Jul 14, 2018
The Event Chronicle | Jul 14, 2018 | ~ Underground Bases and the Cabal (VIDEO) ~ | .. Phil Schneider, a very brave man, recently lost his life due to what appeared to be a military-style execution in January 1996. He was found dead in his apartment with piano wire still wrapped around his neck. According to some sources, he had been brutally tortured repeated before being killed. Phil Schneider was an ex-government engineer who was involved in building underground bases. He was one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys and U.S. intelligence and military forces at Dulce underground base. In May 1995, Phil Schneider did a lecture on what he had discovered. Seven months later he was tortured and killed by those for whom he had previously worked. This man’s final acts should not go unnoticed .. |
Verdensalt.dk | Arkivskabet | 14. Juli 2018 | ~ Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti og 'Det Hemmelighedsfulde Selskab' ~ | Blogger: 😰 Update: Februar 2018 - Løkkes hemmelige plan: Vil fyre Thyra Frank og Søren Gade, når Løkke inden længe angiveligt vil gennemføre en ministerrokade, men vil det overhoved hjælpe på den synkende skude?... 'tabloid' rygter om affære med Løkke - har Sophie Løhde, 'knaldet sig til tops i politik' ifølge BT??... Løkke forgylder sine spindoktorer med store bonusser - på borgernes regning???) ... | Dansk politik - totalitært regime - ureguleret lobbyisme hvor interesseorganisationer, virksomheder og andre berørte systematisk kommer til orde, grundet pengedonationer... Lars Løkke vil ikke have kritiske spørgsmål, danskerne revser Lars Løkke: 'Han er en kylling'. Mens erhvervslivet eeeeelsker vores statsminister for at beskytte Danmarks Guld 1000 største virksomheder, landbrugsorganisationen, Too Big to Fail But Not too Big to Crush - banker, kvotekongerne, oligarkerne, Kongehuset, USA, diktaturstater, Israel og ikke mindst, den danske forsvarsindustri og især billioner store medicinske-industrielle kompleks... ⚠️⚠️⚠️ PS: Siden dette blogindlæg blev til i 2016, er BÅDE 'Pengeklubberne.dk','politikerlede.com' (403 Forbidden), pist forsvundet og højst sandsynligt, censureret af Google og Staten ... Videoen: 'Pengeklubberne - Den skjulte partistøtte' som blev lavet i samarbejde med Enhedslisten, også censureret... politikerlede.com - var én af de ALLER bedste sider, om kritisk politisk journalistik i Danmark... Andre sider, som er forsvundet er; jeg-fortryder.dk, der lukker ned pga. den nye GDPR-lovgivning og en stribe af andre medier, som ytrede sig eller gjorde tilnærmelser, til det beskidte politiske spil på Borgen... Som det ser ud i dag, er eneste medier; EB.dk og BT.dk, men de er jo en del af større mediehuse, som får mediestøtte af det politiske system... Ja, og så er der jo, 'Kisser's troldehaeren.dk findes stadigvæk, mens onlineposten.dk, ikke er opdateret siden 23. November 2017... Heldigvis har vi folkets.dk samt journalista.dk... |
Det skal være slut med hemmelighedskræmmeri og skjulte penge i politik! I @Enhedslisten foreslår vi en åbenhedsreform, der bl.a. indebærer et opgør med erhvervsklubber og skjult partistøtte #100dageMedEnhedslisten #dkpol pic.twitter.com/kJKgOBp2Zz— Enhedslisten (@Enhedslisten) 14. maj 2018
Udgivet første gang den 25. Februar 2016 af Verdensalt
Forord: Som altid smider jeg nogen bolde op i luften. Giver bud på min og andres alternative forestillinger hvordan verden ville fremstå i lyset af en tese, fortolkning og faktum, fremhæver egen opfattelse af det parallelle univers som vi lever i –eller rettere hvad jeg kalder vildledelse og manipulation. Tekst og sprog er i store træk mine egen, referencer til artikler afspejler ikke nødvendigvis min egen holdning, men er vinkler som kan nuancere emnet fra eksperter, andre links er fra oplyste individer eller organisationer fra nettets mangfoldige univers.
Venstre politician slammed over possible conflict of interestForord: Som altid smider jeg nogen bolde op i luften. Giver bud på min og andres alternative forestillinger hvordan verden ville fremstå i lyset af en tese, fortolkning og faktum, fremhæver egen opfattelse af det parallelle univers som vi lever i –eller rettere hvad jeg kalder vildledelse og manipulation. Tekst og sprog er i store træk mine egen, referencer til artikler afspejler ikke nødvendigvis min egen holdning, men er vinkler som kan nuancere emnet fra eksperter, andre links er fra oplyste individer eller organisationer fra nettets mangfoldige univers.
Update: 21. Februar 2017
Den politiske maskine er brudt sammen. Vores herskere på Christiansborg står i vejen for rationalitet, fornuft og fremskridt i Danmark.
