Feb 11, 2019

Verdensalt | Archive | Nov 30, 2017 - 2019 | ~ (Rumor) The "Queen LIZARD-beth" Says ‘Four More Icons Must Die’ - ‘2016 is a very special year. It will go down in history as annus celebrity horribilus,’ the Queen said with an evil grin, according to a Windsor Castle insider ~ | Blogger: [🤐2019 - 'Secrets will eat you up' – inside the shocking Michael Jackson documentary🏴‍☠️] ...(PS: SOME SAY, Michael Jackson suffered from mind control and attempted to tell the world before he was killed. Many others such as Mariah Carey and Britney Spears show obvious signs of mind control) ... Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom (how can it be that easy to smuggled a deadly poison bottle into court?) ... Sudden death of Prince and celebrities who died In bizarre circumstances.. 2016 was a rough year for celebrity deaths: Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Prince, Florence Henderson, Muhammad Ali, Anton Yelchin, George Michael, Arnold Palmer, Sharon Jones, John Glenn, Alan Thicke, Glenn Frey, Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds and more. It made it easy to believe in the myth that "celebrity deaths come in threes." Famous people who died in 2017 include rock singer Tom Petty, '70s teen idol David Cassidy, James Bond star Roger Moore, actress Mary Tyler Moore, rock-and-roll legend Chuck Berry, grunge icon Chris Cornell, comedian Charlie Murphy, filmmaker George A. Romero, The Allman Brothers Band drummer Butch Trucks, Oscar-nominated actor John Hurt, "People's Court" Judge Joseph Wapner, actor Bill Paxton, Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, wrestler Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka and more actors, musicians, athletes and entertainers.. (Perhaps 'some' of them were actually victims of 'Skull and Bones' kill order - a branch of the Illuminati organi- sation or simply their heavenly contract that ran out?)... TRUTH OR FALSE?: "" CIA targeted assassinations by induced heart attack, cancer or poison. Top secret CIA poison dart gun 'gives targets deadly HEART ATTACKS and leaves no trace'. A WHISTLE- BLOWER has claimed the CIA developed a "heart attack gun" laced with deadly poison to carry out assassinations "".🤔Soo, how did Michael Jackson die? Was Dr. Conrad Murray on CIA's payroll? ⏩ Prince - the Queen's 90th B-day cake: What a coincidence, it's purple? Wikipedia: Prince died of a fentanyl over- dose at his Paisley Park recording studio and home in Chanhassen, Minnesota ⏩ Did Bowie died from liver cancer and was told it was terminal years before or suddenly exposed by deadly cancer? ⏩ Carrie Fisher, 'Star Wars'' Princess Leia - Carrie Fisher's autopsy reveals cocktail of drugs, including cocaine, opiates and ecstasy? ⏩ The Joker (The Dark Knight), Heath Ledger, died of accidental drug overdose ⏩ why did someone kill Christina Grimmie, 22 year of age, on stage? ⏩Bobbi Kristina Brown, daughter of Whitney Houston, dies at the age of 22, her mom, water-filled bathtub with drug paraphernalia near by ⏩ George Michael's heart failure death sparks questions? ⏩ Anonymous posts Mysterious Banker / CEO dead list of 50 ⏩ Remember the 100 anonymous / or well-known alternative medicine/holistic doctors that has been reported missing or dead due to a coin- cidental discovery of the synthesized enzyme/vira/cancercell "Nagalase" which inhibits the power of GcMAF to fight cancer and autism? ⏩ British ufologist and conspiracy theorist Max Spiers died in Warsaw 2016, after allegedly vomiting two liters of a mysterious black liquid? ⏩ Was George Bush Sr. sent to Galactic Central Sun at 11:11 PM UTC on December 1st, 2018 for destruction, according to Cobra? ⏩We can go on (and on)... MORE ON CIA -- In 1975, during the Church Commit- tee hearings, the existence of a secret assassination weapon came to light. The CIA had developed a poison that caused the victim to have an immediate heart attack. This poison could be frozen into the shape of a dart and then fired at high speed from a pistol. The gun was capable of shooting the icy projectile with enough speed that the dart would go right through the clothes of the target and leave just a tiny red mark. Once in the body the poison would melt and be absorbed into the blood and cause a heart attack! The poison was developed to be undetectable by modern autopsy procedures. Can you give a person cancer? If cancer in animals can be caused by injecting them with cancer viruses and bacteria, it would certainly be possible to do the same with human beings!... |

