Jun 24, 2022

🧑‍🤝‍🧑🌎🌟 ~ ('We are creators experiencing ourselves, a choice to succumb to the darkness of this planet or to shine.') Shine like the Sun: The Starseed/Lightworker Mission (Megan Rose) 💕~ | Blogger: Thank you Megan... Like I always say on SoTW; How do we humans know we are the light if we have never experienced the darkness? In other words, if we do not experience the darkness, we cannot step into the light either. In other words, if we only wish to talk about sunbeam stories, and never speak or experience traumatized or perhaps, heinous things in life, how do we know it exists, break free and help others? In other words, if we live inside a 'shitshow', 'a 3-D Matrix of illusion', an 'artificial dream', then how can we wake up if we do not experience nightmares? Sooo, the reason why spiritual awakening can be so difficult is that it literally is the destruction of everything you thought you once knew. While it does sound a bit harmful, the end result of awakening is anything but. There is a whole new world waiting to be explored. Don't get stuck, continue looking inward, you have all the answers inside of you... PS: A reminder to everyone who like MR (not Alex Collier, not Elena and Dr. Salla) - Tarot by Janine, has a interview with her soon... NOTE: Just left, "International CC member Meditation to raise consciousness" with a new meditation hosted by Leigh – NZ/Oceania IS/Antarctica, and Jo – Oceania/Asia. And unfortunately, she have changed the schedule when Alex Collier is having his LIVE Friday webinars (bummer)... |

We are creators experiencing ourselves, through each experience we have a choice to succumb to the darkness of this planet or to shine. We are here to help each other, agreements of co-creators, helping each other realize who we are is how we shine together.

🕉️ ~ 💗 ('VOTL: Galactic Confederation fleet ready for arrival of Solar flash.') NEW COBRA UPDATE: The Apocalypse (Cobra2012) 💕 ~ | Blogger: 🙏SoTW are no "worrywart" and that means, I don't think to much about the strong solar flares collapse the Earth magnetic field - magnetic excursion, leading to the physical polar shift etc. I Will not deep dive into more bad experiences about this Cobra RM organization, have already done that on verdensalt.dk. I went with a "core-group" to many countries in his "lords" name at the top echelon of this spiritual resistance movement, my x-girlfriend, was even higher, no more. Some of the described reporting might be true, but I'm not a ultimate doomsday prepper... Just stay grounded, only take in that resonates with your higher self, respecting others spiritual beliefs and look at, and treat all, our beautiful people around us, with unconditional love... |

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Planetary Situation Update

There are massive, tectonic changes happening behind the scenes, and not much about that can be reported for tactical reasons. Therefore the posts on this blog are a little bit less frequent.

In the last few weeks, there have been huge victories against the Chimera fleet. There are two subfactions of the Chimera, the first one called the Orion subfaction and the second one the Andromeda subfaction. The Orion subfaction is mostly located in underground bases and is being wiped out. The Andromeda subfaction has infiltrated the surface population in the last few years as they realized their final defeat is near, and they will be a little more difficult to clear, as they are using humanity as a living shield.

The Light Forces have managed to infiltrate the Chimera chain of command undetected, and are now corroding the Chimera structure from within. Most of the negative scenarios for the planet have collapsed, but there is still one quite improbable, but very dangerous scenario that has yet to be resolved.

The Light Forces have completed the construction of both Dyson spheres, the one around the Sun and the one around the Earth. The Galactic Confederation fleet is thus ready for the arrival of the Solar flash, they just need to liberate the surface of the planet and prepare humanity as well.

Earth's magnetic field is already 25% down in its strength, and strong solar flares that are expected during the coming Solar maximum in the next few years can collapse the Earth magnetic field to the degree necessary for the magnetic excursion, leading to the physical polar shift:

On the surface of the planet, there are strong geopolitical shifts happening as well.