Tidligere Venstre-minister i kritik af uddannelsesloft
Den politiske maskine er brudt sammen. Vores herskere på Christiansborg står i vejen for rationalitet, fornuft og fremskridt i Danmark.
Tidligere Venstre-minister i kritik af uddannelsesloft
Socialdemokratiet: Minister må på banen om vådområder
Engell overrasket over dansk Trump-kritik: Det her er meget ...
Engell overrasket over dansk Trump-kritik: Det her er meget ...
Update: 23. November 2016
"Tusindvis af bekymrede danskere skriver breve til Løkke, Støjberg og Pind. Den seneste års øgede indvandring vækker stærke følelser hos danskerne, der i hobetal sender deres bekymringer, håb og gode råd videre til regeringen"
" Der er en fantastisk åbenhed, hvis man lige ser bort fra "Venstres hovedbestyrelse og erhvervsklubberne,« siger Christoph Houman Ellersgaard med henvisning til, at Venstre nægtede at oplyse forskerne om, hvem der sidder i partiets hovedbestyrelse, ligesom også de erhvervsklubber, som kanaliserer støtte til partierne, har en høj grad af lukkethed."
"»Hele konflikten om at acceptere konsensus, søge magten og æde de andres legitime ret til at være der, har udspillet sig for øjnene af os, mens vi har lavet det her arbejde. SF måtte træde ud af regeringen, fordi baglandet ikke ville acceptere, at man var nødt til at tage Goldman Sachs – nogle, man traditionelt ville tegne et fjendebillede af – og acceptere at de var medspillere med ret til at være der,« siger Christoph Houman Ellersgaard.
"Selv om mange sociopater, psykopater, fupmagere, supersælgere, kultledere, forretningsmænd og lignendekan også være politikere, er det modsatte er ikke sandt: Rigtige psykopater og sociopater er sjældne, i den samlede befolkning. Kun mellem 1% til måske 5% af den samlede befolkning i de fleste kulturer.......Men MAGT, er en stærk og vanedannede narkotikum blandt Politikere...
"Politikere mister tillid og opbakning i samfundet (Vi har brug for Dukkepartiet til at angribe den politiske kultur) - Gakkede partiarter - De nye partier, Alternativet, Nationalpartiet og Dukkepartiet, forsøger alle at være det »anderledes« parti, som vælgere, der føler lede ved de etablerede politikere, kan stemme på....
"Som seniorkorrespondent Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm fra Den Korte Radioavis - Lars Løkke Rasmussen kan man ikke få en skovl under. En Politisk kokprop, ligegyldig hvad han laver af dumrian-ting, så kommer han altid ud på toppen....
" Landbruget frem for alt. Forskere blev sat under pres, høringspraksis blev bøjet, EU-advarsler ikke taget til følge, miljøtiltag henvist til fremtiden – alt sammen for at sikre landmændene ret til at bruge mere kvælstofgødning fra næste måned. Jerngrebbet fra de traditionelle landbrugsorganisationer. Hvem ejer hvem? Sydøstjyllands Politi siger nu, at der blev udledt flere tusind ton flydende gødning ved brand på Fredericia Havn
Skandaler preller af på Venstre
Poul Schlüters legendariske sætning: - Der er IKKE fejet noget ind under gulvtæppet!
Anders Fogh Rasmussen - »Der er ikke noget at komme efter«18 politikskandaler 1980-2010 |
Det startede med den første venstreregering under I.C. Christensen blev i 1908 ramt af en skandalesag, da justitsminister P.A. Alberti blev dømt for bedrageri i en sag, der også førte til en rigsretssag mod I.C. Christensen, der havde ladet staten yde Alberti et lån.
Antallet af politiske skandaler i danske medier har været stærkt stigende siden 1980. Det viser forskning fra Roskilde Universitet. Der vil fremover komme endnu flere skandaler, fordi sensationspressen kæmper hårdere for sit liv. Nye skandaler kan forventes at tage udgangspunkt i dødssynder som griskhed, ladhed og nydelsessyge.
I denne analyse skelnes mellem to overordnede typer af politiske skandaler:
- Politikskandaler, det vil sige skandaler, der udspringer af en ministers eller politikers politiske arbejde. Politikskandaler drives frem af den undersøgende journalistik og afspejler på denne måde tanken om den politiske skandale som et højdepunkt for pressen i rollen som fjerde statsmagt.
- Normskandaler, der udspringer af en ministers eller politikers personlige handlinger, enten i rollen som politiker eller i rollen som privatperson. Normskandaler drives frem af den tabloide udvikling i medierne, men kan også siges at spejle udviklingen/stabiliteten i samfundets overordnede norm og moralkodeks.
