Jul 19, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (OMG! Hoover Dam - sickos... those who's not resigned 'yet'! It might have been Ashtar Sheran!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: By Lee Carroll, July 17, 2022, via email: 📑"The old-energy spirituality actually wants structure and feels uncomfortable and threatened with the changes at hand. It fights to retain old concepts that say spirituality must have punishment as part of its core, that evil must exist to balance love, that Humans are worthless and must find a higher source to worship, thereby giving them strength, and that spiritual truth requires a hierarchy of organized men and women, buildings, texts, and a long lineage of “do’s and don’ts” to live by. The new-energy spirituality is indeed very different. It opens by stating that “we are God.” It tells us that the only structure we need is inside, and that it’s all there for the finding. It speaks of a plan where a fear-based existence grounded around eventual punishment is instead replaced by an awakening to self-responsibility—a responsibility that enhances wisdom and that creates morality from within. Replacing fear of punishment is the joy of creating Divine purpose. This new-energy philosophy also creates self-esteem and a joy-filled existence. It is self-regulated, without all the trappings of organization, buildings, rules, or priests. It honors the God within, and claims that the very essence of God is available there—all the “do’s and don’ts”—and that all the spiritual strength is inside. It gives every Human the potential of a priest."📑 ~ KRYON... |

Small explosion at the Hoover Dam in Nevada - BNO News

👁️⃤ 🏰🎖️📯👑👺 ~ (Kronprinseparret: Grådige, dovne, arrogante og med/uden ærefrygt!?!) Fra Gorm den Gamle til dronning Margrethe 2. 33. grad og det almægtige store Kongehus! Folk siger, at de ser Guds øje. (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: En ting er så sikker som amen i kirken; Danske Bank og Kongehuset - kan aldrig, aldrig, aldrig gå ned... Fra rigsdannelsen: 'Danmark' og 'danerne', 900 års historie - 2 kongelige runesten i Jelling. Hvis Herlufsholm ikke har ændret sig i 457 år - så har Det danske monarki der har eksisteret i 1.000 år og er det næstældste i verden, heller ikke. Det allerøverste råd og frimureriets herskerordenen har vi noget som hedder; "Order of the Garter" - som er kernen i Committee Of 300 (alias Olympians). Dronning Elizabeth II er lederen af ​​denne organisation. Dronning Margrethe 2., (Frede-Fup) og Anders 'Fog of War' sidder med ved »Guds Bord« der skal ligne, Arthur, Lancelot, Guinevere, Merlin, Camelot, the Knights of the Round Table... Tag' så det forbistret ansvar Kronprinsepar og meld jer ud af Kongehuset. Nøjagtigt ligesom Prins Harry og Meghan er ikke længere på det britiske kongehus' lønningsliste (som måske er det rene fup). At være Kongelig, er en livsstil, ikke er erhverv - med en guldske oppe i rumpetten. Nu er det sgu den kommende Konge af Kongeriget Dannevang, skal i arbejdstøjet og ikke nok med at melde 'børnene' ud af den 'trolde og satans'-eliteskole - men skrid og forsvind - GET THE HELL OUT OF MY OFFICE! Hvis det viser sig, at Kongehuset også har været involveret i Corona-Pandemi-Krisen, (røde falske flag alias Statsterror) Skyderiet i Field's 2022, Terrorangrebene i København 2015 - så skal de sendes med enkeltbillet til GITMO hvor den nyoprettet og specielle Internationale Millitærdomstol, må afgøre Deres skæbner... |

Ny måling afslører: Kriseramt kronprinspar daler i popularitet (msn.com)

Christians ilddåb: Tronfølgeren i kongelære | SE og HØR (seoghoer.dk)

Statsminister med Parlamentarisk immunitet. Regeringen og støttepartier udeler blot næser. Rekordholderen er "Uffe Elle-bælle-mand din blærerøv, hva' der nu gal'"tildelt 80 af slagsen. Frimurer med våbenskjold Uffe Ellemann: Jeg var spion.


Paragraf 13 i Grundloven: Kongen er ansvarsfri; hans person er fredhellig.

HSK har fået ny bestyrelsesformand. Advokat, højesteretsdommer og lovforfatter Jon Stokholm - gammel vin på nye flasker.

H.K.H. Prinsesse Benedikte besøgte DDFO Ordenen med storstilet markering af Ordenens 275-års jubilæum over 3 dage med hundredvis af deltagere fra ind- og udland.'

Lilibet med nyt hår, uden stok, hædret med 

frimurernes 'Canterbury Cross'. 

Haakon ramt af crown-'corona.'. Norge sørger over ofre for homobarskyderi. 

Herremiddag med 'Frede-Fup' og korrupte LileLars, udløste 3-dags Touren der koster, skatteydere, mindst, 300 mio. kr.  


Trolle's fremmeste mission var – sagde han – »at beskytte og beskærme med al magt og formue vort fædrene rige, således at vore undersåtter må bo og være i fred og rolighed.«

✨ ~ 💗 ('Leo the Lion July 23rd, firing up collective field passion, courage & strength. Aug 8th. Galactic superwave of heart expansion.') Galactic Lion Gatekeepers (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ |



One of my roles as a Guardian Angel is to protect the galactic gateways between dimensions. I’ve seen my Soul in this role as an etheric angelic being and also as an incarnated physical being, like in this timeline. We are often called the Gatekeepers. The Quantum Vortex provides the Gatekeepers and Master Alchemists access to time and space in the quantum field as we rewrite, reform and encode future timelines.

Much of our alchemical work requires weaving the past with the present and the future. In some cases, we are erasing the past and starting anew. We are currently in the process of erasing our earthly history in the matrix operating system so we can birth alive the New Earth. As I weave in and out of timelines, I catch glimpses of the powerful Lion Gatekeepers that guard and protect access to the sacred sites and gateway portals.

🔆🥵🌊 ~ (HAARP-HEAT? Dangerous Heatwaves, Wildfires, Flooding & Megawave?) Impossible? mAKE sENSE 2 mE (Miscellaneous SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Danish weather forecast and Ferocious European heat heads north is nothing compares to other parts of southerner EU! There's hundreds dead as extreme heat wave broils Europe and UK could break record... China floods leave at least 12 dead, with thousands evacuated. NSW and Queensland's record-breaking year of floods and rain. Millions affected after deadly floods hit India and Bangladesh... Madonna as the High-Level Satanic Queen predicted Nuclear Attack in these same cities mainstream news is saying prepare!! Don't believe anything that comes out of MSM news as scare-tactics or Madonna, who's a younger version clone... |

California's Farmland Rapidly Turns To Dust Amid Water Crisis | ZeroHedge

Huge wave destroys outdoor venue set up for couple's nuptials in Hawaii | Daily Mail Online

homepage - Strange Sounds
Glohedt weather with up to 34 degrees on the way to Denmark - some forecasts show over 35 degrees - TV 2 (vejr-tv2-dk.translate.goog)

Hal Turner Radio Show - Embassy: "All Americans Should LEAVE Ukraine Immediately" -- U.S. Nuclear Bombs Being Moved! - GAZPROM Declares "Force Majeure"

Uvalde report: 376 officers but ‘egregiously poor’ decisions | AP News