May 29, 2020

πŸ™ ~ πŸ’ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ πŸ’• |

I Declare and Decree

Lightworkers & Lightwarriors and everyone who feel so guided; Say out loud:

  • "I surrender to the guidance of pure light, of the Source and the pure light beings.
  • "I now invoke of the Presence I AM that I AM":
  • I AM devoted to get rid of any attachments of anything, anyone and of any kind, and I'll will not have any worries... 
  • I AM a star being of pure light, a STARSEED/ HUMAN ANGEL with divine mastery skills to fix and love myself, unconditionally...
  • I AM first and foremost for my higher purpose, mission, openly listening to my higher self... 
  • I AM in possession to spread courage that means, I don't let fear stop me...
  • I AM confident every second, but allow myself to be vulnerable and receive help...
  • I AM full of love, compassionate loving intent...
  • I AM Unity consciousness 
  • I AM Christ consciousness 
  • I AM the Soul 
  • ~

πŸƒπŸ’¨ ~ πŸ’— IMPORTANT ENERGY UPDATE: We Are quickening & what that means for you (Lori Ladd) πŸ’• ~ |

Source (Lori Ladd)

If you are looking for more support we would love to have you join our online community,: The StarGate Circle.

🌎 ~ πŸ’— Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship (The Latest From ECETI) πŸ’• ~ |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience

The Latest from ECETI and James Gilliland ECETI.ORG

Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship


 Issued on: May 28, 2020

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. Free speech is the bedrock of American democracy. Our Founding Fathers protected this sacred right with the First Amendment to the Constitution. The freedom to express and debate ideas is the foundation for all of our rights as a free people.

In a country that has long cherished the freedom of expression, we cannot allow a limited number of online platforms to hand pick the speech that Americans may access and convey on the internet. This practice is fundamentally un-American and anti-democratic. When large, powerful social media companies censor opinions with which they disagree, they exercise a dangerous power. They cease functioning as passive bulletin boards, and ought to be viewed and treated as content creators.

The growth of online platforms in recent years raises important questions about applying the ideals of the First Amendment to modern communications technology. Today, many Americans follow the news, stay in touch with friends and family, and share their views on current events through social media and other online platforms. As a result, these platforms function in many ways as a 21st century equivalent of the public square.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube wield immense, if not unprecedented, power to shape the interpretation of public events; to censor, delete, or disappear information; and to control what people see or do not see.

As President, I have made clear my commitment to free and open debate on the internet. Such debate is just as important online as it is in our universities, our town halls, and our homes. It is essential to sustaining our democracy.

πŸ§‘‍✈️πŸ€ͺ ~ Summer Open with Restrictions Agenda? Denmark (only) welcomes Norway, Iceland and Germany from mid June, but not in Copenhagen ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰the tourists must be able to "document" that they have booked an 'overnight' stay outside Copenhagen and Frederiksberg, and minimum of six days stayπŸ‘ˆ] ... I told you so about we're not allowed to travel to normal tourists destionations... But still very, very surprised because all over europe, borders with June 15 set as the date to fully relax borders and restrictions on inter-EU travel... Denmark, however, will not and that's even we have (0) ZERO dead in Denmark right now, most hospital's corona section is temporarily closed and 81 infected. The total dead count was 568 and all over (70) 80 years old with multiple illnesses... Sooo.... A farewell to danes to charter holidays for the otherwise popular holiday destinations such as Spain, Italy, Greece and France...PS: SoTW have now decided, soon I've will be passing the German border by car and you will not see me (anymore). I'm sick and tired of this masquerade. Another trick is go by ferries from Sweden to Poland... I'm not entering England, a 14-day quarantine is still in effect. Travel now, before 2nd wave will hit and lockdown measures reinstated of the world again in late September / October of 2020... |

πŸ”΄ ~ WATCH: Minnesota Police Arrest CNN Journalist and Camera Crew During Live TV Coverage of George Floyd Protests ~ | Blogger: [🀐MEDIA STUNT?🀐] ... A CNN deliberate act in the light that Trump hates CNN, fighting fake news LSM and threatens social media platforms' closure... Could also be Trump admin seeking prompt action on the new Executive Order... I just don't know guys... |