(2013 Politiske skandaler – Troels Lund Poulsen og Birthe Rønn Hornbech) Selvom der ikke går en uge uden nye belastende oplysninger om regeringsførelsen i den tidligere VK-regering, er vælgerne fortsat begejstrede for Venstre, eller er de? De juridisk tunge sager, der bliver kulegravet i kommissioner, går hen over hovedet på folk, fastslår eksperter, der udpeger store og komplicerede politiske sager som de mindst farlige. Carl Holst-sagen vidner om et større problem.Sagen om Carl Holsts misbrug af embedsværket er næppe enestående, vurderer eksperter. Der mangler et kodeks for embedsmænd i kommuner og regioner, hvor de ansatte ofte er tæt knyttet til de politisk valgte ledere, lyder det
Ved folketingsvalget den 18. juni 2015 fik Venstre 34 mandater i Folketinget. En tilbagegang på 13 mandater i forhold til valget i 2011. Mandaterne gik hovedsageligt til Dansk Folkeparti, som nu var det største parti i blå blok med 37 mandater. Venstre med bilags-Lars som formand var således valgets store taber med en resulterende nedgang i offentlig partistøtte med 7,1 millioner kr. årligt. Den formue kunne have finansieret hans forbrug af sokker og underbukser i mange år. Den 28. juni 2015 dannede bilags-Lars en Venstre-mindretalsregering med kun 34 mandater og 17 ministre ( måske 16 med udgangen af Eva Kjer Hansen)
Magtkampen mellem Kristian Jensen og Lars Løkke
"Det eneste sjove ved ham er, at han er fra Bøvling" - Forårets opgør handlede ikke kun om dyrt tøj til Lars Løkke, det handlede mere om Venstres identitet.
Kristian Jensens position i Venstre er så stærk, at han ville have erobret formandsposten, hvis Venstres krise var endt med et ekstraordinært landsmøde. Også selv om modkandidaten var den nuværende formand, Lars Løkke Rasmussen. Det vurderer Kristian Jensen selv efter tre dramatiske uger, der natten til onsdag i stedet endte i dannelsen af et nyt ’formandskab’, hvor både Løkke og Jensen bevarer deres nuværende poster......Det lå næsten i kortene, at efter bestyrelsesmødet og en formodet studehandel med Dansk Folkeparti, at Lars Løkke nægtede, at lade sig vælte. Men hvordan kunne man overlade Danmark og gå tilbage til åbenlys fuser, en svindler, som bilags-Lars? Var det i virkeligheden en magtkamp af værste skuffe, hvem som havde "venner" i Venstres hovedbestyrelse og erhvervsklubberne, der gjorde udslaget om Kongetronen i Danmark?
Pengeklubberne - Den skjulte partistøtte
"Hvorfor offer formanden for pengeklubben alt for at finansiere et politisk parti? Årsagen er ganske enkel. Når man betaler, så bestemmer man også. På den måde, kan man tilrane sig magt og privilegier. Og i disse kredse, ender regningen ALTID hos skatteyderne. - politikerlede.com
HAL Turner Radio Show | Jul 14, 2018 | ~ Breaking News: FedGov Admits it DOES NOT Track Vaccine safety; NEVER Reported to Congress as Required by law ~ | .. Childhood vaccines are dangerous and the ONE government agency required to track vaccine safety, admitted in court this week they have completely failed to do so since 1987. In a staggering admission in federal court, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) admitted . . . that under Title 42, United States Code, 300aa-27(c), it is required to report every two years to Congress about vaccine safety, adverse reactions, and other aspects of vaccinations in the United States, but it has completely failed to do so since 1987. The admission came in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit brought by Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), which wanted to see the bi-annual reports required to be sent to Congress by HHS since 1987. Specifically, ICAN sought .. |
ZeroHedge | Jul 14, 2018 | ~ Meet The Air Force's $1200 Cup Of Coffee ~ | .. So the Air Force charged taxpayers $32,000 this year alone for cups with solid gold handles "faulty plastic handles" so that pilots can ensure their tea and Folgers get adequately reheated.. Meanwhile in the same report we learn about "$10,000 toilet seat covers" which when combined with $1200 coffee cups "just adds up" — in the words of one government spending watchdog group .. | Blogger: [CASH-COW! 🔩 Anyone who buys this paperback for $4.95 gets a $2,043 nut free😄] ... (Why Do Air Force Planes Need $10,000 Toilet Seat Covers? To boost or maintain the above-top-secret MIC-SSP?) ... Other items offered in the catalogue include a $285 screwdriver, a $7,622 coffee maker, a $387 flat washer, a $469 wrench, a $214 flashlight, a $437 tape measure, a $2,228 monkey wrench, a $748 pair of duckbill pliers, a $74,165 aluminum ladder, a $659 ashtray and a $240- million airplane... Recent audits have shown repeatedly that the Defense Department continues to spend too much for spare parts. In 2011, it was Boeing charging $644.75 for a gear smaller than a dime that sells for $12.51—more than a 5,100 percent markup. In 2014, it was Bell Helicopter charging $492.17 for a $36.08 straight-headed pin. In most of these cases, we only learned the specifics because audit reports were leaked. The versions released by the government redacted the prices as “business sensitive” information... 💭 PS: Why, yes why, do verdensalt.dk keep posting stuff about F-35 Lightning II or Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) all the time?? Because it might be one of the BIGGEST money scams of all time, atleast in peacetime of military history (Global Participation - There's No Such Thing as Peacetime).. Over the years, the Skunk Works division of Lockheed has designed and built a number of high-tech aircraft such as the U-2, the SR-71 Blackbird, the F-22 Raptor and the F-117 Nighthawk. On the other hand, the F-35 is a $1.4 Trillion national disaster. The JSF is a terrible fighter, bomber and attacker - and unfit for aircraft carriers. It didn’t start with the F-35 or even the $640 ($10,000) toilet seat. Military overruns and rip-offs have a long (and expensive) history, starting in the earliest days of the republic. A timeline of more than 230 years of military waste, from gouging George Washington to ditching $7 billion worth of stuff Afghanistan.... |