The Queen ‘completely killed the vibe’ at her own birthday party yesterday when she was overheard telling guests that ‘four more icons must die’ in 2016 in order for the Illuminati to shepherd humanity towards the next phase of their sick and twisted masterplan.
'Secrets will eat you up' – inside the shocking Michael Jackson documentary


16 Famous People Killed by the Illuminati

  1. Michael Jackson
  2. John Lennon
  3. John F. Kennedy
  4. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  5. Abraham Lincoln
  6. Kurt Cobain
  7. Jim Morrison
  8. John F. Kennedy, Jr.
  9. Robert F. Kennedy
  10. Malcolm X
  11. Frank Zappa
  12. Bob Marley
  13. Diana, Princess of Wales
  14. Bruce Lee
  15. Jimi Hendrix
  16. Tupac Amaru Shakur
  17. (Nikola Tesla - killed by George H. Scherff, Sr.)
  18. etc. etc. etc.

In 1975, during the Church Committee hearings, the existence of a secret assassination weapon came to light. The CIA had developed a poison that caused the victim to have an immediate heart attack. This poison could be frozen into the shape of a dart and then fired at high speed from a pistol. The gun was capable of shooting the icy projectile with enough speed that the dart would go right through the clothes of the target and leave just a tiny red mark. Once in the body the poison would melt and be absorbed into the blood and cause a heart attack! The poison was developed to be undetectable by modern autopsy procedures.
Can you give a person cancer?
In 1931, Cornelius Rhoads, a pathologist from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, purposely infects human test subjects in Puerto Rico with cancer cells; 13 of them died. Though a Puerto Rican doctor later discovers that Rhoads purposely covered up some of the details of his experiment and Rhoads himself gives a written testimony stating he believes that all Puerto Ricans should be killed, he later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Fort Detrick Maryland (origin of the HIV/AIDS virus, the Avian Flu virus and the Swine Flu / A-H1N1 virus), Utah and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, where he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.
The answer to the question – Can you give a person cancer – is yes.  After nearly 80 years of research and development there is now a way to simulate a real heart attack and to give a healthy person cancer. Both have been used as a means of assassination. Only a very skilled pathologist, who knew exactly what to look for at an autopsy, could distinguish an assassination induced heart attack or cancer from the real thing....(..)


SEPTEMBER 27, 2014

Los Angeles Times | Arkiv | June 22, 2017 - 2019 | ~ 238 arrested in sweep of suspected child sex predators ~ | .. “The incidence of child sexual exploitation has reached staggering proportions,” — John Reynolds, acting special agent in charge, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Investigations .. | Blogger: [👦Børnehusene modtager fortsat et stigende antal sager om mistanke eller viden om overgreb mod et barn👧] ... Det viser årsstatistikker om de danske børnehuse i 2015, 2016 og 2017. Årsopgørelser fra Socialstyrelsen der viser en stigning i såkaldte børnehus- sager på 20 procent på et enkelt år fra 2015 til 2016 og 26 procent i 2017. Antallet af henvendelser til børnehusene er i samme periode steget med 33 procent. Land- ets børnehuse benyttes i sager om overgreb mod børn fra 0 til 17 år. Statistikken skelner mellem voldelige overgreb og seksuelle overgreb. Førstnævnte dækker over den største andel med 827 sager i 2016. 557 af sagerne handlede om sek- suelle overgreb. Fra 2016 til 2017 er antallet af børnehussager steget fra 1.326 til 1.665, antallet af konsultative henvendelser i 2017 er steget fra 1.880 til 2.179. Det svarer til en stigning på 16 procent. I 2017 omhandlede 73 procent af børne- hussagerne voldelige overgreb, 23 procent af sagerne omhandlede seksuelle overgreb, mens 4 procent af sagerne handlede om både voldelige og seksuelle overgreb. For langt størstedelen af de drenge, der havde en børnehussag i 2017, var der mistanke eller viden om et voldeligt overgreb. For børnehussager, der omhandlede piger, var der flest sager om voldelige overgreb og cirka 40 procent omhandlede seksuelle overgreb... |

Investigators from the Los Angeles Police Department's Internet Crimes Against Children arrested 238 people during Operation Broken Heart III. (Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)

A monk from Riverside and an Australian man looking to buy a 6-year-old boy were among 238 people arrested during a two-month operation targeting child predators in Southern California, officials said Monday.

