May 8, 2020
🤑 ~ (The Untouchable Society) Prins Joachim i den syvende himmel: Fed husfidus (SH) ~ | Blogger: [👎Joachims fede fidus og skider højt og flot på danskerne : Solgte Schackenborg for 100 millioner, sponsoreret og købt ud af hans rige venner og for femte år i træk, præsenterer fødevarevirksomheden De 5 Gaarde millionunderskud, ejet af selv samme, Prins. De 5 Gaarde efterlader sig stribevis af ulovligheder bad sig, mens Prinsen, som ikke må være Konge og skidesur, ligesom Christian Kjær, og bøjer loven om apanage, smutter til Frankrig, ulovligt, med millioner med sig og nu hjemvendt, pryllet af PAPA! Kong Frede er jo ikke bedre med sin luksus knaldhytte i Verbier og tophemmelige møder med militæret og ulovlige aftaler med Eliten på jagter i Gribskov. De Royale er nogle svindlere og fidusmagere, der hersker og narrer alle de andre og ingen TØR sige noget🤫] ... {🏘️Enhedslisten raser over Kronprinsens hemmelige huskøb: »Altså, har de også hus i New York, London og Berlin?«.😮} ... Foruden hjem i Schweiz, Paris, Schackenborg Slot i Sønderjylland, Amalienborg, Fredensborg Slot, Marselisborg Slot, Gråsten Slot, luksuspalæet i Klampenborg og Kongeskibet...Læste engang, det koster mellem 500-700 millioner for skatteborgere at oprette Kongehusets velstand om året og det er jo småpenge, i forhold til det engelske, men danskerne vil gladeligt skære Deres hånd af for at bevare de Royale bånd til Dannevang - for at opretholde den søde "drøm" af det uopnåelige. Men, hvis det kan få os danskere glade i låget og væk fra depression og angst, at se på kunstige "smil", og ikke afdække selve sandheden ved eller bag de facader, vi får lov at se i billedbladene, so be it!... 💭"Er kongehuset korrupt?"🤔 ~ Spurgte engang... Hvorfor er der ingen af de bukkende politikere, skrabende journalister, og fedt- ende kendis-venner, der fortæller Kongehuset, at den er helt gal?.. Hvis vi anfægter troværdigheden og om Dannevang har brug for Kongehuset, anklages vi for at være fordømmende, illoyale, uden fædrelandskærlighed og borgerdyd... 🤪 PS: Mærkeligt, at Kongehuset slog fast i mid Marts 2020, at Joachim bliv i Frankrig, men derefter tog hjem igen, for at blive? Under militæruddannelse Joackim som (var) SINDSYG vigtigt for Danmark, og prins Henrik (hehe sjovt) kunne have været coronatestet i Frankrig, men pludselig tog de hjem? Hvorfor? Vores elskede Crazy Daisy' fødselsdag blev jo ikke til noget?... |
Kilde (seoghoer)
"Det var en redningsaktion for Joachims privatøkonomi, og så får fonden lidt valuta for pengene, når han kommer forbi en gang imellem, fortæller forfatter og kongehusekspert Søren Jakobsen, som dog kalder Joachims hjemkomst for ”rodet”. Den heldige hånd på boligmarkedet bliver en regulær ”royal flush”, når man tænker på, at Joachim brugte dele af de 100 millioner kroner på at købe sit luksuspalæ i Klampenborg på 344 kvadratmeter for 34,5 millioner. Et hjem, han tilmed har tjent en god portion leje på i den periode, hvor tv-baronessen Caroline Fleming har boet der."
Den hjemløse prins har ingen problemer med at få tag over hovedet, mens familien er i Danmark.
"Det var en redningsaktion for Joachims privatøkonomi, og så får fonden lidt valuta for pengene, når han kommer forbi en gang imellem, fortæller forfatter og kongehusekspert Søren Jakobsen, som dog kalder Joachims hjemkomst for ”rodet”. Den heldige hånd på boligmarkedet bliver en regulær ”royal flush”, når man tænker på, at Joachim brugte dele af de 100 millioner kroner på at købe sit luksuspalæ i Klampenborg på 344 kvadratmeter for 34,5 millioner. Et hjem, han tilmed har tjent en god portion leje på i den periode, hvor tv-baronessen Caroline Fleming har boet der."