The Air Force's $1,220 reheating coffee cup. Image source: US Air Force |
U.S. Department of Justice | Jul 14, 2018 | ~ Eight MS-13 Members Indicted in Dallas on Charges Including Racketeering Conspiracy, Attempted Murder and Assault With a Dangerous Weapon ~ |
“The Department of Justice will not allow MS-13 to terrorize any community, school or street corner,” said Attorney General Sessions. “The gang has more than 10,000 members following its barbaric motto of ‘kill, rape, and control’ across 40 states, and that threatens law-abiding Americans. Today’s indictment of eight MS-13 members—including five who are charged as illegal aliens in possession of firearms —makes clear that the Trump Administration and this Department will continue to go on offense against MS-13 with every lawful tool at our disposal. I want to thank our fabulous Department of Justice attorneys for their hard work on this case as well as our partners with HSI, ICE, the Dallas County District Attorney's office, and the Dallas and Irving Police Departments. This case is yet another step toward dismantling MS-13 and taking its members off our streets for good."
Technocracy.news | Jul 14, 2018 | ~ Are Elite Technocrats Planning To Escape Earth And Head For Space? (Survival of the Richest) ~ | .. The ‘Event”? This is a penetrating article that concludes that the real future of technology is about just one thing: escape. This includes colonizing Mars (Musk), reversing the aging process (Thiel) and uploading minds into supercomputers (Kurzweil, Altman). ⁃ TN Editor .. They started out innocuously enough. Ethereum or bitcoin? Is quantum computing a real thing? Slowly but surely, however, they edged into their real topics of concern. Which region will be less impacted by the coming climate crisis: New Zealand or Alaska? Is Google really building Ray Kurzweil a home for his brain, and will his consciousness live through the transition, or will it die and be reborn as a whole new one? Finally, the CEO of a brokerage house explained that he had nearly completed building his own underground bunker system and asked, “How do I maintain authority over my security force after the event?” The Event. That was their euphemism for the environmental collapse, social unrest, nuclear explosion, unstoppable virus, or Mr. Robot hack that takes everything down .. (..).. So instead of considering the practical ethics of impoverishing and exploiting the many in the name of the few, most academics, journalists, and science-fiction writers instead considered much more abstract and fanciful conundrums: Is it fair for a stock trader to use smart drugs? Should children get implants for foreign languages? Do we want autonomous vehicles to prioritize the lives of pedestrians over those of its passengers? Should the first Mars colonies be run as democracies? Does changing my DNA undermine my identity? Should robots have rights?..(..) .. | Blogger: WoooooW!... 😱💨🚀🌌 |
Last year, I got invited to a super-deluxe private resort to deliver a keynote speech to what I assumed would be a hundred or so investment bankers. It was by far the largest fee I had ever been offered for a talk — about half my annual professor’s salary — all to deliver some insight on the subject of “the future of technology.”
I’ve never liked talking about the future. The Q&A sessions always end up more like parlor games, where I’m asked to opine on the latest technology buzzwords as if they were ticker symbols for potential investments: blockchain, 3D printing, CRISPR. The audiences are rarely interested in learning about these technologies or their potential impacts beyond the binary choice of whether or not to invest in them. But money talks, so I took the gig.
After I arrived, I was ushered into what I thought was the green room. But instead of being wired with a microphone or taken to a stage, I just sat there at a plain round table as my audience was brought to me: five super-wealthy guys — yes, all men — from the upper echelon of the hedge fund world. After a bit of small talk, I realized they had no interest in the information I had prepared about the future of technology. They had come with questions of their own.
They started out innocuously enough. Ethereum or bitcoin? Is quantum computing a real thing? Slowly but surely, however, they edged into their real topics of concern.
Which region will be less impacted by the coming climate crisis: New Zealand or Alaska? Is Google really building Ray Kurzweil a home for his brain, and will his consciousness live through the transition, or will it die and be reborn as a whole new one? Finally, the CEO of a brokerage house explained that he had nearly completed building his own underground bunker system and asked, “How do I maintain authority over my security force after the event?”
The Event. That was their euphemism for the environmental collapse, social unrest, nuclear explosion, unstoppable virus, or Mr. Robot hack that takes everything down.