Conducted by the Los Angeles Regional Internet Crimes against Children task force, “Operation Broken Heart III” targeted offenders wanted for the sexual exploitation of children, child prostitution, sex tourism and possessing and distributing child pornography, said Deputy Chief Matt Blake of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Among those arrested during sweeps in April and May were entertainers, community leaders, white-collar professionals and clergy members, said John Reynolds, acting special agent in charge for U.S. Department of Homeland Security Investigations..... [READ MORE]

Matt Kahn | ~ February 2019 Energy Update ~ | .. In the 5th dimension, we don’t need to defeat negative thinking, in order to clear space for more inspired thoughts to dawn .. |


Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher, mystic, and intuitive healer. His spontaneous awakening arose from an out-of-the-body experience at the age of 8, and his direct experiences with Ascended Masters and Archangel throughout his life. Matt serves as a bridge between the mysterious empires and the journey of awakening. Many spiritual seekers have experienced amazing, inexplicable physical and emotional healings, and have awakened their true nature through Matt's deep and loving teachings and transmission of holy heart wisdom. Matt and Julie offer their clear intuitive guidance and loving presence, removing all perceptions of obstacles in your life and too energetic to support you through all aspects of the spiritual journey and experience of awakening.

Dear Beautiful,

The energies of renewal that have been pouring in since the arrival of 2019 continue to flood our energy fields. As a result, it is our renewed commitment to health, longevity, and wellness that allow these increased vibrational frequencies to uplift without ungrounding us. To make the integration and grounding of these energies as easy a process as possible, February can be your time of mental, emotional, and energetic spring cleaning — months before the seasons are due to change.

To help you integrate these new waves of energy and to welcome the vibration of renewal throughout your life, I have created a 3-step New Thought Solution. While the old 3D model often leads spiritual beings to battling their most negative thoughts or trying hard to clear limiting thinking out of their minds, the new paradigm of 5D consciousness employs a much easier and enjoyable strategy.
In the 5th dimension, we don’t need to defeat negative thinking, in order to clear space for more inspired thoughts to dawn.
Instead, we simply take the time to create one new inspired thought per day. This invites a consistent rhythm of positive energy to build up momentum over time. As a result, your mind becomes reoriented to resonate with inspired thoughts, which brings to life each of the next important action steps the Universe urges you to make. From this space of aligned inspired action, the birthing of new projects allows you to earn a living doing what you love, with the amplified self-worth to believe in yourself, make bold choices, and receive all the joy, fulfillment, passion, and excitement your heart is ready to receive.

Here’s how it works. Whether once a day, before each meal, or as often as possible for more amplified results:

1. Create one empowered thought. Beginning with: “I am _______” -- fill in the blank space with an affirming thought that is bigger than the way you typically view yourself or life. For example: “I am serving my greatest mission as it was always intended to be.” “I am life’s greatest joy.” “I am healthier and happier than I have ever known.” You don’t have to believe it or even feel its truth. You are just suggesting it with affirmative power to allow your subconscious mind to become more familiar with higher vibrational thought forms. This isn’t a “fake it till you make it” scenario. It’s simply taking the time to feed mental broccoli and peas to an inner child whose mind has been raised on junk food.

GAOG | ~ A Message from Mira from the Pleiadean High Council through Valerie Donner ~ | .. Every day you can ask yourself who is in charge now? What can I do to be even more aligned with the divine plan? What can I do to improve life where I live? How can I participate with other like-minded people to remove the falsities under which I have been living? .. |

Mira, the Pleiadian High Council(example)
The Pleiadian Council was formed approximately 200,000 years after the first major galactic war. The aftermath of galactic war in the Lyra system spread the Lyric civilization of humanoids to the whole galaxy. Historically, this event has been the most dramatic and desperate time for mankind to date. Many of the Lyric refugees found their way to Pleiades Star Cluster, which contains over 1000 stars and spans 8 light years. The Pleiadian Council provides Spiritual, Tactical, and Government Directions to Plejades. The council consists of 12 members per division with 12 departments in total, with 144 elected highest-ranking councilors. The Council carries out many different tasks, supervising Pleiadian relations with the rest of the galaxy. The Pleiadian Council is a significant member of the 'Galactic Federation of Worlds' and has a huge influence on the decisions taken for the galactic whole

Channeled by Valerie Donner
© 2019 thegroundcrew

Greetings I am Mira:

I am pleased to speak with you. We have much to share. Your days are rolling by quickly. We understand that you have been working diligently to keep the peace within and around you. You have many resources to assist you with this even though the dark forces would like to prevent you from finding the truth.