🌌 ~ Starship Troopers: US Space Force Sets Up Space Warfighting Class to Train 'Ready And Lethal' Cadres (Sputniknews, Mirror & Ancient-code) ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰Soft Disclosure? For Earthlings, to accept the truth?πŸ‘ˆ] .. NASA hacker, Gary McKinnon, firmly believes the U.S. has Deep Space Warships in the Universe & retired US Marine, Captain Kaye, claims he spent 17 years on MARS protecting five human colonies from Martians... According to statements from a former Marine not only have humans made it to Mars in the past, but we have developed a secret space program and flotilla that operates in space. His tour of duty took him first to an elaborate, secret, fully-equipped base on the moon, then the former US Marine, was posted on the red planet for years and his mission was to protect the five human colonies from indigenous life forms on Mars... What if... There's hundreds of thousands "humans" as soldiers (and slave workers), called EARTH DEFENSE FORCE posted on the Moon, Mars and other planets in the solar system... PS: I know what you are thinking, i'm just a hillbilly, a former banker, who knows nothing and I understand nothing. It's just a very profound and deep feeling, that a Secret Space Programs exist for 20 years now and I have no idea, where that comes from... |
“Our modern lives depend on our space capabilities, and potential adversaries are actively attempting to exploit the benefits space provides us. Every day our space warfighters purposefully prepare to negate potential adversaries’ attempts to claim space superiority over us,” Lt Col Daniel Sebeck, 319th Combat Training Squadron commander," said in a statement.

πŸ₯³πŸ‘©πŸ˜‚ ~ Baby Joy Joy Mogensen: The Gift that Keeps on Giving? ~ | Blogger: Undskyld, men kan ikke lade vΓ¦re... Vores elskede og hadede, kulturminister, er snart lige sΓ₯ pinlig som Thyra Franks bagkartalog af vittigheder, hendes bomber stickers og telefonsvarer (Kirsten Birgit)... |

πŸŽΌπŸ’‰ ~ (BILL GATES SCAM) Superstjerner indsamler over en milliard kr til coronakampen ~ | Blogger: PS: I April mΓ₯ned, har EU-Kommissionens formand Ursula von der Leyen, med Landsmoder Mette-mus, indsamlet €7,5 eller 56 mia. kr. til coronavaccine. Danmark alene, bidrog med €50 eller 373 mio. kr... Trump indstiller stΓΈtten til WHO, med det kommunistiske diktatur Kina, der lige har ΓΈdelagt selvstyret, Hong Kong, poster flere penge ind. AJ Vaccines fΓ₯r vigtig opbakning fra WHO og Bill Gates har doneret et 3-cifret milionbelΓΈb til SSI for at designe Polio-vacciner siden 2013 og CV-vacciner... Meeen, Mette F. nΓ¦gter at bidrage til EU's fΓ¦lleskasse med at finde 3.725 trillion billion kroner... KAN DU IKKE SELV SE DET?... Siden indsamlingen blev skudt i gang 4. maj, er der blevet samlet 9,5 milliarder euro svarende til cirka 70,8 milliarder kroner, hvor, Taylor Swift, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, David Beckham, Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey og Billie Eilish hjulpet med hjemmevideoer... Mette = Vaccine - Ja - EU's budget - Nej! Hvem er i lommen pΓ₯ hvem?... "mRNA RFID/NFC vaccinen", kommer og flere frygtbaseret lockdowns og 'kontrol' er nΓ¦sten stensikkert, under anden bΓΈlge til Oktober 2020, spΓΈrgsmΓ₯let er bare, om Mette F. med skyggeregeringen, TØR, aktivere hastelovene... |

πŸ€₯ ~ #DKCVLΓΈgnen som ikke kan skjules mere!? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰"565 'coronarelaterede dΓΈdsfald': 24 personer, der var helt raske forud for epidemien, er dΓΈde af corona! De fleste af dem var over 80 Γ₯r. Syv dΓΈde under 70 Γ₯r. Ingen personer uden kroniske lidelser under 60 Γ₯r er dΓΈde" ~ EB.dkπŸ‘ˆ] ... {"82 procent var sΓ₯kaldte multisyge, dvs. at de havde andre kroniske sygdomme som hjerte-, lunge- eller nyrelidelser og diabetes ~B.T."} ...Denne gang brugte de ordet "AF", normalt siger myndighederne "MED" corona. De dΓΈde AF Corona... Har du en synsstyrke pΓ₯ 20/20?... PS: Har set MASSER af eksempler pΓ₯, at amerikanske lΓ¦ger eller sygehuspersonale, forfalsker journaler eller blot skriver, at patienter, dΓΈde "AF" Corona, men det slet ikke var tilfΓ¦ldet, for at booste talene mod umenneskelige proportioner og tjene penge, pr offer... Det, tΓΈr de trosalt ikke at gΓΈre i den danske sundhedssektor... Til sammenligning, dΓΈde 2.103 danskere af lang og hΓ₯rd influenzasΓ¦son og lungebetΓ¦ndelse i 2018... WHO anslΓ₯r, at der hvert Γ₯r dΓΈr op til 650.000 mennesker af luftvejssygdomme relateret til sΓ¦soninfluenza... |