This single question occupied us for the rest of the hour. They knew armed guards would be required to protect their compounds from the angry mobs. But how would they pay the guards once money was worthless? What would stop the guards from choosing their own leader? The billionaires considered using special combination locks on the food supply that only they knew. Or making guards wear disciplinary collars of some kind in return for their survival. Or maybe building robots to serve as guards and workers — if that technology could be developed in time.
That’s when it hit me: At least as far as these gentlemen were concerned, this was a talk about the future of technology. Taking their cue from Elon Musk colonizing Mars, Peter Thiel reversing the aging process, or Sam Altman and Ray Kurzweil uploading their minds into supercomputers, they were preparing for a digital future that had a whole lot less to do with making the world a better place than it did with transcending the human condition altogether and insulating themselves from a very real and present danger of climate change, rising sea levels, mass migrations, global pandemics, nativist panic, and resource depletion. For them, the future of technology is really about just one thing: escape.
PFC \\ alt-market.com | Jul 14, 2018 | ~ Trade War Provides Perfect Cover For The Elitist Engineered Global Reset ~ |
Over the past several months, I have been examining the underlying or hidden motivations behind the currently expanding global trade war, including the impressive level of cognitive dissonance surrounding the issue. The political left doesn't seem to have an intelligent grasp of economic issues in the slightest. I'm not seeing any critical discussion from leftist media outlets or pundits on fiscal uncertainties, and the only reaction that is common from them is that they hope that the trade war results in the financial downfall of the US so that Trump can be voted out in 2020. They may very well get their wish, but they seem to imagine themselves celebrating at the end of the disaster, and I predict they'll be so concerned with their own financial survival that they won't have time to celebrate...
The initial reaction in conservative circles to the trade war was unfortunately overconfident denial, with many refusing to call the situation a “trade war” at all and some predicting an end to the conflict before it began. Obviously those assumptions are proving incorrect.
Now that acceptance of the trade war as a reality is setting in, the Trump bandwagon is doubling down and embracing blind enthusiasm for what they assume will be a victorious outcome, no matter how long it takes. Though the team-geopolitics mentality is enticing in some ways, I don’t find much in the facts and evidence department to support the notion of America winning a global trade war. As I outlined in my article America’s Debt Dependence Makes It An Easy Economic Target, as long as the U.S. retains historic levels of debt on a government, corporate and consumer level, and as long as we remain addicted to foreign investment in that debt, trade war opponents have all the ammunition they need.
The argument I now see regurgitated over and over is that this trade war has actually been "going on for decades", and only now do we “have a president with the guts to do something about it.” I’m not sure where this nonsense meme was started, but it’s everywhere.
The U.S. has NOT been engaged in a trade war “for decades,” not with China or any other nation. It has been involved in a subversive trade arrangement which benefits the elitists on both sides of the world while the common people suffer. Only in the past year have we seen a “trade war” develop, but even now, it is a staged war that will once again empower international banks and global elites.
It is hard to argue the longstanding trade war meme when considering the facts. While China has indeed enjoyed a trade surplus with the U.S. for many years, this was strictly maintained in exchange for Chinese investment in U.S. Treasury debt and the U.S. dollar. In fact, it’s absurd to claim that the U.S. has been “disadvantaged” in global trade when it is the dollar that is used to facilitate nearly ALL international trade as the world reserve currency. Dollar denominated assets have been the go-to safe haven investment for decades for this exact reason.
Back in 2008 during the initial stock market collapse, mainstream media economists and some alternative economists alike argued incessantly that emerging market investors and foreign central banks would “never” pull back from American markets because “King Dollar” was the premier safety net during fiscal crisis. Clearly, the U.S. has enjoyed a special advantage in global trade; namely the dollar, and it is this advantage alone that has fueled the American economy for years.
The argument that foreign markets have swallowed up American manufacturing is also a bit of a misdirection. As I have mentioned time and time again, U.S. corporations are the true culprits behind the bloodletting in American manufacturing jobs as they relocated all industry into cheaper labor markets. Trump could have stipulated that these same corporations would be required to bring some or most of this manufacturing back into the U.S. before they enjoy tax cut incentives. He didn’t. Instead, he gave them a massive tax cut for nothing, and the majority of the capital gained through that tax cut has already been spent - not on more American jobs or innovation, but on corporate stock buybacks to keep equities propped up just a little bit longer.
Tariffs on U.S. goods implemented by other countries are almost always tied to the U.S. dollar’s world reserve advantage. The outsourcing of manufacturing jobs as well as tech jobs has always been tied to the U.S. corporate desire for cheap labor. No, we have not been in a trade war for decades, quite the opposite.