They will not be successful because you carry powerful light and the mastery with which their advanced technologies cannot interfere. They have underestimated you and your capabilities.

We appreciate all that you are doing for the Ascension of the Earth. You understand that we from the Pleiades work with other planets to assist them with their Ascension. You are the most exceptional beings of light that we have ever seen. We understand how much the Creator has entrusted you in this most important shift of the ages. All of creation is waiting for the Earth’s Ascension so they can evolve also.

The dark forces are lagging behind with their nefarious plans to remain in control. They are beginning to see that they are losing their hold of the Earth. Much still remains to be done yet most of their removal from the planet is complete.

Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | ~ Secret treaties signal massive world changes as early as March ~ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: [Trump is in Trouble!?] ... Excerpts from the Full Report:.. Pentagon and CIA sources say this could lead to the downfall of Trump because he… has lost a lot of military support. “The continued presence of Jared Kushner and John Bolton in the White House, combined with the amateur-hour coup in Venezuela and the appointment of Iran-Contra criminal Elliott Abrams as special envoy for the Venezuelan matter, are all leading some to doubt the President,” one Pentagon source noted. The feud betw- een Trump, Saudi Arabia, and the National Enquirer on the one hand, and the CIA, Turkey, and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos on the other could also prove deadly for Trump. This is a complex business covered extensively by other media, so I will only touch on a few key points here... [READ MORE]... |

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Secret treaties signal massive world changes as early as March

Published by Benjamin on February 11, 2019

Intense negotiations are taking place now at the highest levels of world power both in secret and in public, multiple sources agree. These could result in earth-changing announcements as early as March, they say. The power struggle in Washington, D.C. is also heading for some sort of climax, as can be seen by U.S. President Donald Trump’s threat to declare a national emergency.

One big public move was the announcement of a one-world religion by the Pope, a senior Islamic representative, and representatives from many other religions. This came after Pope Francis became the first pope in history to visit the Arabian Peninsula, the birthplace of Islam. The text of the announcement can be seen here:

CIA sources in Southeast Asia say that moving the UN headquarters from New York to Laos will be a big theme of the February 27-28 summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un.

Asian secret societies, the U.S. military-industrial complex, and European royals are working on creating a world future planning agency, according to sources involved in the negotiations. Several official documents related to this have already been signed, say British royal family sources.

MI6, P2 Freemason, Pentagon, and Asian secret society sources also say there is also a strong push for some sort of world government to be announced. This can now be done in a manner in which there are no losers, only winners, thanks to a rare and nearly perfectly equal balance of world power, they say.

The map at the link below shows the three power groups, with the Western alliance in blue, the Eurasian grouping in red, and the Southern alliance in grey. Each is roughly equal in land mass and population. Superficially, the map shows the groups’ views on the government of Venezuela, but in reality it is a division over control of the world.

The announcement of a unified passport for all African nations last week was one visible sign of the move toward a world government.

In any case, the battle for Venezuela can also be seen as a failed attempt by the neocons (Khazarian mafia) to regain control of the international financial system by seizing the world’s largest oil reserves.

Pentagon sources note that the “U.S. puppet in Venezuela was not recognized by supranational organizations like the European Union, the Organization of American States, the IMF, the World Bank, the African Union, or the UN.”

Also, the UN, the Vatican, and the Red Cross refused to deliver “humanitarian aid” to puppet opposition leader Juan Guaidó because it was a cover for arms shipments, the sources say. As a result, “the Venezuela coup was an epic fail,” they said.

The failure to grab Venezuelan oil may also force Trump to declare a national emergency—or perhaps more accurately, a national bankruptcy, according to CIA sources.

Pentagon and CIA sources say this could lead to the downfall of Trump because he …

(Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland ECETI.ORG | ~ 🌎 Latest show and News 🌌 ~ |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience

