Oct 16, 2016

Psychology of Truth Sharing and Awakening Others with a Personal Anecdote | Now That You’ve Awakened How Do You Awaken Others?

Image Source.
by Justin Deschamps

Sharing information with others is usually one of the first things we want to do after starting to wake up. But knowing the path and walking the path are two different things.

The following is an article detailing some general techniques for sharing the truth along with some things to avoid.

Awakening to Truth

The truth is transformative and belligerent by nature—it doesn't care about our feelings or emotions, it comes in and shakes us to our foundations. As a result, when we share our truth with others we offer them an opportunity to change but they don't have to accept it—and often they won't. By this I mean, we can't really wake someone else up, we can't force them to see what we see or to understand what we do. All we can do is offer then a chance to unlock the truth for themselves, and this requires patience and collective participation.

A present or gift is a good analogy.

A Gift of Truth

We can take the time to think carefully about what someone wants. We can spend hours shopping for that perfect thing, wrapping it with beautiful paper and introducing it in a nice way. But in the end, the person we give this to has to accept it. They have to tear open the wrapping paper, peel back the plastic and explore its contents for themselves.

Sharing the truth is the same way, at best, we're only presenting something that someone can either accept or refuse—and this fact should not be overlooked—even though it often is.

Sharing the Truth Anecdote

Thomas Uhrskov, journalist og TV-vært: Sundhedsstyrelse med bivirkninger. Jeg begynder at forstå, hvorfor mere end én læge sagde til os: »Jeg må ikke sige det her for Sundhedsstyrelsen, men hvis jeg var jer, ville jeg få testet Sallys blod i udlandet« (Blogger: Som jeg har sagt i årevis...Måske begynder vi så småt at vågne op til chokket...(værkstedshumor); For gud skyld, når chokket så kommer, lad nu være med at indtage hovedpinepiller såsom Panodil, Pamol og Pinex. For at sætte tingene i persketiv, det virksomme stof ibuprofen eller stoffet acetylsalicylsyre (ASA) der findes i Aspirin, Magnyl, Treo og Kodimagnyl, er så giftigte(toksiner), at hvis man giver det til hunde og katte, kan de får paracetamolforgiftning, hurtig nedsat leverfunktion og kan dø. Medicinen bliver normalt nedbrudt i leveren og det giver blandt andet et affaldsproduktnedbryde stof, som mennesker kan nedbyde, men ikke dyr...Ifølge en pålidlig kilde; "ELISA test er oprindelig en graviditets test (fransk) som bliver brugt som hiv test, i Afrika bliver alle gravide kvinder 'tvangsvaccineret for HIV' (de er jo hiv positive) mænd bliver af naturens orden ikke testet, da de sjældent er gravide...Jeg er blevet smittet mange gange af Skovflåten eller Borrelia-bakterien, også med TBE/Lyme disease og det er bestemt alvorlig. Man mener, at Borrelia infektion er den hurtigst voksende infektionssygdom i Verden. Der er påvist 300 forskellige slags Borrelia bakterier over hele verden, Penicillin / antibiotika virker ikke mod alle Borrelia, da Borrelia bakterien ikke har nogen cellevæg. Hvis du får bakterien / infektionen, søg straks en naturlæge. Vidundermiddelet som kan bruges ud af flere, er 'Kolloidt sølv', som er et naturligt antibiotikum, totalt uden bivirkninger. (Mærket IONOSIL kan købes i Danmark) Det skal være i ion-form. Sølv-ionerne optages i mikroorganismerne og ødelægger deres kemiske processer, så de dræbes og nedbrudt...Har selv været flittig mountainbiker og løber i skoven...Tilbage til korruptions-skandalen: Øverste myndighed i Danmark; 'Sundhedsstyrelsen' - en korrupt og bevidst centralstyret totalitære pengemaskine som medicinalindustrien finansierer. Sundhedsstyrelsen sammen med den danske SSI-vacinefabrik, sidder øverst i pyramiden og forgrener sig til samtlige led i den danske sundhedssektor. Sundhedsstyrelsen er den øverste sundhedsfaglige myndighed i Danmark. Listen er anelang - Sundhedsstyrelsen hersker over - Regioner, kommuner, videnscentre, patientforeninger, brugerorganisationer, embedslæger, apoteker, sygeplejersker, tandlæger, praktiserende læger, psykiatere, journalister, lobbyister, fødevarestyrelsen, kræftens bekæmpelse , Miljøstyrelsen, Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut og Dansk Dermatologisk Selskab, trygfonden, Dansk Skoleidræt og bånd til den amerikanske sundhedsstyrelse(CDC) og jeg kunne blive ved..Lyt bare til Peter Gøtzsche, der kalder medicinalindustrien for "en mafia"...Har netop overstået 3 dages amerikanske konference: 'Ultimate Live Symposium', som har været helt fantastisk...De smider alt på bordet og afslører ALT om cancerindustrien, fra almindelige læger som har fået nok til forskere, holistiske læger og foredragsholdere...fortælling om hvordan vi skal helbrede os selv...Det er gratis og kan ses igen og igen..)