So what has changed? Why are the old arrangements being abandoned? Is Trump really upsetting the old world order and battling the globalists, or, is he simply helping them to stage the foundation of their “new world order”?
kla.tv | July 14, 2018 | ~ Is NASA deceiving us? When astronauts rise from the dead ~ | .. If you are 40 years or older, you may remember January 28th 1986. It was the day of a huge NASA catastrophe off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Florida, where at 11:38 am EST, 73 seconds after take-off, Space Shuttle Challenger exploded in a tremendous burst over the Atlantic. Now, for a second time this matter leaves the world breathless. Though, this latest shock even surpasses the one of 30 years ago. At least six of the seven Challenger crew members are said to be still alive; four of them even under the same name .. | Blogger: [🚀NASA = Never A Straight Answer!!👨🚀] ... Highly recommended... Spoken in several languages... |
Klagemauer TV exposes spoiling media lies and lies media!
The lie of the mainstream media begins with the pretense of their diversity, although they are soon in one hand worldwide. By consequent suppression of dissenting voices, they keep fire-dangerous lies upright. But more and more people see through the fraud and cancel the subscriptions. The very big opinion makers, however, can not be easily shaken off. You will receive at least technically alive by means of compulsory fees. Klagemauer TV, on the other hand, has been working for you voluntarily and free of charge since 2012! And this in 165 film and sound studios with over 213 moderators, in 42 languages and a broadcasting area of 212 countries. Help us to make these important voices heard all over the world. Over the past 5 1/2 years, over 8. Produced 700 clarifying programs, plus 70 documentary films and much more. All these products have lasting value. Wailing Wall TV is a historical archive and mental fitness center in one. So get your minds set by exploring our Kla.TV broadcasting lists and studying the major programs and films over and over again.
In the most widespread dissemination of such clarifications by you - is our only reward.
The lie of the mainstream media begins with the pretense of their diversity, although they are soon in one hand worldwide. By consequent suppression of dissenting voices, they keep fire-dangerous lies upright. But more and more people see through the fraud and cancel the subscriptions. The very big opinion makers, however, can not be easily shaken off. You will receive at least technically alive by means of compulsory fees. Klagemauer TV, on the other hand, has been working for you voluntarily and free of charge since 2012! And this in 165 film and sound studios with over 213 moderators, in 42 languages and a broadcasting area of 212 countries. Help us to make these important voices heard all over the world. Over the past 5 1/2 years, over 8. Produced 700 clarifying programs, plus 70 documentary films and much more. All these products have lasting value. Wailing Wall TV is a historical archive and mental fitness center in one. So get your minds set by exploring our Kla.TV broadcasting lists and studying the major programs and films over and over again.
In the most widespread dissemination of such clarifications by you - is our only reward.
Thank you very much.
StrangerThanFiction | Jul 14, 2018 | ~ What He Did On Stage Was The Price He Had To Pay! Must See! (2018 - 2019) ~ | Blogger: One of the best videos on Actor Jim Carrey, who doesn't exist... |
Well Known Actor Jim Carrey is Not the Same Person Anymore! He Is Telling You What`s Happening Behind Closed Hollywood Doors! What Is He Trying To Tell Us!? Watch This To Find Out! A Must See! Be Sure to Like, Share & Subscribe for MORE Content in the Future!
Secureteam10 | Jul 12, 2108 | ~ The Gov CAN'T Explain This Place In Utah ~ | .. The Most Scientifically Studied Paranormal Area 51 Hotspot in History .. | Blogger: [🎥HUNT FOR THE SKINWALKER - Paranormal Sci-Fi Movie🧟] ... Skinwalker Ranch, also known as Sherman Ranch, is a property located on approximately 512 acres (2.07 km2) southeast of Ballard, Utah that is allegedly the site of paranormal and UFO-related activities. Its name is taken from the skin-walker of Navajo legend concerning malevolent witches (wikipedia) .. |
Fee.org | Jul 14, 2018 | ~ The Western World’s Most Depressing Chart ~ | .. Western nations are abandoning the policies that made them prosperous .. | ..🔻 The “most depressing” chart about Denmark, which shows a majority of the population lives off the government. 🔻 A “very depressing” chart about the United States, which shows how big business profits from cronyism. 🔻 The “most depressing” chart about Japan, which shows the tax burden has nearly doubled since 1965 .. |
Last week, I shared a graph showing there are more guns than people in the United States, and I wrote that it was the “most enjoyable” chart of the year, mostly because it gets my leftist friends so agitated.
But I’m more likely to share gloomy visuals, including:
- The “most depressing” chart about Denmark, which shows a majority of the population lives off the government.
- A “very depressing” chart about the United States, which shows how big business profits from cronyism.
- The “most depressing” chart about Japan, which shows the tax burden has nearly doubled since 1965.
For instance, if you peruse the “Public Spending” page, you’ll find a chart showing the dramatic expansion of redistribution spending as a share of economic output.