🔴💊🤐 ~ LONDONREAL: ROSE / ICKE III THE LIVESTREAM: MAY 3, 2020 ~ | Blogger: [👉It seems that according to the Global Elite, Mr. Icke & Brian Rose - Founder and CEO - London Real are the MOST DANGEROUS MEN in the world right now👈] ... David Ickes YouTube channel with 900,000 subscribers has been deleted. Facebook page with 800,000 likes, deleted. His videos banned across all channels and pages on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo and more. The global Nanny State has ruled that his ideas are too dangerous for your mind to hear them. But is he dangerous to US, or dangerous to THEM? The “official” justification for the ban is that he has claimed covid19 is caused by 5G. This never happened, which everyone who has watched his videos knows, because he never said this. Curious to know what he DID say? Same goes for London Real who has been blacklisted everywhere - got so tired of it all - created the digital freedom platform that was a success... |
🙈 ~ Secret Space Program Whistleblowers Claim We Have Technology 1000 Years Ahead of Anything You See ~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: “I said John I said it’s here 50 levels above top secret, he says: I’m aware of 35 levels above top secret. He said he had been clear to some of the highest security clearances and he told me that he flew that he didn’t fly but he saw the sr-71 fly in 1957, as a prototype, in 1957 he saw the sr-71 flying, so we’ve had the capability of going to the stars for a long period of time, a long period of time"👈] ... Unfortunately this video has been forcefully taken off air or (deleted/blocked/etc). But parts of or full transcript remains (intact) from this German site... The text is a little bit messed up, but readable...🤫 PS: Have been lucky to guard the Defense Command (FKO). As a MP, at Royal Danish Air Force Værløse (NATO Redeployment Base), I have personally protected and visited the NATO Defense Command (Underground Vedbæk-Bunker) which has now moved to CAOC Finderup. Verdensalt has been so incredibly lucky to have meet William (Bill) M. Tompkins, at 2017 MUFON Symposium, attended UFO community conferences in 2015 - 2019 in UK, USA and Brazil etc., visiting Area 51 back gate, and meeting amazing real astronauts and whistleblower, and what have you, i've tell you, not many can put that on his CV/résumé from Denmark. I'm a freak you say!? (and then some)... So what!?... |
Source (conspiracyrevelation)
“Secret Space Program Whistleblowers Claim We Have Technology 1000 Years Ahead of Anything You See”
“614.219 Aufrufe•09.01.2019
373.000 Abonnenten
If you are interested in learning more about is really going on out in space then you need to watch this video. Special access programs can be massive in scope and can remain hidden behind a veil of secrecy for decades. In recent years, several credible whistleblowers have stepped forward to disclose the highly advanced technologies and the highly compartmentalized systems.
Faster-than-light interstellar travel allowing humankind to reach the stars is no longer the stuff of science fiction. Interviews with insiders including Emery Smith, Clifford Stone, William Tompkins, Niara Isley and Corey Goode confirm that specific factions of humans here on Earth do have autonomous possession of interstellar travel technology, and the existence of a superluminal space naval fleet comprising various sizes and classes of vessels employing tachyon drive has been concealed from the public for many years.
⭐⭐⭐ ~ United States Space Force Recruitment Video ~ | Blogger: PS: Dr. Michael Salla is author of the Secret Space Programs Book series and a pioneer in the field of Exopolitics also said and I quote:"Been told that Gen Michael Flynn knows where the bodies are buried. As former DIA Director, he knew about recovered ET craft & SSPs. Deep State didn't want him revealing this to Trump so they set him up: Breaking: Flynn Case Dropped by Justice Department"... | want to fly on soon to be declassified antigravity hybrid spacecraft off planet? "United States Space Force Recruitment Video":— Michael Salla (@MichaelSalla) May 7, 2020
🧘♂️ ~ 💗 528 Hz | MIRACLE TONE for POSITIVE TRANSFORMATION | Raise Positive Vibrations 💕~ |
Source (Meditative Mind)
528Hz | MIRACLE TONE for POSITIVE TRANSFORMATION. 528Hz Solfeggio Frequency is known for its healing benefits. especially things in the solar plexus region. as it is also the frequency of Solar Plexus Chakra. Here are few more benefits. ✓ It returns human DNA to its original, perfect state.
✓ It brings transformation and miracles into your life.
✓ DNA reparation is followed by its beneficial effects of increased amount of energy.
