Jan 8, 2016

Mystisk parkering ved swingerklub: Henrik så bare film ( Enten var Prinsgemalen i Bio og se 'Macbeth' om manden som ville være Konge, eller også var han på 'G Club' Mr. SwingKing! - Han er dog stadigvæk en KÆMPE forvokset fransk havenisse - til grin)

Et billede, der har floreret på de social medier, har fået mange til at fnise uanstændigt. Det viste nemlig prins Henriks bil – parkeret foran en swingerklub


Lyt også til: "det vi taler om" Radio24Syv marker 38:39 

Prins Henriks kronebil var parkeret et lidet heldigt sted, da han d. 23. december var i Aarhus. Krone 121 var blevet parkeret halvt oppe på fortovet efter mørkets frembrud – lige foran en kendt swingerklub i Aarhus.En hurtig sjæl fik snuppet et billede af bilen – og billedet florerede herefter heftigt på de sociale medier og skabte hurtigt rygter om, hvordan prinsgemalen havde tilbragt lillejuleaften.Men sandheden var noget mere uskyldig. Prins Henrik havde besøgt biografen Øst for Paradis (som er nabo til swingerklubben) for at se MacBeth med nogle venner, lyder det i en besked til Ritzau.

Slagside i medierne

Den forklaring bliver nu yderligere bakket op af biografen selv, der bekræfter, at prins Henrik besøgtebiografen, der er kendt for at sende flere smalle og kunstneriske film. – Vi i Øst for Paradis kan berigtige, at vi havde den store ære at have prins Henrik som gæst i vores biograf, skriver Ditte Daugbjerg Christensen fra Øst for Paradis i en mail til Ritzau.Samtidig skriver hun, at hun er ked af, at prinsens besøg har fået en slagside i medierne. – Vi plejer ikke at sladre om vores gæster, og vi synes, at det er lidt ærgerligt at være anledning til en hel del sladder og uværdig sprogbrug – men vi glæder os over kongehusets gode smag, lyder det.


Kongehuset mener at have en god forklaring på, hvorfor prins Henriks bil pludselig holdt parkeret foran en swingerklub i Aarhus


Researchers Predict That A “Mini Ice Age” Is Coming Very Soon ( klimaaktivisterens modefænomen "global opvarmning" er falsk varebetegnelse )

Posted: 07 Jan 2016 07:00 PM PST

A few months ago, NASA published a study showing that Antarctica is actually gaining more ice than it is losing. They made the announcement after using satellites to examine the heights of the region’s ice sheet.

The findings contradict the prevailing theory that Antarctica has actually been shrinking, however.

The paper is titled “Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses” and was published in the Journal of Glaciology.

The authors of this study are from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, and the cause of this ice gain isn’t entirely known, but a number of theories are mentioned in the paper.

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Wake up Call: Hatonn, Jan 08, 2016 CET

Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn er øverstkommanderende på "Earth Project Transition", Pleiades Sector Flight Command fra den Intergalaktiske Federation Fleet-Ashtar Command; Repræsentant til Jorden og det Kosmiske-  og Intergalaktiske Federation Råd på Jorden Transition. Fader Gud skabte et fragment af sig selv, som går under navnet "Hatonn", en næsten 3meter høj væsen(9-foot), der fører tilsyn(kommandør) med de intergalaktiske anliggender i hele dette universHatonn er kendt i hele UniversetHatonnhar en af de mest avancerede edb-systemer i dette universHatonn har altid up-to-date information til rådighed i realtime om, hvad der forgårpå planeten Jorden ... han giver menneskeheden selve sandhedenså vi kan frigøre os mod ascension og lyset og kærligheden af universet. link til een udgave 

Kanaliseret af Nancy Tate
© 2015 treeofthegoldenlight

I am here now to let you know that this that you are being offered to read is but the first in a series of eye-openers for the people of earth. There is more to come in detail that has been brought to the front in this report. It will be a gradual process of evidence that will show the people that there is much that has been kept undercover for so long. The details will be brought to the front in a way that cannot be denied. There will be many pieces of information and physical representations of what will be shown to be the history of the planet. It will be the coming together of enough evidence that the people will begin to see and feel the truth in it. They will even begin to remember some of their experiences in a way that will be a gradual opening to their inner truth.

It is important that this all come to the surface in a way that will not override the peoples’ ability to withstand the information that will turn their lives around. It will be a process that will benefit them and assist them to the interaction of the truth and the way to live what will be coming to their lives.

We do not wish to overwhelm anyone. That is why this is already in progress in a way that will be progressive, and not the kind of experience that will completely close the people down. They will be given the truth in various ways in the time in which they will be able to not only accept, but know that what is in front of them now is what they have been preparing for over a number of years, and even lifetimes.

I leave you now with the introduction to the information that is here for you to digest, and interpret in the way that is most beneficial as being seen that it is the truth that is going to set the whole of humanity and life on earth and beyond free to explore what can be beyond this experience in a way that will represent the Love of The Creator, which is within each and every One of us.

I am Hatonn, and I am with you for always.

Thank you so much dear Hatonn,

Much Love, Nancy Tate