I Declare and Decree
Lightworkers & Lightwarriors and everyone who feel so guided; Say out loud:
- "I surrender to the guidance of pure light, of the Source and the pure light beings.
- "I now invoke of the Presence I AM that I AM":
- I AM devoted to get rid of any attachments of anything, anyone and of any kind, and I'll will not have any worries...
- I AM a star being of pure light, a STARSEED/ HUMAN ANGEL with divine mastery skills to fix and love myself, unconditionally...
- I AM first and foremost for my higher purpose, mission, openly listening to my higher self...
- I AM in possession to spread courage that means, I don't let fear stop me...
- I AM confident every second, but allow myself to be vulnerable and receive help...
- I AM full of love, compassionate loving intent...
- I AM Unity consciousness
- I AM Christ consciousness
- I AM the Soul
- ~ verdensalt.dk