Kronik - Søndag D. 16. OKTOBER 2016 KL. 12:39

Af Thomas Uhrskov, journalist og TV-vært

Jeg har næsten ikke sovet de tre sidste døgn.

Siden min kronik »Fjernsyn med bivirkninger«, som handlede om vores borrelia-ramte datters triste møde med sundhedssystemet, var i Berlingske, har jeg konstant talt i telefon og svaret på mails og beskeder. Det har været overvældende, rørende og meget meget skræmmende.


Ja, for alt, alt for mange mails begyndte sådan: »Tak fordi du skrev, jeg har oplevet fuldstændig det samme.« Flere tusinde mennesker har reageret.

Telefonen ringer før klokken 7 om morgenen og en svag kvindestemme spørger, som så mange andre, om råd. Der er kun luft og smerte i hendes stemme – sådan har hun haft det i flere år.

Med telefonen i hånden går jeg hvileløst rundt i vores stue. I mine tanker står der uendelige rækker af mennesker og beder om hjælp uden at blive hørt, og på mit skrivebord ligger en radering, som vores datter Sally for nylig lavede på sin kunsthøjskole.

Jeg ringer til Berlingske og får lov til at skrive endnu en kronik. Men inden jeg skriver, ringer jeg til Sally og beder om lov til at fortælle om hendes radering, som hun har kaldt »Borrelia«. Hun tøver og vil helst sige nej, men trækker vejret dybt og siger: »Hvis du tror, det kan hjælpe nogen, så ja.« Jeg betragter hendes værk, men ved, at jeg først må fortælle om det værk, der ligger ved siden af: »Klaringsrapport Lyme Borreliose« (internationalt kaldes borrelia for »Lyme«).

Rapporten, som jeg kun forstår dele af, er skrevet af førende danske overlæger og danner grundlag for Sundhedsstyrelsens retningslinjer for borrelia-diagnosticering og -behandling. Der er nogle problemer i den rapport. Problemerne er sproglige, faglige og frem for alt menneskelige.

Sagt på almindeligt dansk fastslår rapporten: At den danske borrelia-test ELISA er den bedste, der findes, og at det ikke kan betale sig at kombinere flere forskellige testmetoder. Sundhedsstyrelsen ophæver rapporten til dansk sundhedspolitik.

Hvad en af hovedforfatterne i første omgang glemmer at nævne er, at han har patent på ELISA og tjener penge, når patienter testes med hans metode.

En af de andre medforfattere glemmer at fortælle, at de ELISA-vurderinger, han bygger sin konklusion på, er vurderinger, som han selv har lavet for det firma, der producerer testene. Han glemmer også at fortælle om forskning, der betvivler hans forskning. Juridisk kalder man det »udeladelse af interessekonflikt«. På Christiansborg læser sundhedsudvalget et notat om problemerne, men politikken fastholdes.

