Jun 7, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (Simons Global Meditation Results + Spiritual Psyops and Shed Light!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 |


🏳️‍⚧️⚦ ~ (The Power Of The Tranny, Transvestite, Transsexual, Transgender) Forced Transhuman Baphomet Agenda! Linda Paris – June 5th, 2022 (Cosmic News) ~ | Blogger: The greatest trick the Satan pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist... What can I say? - life is just more colorful - there's no black and no white, just shades of grey and the 6-color pride flag... You and me, have nooooo idea... PS: Not allowed to share or embed Rumble videos (McAllister TV). Go to link and be stunned after below 2 reports by Linda (McAllister TV) and (MrE). 3 with (XtremeRealityCheck). 4 with (Tarot by Janine). 5 with (Kent Dunn)... NOTE: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex + Prince Harry meme is SoTW's own opinion (and others)... |

O-M-G!... THATS IMPOSSIBLE!... All men? was Janine 100% correct  about Denmark-Daisy? ... I'm getting sick!... My head is spinning like a screw!... I recall, that Kent Dunn told us, that JFK (was) once female and XtremeRealityCheck, says, Lady Di (was) once male (trans)... (Obama called Michelle for "Michael"(transgender) + President Reagan called Princess Diana, for "David" (Elton Johns boy-toy David Furnish) ...  


💪🔀💗 ~ (D-Day: Royal run på Satans dag som er abdiceret...) Lytter du til dit ego-forsvar, indre-svindehund eller sjælens kompas? Husk, vi ER alle hvad vi har LÆRT! Vi har FRI vilje til at mene om hvad vi SER og HØRER! (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Min mor ringede, hvorfor er du ikke med på Royal Run SoTW? Tja - noget med det koster 330 kr (33) og 90K deltog (9=666)... SATAN er væk fra jordkloden, siger alle nu, men i det sataniske sindelag, eksisterer denne entitet, stadigvæk... Vi har alle lært remsen; Stol kun på hvad man selv ser og hører. Skal vi til at lytte til sin indre stemme? Næh, pas på med det, det kan være farlig!. Uanset om vi er 12-tals piger eller bølledrenge, er vi alle indoktrineret et helt skole- og voksenlivet, indtil, man selv, åbner op for, sin indre kritiker!.. Ser du en GLAD Magnus, satans symboler eller en vigtig mærkedag i den moderne religions historie?... Dagen i går, var mindedag for den satanistiske bevægelse Church of Satan, eller Satans Kirke, etableret i USA, 30. april 1966... Den Sataniske Treenighed er VIRKELIGHED!... "Satan" (jordisk slange repræsenteret af reptilerne lever af menneskers negative energier) + "Lucifer" (Satans våbenbror fra en anden galakse) og "Djævelen" (er ikke en entitet men indre dæmoniske skabte energi fra vores levetider af gentagelser af dårlige traumer, frygt og dysfunktionel adfærd, der er gået i arv fra generation til generation)... Måske ved du ikke, at Matrix-simuleringen, der streamede transmissioner af kunstig programmering ind i kroppen, hjertet og sindet er VÆK! Dette Matrix, sammenkørte med vores fysiske og æteriske implanter, hvilket skabte et falsk selvet og forvrængede jordisk virkelighed, opererede fra Månes skyggeside og Saturn-ringene, men er kæmpet ned af DeHvideHatte's hær (Earth Alliance, Dragefamilierne eller Galaktiske positive bevægelser)... Det startede med 2012-fænomenet, som forskellige kataklysmiske eller overgangshændelse, der ifølge flere eskatologiske trosretninger, indtræf 21. december 2012 til en ny plejaders kalenderindgang og Den Gyldne Tidsalder... Mandag den 6. juni indledte også den kosmiske 666-gateway til en KÆMPEMÆSSIGT oprydningsfase, eftersom SATAN er skræmt væk fra Moder Jord og Lucifer, er sendt tilbage, af de gamle koder eller 'mærket af BEAST', der gjorde menneskeheden til slaver. Hvis både Satan og Lucifer er rejst bort, Dronning Elizabeth II af Storbritannien, kan sidde i sin guldkarat, som et CGI/Hologram, Boris og Paven går af og Biden, er allerede upopulær og senildement, så er det måske en KÆMPE opvågner, for folket og din indre socialdemokratiske Kurt Schumacher svinehund?!... |

banana gay doctrine illuminati at DuckDuckGo
The Pyramid | Illuminati Official Website
obama swallows a banana moscow at DuckDuckGo