Sphere Being Alliance FB Update | Jul 11, 2018 | ~ On Track for The Full Disclosure – Corey Goode ~ |
About Corey
Identified as an intuitive empath (IE) with precognitive abilities, Corey Goode was recruited through one of the MILAB programs at the young age of six. Goode trained and served in the MILAB program from 1976-1986/87. Towards the end of his time as a MILAB he was assigned to an IE support role for a rotating Earth Delegate Seat (shared by secret earth government groups) in a “human-type” ET Super Federation Council. MILAB is a term coined for the military abduction of a person that indoctrinates and trains them for any number of military black ops programs. Goode’s IE abilities played an important role in communicating with non-terrestrial beings (termed “interfacing”) as part of one of the Secret Space Programs (SSP). During his 20 year service he had a variety of experiences and assignments including the Intruder Intercept Interrogation Program, Assignment to the ASSR “ISRV”– Auxiliary Specialized Space Research, Interstellar Class Vessel, and much more. This all occurred in a “20 and Back” agreement from 1986/87-2007 with recall work until the present day. Goode now works in the information technology and communications industry with 20 years’ experience in hardware and software virtualization, physical and IT security, counter electronic surveillance, risk assessment, and executive protection, and served in the Texas Army State Guard (2007-2012), C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computation & Intelligence). The time in the Texas Military Forces was unrelated to the Secret Space Program Service. Goode continues his IE work now and is in direct physical contact with the Blue Avians (of the Sphere Being Alliance) who have chosen him as a delegate to interface with multiple ET Federations and Councils on their behalf, liaison with the SSP Alliance Council, and to deliver important messages to humanity.
Identified as an intuitive empath (IE) with precognitive abilities, Corey Goode was recruited through one of the MILAB programs at the young age of six. Goode trained and served in the MILAB program from 1976-1986/87. Towards the end of his time as a MILAB he was assigned to an IE support role for a rotating Earth Delegate Seat (shared by secret earth government groups) in a “human-type” ET Super Federation Council. MILAB is a term coined for the military abduction of a person that indoctrinates and trains them for any number of military black ops programs. Goode’s IE abilities played an important role in communicating with non-terrestrial beings (termed “interfacing”) as part of one of the Secret Space Programs (SSP). During his 20 year service he had a variety of experiences and assignments including the Intruder Intercept Interrogation Program, Assignment to the ASSR “ISRV”– Auxiliary Specialized Space Research, Interstellar Class Vessel, and much more. This all occurred in a “20 and Back” agreement from 1986/87-2007 with recall work until the present day. Goode now works in the information technology and communications industry with 20 years’ experience in hardware and software virtualization, physical and IT security, counter electronic surveillance, risk assessment, and executive protection, and served in the Texas Army State Guard (2007-2012), C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computation & Intelligence). The time in the Texas Military Forces was unrelated to the Secret Space Program Service. Goode continues his IE work now and is in direct physical contact with the Blue Avians (of the Sphere Being Alliance) who have chosen him as a delegate to interface with multiple ET Federations and Councils on their behalf, liaison with the SSP Alliance Council, and to deliver important messages to humanity.
A Message from my Higher Self & KRYON | Jul 14, 2018 CET | Channelled through Mike Quinsey | .. “Lion lying down with the Lamb.” .. |
Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2018 treeofthegoldenlight
© 2018 treeofthegoldenlight
You have noted for some considerable period that time has speeded up and continues to do so. It is a positive indication of a continuing change upon Earth, and as the vibrations increase you enter further into a new area of Spaced it will continue to be your ongoing experience.
With the uplifting of vibrations also comes a more peaceful existence with less negativity and much more harmony between all living creatures. You have already seen examples amongst animals with the most unlikely friendships, and it is truly an example of the biblical story of the “Lion lying down with the Lamb.” So what does it signify, as surely it must be a lifting up of the vibrations bringing about more harmony and peace upon Earth.
Many of you know that you are ready to take your place within the higher vibrations and are already ones who radiate love to all life forms, regardless of their historical place with Humanity. Furthermore, you are also aware that you have the power to bring peace to situations where confrontation is taking place, as even your very presence can help bring peace to them.
Slowly others will find that stillness from inside and become a calming influence when all around may be in a state of turmoil. It is already happening and still growing, and as it becomes more far reaching there will be a greater emphasis on creating peaceful relationships and situations at all levels.
At long last belief systems are coming around to believing that life abounds in the Universe, and even at your lower vibrational level. Earth has been considered as something of a nursery where life can be experienced and grow with little outside help. Nevertheless, your activities have still been closely monitored so that the plan for your evolution can be carried forward, without interference from other sources.