Jeg bliver vred når jeg læser. For at køle af, kigger jeg på Sallys radering:
Øverst en række hænder, der trommer med fingrene på bordet. »Det er ventetiden, far,« fortæller hun. »Lad os nu se tiden an, sagde lægerne hele tiden. Det er svært, når livet udenfor fortsætter.«

I USA, Tyskland, Frankrig og andre lande kombinerer man nogle af de mange forskellige borrelia-test for at fastslå, om en patient er inficeret. Det er svært, for nogle test-kombinationer forstærker hinanden, andre udligner.

I klaringsrapporten står der:

Hilarion's Weekly Message - October 16-22, 2016

Hilarion er Chohan af den femte stråle af healing, videnskab, vision og sandhed. Han er det hierarkiske niveau af Sandhedens templet på det æteriske plan i nærheden af Kreta, Grækenland. Hilarion var ypperstepræst i "Templet af Sandhed" i Atlantis, og han transporterede flammens sandhed sammen med artefakter af templet til Grækenland kort tid før forliset af kontinentet. Han arbejder med sjæle til at beherske det tredje øje - chakra og grøn-ray kvaliteter, herunder healing og videnskaben om at holde den ubesmittede koncept. Hilarion har ikke kun indflydelse med healing, men også omfatter musik og videnskab og målrettet "vision" gennem opfattelser af tredje øje. En kilde tilføjer, at Hilarion arbejder ofte med Ærkeenglen Raphael, der ligeledes tjener på det femte-stråle.

Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff 
© 2016 therainbowscribe

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are feeling the effects of a shift. You know within yourselves that you have been transformed. You know within yourselves that something momentous has occurred and this is a wonderful occasion to celebrate! As you integrate this shift you will experience moments of great sleepiness and we ask you to follow the dictates of your body and rest, for that is important so that you can assimilate and integrate the energy infusions that have taken place within you.

If you awaken and find that your spine is tender, it means that you have received a great download of energies that are activating strands of your DNA and when this occurs, it is also another sign that it is time for you to be good to yourself, to allow rest and recuperation and assimilation.

Go within and seek stillness, for this is very helpful. When this occurs, it is a very good idea to drink more water. Honor yourselves, always treat yourselves the way that you would expect the best friend of your life to treat you. You are very worth this effort and this respect. Many of you are finding the energy and the focus to complete projects that have been on hold and taking a long time to complete.

You are finding that this is now taking place in record speed. When this happens you know, Dear Ones, that the timing is right for what you are doing to come forth into the world. Be at peace with all that is occurring around you. Know that no matter what happens in the world around you, you are always loved, supported and protected. You are always surrounded by angels of protection.

Gaian Eye: Signs of Disclosure -- Week 2 October 2016 (In another news: #Podesta: WikiLeaks releases 9th batch of emails from Clinton campaign chair.... Ranging from Space war, Vatican knowledge of extraterrestrials to how to take down Sanders, to strategizing around sexual assault allegations against Bill Clinton, multiple aspects of the Clinton campaign have been laid open to public consumption through a series of WikiLeaks releases this week. The thousands of emails already released also cover topics including US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar clandestinely funding ISIS, the Clinton campaign’s efforts to handle the media, Hillary’s “Achilles heel”, and courting billionaire donors. You name it, John Podesta sent or received an email about it...Courting black voters The latest leaked emails highlight campaign concerns that Clinton is not doing enough to appeal to black voters. In the messages between Frank White Jr, who raised over $2.3mn for Barack Obama during his 2012 re-election campaign, and John Podesta...)

Published on Oct 15, 2016

Typhoon just passed through the Philippines and another is forecast to make landfall there. Are they sending a message to President Duterte? (Blogger: "klima-derivater" - Vejr afhængige derivater for 9.5 Mia. blev omsat på Chicago Mercantile Exchange Globex i 2011..her er beviser, hvis du stadigvæk tvivler... Siger ikke nødvendigvis at HAARP eller Geoengineering/Chemtrails bliver brugt hver gang, men der er rigtigt, rigtigt mange penge at tjene (bevidst brugt siden 1966)... eksempel: Fire års konstant tørke i Californien er den værste i over et århundrede, L.A. indrømmer at bruge vejrmodifikation for "at producere mere regn"...Kina brugte vejrmodifikation til at styre OL i Beijing...Hurricane Matthew, det seneste eksempel på global vejrmodifikation...)