😷🀦✈️ ~ Tvungne mundbind kan blive virkelighed i danske lufthavne ~ | Blogger: [πŸ™ƒAre you kidding (me)?! Question is - will there be "normal" flights to other tourist destinations in 2020! I say no to thatπŸ™„] ... "Easa recommends extra cleaning, massive posters and signs, hygiene information and sanitation of airports and safe distance between passengers at airports and cabin. But on top of that, it sounds like passengers have to wear a facemask, from entering the airport while sitting in the plane, until they leave the airport terminal at the destination. And it may well be something that will apply to travelers at Danish airports. Benny Engelbrecht says that it is a central recommendation that the passengers wear a facemask, throughout the journey."... |

⚠️ ~ THIS PROVES 100% THAT THE CV VACCINES HAVE RFID CHIP THE MARK OF THE BEAST ~ | Blogger: [πŸ€”I know what your gonna say! Noooo way!πŸ™…‍♀️] ... @BamilyMagNationFamily, MAGontherun, the screaming face of conspiracy site MAG UGLY TRUTH LIVE Official Channel is all fake and a hoax... Well, check this out... BAM! BAM BAM!. Inside Operation Mockingbird, at 26 minute maker, Broadcaster CNBC, a mouthpiece for the US Cabal Deep State, who presents a "documentary" on COVID19 and the 2nd and 3rd wave, tells us, that next vaccine has prefilled syringes with RFID/NFC... MAG breaks down the entire documentary and its gonna be ugly... TRUST me, even if he yells 'conspiracy' every second, a looooot of things what he talks about could be very, very true and upsetting... Especially what they have planned for us in the second wave... πŸ–– PS: A good question is - will our galactic friends in Father skies allow the 2nd and 3rd wave lockdown, fears and lies to happen?. Will Cobra's Command RCV Stardust protocol daily, help? Cobra or not, we're NOT alone and I wonder everyday why the Galactic forces has not intervene yet if they are as close to LEO, as claimed... Nomatter the Galactic Codex or Universal Laws or Principles - earthlings need assistance and possible protection from the influence of A.I. Lords of Archons superior beings... |

Source (MAG UGLY TRUTH LIVE Official Channel)

πŸ’£ ~ BOMBSHELL: CDC Admits In Federal Court They Have No Evidence “Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism” ~ | Blogger: PS: "(Joe Martino) Update: Some are struggling to grasp the point of this article. It’s not a discussion of the difficulty of proving a negative, it’s the fact the CDC lied for years about something they claimed they factually and scientifically knew, when they did not. Again, the CDC claimed the science was settled, when in reality there was no science. THAT’s the story. " ~ |

πŸ—£️🀬✋ ~ Did President Trump Just Make It Possible To Sue Social Media Giants For Free Speech Violations? (Divine Awakening & Ascension) ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰Oorah!!!πŸ‘ˆ] ... Just remember guys! FB has just pulled a million dollar contract with Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the former prime minister of Denmark & former Save the Children International's CEO. Thorning are also in boards of Cabal's think tanks and taxhaven companies with disgraced Former OW Bunker CEO. This so-called "oversight board" of facebook, also has 20 other members, conducting high level censoring. That also include Nobel Peace Prize laureate from Yemen, Alan Rusbridger, the former editor-in-chief of British newspaper The Guardian... Of course all the CEO’s of social media have attacked POTUS - as they do all they can to discredit Trump in the run up to the election. Who to blame? NSA has just accused russian military hackers of attack on email servers... |

Source (Divine Awakening & Ascension)

President Trump just signed an Executive Order now removing the liability shield the social media giants such as Facebook, Google & Twitter hide behind. This now makes it possible for the public to sue for violation of Free Speech.