Nov 26, 2019

🔴 ~ White House lifts lockdown after airspace violation was reported (CNBC) ~ | Blogger: NBC also reported that a security alert was raised at the Capitol building... Nowhere in the world comes even close to the mad-house & murder at 1600 in Washington DC... The White House was placed on lockdown and Capitol Hill evacuated as US Air Force jets scramble to intercept an ‘unresponsive aircraft’ in the DC area that has entered restricted airspace... |

  • The White House on Tuesday was briefly put in lockdown, as fighter jets were scrambled in Washington following an airspace violation, law enforcement officials told NBC News.
  • The lockdown was lifted less than 30 minutes after it was first reported by White House reporters.
  • NBC also reported that a security alert was raised at the Capitol building.

🧑‍🚀 ~ India Admits Its Moon Lander Crashed, Cites Problem with Braking Thrusters (SPACE) ~ | Blogger: How convenient it is for NASA, that moon lander Vikram crashed, and therefore, not able to take any pictures of moon bases, ufo sightings and alien structures... |

This visualization shows how Chandrayaan-2's Vikram lander planned to land on the moon.
(Image: © ISRO)

India has finally made it official: the country's long-silent Chandrayaan-2 moon lander Vikram did, in fact, crash into the lunar surface in September, apparently because of an issue with its braking rockets.


👯 ~ Ex-lapdancer says Prince Andrew blew raspberry on her breasts at Epstein party (Mirror) ~ | Blogger: President Trump has authorised the FBI to subpoena the Prince to force him to give testimony, (but if that would happen, it's going to be behind double closed-doors (in secret), at Gitmo or inside a D.U.M.B).... |

EXCLUSIVE: The ex-stripper says scandal-hit Prince Andrew said she should be in a magazine for “big-breasted women” during the party at Jeffrey Epstein's mansion

A former lapdancer has made astonishing claims that scandal-hit Prince Andrew blew a raspberry on her breasts at one of paedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous parties.

She says Andrew buried his face in her chest – then said she should be in a mag for “big-breasted women”.

The woman says she was paid by Epstein to hire girls to attend and claims some had to suit Andrew’s taste – curvy, like his ex-wife Sarah.

She says there were rooms for sex and girls who looked too young stayed in the upstairs rooms at Epstein’s £77million New York mansion.

The girls included vulnerable teenagers – homeless or runaways, the woman says.

There is no suggestion Andrew was aware of any under-age girls being at the parties in the late 1990s.

Speaking to the Sunday Mirror, the woman recalls the raspberry incident, known as “motorboating”.

'Not A Normal Person': Princess Diana's Former Butler Demands Prince Andrew Speak to FBI

🔴 ~ RAW VIDEO: Machete-Wielding Man Shot Dead By LAPD on Sunset Boulevard (breaking911) ~ | Blogger: We're all heard it before; knife attackers, killer clowns, axe attackers, vehicle-ramming attacks and men yelling "Allahu Akbar"... Staged or not, many of these people, having a bad trip, on psychedelic drugs such as LSD and magic mushrooms or simple, being mind-controlled... |

A man wielding a machete was shot and killed by LAPD officers after going on a wild crime spree in Hollywood Monday morning in which he carjacked a vehicle from a Chik-fil-A drive-thru and crashed into two police cruisers.