Sun, 06/04/2014 - 09:10 — FlemmingLeer

I dette nyhedsklip fra The Weather Channel den 12. december 2012 fortælles der om, at spekulation i derivater er over de sidste 20 år steget fra stort set ingenting til i 2011 at udgøre 9.5 Mia. US-dollars på Chicago Mercantile Exchange - Globex.

30 procent af den amerikanske økonomi er direkte eller indirekte berørt af vejrforhold som f.eks. orkaner. Det drejer sig om blandt andet entrepenørfirmaer, energileverandører, landbrug & skihoteller.

Det er primært virksomheder inden for energisektoren, der benytter sig af denne form for risikoafdækning.

Desværre kun på engelsk.

Se den her:

Map source: Weather Underground

Why Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Distrusts The U.S.

Michael Sullivan | NPR

Oct 11, 2016

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte speaks during a news conference at the airport in Davao City, prior to his departure for the ASEAN summit on Sept. 5. He called President Obama a "son of a bitch" and warned him not to question extrajudicial killings in the Philippines' war on drugs. AFP/Getty Images

Seek Your Independence: Anything Else Will Destroy You ("..Many people think The Dollar Vigilante is a fear mongering, pessimistic blog. If you only read our headlines, then I can see how you would feel that way. But things are getting so bad that all we are doing is acknowledging the current state of affairs. The truth hurts....Get rid of government as much as is realistically possible. Just getting rid of modern, bloodsucking federal governments would immediately cause an economic boom of unheard of proportions as people throughout the West suddenly could keep most of the money they earned. Hundreds of thousands of new job creating-companies would pop up – probably offering real goods and services instead of Barbie Dolls and velcro sneakers. Innovation would be tremendous. The entire citizenry would gradually recover from its current prostrate and bankrupt state. Wars would cease. Peace would return. Money would become money again, with gold, silver and cryptocurrencies ensuring that price inflation would stop. We’d enter into a period of peace and prosperity that would forever be remembered as the beginning of a beautiful new era. However, if that were to happen, the old, fasco-communist system in the US would have to completely collapse… and that will entail a massive collapse. This collapse, in fact, is inevitable. It has been engineered via central bank interest rate destruction. It is only a matter of time until everything collapses around us except for wars which will rage more madly than ever...")


Many people think The Dollar Vigilante is a fear mongering, pessimistic blog.

If you only read our headlines, then I can see how you would feel that way. But things are getting so bad that all we are doing is acknowledging the current state of affairs. The truth hurts.

After we began to analyze Shemitah and then Jubilee timelines, we became even more pessimistic because it was clear that even the deepest economic and military disasters were planned in advance.

Our lives are run by a small group of psychopaths. At least to the degree that we react to world events. The only way out is to plan for ourselves.

But the world, certainly the West, offers us a plethora of solutions. And they get in our way.

Our society has been organized to take away your sociopolitical, economic and military choices. The latest manifestation of this deliberate promotion is the US presidential election.

Hillary is so obviously a tyrant-in-waiting that she is stampeding people toward Donald Trump who seems the lesser of two evils, even though when you examine his rhetoric, he’s no small-government candidate.

Trump is pro-police state, pro-tax (certain taxes), pro-war (certain wars) and generally pro-government. (That’s why he’s running for president after all.)

It’s true, Trump has been doing a courageous job of exposing some of Killary’s crimes and murderous approaches to utilizing political power.

He’s also mentioned how the Fed’s monetary policy decisions are predicated upon political expediency. He’s even suggested that Janet Yellen ought to step down because she is predicating her monetary decisions on boosting the stock market via low interest rates for the remainder or the election, and perhaps beyond.