( • )( • ) ~ ("store patter"-sælger altid godt, som man siger...) Halvt jyde og halvt nazist-racist? Fra vaneforbryder, forhærdet kriminel og moralsk snasket uoprigtighed, til 24 timer efter og 99% af jyske borgere med 40.000 vælgererklæringer (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Vi syntes da bare, det SÅÅÅ fedt, når Shirley, deler billede af sine nye bryster eller Inger går uden BH på, eller, Lise Baastrup - en gæv jyde - ønsker at få 'prøvekørt de kunstige'. Og, bliver SÅÅÅ forarget over, at svensk svømmeklub, dropper bikini, fordi, 'Drengene bliver distraherede'... Meld dig ind i et kor og gå efter fynboer eller jyder. 'Jyden', er stærk og sej. Lidt langsom i optrækket. Ser stort på moms og mode. Patriot, elsker Danskheden og hader "farvede" mennesker... Alle folk fra Sjælland er arrogante, hurtig på aftrækkeren og magtfulde 'københavnere.' - undtagen #Stoejberggate - hun er 'en af vor egne'... Hvem er disse med-mennesker, som stemmer på en tidligere straffefange, som ikke vil os det godt og slet ikke "fremmede"? Nøjagtigt ligesom Mink-Medico-Militær Chr4laug-Mæætte der freder Aalborg Portland, Lille-Fede-Lars fra IM-Græsted eller hvilken-som-helst anden dansk politiker, går vi alle i selvsving og balalajka, for at finde, den eneste (mørke) prins eller prinsesse på den hvide hest, som vi tror, redder os alle, ud af suppedasen. Men sådanne spiller klaveret, ikke. Man kan ikke betro de såkaldte 179 Folkevalgte under Folketinget, noget-som-helst, når de er styret under Frimureriet og de Maritime love. Ved du ikke, at Firmaet KINGDOM OF DENMARK, er ejet fra en Adresse i New York? Nærmere bestemt, ejet af ROYAL DANISH CONSULATE GENERAL, NEW YORK 10022. Hvilken også giver mening for verdensalt.dk, når man sætter sig ind i de Maritime love, Kongehuset og Kongeriget Danmark og Christiansborg Slot (Saxo kaldet 'Insula Maritima' øen i havet eller 'Den maritime ø'). Dvs. Kongeriget Danmark, som kan betegnes som et hunkønnet "skib", har KUN jurisdiktion, 200 sømil fra Danmarks territorialfarvand (eller Christiansborg - Borgen). Mere specifik, Slotsholmen i hjertet af kraftcenteret i København, som er et kvindelig skib, føder et "produkt" AKA "personer", har ingen JURIDISK "territorial jurisdiktion eller regeringsførelse" over landmassen eller luftrummet omkring Danmark, som de" lovligt "kan dømme og herske over. Slotsholmen var både kongelig bopæl og hjemsted for landets øverste administration siden år 1034. Ergo, er du og jeg, fra vugge til grav, de facto helt død, retsløs, et firma, en tosse, idiot, baby, kreaturer og en fjende af staten gennem din FØDSELS- OG DÅBSATTEST, så de kan 'handle' med dig!... |

"Mange millioner mennesker render forvirret om på jorden for at finde den længste omvej til graven." ~ sagde Storm P, engang

Nu kan »de nye bryster prøvekøres« i DR-serie, der blev udskudt efter pigekorssag (berlingske.dk)

Kølletæppebank: Inger Støjberg (kjoeller.dk)

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(20+) Özlem Cekic – Posts | Facebook

Inger Støjberg giver humoristisk svar på vild nazi-plakat (jyllands-posten.dk)

😎🥳🌈 ~ (Freaky-Friday: Drag-the-Kids-to-Pride) Drag-Queens, Trans-People, Trans-in-Sports, Trans-male-Pregnancy, Trans-Dysphoria, TransYlvania (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Friday even more freakier than freaky... 🕺🎉💃DON'T YOU WORRY - Don't you worry 'bout a thing. 'Cause everything's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be alright. So don't you worry. Don't you worry. 'bout a thing. 'Cause everything's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be alright... ☠️☣️🍏PS: As my holistic ND with 50 yrs of experience helping HUmanity says after UK finds traces of polio virus in London sewage; "Yes, this storyline sorts under "Pure-Shit" and POLIO, is a NERVE-AGENT - when do the govt finally realize, it's about freaking TIME stopping to spray apple trees since 1945 with DDT spraying activities and poliomyelitis- OMG"... |
