Jul 21, 2024

👴👋🥳 (BREAKING BYE BYE BIDEN) Anatomy of an exit: I'm Joe-the-Moe Pedo-Poop Beijing-Biden and I approve this message. I died in 2018 as my dead man's switch kicked in and now to end the re-election clone-campaign! ~ July 21, 2024 ~ |

Republicans Call for Biden to Resign Presidency

Editor's Note: Biden drops (dead of covid-19 vax and tests positive) out of Presidential Race. And endorses the-man-eating Chameleon Harris as “Swagger In Chief. Oh Snap. Next we will see the end of all DemRats and their farewell party. 3rd letter I’ve seen over recent month from him that is NOT on the presidential letterhead: “I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term.”... |
SoTW - Obama surprises Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2017

Reagan’s Last Joke… that ‘bout sums it up!


SoTW - Did Tucker just say that Biden was dead? (A mask wearer?)
 Epic Speech by Tucker Carlson on Day Four of the RNC

🙏 ~ 💝 (SofL Foo Fighting Meteor/Military Booms/Brouhaha?) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ July 21, 2024 ~ |

 Something EARTH-SHAKING Just Happened in New York!


A113 Chemical code for A d r e n o c h r o m e. Disclosure in plain sight  (4) Facebook

✨𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ |(Rose Rambles…) A Little Bit More ~ July 21, 2024 ~ |

A Little Bit More – July 21, 2024


In case you’ve forgotten, here’s Joe Biden casually implying that Barack Obama is gay. From June of 2007.



Kinda Ironic how things can be falling apart and falling in place at the same time.

10:01pm Eastern



President Trump exposed JD Vance to dig up dirt on him

JD Vance worked for a company called Ambrosia that transfused young blood into older people

Vance and his wife worked at the same law firm as Obama and had ties to the Gates Foundation

Vance is a member of Skull and Bones secret society that requires rituals like laying in a coffin during masturbation

His wife taught in China and clerked for compromising justices like John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh

We’ve seen pictures of John Roberts at Epstein Island with Clinton and Richardson

adrenochrome is created from children’s blood and our goal is to uncover the truth

Skull and Bones membership means being owned by evil people like the Bush family

Trump won’t actually make Vance his VP, this is just exposing him

Vance has criticized Trump in the past so Trump is returning the favor

Over 2 million anons will expose everything about Vance and his wife before the VP nomination

Secret societies like Skull and Bones try to keep membership private

Trump hasn’t forgotten Vance’s criticism so this is payback by exposing him




The rumor about Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigning on Monday is just a rumor for now.

What is not a rumor is how she colluded with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to have Donald Trump assassinated last Saturday, with the cooperation of FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle denied extra security for Trump.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas replaced Secret Service agents with untrained and incompetent personnel to make Trump an easier target.

FBI Director Christopher Wray is handling the cover-up and clean-up operations.

The CIA outsourced assassins for the job.

BlackRock provided the money in collusion with the Khazarian Mafia.

Donald Trump is still standing.

Arrests must be made.


Elon will be a lot more connected soon than most people realize..

Remember … Right place right time..




JFK JR The event is expected to last approximately 3 days based in the Bay of Pigs Terra will then go offline for 10 days and military EBS will be activated on television and radio around the world. At the same time, every government in the world will be overthrown and even more people will be arrested. After all, this will be done at the discretion of the GESARA blockchain. A government 10% of the current size will be created. All new people. QUANTUM GESARA, also known as TRUMPSARA. Quantum financial systems, quantum voting systems, quantum healing, quantum physics. Quantum Internet. Everything is quantified. NESARA declares rainbow bills loaded with precious metals “treasure” The North American currencies Quantum Starlink and ISO20022, internationally regulated, are also added and weighted in metals. QFS – Blockchain is no longer like the way we do things. Quantum Internet. The Internet will restart. Microsoft no longer exists. Everything will turn off. On the Internet, access Operation Nightingalev. Or the same as TV, day jobs, etc. It won’t be like before. There is only one news channel. All media and newspapers are property of Mossad and will be eliminated All civil information owned by the British Royal Family will also be removed. No more Mossad, Five Eyes, CIA, etc. The information is only military information. MOAB = World Currency Reestablishment (1955) + Precious Metals Standard + Quantum Gesara + DECLAS of everything on Earth. note the golden gate bridge camera monitor alerted ebs.

Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy


Levin- I’m not buying this BS for one second


👁️⃤𓂀🚴💨⚙️(Motordoping, Epodoping, Matchfixing og Svindel og Humbug?) Aftalt spil i dansk cykelsport på tel-lie-vision? Well´næs for krop og sjæl? Bliver du en bedre fodboldspiller af at sniffe kokain? ~ 21. Juli 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Tour de France: 21. etape

Det er blot en brøkdel af de møgsager, som ingen ved eksistere, i den professionelle sportsverden. Hos et rørt studie af Rolf Sørensen-sportskommentator via TV 2 & SPORT ligesom hos DR Sporten, under fodbolden : Tårerne trillede, da Vingegaard kom i mål og et storhyldende Danmark, fejrer vi drenge-manden, der arbejdede på en fiskefabrik i Vestjylland!... 

... Det gjorde vi også over cykelhelten "Ørnen fra Herning" aKa Fusker-Bjarne, "kyllingen fra Tølløse" og alle de andre dopede, med et hav af "skønhedsportræter" i tabloidaviserne! For sport, er en cash-cow og clickbaitsensation ...

Editor's Note: En lille bitte detalje i den større kamp for at vinde findes én Vingeskudt-Vingegaard og "Pogi star" som bare æder sig igennem som kannibaler. Er de dopet op og hvem der skal vinde, Tour de France 2022, 2023 og 2024?... Aftalt spil eller matchfixing, som også (ligesom fodbold + flere) er et udbredt fænomen i dansk cykling? Her er hvad jeg har hørt med mine egne øre om alle de (forbandede) rygter. Og nej, min familie er(var) blot helt almindelige sportsudøvere, som tilfældigvis, er rendt ind i folk på tronen, som ved noget... Kan desværre ikke sige så meget, det vil går direkte ud over mig og min familie. Frimureriet er alle vegne og alle logebrødre- og søstre, sladre og overvåger...  Læs videre på: "Motordoping, Epodoping, Matchfixing og Svindel og Humbug?" eller søg på Verdensalt dk (SoTW)... |
SoTW - Pierre-Emile Højbjergs solgt for 100 + millioner kroner
SoTW - Kate Middelton nye sekretær?Prince William’s Real Dad Isn’t Charles?

SoTW - Wegovy-brugeren Vibeke har fået problemer med synet:

SoTW - Mikkels interesse for kranier en dyb dødsangst, der prægede ham i barndommen.

SoTW  - DMI udvider varsel: Risiko for skybrud