Janet Yellen and her cohorts support the myth that the economy has recovered under Obama’s presidency – under which Hillary was secretary of state.

But government and central banks will always fail the people because that’s what they were meant to do. The word ‘Government‘ comes from the Latin verb gubernare which means: “to control,” and the Latin noun “mens” which means: “mind”. In other words, the literal translation of the term is “mind-control”.

Swissindo Update - "Breaking World Changing News" - World Debt Liberation Begins on October 16th, 2016 (Use your own spiritual discernment...)


October 16th, 2016 will be the official declaration day for UN Swissindo as M1 will announce publicly at the Supreme Court Office Debt Relief Program for the People of Indonesia, members of National Army and Police and also the plan to give Voucher M1 Master bond worth US$1,200 for adults and US$600 for children (students)  17 years of age and older with legal ID.
  • Badan Induk Pendiri Negara
    The Founding Parent of the Nation
  • Lembaga Tinggi Tertinggi Negara
    The Highest Institution of The Nation
  • Mahkamah Agung
    The Supreme Court
  • Pembebasan Beban Utang Rakyat Indonesia
    The People of Indonesia’s Liberation of Debt Burden
  • Pembagian Voucher
    Distribution of Vouchers

Økonomer advarer: Pas på, staten får pant i din bolig Med ny ordning får staten pant i din bolig. Dermed får du en ekstra gæld til statskassen.

Politik 15. okt. 2016 KL. 08.04

Det er tænkt som en hjælpende hånd til de boligejerne, der får store stigninger i skatten, når det mangeårige skattestop ophæves og forsvinder i 2021. Men nu advarer flere økonomer mod ubehagelige overraskelser.

Hvis værdien af boligen af boligen stiger mere end lønningerne, så indefryses den overskydende skat, der først skal betales, når boligen sælges, og ejeren typisk realiserer en gevinst. Til den tid kan det forrentede beløb i værste fald udgøre flere hundrede tusinde kroner.

Indefrysningen sker helt automatisk, og uden at boligejerne løbende bliver orienteret om, hvor meget deres statslån vokser år for år.

»Det kan blive en uheldig overraskelse for nogle, når de flytter fra deres hus, at de ikke kun skal indfri deres realkreditlån, men også et lån til staten«, siger lektor i økonomi Morten Skak fra SDU.

Han frygter at ordningen i visse tilfælde ligefrem kan bremse mobiliteten på boligmarkedet og dermed boligejernes lyst til flytte........


  • Fra 2021 indføres en automatisk ordning, der betyder, at stigninger i de samlede ejendomsskatter ud over lønudviklingen (udover en bagatelgrænse på 500 kroner) automatisk indefryses. Beløbet forrentes og forfalder, når boligen sælges. Boligejerne skal aktive fravælge ordningen, hvis de i stedet ønsker at betale skatten løbende.
  • Fra 2017 til 2020 indføres en midlertidig indefrysning. I den periode kan årlige stigninger i grundskylden på over 3 procent og over en årlig bundgrænse på 1.000 kroner indefryses. Den midlertidige ordning vil i modsætning til den permanente være en tilvalgsordning.
Læs mere: http://politiken.dk/indland/politik/ECE3427760/oekonomer-advarer-pas-paa-staten-faar-pant-i-din-bolig/

AINA: Assyrian Confederation of Europe Elects First Ever President ("...Ms Attiya Gamri from the Netherlands is a former member of the Dutch Parliament. The convention gathered Assyrians from France, United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden. Bodil Valero, member of the European parliament from Sweden addressed the convention and spoke of the importance for Assyrians in Europe to be vocal and well organized..")

Assyrian Confederation of Europe Elects President

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Assyrian Confederation of Europe Elects President

2016-10-12 22:58 GMT
Ms Attiya Gamri, a former member of the Dutch Parliament, has been elected president of the Assyrian Confederation of Europe for a three term.

Gothenburg, Sweden (AINA) -- Assyrians in Europe concluded the first Assyrian European Convention, held on October 8 and 9 in Gothenburg, Sweden. The convention saw the election of the first ever president for the Assyrian Confederation of Europe (ACE), an umbrella organization for Assyrian national federations in the different European countries.