The Latest From ECETI& James Gilliland

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Hang on today February 10th is the next wave. This weekend is going to be intense. The last wave was on the 23rd of February. The sun opened up with a massive coronal hole streaming towards Earth yet this is a response to other forces. All the suns are connected, the central sun is where much of this all begins. We are moving through a highly energized place in space creating change on every level. It is not cows, SUVs, in fact termites release far more CO2 than humankind. Global warming is a myth, climate change is not. They are missing the elephant in the room. Between geoengineering, “Chemtrails” and the natural cycle of the Sun these are the drivers now concerning weather. The polar ice caps are in fact expanding and the temperatures are cooling over the last couple years. Carbon tax is a Global Elite plan to siphon money from and control the masses. There is the raw data and the adjusted data concerning global temperatures. Real science verses political driven science with a vested interest. It is not fire we need to worry about it is ice. With the Polar Vortex it is getting harder and harder to sell Global Warming. Sorry Al.
There are also planetary influences aligned with these incoming energies to take into account here is a Astrology Link. 
Global Temperatures 
The sums up brilliantly who the Global Elite are.
Pole Shit Information, booms, disappearing seas. 
Link to World and Personal Healing Meditation.
If you have been feeling you are a lightworker and you have been under attack or just feeling unseen negative influences, emotional roller coasters, multiple accidents, illness etc. this will help.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Time to get busy.
James Gilliland
Eceti Stargate the Official Channel Youtube
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Lynn Rothschild and her eating babies decor

Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling

Sputniknews | ~ Danish Jehovah's Witness to Appeal Russia Jail Term – Lawyer ~ | .. YAROSLAVL (Sputnik) - The Danish national jailed in Russia for being a comm- unity leader of the banned Jehovah's Witnesses sect will appeal the sentence, his lawyer told Sputnik on Friday .. | Blogger: Blogger: [👦Som ung, kom jeg sammen med en vild smuk pige fra Jehovas Vidner og vidste godt, det var et kort visit, sidenhen, skulle hun stemme dørklokker og festen, var slut🛐] ... Boede desuden tæt på et Menighedscenter og kender udvandrede vantro Scientology medlemmer. Min egen afdelingssygeplejerske mor, har overladt dødende troende Jehovas Vidner til det guddommelige, eftersom de ikke vil modtage blod, eller en blod- transfusion på skadestuen og sygehuset ... Der er en grund til, jeg ingen TV har, navne- og adressebeskyttelse, hemmelig telefonnr m.m... Bombesikret, optimalt væk fra telefonsælgere, Kræftens Benægtelse (og medicinalindustrien), falske opinionsundersøgelse, meningsmålinger samt Jehovas Vidner... Jeg har i princippet ikke noget imod nogle former for religioner, bare jeg ikke skal dikteres efter en lovsamling og de lader mig i fred, men unge mennesker, som bliver født ind i det, er en anden sag.. Lidt ligesom bankerne, er der alm. folk som har mistet hele formuer i disse to såkaldte religioner, uden at blive mere lykkelige, af den grund... Pia Kjærs- gaard, har(også) i denne sag blandet sig og siger, at Russisk dom, har totalitære træk, lidt ligesom hun også blandet sig i, at hun helst ikke ser, at man må spørge Henrik Sass Larsen(s) {mened om Pengeskabelsesprivilegiet} om 'pjække-forklar- ingen' via kritiske spørgsmål og tabloidavis-journalisterne, på Borgen (Q&A- Radio24syv)... Sååå... Hvem som besidder mest magtfuldkommen, Jehovas eller Folketingspolitikere, tja... |


Hør mødet med religiøse ledere, der 'dømmer' Jehovas Vidne for at have en kæreste
BLOG: Russisk dom har totalitære træk

DAHBOO77 | ~ Massive Fireball Soars Through The Sky Over Venezuela ~ | .. Netizens took to Twitter after what it seems to be a bright meteorite soared through the sky over Venezuela and could be seen over Valencia, Victoria and Caracas .. | Blogger: [🗺️MAP of World Government: Here's how the world picks sides in the Venezuela crisis. You are either supporting Maduro - OR - Guaido⚔️]

"The map at the link below shows the three power groups, with the Western alliance in blue, the Eurasian grouping in red, and the Southern alliance in gray. Each is roughly equal in land mass and population. Superficially, the map shows the groups' views on the government of Venezuela, but in reality it is a division of control of the world" ~ BF

Learn More: https://sputniknews.com/latam/2019021... Your Support of Independent Media Is Appreciated: https://www.paypal.me/dahboo7 If above link is for some ODD reason not working.. Try This One! https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=... Bitcoin- 1Nmcbook8TwAdtZHsMdVxRtjBnyrSArDH5 TWITCH- Dahboo Seven : https://www.twitch.tv/dahbooseven https://teespring.com/stores/dahboo7 www.undergroundworldnews.com https://www.minds.com/DAHBOO7 My Other Youtube Channel- THE UNDERGROUND WORLD NEWS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnLr...