🐸 ~ KERMIT-enheden vil ikke fortælle mig hvor Dan Jørgensen var da hans "phD" blev fjernet fra Wikipedia ( ~ | Blogger: [🔒Det smager af magtfuldkommenhed🛅] ... {Overfølsomhedssygdomme og Narcissistisk personlighedsstruktur : den politisk korrekte magtelite og patriarkatet, vinder igen} ... Er jeg på verdensalt redaktionen, den eneste i Dannevang, som mener "systemet", mørklægger sig selv (hermetisk forseglet)?. Vi mistede radio24syv, og dermed også Kisser's troldehær samt, som var det eneste brugbare medie, for at komme, politikernes magtarrogance, til livs... Pressen på Christiansborg slot er blevet bange for deres egen skygge, efter Henrik Sass og Martin Rossen' skænderier og surmulerier og er dødsensbange for, at miste muligheden for egen karrierer som spindoktorer og lignede... Danske Medier kan bidrage med indsigt, fakta og tal, men er istedet, topstyret af CIA's Operation Mockingbird samt Den Danske Frimurerordens tavshedspligt... De såkaldte "Junk news" (reklame og propaganda forklædt som nyhedsjournalistik - kaldet af Jannie Møller Hartley og, skriver også om faren om 5G, ytringsfrihed og andre spændende ting... MASSER af YouTube med politikere, er censureret væk...', pist forsvundet og højst sandsynligt, censureret af Google og Staten. Videoen: 'Pengeklubberne - Den skjulte partistøtte' som blev lavet i samarbejde med Enhedslisten, også censureret... '' (403 Forbidden) - var én af de ALLER bedste sider, om kritisk politisk journalistik i Danmark... Som det ser ud i dag, er eneste medier; og, der tør, hvor andre tier, men de er jo (begrænset), fordi de eksistere blandt større mediehuse, som får mediestøtte af det politiske system og ejes af udenlandske mediehuse... Andre sider, som er forsvundet er;, og holddinkæ er lukket grundet GDPR (trojansk hest) og en stribe af andre medier, som ytrede sig eller gjorde tilnærmelser, til det beskidte politiske spil på Borgen... Det er en menneskeret selv at bestemme, hvornår ens liv skal ende i kaos eller velsignelse, men hvorfor skal vi acceptere et samfund, som tildeler præmier og penge, til dem som lyver, svindler og ødelægger det for almindelige gode borgere, i dette land?... |

Dan Jørgensen er nu beskyttet af den offentlighedslov hans eget parti var primus motor for

Misbruger myndigheder offentlighedsloven til at dække over ministres fadæser?

Som afsløret her på Folkets Avis har Dan Jørgensens side på Wikipedia undergået nogle usædvanlige og mystiske ændringer hvor en ph.d. titel først dukker op for senere igen at forsvinde.

Dette forløb er grundigt beskrevet i andre artikler her på Folkets Avis. Her vil jeg blot gentage at ændringerne er foretaget anonymt på Wikipedia - og den sidste ændringer, hvor Dan Jørgensens "phD" igen blev fjernet, er tilsyneladende foretaget fra Sao Paulo i Brasilien.

Jeg vil selvfølgelig gerne finde ud af præcist hvem som har lavet disse ændringer på Dan Jørgensens side på Wikipedia. Derfor retter jeg henvendelse til det ministerium som Dan Jørgensen er og på det pågældende tidspunkt også var minister for.

❌ ~ Fake News Links Qanon to Russian Bots ( ~ |

🛸 ~ Underwater UFO Sightings Even Oceanographers Wonder What's At The Bottom of The Sea (Zohar StarGate TV) ~ |

☠️ ~ What Happened to Kennedy? Did He Find Extraterrestrial Technological Secrets? (Matrix Wisdom) ~ | Blogger: IF, you ask me on SoTW, I believe JFK was most likely killed by rogue elements of the military industrial complex (Vietnam oil war) and 3 things, might have been the key factors ... #1️⃣ After he tried to shut down Rothschild’s federal reserve (Executive Order 11110) ... #2️⃣ President Kennedy’s deadly confrontation with the CIA & MJ-12 over ET/UFO X-Files ... #3️⃣ And as this video presentation indicates, that JFK, attempted to take over CIA and (all) intelligence services activities, related to psychological warfare operations (MJ-12)... ☝️ PS: As you may have noticed, or not, everything on Earth have no bearing whatsoever compare to what has been (concealed) in our universe and 75 years of cover-up by The Secret Space Programs... |

The key to unlocking the mystery.