Ms Attiya Gamri from the Netherlands will was elected president for a three term. Ms. Gamri is a former member of the Dutch Parliament.

The convention gathered Assyrians from France, United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden. Bodil Valero, member of the European parliament from Sweden addressed the convention and spoke of the importance for Assyrians in Europe to be vocal and well organized.

The Assyrian Confederation of Europe was officially inaugurated in April this year during a ceremony in the European Parliament in Brussels.

Assyrians in Europe number nearly half a million and constitute one of the biggest diaspora communities from the Middle East in the European Union.

This item is available as: HTML | PDF.© 2016, Assyrian International News Agency. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use.


AINA News Digest

001 10/16/2016 U.S., Russia, Others Making Renewed Diplomatic Push on Syria
002 10/15/2016 ISIS Sets Ablaze Oil-filled Trenches Around Mosul
003 10/15/2016 Turkey Deporting More Christian Ministry Workers, Tagging Them As Threats to National Security
004 10/15/2016 Washington's Plans for Mosul Attack Sharpen Conflicts Over Future in Iraq
005 10/15/2016 Iraqi, Kurdish Forces Prepare to Push IS From Strategic Town
006 10/15/2016 ISIS' Retreat to Mosul Reveals Extensive Tunnel System
007 10/15/2016 Syria's Assad Reiterates: Kurds Have No Right to Federalism
008 10/15/2016 Battle for Mosul Must Navigate Ethnic Rivalries
009 10/15/2016 What Comes After the Defeat of ISIS in Mosul?
010 10/14/2016 Iraq's Turkmens Call for Independent Province
011 10/14/2016 As Aleppo Is Destroyed, Syrian Church Leaders Plead For Peace On Behalf Of Children

Day 2: The Truth About Cancer: Replay starting now… 28 Doctors, 11 Scientists, 9 Survivors And 1 "FDA Dragon Slaying" Attorney Break Their 'Code Of Silence' And Expose The TRUTH About Cancer And Exactly How To Prevent, Treat And Beat it 100% Naturally. LIVE

Welcome to the Ultimate Live Symposium, Hosted by Ty & Charlene Bollinger.

All of Day 2's Presentations Will Begin Replaying at 9pm Eastern for Your Convenience.

Three very different and very powerful breakout sessions here:

Find out about the common trigger that makes every health condition worse in Dr. Sunil Pai’s presentation, An Inflammation Nation… (Breakout room #3).

Or discover new proven methods to prevent, treat, and beat cancer using something as simple as FOOD in Chris Wark’s presentation, Nutrition vs. Cancer: Little-Known FACTS That Will Benefit You Now (Breakout room #2).

Or do you want to learn about a revolutionary non-invasive, non-radioactive, painless medical diagnostic scan that catches life-threatening diseases in their earliest, most preventable and reversible stages? Then you’ll definitely want to watch Dr. Galina Migalko’s groundbreaking presentation Detecting Life-Threatening Disease EARLY: Thermography, Ultrasound & More (Breakout room #1).

Go here now to watch

You’re probably thinking of some friends and family who should be watching this, and YES, they can still join for free. Just share this link above with them and they can watch too!

Are there any presentations that you didn’t get to watch? Concerned you’re going to miss some potentially life-saving insights? You can be certain to catch them all  and to support our mission in the process by pre-ordering the complete recordings of this entire event with today’s special Early Bird offer right here.

I hope you’re enjoying these presentations – and THANK YOU for your support!

See you there,

Ty Bollinger

Wikileaks Releases Another 850 Podesta Emails In Part 8 Of Data Dump; Total Is Now 11,019 (rt.com: ‘Holy grail of US journalism’: WikiLeaks releases transcripts of Clinton’s paid Wall St. speeches that the Democratic presidential candidate gave to Goldman Sachs back in 2013..)