Se billederne: Kongefamilien løb gennem Københavns gader til Royal Run | TV 2 Lorry

Zelensky Wears The Nazi Iron Cross – Dannielle Blumenthal, Ph.D. (wordpress.com)

Illuminati | Alt om det hemmelige selskab – før og nu | Historienet.dk
Han tror, at dronningen er et reptil - politiken.dk

(20+) Facebook

※🔴🔺~ (Satan is gone - but worshipping satanists & pedophiles still at large on Earth has to be stopped ~ SoTW) Fulford's *FULL REPORT* weekly geo-political news and analysis ~ | Blogger: (SoTW) - Tarot by Janine in a LIVE JeanClaude with Julie, also, votes in, after the Satans card game up (The Devil Tarot Card) - his time is no more! We all waits for the Mercury retrograde to end!... For the sake of argument, lets just say, the UK Boris-The-Clown, is the "original" and not played by a clone or actor. He's "holed below the waterline" as they say and we in the Truth-community wish, that he will be gone before this week ends! SoTW wish same for Justin Trudeau, Fidel Castro's son and Danish Freemason, Mette Frederiksen... In the MSM massmedia - speculation that the 85-year-old Pope Francis is about to resign has been confirmed by BF (he's of course looong dead - so the defeat of the people controlling the current fake rubber mask/CG pope)... In other MSM news, more than seven in 10 Americans say they are frustrated by how the current president is coping. CCP Biden AKA “Swagger-In-Chief”, approval ratings has dropped below 20%, but are presented to the public as 52%. He has just declared US energy emergency... And lastly, from the MSM news - Germany doesn’t trust Zelensky - Der Spiegel... BF says - that will disturb many, many people - Emmanuel Macron, began his career as a child prostitute, constantly satisfied old men and traitors in Israel and married one of his male clients with whom he had relations when he was 15. Macron was bribed by Rothschild agents to betray his country, fight Islam and cover the destruction of Notre Dame Cathedral. Macron was chosen as president because he could be blackmailed into “killing helpless victims in insane orgies,” the Mossad sources say... Like I told my Danish friend - August - we will wishfully see, a whole new world - wars, satanists or pedophiles or not - we're wining!. The Truth will come out... |


Who is this Benjamin Fulford? BF (born 1961) is a 
journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Satan Has Returned to the Original Creation and Received Absolution
Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...

Published by Benjamin on June 7, 2022

Recently a member of the Earth Liberation Alliance delivered a handwritten note to a senior Jesuit that read: “Satan has returned to the original creation and received absolution, thank you for keeping the candle burning all these long years.”

The alliance has received intelligence that Satan was defeated years ago and what we are seeing now happening across the planet is a mop-up operation to remove his local field agents notably the top members of the Rothschild (red shield of Satan) family.

Here is what Queen Elizabeth II -a senior member of the alliance- had to say on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee:

Many happy memories will be created. We remain very deeply committed to our shared causes East and West. The general stewardship of the geopolitical landscape had been predominantly Western, the Opioid device by our Rothschild among many families at the rub of the falling out which was not our design but they make money where they can and pretend to be not what they are – in the end, common is common and royal and imperial rise above it.

Elizabeth II R.

In what appears to be her contribution to the project blue beam celebration of the start of a new Golden Age, she time traveled back 70 years by appearing as a hologram in the ancient British Royal Carriage. 