💉 ~ NY TIMES: More Polio Cases Now Caused by Vaccine than the Wild Virus (HNN) ~ | Blogger: On a side note, the Gates Foundation appears to be ignorant of the fact that they are causing tens of thousands of children to suffer from vaccine-induced polio... We also know, that Bill Gates, is involved heavily in the global vaccination program, which is just a trojan horse for a massive global depopulation program. He is also funding MASSIVE GMO food programs, which is why years of revelations about his connections to chemtrails (possibly more depopulation) isn’t as surprising as it should be... Press For Truth says that FaceBook will now begin to BAN FACTS about vaccine ingredients!... |

Four African countries have reported new cases of polio linked to the oral vaccine, as global health numbers show there are now more children being paralyzed by viruses originating in vaccines than in the wild.

FaceBook Will Now BAN FACTS About Vaccine Ingredients! What You NEED To Know!!!

👼 ~ 💗 Video: Min livsbegejstring og stemme forsvandt (Sofie Rose) 💕 ~ |

Taknemmelighedstirsdag - Engledrys og energifelt

Der er en ny lille video klar til dig fyldt med healing, engledrys og lidt om at min stemme og livsbegejstring forsvandt - og hvad du kan bruge det til.

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Vil du gerne sende energien af healing, balance, kærlighed, lethed, og alt hvad du ønsker ind i år 2020?

Vil du gerne guides igennem en englemagisk fremtidshealing, som vil skabe vejen for mere lykke i år 2020, samtidig med at du får De Magiske Engles hjælp til at blive bevidst om, hvad du konkret kan gøre for at skabe det du ønsker i år 2020?

Så hold øje med din indbakke de kommende dage, hvor jeg kommer til at fortælle om Det EngleMagiske Nytårsritual fyldt med fremtidshealing, bevidsthed og magi.

Ønsker om den smukkeste TaknemmelighedsTirsdag fra
Sofie Rose ... og en masse engle

💦 ~ 💗 SEXUALITY & SPIRITUALITY (+ POEM READING) - Krystal Aranyani 💕 ~ | Blogger: [😳don't tell me I'm not versatile😏] ... LISTEN, i have no clue to how Krystal Aranyani or (female) Tantric Orgasm (for a better word) works, on a deeper level (inside) a woman, and neither, should I. However, if you have some decent manners, life experience and sensitive personality, you never (forget) your (female) partner' needs, as well. Some claims, the majority of women admit to have faked an orgasm at some point in their lives, but more and more womans don't need their partner, to have a (great) organism, anymore, so it seems and it is sad... I have meet people in the highest level of Danish The New Tantra (TNT), trainee as a spiritual priest of (Cobra) and my old girlfriend, 25 years younger than me, was almost obsessed about, the tantric way and not animalistic way, of engaging in sexual activity. My ex-girlfriend was as amazingly beautiful insightful spiritual being, as Krystal Aranyani, but let me tell you something. Just because (some out there) has experienced kundalini activations by spending a lot of time, money at Ashrams, Yoga retreats and Mastery Workshops in The New Tantra (TNT), whatever, doesn't mean, that we need to have 1.3 million singles alone in Denmark, and as my former girlfriend thought was better, to find a (perfect) partner of tantric sexual experience or being with no partner at all, and just quit a thousand year old tradition of have sex, by animalistic way. Tantric sex is an ancient Hindu (slow) practice that has been going for over 5,000 years, and means 'the weaving and expansion of energy'. Why do we need to suppress the animalistic way of having sex, why not combine the two of them?... By the way, thx to Krystal Aranyani, she is really amazing... 🙏.. PS: I bet you a million dollars that Dennis Quaid, who sacked Meg Ryan, for a better and younger model, Laura Savoie, 39 years younger, are not thinking about a tantric way of during their business... |