WikiLeaks has released what it dubbed the “holy grail of journalism”: full transcripts of three paid speeches that the Democratic presidential candidate gave to Goldman Sachs back in 2013. The transcripts were discovered in the trove of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair’s leaked emails.
The highlighted texts were taken from John Podesta’s hacked email account, and published by WikiLeaks along with the eighth batch of Clinton’s campaign chair’s emails.
The speeches were made at private events back in 2013 after Clinton had already left the State Department.

The transcripts were attached to a January 23, 2016 email titled "Goldman Sachs paid speeches" sent by top campaign aide Tony Carrk, who apparently marked potentially problematic passages should the speeches ever be made public.

Hillary’s alleged cozy relations with Wall Street have repeatedly fallen under fire during the US presidential race, with her Democratic rival and now-supporter Bernie Sanders urging Clinton to release transcripts. She has in turn promised to make them public if the Republican candidate Donald Trump releases his tax returns........


Related Wikileaks Articles and Updates

Source - Zero Hedge

by Tyler Durden October 15th 2016

Another day, another data dump. In what has become a daily routine, one which forces the Clinton campaign to bring up ever starker (most sexual) scandals involving Trump to provide a media distraction, moments ago Wikileaks released yet another roughly 1,150 emails in Part 8 of its ongoing Podesta Email dump, which brings the total number of released emails to 10,169.

With another 39,000 or so emails left until election day, we expect the emergence of another Trump "sexual assault" accuser to emerge momentarily, just as we predicted yesterday and were proven right not once but twice. After all the public must be distracted from what truly matters.
One of the first email chains just released is a follow up to what we think is one of the key stories so far, namely the disappearance of the 16th Sid Blumenthal email, as per the thread "Proposed response to upcoming State Dept disclosure on Sid emails." This is an issue discussed yesterday in our post "Where Is Sidney Blumenthal's 16th "Missing" Email?" which we urge everyone to read.

Another email chain between Clinton campaign staffers Josh Schwerin and Jennifer Epstein brings attention to a tweet by Bloomberg politics correspondent Jennifer Epstein who notes in December 2015 that Hillary Clinton was "asked if she believes people who claim rape like Juanita Broderick and Kathleen Willey..." to which she then tweets that "HRC on rape claims against WJC:l: "I would say that everybody should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence."
Stillness in the Storm Editor's note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.comThank you for reading.

Jason A YouTube Channel (I've been enjoying his channel, like so many others - it's a little bit end-of-time-pessimistic-religious in nature, but he is offering up some good and current footage from US news outlets and unexplained events..) (Blogger: Let's make some comparison to Denmark on the issues at hand - it's not pessimistic, just realistic.. CNN on Demmark - Actually, Denmark is becoming more like us ('inequality' by Joseph Stiglitz; "..Income inequality is on the rise. The rich control more of the country's wealth. Union membership is falling. The ranks of the poor are growing. Sounds like the United States? Actually, it's Denmark..")...The danish Government - In 2030, coins and banknotes with a value of about 30 billion Danish kroner be bygones...(Agenda 2030) Ministry of Business and Growth - Growth Plan for the digitization of Denmark - Danish companies should be among the best in Europe to take advantage of IT, Big Data and e-commerce (Agenda 2030)... 70th Session of the UN General Assembly adoption of the agenda 2030 and allocation of items, 15 Sept. 2015. (NWO or world governance, U.N. Agenda 21 depopulation of 95% of world by year 2030. David Icke: "..Forget Agenda 21: UN’s 2030 Agenda Will 'Transform The World'. ‘If you think Agenda 21 was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until you learn what the creepily utopian 2030 Agenda has in store for us all..") Denmark will become first country to no longer define being transgender as a mental illness (Agenda 2030)... TTIP/CETA is a Trojan horse (Agenda 2030). The danish Government will initiate CETA trade without parliamentary approval - interim approval of CETA - People's Movement against the EU, Rina Ronja Kari, calling the decision "deeply troubling"( Majority of danish parliament S, V, LA, R, K 'wish' to vote against the resolution of CETA Oct 13, 2016)... Denmark–Syria had established diplomatic relations on August 29, 1992, but on US military 'Beck and Call', The Royal Danish Air Force are still bombing Syria and Iraq, danish Hunter Corps, one of the best elite special forces in the world, still conducting wetwork-ops for US interests around the world (tips from my friends at danish special forces)...Denmark and Baltic Sea countries must reduce cod-fishing quotas by 56-88 percent (what's that all about? Fukushima radioactive contamination? Acc. to Dana Durnford Nuclear Proctologist, He travels the world documenting dead and dying coral reefs. Baltic Sea, North Sea through the Kattegat and Skagerrak is deeply affected like Fukushima radioactivity detected off coast of U.S., Canada, just 10 days after the catastrophe etc. - link enclosed)

