Dec 29, 2016
Se kortet: Politiet blokerer gader for at forhindre nytårsangreb | Stor politiaktion afblæst i Aalborg: Fik tip om mistænkt fra Berlin-angreb (Blogger: Hele Europa forbedrer sig på terror, nytårsaften. "Krig mod terror", vi bliver ved med at tro på denne 'cockamony story', at vi er omgivet af Islamister eller flygtninge der har spredt død og ødelæggelse i Europa og vil dræbe os alle!!! Jeg er udemærket klar over, bare nævne orderet 'konspiration', skaber en klynkende latter og smil på mange læber. At tænke sig, vi kunne leve i et samfund, hvor vores medsammensvoren pro-politiske etablissement, nøje planlægger visse begivenheder, der kan betegnes som 'false flag' operationer. Det seneste, en lastbil torpederer julemarked i Berlin, Tyskland, hvis man skal tro de officielle rapporter fra 'Fake News', omfatter blot én mand med en pistol, der stjæler en lastbil... Ligesom den latterlige officielle historie om 9/11 hvor vi skal lede hen til troen på, det kun tog 19 fyre med hobbyknive... Vil våge den påstand, Berlin angrebet er bestillingsarbejde. Præcisionsjob efter samme skabelon som altid kendetegner 'terroristangreb'. Det er kommet frem, at den Franske avis 'Le Figaro' har rapporteret, at Frankrigs øverste udøvende anti-terrorist korps (sous-direction anti-terroriste-SDAT) havde bestilt hele byområdet omkring Nice og overvågningsmyndighederne til at ødelægge alle CCTV optagelser af Nice angrebet på Bastilledagen den 14. juli 2016, der dræbte 84 mennesker og sårede yderligere 100... Før jul gik det også ud over den formodede Russiske ambassadør, der fornylig bliver skudt og ramt 9/10 gange, men tilsyneladende uden blodspor af nogen art. Desuden kan jeg ikke finde nogen anden billeder / video af snigmorderen blive skudt. Hvorfor ikke? Kameraerne var allerede der og på plads... For ikke snakke om angrebet på Krudttønden og synagogen i Krystalgade i 2015, hvor 58 procent af danskerne frygter for nyt terrorangreb i Danmark i løbet af det næste år, viser ny Megafon-måling. Dette angreb var igen Islamofobisk ansporet, ligesom Charlie Hebdo hoax og mange andre såkaldte 'terror begivenheder', hvor det er bevidst på videoer og fotos, at der hverken er blod omkring de døde lig som er slået ihjel fra såkaldte terrorister, under Charlie Hebdo, skyder snigmoderen direkte ned i jorden, ved siden af offeret. Venligst bemærk, en false flag operation kan sagens være ægte i sin udførelse, men den eller de personer som står bagved eller udfører selve terrorhandlingen, er helt sikkert ikke en islamistisk bevægelse, men nøje udført professional bestillingsarbejde, som har en agenda vi ikke kender til... Kan du se forskel? Kan du med 100 procent nøjagtighed se forskel på virkelighed, frem for skuespil (Crisis Actors, lig fra hospitalets kapel eller mannequin-dukker) eller nøje planlagt beredskabs, politi- og militærøvelser? Vi sluger råt action og sci-fi film med computer genereret visuelle effekter der virker så ægte, at det synlige spektrum, som det menneskelige øje er i stand til at opfatte, bliver udvisket. Vi skal nærmere bevæge os hen mod, at vores autoritetstro og naivitet lammer vores forkromede virklighedsbillede, så hårdt, at vi nægter. Vi nægter at tro på 'nogle' af vores nærtstående familiemedlemmer i vores samfund har kendskab til eller medansvar for, handlinger der er beordret af det medsammensvoren pro-politiske etablissement til at udføre dybt vanvittige og tragiske begivenheder, lige foran deres næsetip og øjne der ser. Men det er ikke altid ægte, især ikke det du ser på vores programsat flow-TV og nogle oplever, foran deres øjne... Vores logiske sans eller de primitive og højere forsvarsmekanismer, kan simpelhen ikke begribe, der findes helt almindelige mennesker, som vil os ondt. Det er nu engang nemmere, at skylde skylden på disse hjernevaskede, religiøse fundamentalister. For mig, giver det mere mening, at realisere en simpel kendsgerning. Den herskende overmagt af Bilderberg klike(Cabal, Illuminati, overlords, controllers, magtelite, kald dem hvad du vil), gør hvad de vil, fordi du tror på dem, hvad kan vi ellers forvente andet end et fupnummer og geopolitisk manipulation? Det er op til dig, at klamre dig til TV2 News med alle deres naturligt født nyhedsankere med toplønninger, bestukket og betalt af CIA, gang på gang, sidder som 'monkey in suits' og stopfodrer dig med rådne bananer, løgn efter løgn... Du kan latterliggøre dette emne så meget du vil, til syvende og sidst, er det kun din egen virkeligsopfattelse som tæller og kognitiv dissonans som driller... )
29. dec. 2016, 11:42 -
Der vil være politi på gaden og afspærringer omkring Rådhuspladsen nytårsaften. Trafikken bliver udfordret. Har du planer om at hoppe ind i det nye år i det indre København, vil du opleve mere politi på gaden og flere afspærringer - særligt omkring Rådhuspladsen. Nytårsaften iværksætter Københavns Politi en række tiltag på baggrund af den generelle, alvorlige trussel mod Danmark og efter angrebet mod et julemarked i Berlin 19. december.
