-D Matrix of illusion (I've call it) that limits our true capacity as humans; encapsulating and prevents humans use of 97% "junk" DNA from a 2-strand double helix to a 12-strand helix, blocking the nurturing of the Etheric Body (release these negative emotions from your memory cells) and hindering the Tachyonic particles reaching Earth, and Sunlight, assisting humans in ascension, health, healing, restoration, and overall well being etc. etc... (As always use your own spiritual discernment) ... |


Saturn and Its Rings Look Truly Spectacular in This Hubble Telescope Portrait



: Are we humans somehow connected to (advanced computer on the Dark Side on the Moon, controlling the Artificial created Saturn Rings), The Veil, Etheric Archon Grid or The Matrix - a electro- magnetic frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane, extending maximally 13 km (8.6 miles), prevents the Light from coming into the quarantine Earth? (COBRA seems to think so)... 

FIRST of all, it's V-E-R-Y hard for all of us to imagine, there's a group (on a higher level) who are defined as The Orion/Draconian/Reptilian Empire (The Chimera group / Yaldabaoth, Lord of the Archons), who came to earth in humanoid physical bodies 26,000 years ago (a millions of years ago) and quarantined the planet (i mean, C'MON)...

🚩 I think it's Simon Parkes & Alfred Lambremont Webre who has explained their own interpretation how The Saturn & Moon Matrix is a Mind Control Platform for Earth...

🚩 David Icke, has also made a video about the 'spider' (force which is not human) called "Who Built The Matrix?" (lower level of our controllers)... 

🚩 George Kavasillas said there are 7 chakras each connected to a ring of Saturn and aligned with the Human anatomy and physiology and five others for a total of 12 and each is aligned to a 'replicated' strand of our original 12 strands of DNA. "The chakra interface system was also designed to interfere with the way we perceive the sun's light and energy" this means it is getting in between us and our Sun. Saturn is an aspect of the jealous god with a small 'g' of religion who has been portraying itself as our Creator and is the creator and keeper of time and the synthetic false light matrix on our Mother Earth.... |

Jun 28, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (IMAGINE✨Just Imagine If…) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: (SoTW) - Just Imagine If… We are Entering the Golden Age 2025 to 3025... Just Imagine If… Joe Biden is on his last legs, get him into a home... Just Imagine If… Pope Francis planning to step down in a wheelchair... Just Imagine If… Queen Elizabeth is ‘fading away before our very eyes’... Just Imagine If… There's No Religions, Resisting religious indoctrination and sexual abuse... Just Imagine If… A Star Trek-world with no-need-of-money, the absence of war, pestilence, poverty, hunger and no politicians... Just Imagine If… freeing ALL beings and Shifting us unto the Golden Age of the new Atlantis and manifest a world with Abundance of FREEDOM, JOY, FOOD, WATER, HEALTH, WEALTH OF ALL KINDS For EVERYONE... PS:Many great astrologers, saints, gurus and others are saying we are entering the Golden Age and leaving the Iron Age. Amazing changes and powerful uplifting transformations will take place for mankind, and everyone will prosper... |

※🔴🔺~ (OMG! A video with a REAL alien autopsy??) Fulford's *FULL REPORT* weekly geo-political news and analysis ~ | Blogger: Embedded videos might not work in verdensalt.dk after I have been watching some AMAZING footage and videos, that BF claims was sent by the Secret Space Program to him, that promise much more than just political change... For example, take a look at the “camouflage ships” or “lenticular clouds” on June 21, the day of the North Dakota Solstice. The next is a UFO filmed in Mexico. Then check out this Alien Medical video that was sent to BF (SoTW had added link so you can watch the breath-taking ET videos).... |

"Wild solar weather is causing satellites to plummet from orbit. It’s only going to get worse." ~ BF

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? BF (born 1961) is a 
journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Angela Hitler Gathers Lieutenants in Germany to Mourn Loss of Fourth Reich

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...

Published by Benjamin on June 27, 2022

Benjamin Fulford Report: Angela Hitler Gathers Lieutenants in Germany to Mourn Loss of Fourth Reich – Era of Light

In an echo of History, Angela Hitler gathered her lieutenants at her father’s castle in Bavaria to vow to fight the last Ukrainian in the face of inevitable defeat by overwhelming Russian forces. This so-called G7 meeting is part of an emergency gathering of Khazarian mafia leaders who now face both military defeat and war crimes tribunals.

A look at the situation in Europe, the US and around the world makes it very clear we are dealing with the end of an era. Even the Jerusalem Post, the flagship newspaper for the former Khazarian mafia stronghold of Israel, admits this now:

We are nearing the death of the old geopolitical system and of the world order that has kept repeating itself from the medieval ages.

It seems, finally, that this cycle of plague, war and famine will be the last of Western hegemony and the birth of a new world order, a new world order which will probably bring back the balance of power to Asia and Africa, which were the centers of global wealth and power long before the industrial revolution.


Let us start with the situation in Ukraine. In a sign of total military defeat, Ukrainian “recruiters” are now snatching people from their houses, the streets, restaurants and entertainment facilities and sending them untrained and poorly armed to the front lines. “A large number of seasoned Nazis were put out of action and those reservists who are now sent into battle aren’t fit for the task,” military expert Colonel Viktor Baranets told RT.


Grabbing people off the streets and putting them into ditches to get killed by artillery is a clear sign of the imminent and total collapse of the Ukrainian military.

Both Japanese and British military intelligence say the whole so-called war is a marketing operation so the arms industry has an excuse to buy new weapons and keep itself afloat.

Japanese military intelligence says what is happening is that NATO is dumping it’s old and about to expire weapons stocks. The old weapons are all going to Syria and Afghanistan, not Ukraine, they add

“NATO is de facto The North Atlantic Arms Trade Organization even if under various other guises,” an MI6 source agrees noting “The Russo Ukrainian Conflagration is, in fact, the NATO Russo Conflagration intended to make a market.”

It is more than just arms sales though. What is really happening is the collapse of the EU and the United States of America Corporation, which are brand names of the Nazi Fourth Reich, the sources say.

Behind the scenes, the former Nazi Fuehrer George Bush Sr. ordered the murder of Dr. Michael Van De Meer, the former head of MI6, several years ago. In retaliation, the entire Bush clan was executed, MI6 sources say.

The Nazis then counter-retaliated with the Frankfurt-based election fraud which installed as President “a Joe Biden who was too incapacitated to know what was happening.” The source adds that “to my knowledge, nobody in the world listens to a word the man says.” This whole Nazi Biden counter move has led the US “a car wreck beyond repair and essentially a failed state.”