Published on Oct 15, 2016

BREAKING: The White House Just Issued An -Executive Order- officially Preparing For The “Event”. (Blogger: We're just guessing here!! COBRA and PrepareForChange just added the comment "Preparing For The "Event"... We KNOW for sure, NASA and the mass-media has admitted that Planet X (Planet X is NOT Nibiru) is coming! Back in January, Cobra told us, the Cabal has been suppressing their knowledge about the existence of Planet X for decades. "..You might want to know that Chimera-controlled Maui High Performance Computing Center (MHPCC) intercepts all data gathered by all major astronomical observatories around the world and erases all data that might lead to direct discovery of Planet X.." There is a lot of soft Disclosure in the mainstream media. Lots about potential microbial life in our Solar System, earth-like planet in Proxima Centauri system, more evidence of a Dyson sphere around the star KIC 8462852, water on other planets, musk eyes plan for human travel to Mars by 2025, plans to put humanity back to the Moon, by our Solar system and most recently, recruiting for Asgardia, breakaway civilizations. Universe contains 2 trillion galaxies. We have heard about the space wars going on, earth's grid system and the electromagnetic effects Planet X is having on Earth...and most important, global mass ascension with Wave-X bombards the earth and frequency shift...(However, if you run your life by drama, worry, anxiety, fear, panic; The next FALSE FLAG attack could be on US power grid blackout and EMP, FEMA. Back in Sept 2016, Moscow prepared for possible nuclear attack - EMERCOM and Germany to tell people to stockpile food and water in case of attacks ) Posts about fear and warmongering is NOT me, it's exciting times ahead..)

Thanks to prepareforchange.net for reporting.

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release


Executive Order — Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events

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By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to prepare the Nation for space weather events, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy.

Space weather events, in the form of solar flares, solar energetic particles, and geomagnetic disturbances, occur regularly, some with measurable effects on critical infrastructure systems and technologies, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), satellite operations and communication, aviation, and the electrical power grid. Extreme space weather events — those that could significantly degrade critical infrastructure — could disable large portions of the electrical power grid, resulting in cascading failures that would affect key services such as water supply, healthcare, and transportation. Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.

It is the policy of the United States to prepare for space weather events to minimize the extent of economic loss and human hardship. The Federal Government must have:

(1) the capability to predict and detect a space weather event,
(2) the plans and programs necessary to alert the public and private sectors to enable mitigating actions for an impending space weather event,
(3) the protection and mitigation plans, protocols, and standards required to reduce risks to critical infrastructure prior to and during a credible threat, and
(4) the ability to respond to and recover from the effects of space weather. Executive departments and agencies (agencies) must coordinate their efforts to prepare for the effects of space weather events.

Sec. 2. Objectives.

This order defines agency roles and responsibilities and directs agencies to take specific actions to prepare the Nation for the hazardous effects of space weather. These activities are to be implemented in conjunction with those identified in the 2015 National Space Weather Action Plan (Action Plan) and any subsequent updates. Implementing this order and the Action Plan will require the Federal Government to work across agencies and to develop, as appropriate, enhanced and innovative partnerships with State, tribal, and local governments; academia; non-profits; the private sector; and international partners. These efforts will enhance national preparedness and speed the creation of a space-weather-ready Nation.