- De politioperative tiltag iværksættes for at sikre, at flest mulige mennesker kan få en tryg og festlig nytårsaften i København, siger den operationsansvarlige, politiinspektør Jens Jespersen, Københavns Politi. Bustrafikken påvirkes.
På Rådhuspladsen samles der traditionelt mange mennesker omkring midnat nytårsaften. Derfor bliver det ikke muligt at passere pladsen og visse andre gader i tilknytning til pladsen i bil. Også bustrafikken bliver påvirket af afspærringerne.
- Vi har stort fokus på at genere trafikken mindst muligt og i øvrigt give plads til, at folk kan holde en ordentlig nytårsfest, siger Jens Jespersen.
- Men de nødvendige politioperative tiltag kommer samtidig til at betyde, at vi begrænser mulighederne for kørende trafik i områder, hvor der er mange mennesker forsamlet, lyder det fra politiinspektøren......
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“Ascend out of” or “above” Polarity Consciousness
Posted on by omnipulse
A Hypnotic Spell Over Consciousness (part of the 9 veils and simultaneously the whole idea)
There is a hypnotic spell to invoke fear or hatred but this is an illusion through which the fear or hatred is expressed within itself. In other words, it’s logistically self-defeating. If there is something to be feared or hated then this is solidified and created by that perception as this is the improper response to such.
The fear that people emit is the literal etheric fuel for the control devices that magnify this energy and send it back to people.
Self-Responsibility; Is Evil Created Within?
Does this mean that the awareness of evil is the creation of evil? This means that the self-responsibility for one’s experiences and the creation of one’s persona is solely within. Ultimately, physical pain and trauma can only influence the body directly. This influences the mind and can damage the psyche leading to a distorted self-image or relationships or connection to reality.
The continual attribution of one’s own self-responsibility towards an outward projection of polarity consciousness is the literal engaging of and agreeing to the manipulation of such projection. Regardless of whether this existed “before” the individual opened themselves up to the situation.
From a higher-dimensional perspective, everything that happens to one physically is agreed to before hand from a soul perspective. This is something people have trouble accepting however this is how the self-awareness of what’s happening on the physical level ascends towards the realization of the creation of these events from the higher spiritual level. Now this is also used as part of that psychological manipulation, but all elements of truth are, per the definition of psychological manipulation.
Cosmically Stepping Out of the Victim Role = Taking Self-Responsibility for One’s Experience = Self-Generating Experience In The Now
So in other words, the pathway towards healing this is to view outside of the victim role because this and this alone is what serves a bio-etheric parasite. Look into the darkness with love in your heart. See from the heart. The heart doesn’t attack because nothing to the heart is physical, it is all based on relationships and the hierarchy of external energy and awareness influencing the internal energy or awareness. Whether one will take over or harmonize with another. That is the only knowledge of the heart. So when we are seeing from the heart we are seeing with the spiritual eyes of the higher body and through this we can avoid trouble. Not by outsmarting evil, but by not giving into the victim mentality that those with evil hearts would benefit from us believing in and thus removing ourself from that etheric circuit of destruction.
This doesn’t mean blind our hearts to the pain of others, this means blind ourselves from the distraction of the version of our self which succumbs to such pain.
Healing evil is being able to remain in the heart and direct the mind and body.
Water Experiments, Aerospace Center Stuttgart (Blogger: Something David Icke has discussed in his 'Awaken 2014' video...)