✓ It also helps in balancing and tuning Solar Plexus Chakra which helps in more Self Confidence and Self Esteem
🔴💊~ BREAKING! FAUCI, BIRX are FINISHED! This NEW Study Just DEMOLISHED Their Bill Gates LIES! ~ | Blogger: [🌟THE GREAT AWAKENING🌟] ... {The MSM media outlets and CIA Mockingbird mind-controls people, and GoogleGestapo censors everything} ...🤔 Will governments see immunity passports, mandatory vaccination and advanced surveillance as a way of reopening societies, but they’re a plunge towards totalitarianism❓ How is the pandemic affecting food systems, food security, and agricultural livelihoods❓ Will the coronavirus pandemic lead to food shortages and 500% price increase❓ Why are they telling the people that natural supplements like Vitamin C is bad for you and can't cure anything like cancer and CV19❓ The Coronavirus oil shock is just getting started and is financial meltdown their real goal❓... 🤗 On a more positive note; General Flynn's case "dropped"🙋♂️ and Shelly Luther freed after protesting Lockdown in Dallas🙋♂️ The People are fighting back around the world against Anti-Constitutional mandates and winning!🙋♂️ The White House blocks C.D.C. guidance over economic and religious concerns🙋♂️DR’s in Black: Dr Mikovits exposes Fauci and NAIAD🙋♂️ Tanzania COVID-19 lab head suspended as president questions data🙋♂️Italian leader slams ‘False Coronavirus Numbers🙋♂️Health officials ‘withholding evidence’ on why UK did not follow South Korea’s successful Covid-19 strategy🙋♂️and so much more... |
Some of the Sources:
Rosenstein ‘Scope’ Memo Confirms Baselessness of Trump–Russia Probe
AOC says Tara Reade's claims against Biden are not 'clear-cut'
Explainer: South Korean findings suggest 'reinfected' coronavirus cases are false positives
Tanzania COVID-19 lab head suspended as president questions data
🤥🤥🤥 ~ Is A Covid-19 Cover-up At The Center For Disease Control & Prevention Putting All Americans In Danger? History Proves The CDC Is Knee-Deep In Cover-Ups Going Back Decades! ~ |
Source (allnewspipeline)
- Was America Imprisoned By A 'Killer Plandemic' Planned Long Ago?
It seems, ineptitude, ineffectiveness, insensitivity have always been the norm at the CDC. In 2014, the CDC senior research scientist Dr. William Thompson publicly admitted that he and his coauthors committed research fraud during the agency’s 2004 autism-MMR study. Republican Congressman Bill Posey pleaded with Congress to do an investigation without success. The intrepid politicians and mainstream media moguls were not interested in an investigation that would embarrass the health officials.
My critics will declare that the autism-measles connection has been settled; however, even if true, that is not the issue. The issue is the admitted cover-up.
While the scientists at the CDC are all highly credentialed with MDs and Ph.Ds., they often act like a bunch of elementary students. An October 25, 1986, UPS article revealed “infighting so severe among CDC researchers that some were sabotaging the experiments of their rivals. There were reportedly squabbles over who would get credit for writing certain papers. Some researchers charged high-level CDC officials with suppressing research. For example, one paper showing that commercially available spermicides will kill the AIDS virus within 60 seconds was blocked from publication.”
Can you imagine grown people, scientists yet, fussing over credit for a paper and sabotaging another’s experiments? Simply give credit to the person who wrote it! If there was more than one author, then credit each one! No big deal. But suppressing, sabotaging research, and blocking information the public needs is scandalous. Additionally, there was a significant fuss between two scientists as to which one had first discovered HIV as the cause of AIDS. Most people don’t know or remember that embarrassing fuss among the world’s top scientists.
That is no way to run a pig farm.(READ MORE)
🤥🤥 ~ (MSM Media Russia Today) Health officials ‘withholding evidence’ on why UK did not follow South Korea’s successful Covid-19 strategy – UK science chair ~ |
People wearing masks to avoid the spread of the Covid-19 disease arrive at Gimpo international airport in Seoul, South Korea © REUTERS / Kim Hong-Ji |
Source (
🤥 ~ Italian Leader Slams ‘False Coronavirus Numbers: 25,000 Did Not Die, It’s A Way To Impose A Dictatorship’ (Watch) ~ | Blogger: Well - nothing - surprises me anymore... In the land where Mafia rules.. I love Italy and been there many, many times, but something is very, very wrong about the CV19 numbers... I've keep asking myself, can I wait until 2025 for coming Ascension portal of 2025, to erase darkness from this universe? Like Cobra has told us... We need something to happen NOW during this "PlannedDemic" - not in 5 years timeline of the 3-D Matrix of illusion... But that's the way the cookie crumbles... We need to be patient...⏳ |
The member of the Forza Italia party slammed the closure of 60% of Italian businesses for 25,000 Chinese-Coronavirus deaths from the floor of the legislature. “It’s not true,” he said. “Don’t use the deaths for rhetoric and terrorism.” According to the National Institute of Health, 96.3% did not die of coronavirus, but of other pathologies stated Sgarbi – which means that only 925 have died from the virus and 24,075 have died of other things claimed Sgarbi, “….the virus was little more than an influenza. Don’t lie! Tell the truth!”
Sgarbi’s controversial speech was delivered during ‘Cura Italia’ decree law discussions. The proposal intends to develop measures to strengthen the national health service based on what he claims is false data. Sgarbi challenged his colleagues to investigate the real numbers themselves and be united in the reporting the truth:
Let us be united in liberation against hypocrisy and lies, against falsifications, against the false numbers that are given to terrorize Italians. The 25,000 dead, as Professor Bassetti said, died of heart attacks, cancer and other…Let’s not use them to humiliate Italy. Let’s not use them to give citizens false news. Give the numbers, check them out, and I challenge you before a jury of honor, Trizzino, to look at the numbers…
Watch the exclusively translated RAIR Foundation USA video of Vittorio Sgarbi’s speech:(READ MORE)
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