Council of Love | ~ Council of Love Monday Message ~ | .. Happy Valentine's Day .. |

Spirit Broadcast 

DayBreak February 11, 2019

The Joy of Coffee 

WHO & Radio24Syv | ~ Flere børn vil dø af mæslinger, hvis ikke flere forældre sørger for at vaccinere deres børn ~ | Blogger: [💀Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed: (The crim- inality of the vaccine industry) - "More children with measles-related deaths, if we don't see more parents allowing vaccinations", says the genomodified political inspired demons haunted danish news agencies, seeing ghosts, sponsored by WHO👻] ... O-M-G! Like a super busy wine or flu harvest season, wintertime is over us and therefore a superb reason for The medical Mafia to create FEAR in all humans in the western world... "WHO:The world is facing multiple health challenges. These range from outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases like measles and diphtheria, increasing reports of drug-resistant pathogens, growing rates of obesity and physical inactivity to the health impacts of environmental pollution and climate change and multiple humanitarian crises. "... |

How the scam really worked (H1N1 as an example)

Here's a summary of how the WHO vaccine scam worked:
  • Step 1) Exaggerate the risk: WHO hypes up the pandemic risk by declaring a phase 6 pandemic even when the mortality rate of the virus was so low that it could be halted with simple vitamin D supplements.
  • Step 2) Urge countries to stockpile: WHO urged nations around the world to stockpile H1N1 vaccines, calling it a "public health emergency."
  • Step 3) Collect the cash: Countries spend billions of dollars buying and stockpiling H1N1 vaccines while Big Pharma pockets the cash.
  • Step 4) Get your kickbacks: WHO advisors, meanwhile, collected their kickbacks from the vaccine manufacturers. Those kickbacks were intentionally kept secret.
  • Step 5) Keep people afraid: In order to keep demand for the vaccines as high as possible, WHO continued to flame the fears by warning that H1N1 was extremely dangerous and everybody should continue to get vaccinated. (The CDC echoed the same message in the USA.)
This is how WHO pulled off one of the greatest vaccine pandemic scams in the last century, and it worked like gangbusters.

WHO advisors walked away with loads of cash, the drug companies stockpiled huge profits, and the taxpayers of nations around the world were left saddled with useless vaccines rotting on the shelves that will soon have to be destroyed (at additional taxpayer cost, no doubt) or dumped down the drain (where they will contaminate the waterways).

Meanwhile, nobody dared tell the public the truth about vitamin D, thereby ensuring that the next pandemic will give them another opportunity to repeat the exact same scam (for yet more profit).

🔴 Dana Ashlie | ~ ΕX DΗS ΕMPLΟΥEE REVEALS ALL IN THIS ΙNTERVΙEW ON THIS CΟMΙNG TECHNOLOGY ~ | Blogger: (Received by mail... 🙇) ..Those with a degree in computer robotics have a full understanding of what 5G is, and how dangerous it is. Here is a simple explanation, and I suggest people will read it all. Most people have a Microwave in their kitchen, the home microwave uses high frequency radio wave energy to heat food by exciting the water molecules. The standard cell phone also uses microwave energy to communicate with cell towers. 4G is low power microwave energy & has a greater range of contact with towers. 5G is high power Nano wave energy, and has less range of contact with towers. 5G needs more, and closer towers to work effectively. If it takes your common microwave oven kitchen five minutes to cook something, it would take a nano wave oven less than 30 seconds to cook the same food. If you stand in front of an open microwave oven for 30 seconds you WILL suffer severe tissue damage. Being close to a 5G transmitter is like standing in front of an open microwave oven for ten minutes or more. Demand the FCC and Cell companies stop this deadly technology .. |

ΑNΟNΥMOUS lNSIDΕR shares what we all may face...AND HOW to PRΕPARΕ. ΕX-DΕPΑRTMENT of HΟMΕLΑND SΕC. ΕMPLOYΕΕ TΕLLS ΑLL she experienced with HΕR DΕCLINING health working next to FIVΕ GEE TΕCH! Shocking INTΕRVIΕW on RΕAL WORLD lMPACTS of ΤΗIS CΟMNG TΕCΗNΟLΟGΥ. How to FIGHT FIVE GΕΕ in your city! http://emfsafetynetwork.org/how-to-op...

Where you can get RF Meters to check your own microwave/RF/EMF levels at home: https://tinyurl.com/yaxgfg8q - RF Meters
Where you can get shielded clothing to protect from RF: https://tinyurl.com/ycz9g3lc
Where to get Shielding Bedding to block RF: (also paint, curtains, fabrics, phone cases) https://tinyurl.com/y8pe5r75