Published on Nov 17, 2012
Stuttgart Aerospace Center accidentally discovers some very interesting
things about water and consciousness. This is one of many experiments
which confirm the findings of Masaru Emoto among many others, in fact,
every experiment on this channel confirms a similar finding, that of
sound, action and thought and its effects on the physical world around
Sidste udsendelse med programmet DKR på Radio24Syv? Kirsten meddeler, at hun går på orlov på ubestemt tid!!. Er der reelt set noget om, at KBSKH holder orlov?! Hvad med general Birgits troldehær? Hvem skal så analysere og fortolke budskaberne fra det gennemrådent og korrupte politiske establishment i Danmark? Ingen kan erstatte vores alles Dirch Passer, samme må man sige om KBSKH aka Frederik Cilius Jørgensen samt Rasmus Bruun, der efter min mening, er ekstrem begavede og enormt talentfulde. Det er fantastisk, at de kan skrue så høj satire sammen hver eneste dag. Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm(KBSKH) er en fiktiv person (efter egne oplysninger født 12. februar 1952), der optræder som seniorkorrespondent på Radio24syv og kulturanmelder på Politiken. Eneste personlighed, der tør hvor andre tier. Vores populitiske feel-good flamboyante kendiser, tør stort set ikke besvare opkald fra KBSKH, fordi hun river dem rundt i cirkus manegen og kan overlegen tryne dem verbalt. Selvom det er rent satire, ligesom sublime meddelelser, konspirere og fanger KBSKH øjeblikkets virkelighed og siger tingene, præcist som de er. Hun er den eneste fiktive karakter der tør sige sandheden om vores magtelite og deres evindelige destruktive adfærd..)
23/12 - Den Korte Radioavis 23-12-2016
Julefrokost på Dalgas Boulevard. Kirsten meddeler, at hun går på orlov på ubestemt tid for at skrive for Weekendavisen, og hun har sørget for underholdning til julefrokosten - en 70.000 kr. dyr Jonathan Spang.
The Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Charlie Bolden, announced this morning that an experimental V-3 rocket launched by the Nazis during World War 2 could land in North America over the next few days (Blogger: Kinda bizarre announcement if you ask me... True or not, a 72 year old V-3 rocket with 48,000 lbs of explosives suddently hitting US would be a false flag phenomenon to engage fear into people... Can't find any official evidence from NASA to support this story.. )
December 23rd, 2016
Meeting the press in Houston, Mr Bolden explained that NASA satellites first spotted the rocket a few months ago, and that the organization has been carefully monitoring its trajectory ever since.
According to their observation, NASA experts have determined that the missile would soon reenter the Earth’s atmosphere, and would likely land in the American Midwest.
“We have estimated that it would enter the atmosphere on December 26 or 27,” Mr Bolden told reporters. “It’s hard to determine precisely where it’s going to hit, but it will almost certainly be in North America.”
NASA and the US Air Force are closely monitoring the missile in order to determine if some areas should be evacuated.
The German rocket was launched in May 1944, from a site near the Army Research Center at Peenemünde, where all Nazi rockets were built. |
The main difference is its size, the V3 being almost 20 times larger than the V2. It is believed to contain more than 48,000 lbs of explosives.
Only four V3 were built by the Nazis during the war, and only two of them were launched, the other one misfiring and landing in the city of Antwerp in Belgium, killing 219 people. According to the US Air Force, the missile’s explosive power could wipe out an entire city block if it was to hit in an urban area
PIZZAGATE: A Special Report on the Washington, D.C. Pedophilia Scandal (".. What has been uncovered thus far is certainly HUGE by any standard. However, compared to the global Pedogate crime syndicate, Pizzagate is just one of many similar pedophilia rings that dot the globe. The crucial point is that now that Pizzagate has been blown wide open as a CIA operation, it is time to direct precious time and attention to the many other pedophile scandals around the world. Yes, Pizzagate is the key, but they have cleaned up that particular crime scene so much that further clues will be more difficult to unearth. That was the very purpose of the false flag gunman who showed up at Comet Ping Pong–to provide cover for law enforcement to scour the premises of any evidence that might be found by an on-site investigator... There are many other Pedogates, which have nothing to do with Pizzagate, taking place all over America at this time. Are these related? Yes, some much more than others. For instance, the ongoing Hollywood Pedogate is joined at the hip with the D.C. Pizzagate. The very reason that many Hollywooders came out of the woodwork to support Hillary R. Clinton and bash Donald J. Trump is because of this close association of decade-long child abuse scandals in both D.C. and Tinseltown.. That Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and John Podesta are at the epicenter of this “Scandal of the Millennium” makes it all the more shocking and hard for many to believe. Nevertheless, it is these and other dramatic elements that have pushed Pizzagate to the forefront of the news cycle. Especially when the NYT, WashPo and BBC are running front page stories to defend an extremely dubious gay pizza parlor owner, the reader knows that there is something not right. And when FOX News’ Megyn Kelly is featuring an interview with Comet’s notorious James Alefantis that not only exonerates him from all suspicion, but lauds him as a hero of sorts who stared down the Alt Right, something is very wrong indeed... What the reader needs to understand is that Pizzagate represents only the tip of the iceberg—a global iceberg of profound criminality committed against the children of the world. Not only does it concern a much larger worldwide pedophilia ring known as Pedogate, it also involves an international crime syndicate that trades in the exploitation of children—EVERYWHERE —24/7.. ")