Jason A World News | Jul 14, 2018 | ~ America: Something is Very Wrong! ~ | Blogger: [👱♀️LUCY - Professor Norman (Morgan Freeman) talks about using more than 10% of the brain. Pseudoscience alert. Pierre Del Rio: What happens when she reaches 100%? 🧠] ... (37.2 Trillion: Galaxies or Human Cells or Brain Cells? ) ... Verdensalt.dk - let me answer that for you Mr. Professor Norman: ONE thing for sure, if humans were able to use their junk-DNA, activated the Pineal gland and detoxified our body, mind and soul, we would NEVER allow the pharmaceutical mafia, to give us low-frequency medicine, prozac and metal nanoparticle contaminated vaccines.. We would NOT allow, our 'rulers' access to our private life, dictate our lifestyle and poison our food. Said NO, to AI, robotics, and automation. We would set us free from dictatorship and political power-lust. Greed, power, prestige and money, would no longer exist as traditional values, has exploited through thousands of years. Set us free for forced reincarnation on prison planet Earth and NOT allow FEAR to control us, at ALL TIMES... |
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jasonayoutube/
Website: https://www.jasona.co
Verdensalt | 13. Juli 2017 | Dialog med mit Højere Selv | ~ Hvad fortæller mit Højere Selv om de næste par måneder, om forudsigelser som påvirker os globalt ~ | Blogger: [🐇Vildspor udlagt af Den Mørke Stat - Syndebuk - Kun sandheden står tilbage. Løkke efter 100 dage med VLAK: Det går rigtig godt 🦊] .. Det er svært at spå om fremtiden i lyset af Løkkeløgnen, Trump, EU og Kina's nervepirende handelskrig og militært oprustning, kommende økonomisk recession eller fortigelser om RV, samt den nye 9/11. Vi ved med garanti, samtlige 'false flag' operationer, bliver udledt af stærke kræfter i USA, Israel og Storbritannien, sammen med underdogs, af flere magter, men pegerpilen indikere, at vor russiske venner, hele tiden bliver syndebukken for Novichok forgiftning af tidligere spion(er) samt giftgasangreb i Syrien. For verdensalt.dk, ligner det mere og mere en Colin Powells Curveball der løj om masseødelæggelsesvåben i Irak. Og ganske rigtigt, så fortæller mit højere selv, at Juli måned, får vi en 'mulig' RV/GCR, ihvertfald udfald, i det økonomisk kredsløb, der viser, at valutaerne sagtens kan overgår til GULDFODEN, igen. Altså, efter anden verdenskrig etableredes Bretton Woods-systemet, der byggede på en implicit guldbinding, hvor valutaerne enten var bundet til dollar eller direkte til guld. Generelt var guldindløseligheden nu begrænset til at gælde mellem centralbanker. Bretton Woods-systemet brød sammen i 1971, og guldet havde derved udspillet sin centrale rolle i det internationale monetære system (officielle version)... August måned byder på, at der kommer endnu flere åbenbaringer, om vores venner i skyerne, det udenjordisk liv, også dukker op i massemedierne... Lad os se om mit højere selv, for ret ... og så kan vi jo se om alle dem som råber af skriger lungerne fulde af raseri om Peter Schmeichel indtræden i det russiske rige, bare fordi han laver stilfærdige russisk venligt bilprogram, fodboldkommentator og spiser frokost med Putin sammen med andre fodboldfans, på en kanal (RT) som ikke er de tro følgesvende af propagandist lejesvende fra vesten - den der ler sidst, ler bedst ... |
Udgivet den 14. Juli 2018 af Verdensalt
Højere selv er et begreb forbundet med flere trossystemer, men dens grundlæggende forudsætning beskriver et evigt, almægtig, bevidst og intelligent væsen, der er ens virkelige selv. Blavatsky formelt definerede det højere selv som "Atma den uadskillelige stråle af universet og en selv.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_self
Dit Højere Selv er dig. Dit Højere Selv er den virkelige dig, din samlede sjæle-bevidsthed. Den del af DIG der lever her på Jorden er blot en projektion af bevidsthed i dit Højere Selv. Dit Højere Selv er den mere komplette del af dig, den ene, der ikke bliver frustreret over sløret, der trækkes ned over os, når vi inkarnerer, der får os til at glemme, hvor vi kom fra. Det højere selv er den ene del i din besiddelse af din åndelige kontrakt, den plan du har lavet for dig selv, før du inkarnerede. Dit Højere Selv besidder den guddommelige plan, selve brugsanvisningen over dit livs plan, i sin hule hånd.
Dit Højere Selv er som en tilbagetrukket bevidsthed, der tilbyder sin visdom og anvisninger om, hvor flasken peger hen. Sommetider kan disse retninger tage lang tid at komme igennem ind til dit underbevidsthed. Men der er måder at få adgang til visdom og dit Højere Selv direkte ved at omgå ens underbevidsthed.Fik lidt hjælp fra min holistiske læge til, at spørge ind til større begivenheder som påvirker os globalt. Og nej, jeg er ikke Nostradamus, men lytter og stoler på mine intuitioner, hvad mine skytsengle og Højere Selv fortæller mig.
Din Højere Selv er ikke "derude" i æteren omkring dig. Dit Højere Selv er dig, din bevidsthed, i din krop.
Det er kun dig, der sætter gang i hjulene og oplever, det du kom her for at lære, før du blev inkarneret, igen og igen. Det er dig, der har dine egne følelser, som reaktion på dine tanker, der skaber din virkelighed. Det er dig, der sætter det op som en mekanisme og kan bruge dem som en "spiritual" feedback om, hvor du er på vej hen, i dit liv.
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