🤐⚰️ ~ ‘Mr Assange could die in prison. There is no time to lose’ – over 60 medics in open letter to UK govt. (nexusnewsfeed) ~ | Blogger: [🤜WAS Denmark among the signatories? Nooo, like DK is nonexistent in the many petitions and of the 26,000 scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from 100 countries opposing 5G roll out🤛] ... {Survival of the fittest:] -- It just so happens, that Denmark, went to be the silent partner of capturing, Carles Puigdemont, at the Danish / German border, aided by Spanish & German intelligence and Danish Security and Intelligence Service, (PET)... 💌Perhaps you see the governments faults as living in fear, or being pessimistic, expressing their feelings, instead of compassion and understanding, only anger, or abusing their power, or not taken responsibility for their actions. Always conforming, to what was expected (by higher powered Grand Lodge of Freemasonry), or bearing grudges, or not having principles (for the better good of humanity), or lacking visions, or being critical and judgmental.. Whatever their faults, it's worth remembering, that this might have been their 'gift' to you and me - a characteristic they agreed to express, so we could LEARN from it!? Once we have learned the lesson, our 5 major authorities in life, the parents, the doctor, the school teacher, the pastor and the living conditions of the community, are free to CHANGE. Just as we 'come to terms' with our authorities, and many humans has build with a mechanism of 'let bygones be bygones', or 'it's not my FAULT, or responsibility and i don't care' - would you say (the authorities) miraculously begin to change - because they have fulfilled their (divine) contractual obligations, and so are liberated?? Nooo, it doesn't work that way, the way we're able to change to WORLD, for the better, is to let (insiders or whistleblowers) of the 3-D Matrix of illusionary central interface of the Machine City, break down or turn on eachother... Remember, building momentum takes time Instead, momentum is something that is built over time - the result of several things coming together to create a movement that is sooo powerful, and in some contexts, (impossible) to stop... PS: ‘Treat him like any Australian citizen or journalist’: Pamela Anderson pleads for Julian Assange with PM Scott Morrison (RT)... |

The open letter was signed by medics from the United States, Australia, Britain, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Sri Lanka and Poland.

Julian Assange may be in real danger of dying in a UK prison, medics from across the world warned in an open letter. He may not even be fit to stand extradition trial, given the years of denial of proper healthcare.

Assange, the founder of the whistleblower site WikiLeaks, is currently in British custody at a top-security Belmarsh jail. In February next year he is to stand trial over an extradition request from the US, where he may be sentenced to up to 175 years in prison. In an open letter addressed to British Home Secretary Priti Patel, over 60 medical professionals from across the world voiced their concern over the physical and mental health of the publisher, arguing that he may not only be unfit to stand a trial but even at risk of dying.

“We have real concerns, on the evidence currently available, that Mr Assange could die in prison. The medical situation is thereby urgent. There is no time to lose,” the letter says.

The doctors cite several eyewitness accounts demonstrating deterioration of Assange’s health during his seven-year-long say at the Ecuadoran embassy in London. The Australian-born anti-secrecy activist breached his bail conditions by hiding at the diplomatic mission in 2012 and remained there until his eviction in April this year.

9️⃣ 1️⃣1️⃣ ~ 💗 Tulsi: Will you stand with all 9/11 families? ( 💕 ~ | Blogger: [😘FIGHTING FOR HAWAIʻI. Tulsi Gabbard could well be the only genuine Anti-war, Anti-Globalist, Anti-interventionist & Anti-LGBTQ legislation candidate👼] ... SoTW has said this for years. Meet Tulsi Gabbard, Future President of the United States (I wish). Finally, someone who has the guts to tell the truth - just loooove her! - "I grew up with the Aloha Spirit,” says the Congresswoman. “We try to treat everyone with respect. Like family.” ... Yes, verdensalt is an outsider, i'm NOT a american and yes, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, is a democrat, not being a "puppet" for 'Crooked Hillary', Washington or big corporations, that's for sure... |

Ask Tulsi If She Will Stand with the Families and First Responders Demanding a New 9/11 Investigation

Email her campaign and congressional office today!

U.S. Representative and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has put 9/11 in the headlines in recent weeks by joining with victims’ family members in calling for the release of documents that tie Saudi officials to 9/11.

The big question on the minds of many in the 9/11 Truth Movement, including victims’ families and first responders, is will Tulsi ever address the event that killed the vast majority of victims that day — the explosive demolition of the Twin Towers?

Click Now! Take Action!