Posted on December 25, 2016
Pizzagate Represents Only a Single American Franchise Within
The Cover Is Blown Off The Ongoing Worldwide C.I.A. Black Pedo-Operation
A Global Child Exploitation Crime Syndicate
Pizzagate Represents Only a Single American Franchise Within
a Worldwide Child Trafficking Operation Known As Pedogate
PizzaGate Citizen’s Investigation Cyber-conference
State of the Nation
State of the Nation
Special Note:
This important message is meant for members of the Pizzagate public group, the VOAT Pizzagate investigation, the former contributors to the Pizzagate sub-reddit, and the many citizen journalists, researchers and investigators dedicated to exposing Pizzagate truth. The following “Special Report” provides a big picture context that is necessary to correctly understand what Pizzagate is really all about. What has been uncovered thus far is certainly HUGE by any standard. However, compared to the global Pedogate crime syndicate, Pizzagate is just one of many similar pedophilia rings that dot the globe. The crucial point is that now that Pizzagate has been blown wide open as a CIA operation, it is time to direct precious time and attention to the many other pedophile scandals around the world. Yes, Pizzagate is the key, but they have cleaned up that particular crime scene so much that further clues will be more difficult to unearth. That was the very purpose of the false flag gunman who showed up at Comet Ping Pong–to provide cover for law enforcement to scour the premises of any evidence that might be found by an on-site investigator. Nevertheless, every journalist ought to be aware that it is Pizzagate that will ultimately take down World Shadow Government that unlawfully controls the US Government and every other Western power.
This important message is meant for members of the Pizzagate public group, the VOAT Pizzagate investigation, the former contributors to the Pizzagate sub-reddit, and the many citizen journalists, researchers and investigators dedicated to exposing Pizzagate truth. The following “Special Report” provides a big picture context that is necessary to correctly understand what Pizzagate is really all about. What has been uncovered thus far is certainly HUGE by any standard. However, compared to the global Pedogate crime syndicate, Pizzagate is just one of many similar pedophilia rings that dot the globe. The crucial point is that now that Pizzagate has been blown wide open as a CIA operation, it is time to direct precious time and attention to the many other pedophile scandals around the world. Yes, Pizzagate is the key, but they have cleaned up that particular crime scene so much that further clues will be more difficult to unearth. That was the very purpose of the false flag gunman who showed up at Comet Ping Pong–to provide cover for law enforcement to scour the premises of any evidence that might be found by an on-site investigator. Nevertheless, every journalist ought to be aware that it is Pizzagate that will ultimately take down World Shadow Government that unlawfully controls the US Government and every other Western power.
The Internet is now overwhelmed by misinformation, disinformation and
false information about the Washington, D.C. scandal known primarily as
This alarming report has been prepared to provide both the global
context and additional perspective for concerned people throughout the
entire planetary civilization. Pedogate is going on practically everywhere.
For newcomers to this subject material, it is especially urgent to read this entire “Special Report” so that the Pizzagate lexicon and Pedogate back story can be properly understood. We also highly recommend the following excellent ebook: PIZZAGATE FOR DUMMIES for those who are unfamiliar with the Pizzagate back story.
Pedogate is Global, Pizzagate is Local
Many have complained that Pizzagate should be called Pedogate.
In fact, Pizzagate is just one of many Pedogates occurring around the world at this very moment. As the title indicates, “Pizzagate Represents Only a Single American Franchise Within a Worldwide Child Trafficking Operation Known As Pedogate“.
It’s true that Pizzagate is a uniquely American franchise
that operates primarily in Washington, D.C., but also includes
operations in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and other major
metropolitan areas.
There are many other Pedogates, which have nothing to do with Pizzagate, taking place all over America at this time. Are these related? Yes, some much more than others.
For instance, the ongoing Hollywood Pedogate is joined at the hip with the D.C. Pizzagate.
The very reason that many Hollywooders came out of the woodwork to
support Hillary R. Clinton and bash Donald J. Trump is because of this
close association of decade-long child abuse scandals in both D.C. and
The most critical point here is that Pizzagate is the lynchpin that is inextricably connected to all the other Pedogates.
Because it represents the child exploitation operation in the nation’s
capital and related power centers, its outing has the capacity to
expose the whole bloody child abuse culture.
Yes, Pizzagate is that prominently configured within the world-wide Pedogate scandal. It’s not the grand-daddy like the Brussels Pedogate, but it involves a Who’s Who of American society and especially the political class.
Why did Pizzagate blow wide open…just before the election?
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