Aug 13, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟"I love you ❤️ | the message behind the message." ~ Lorie Ladd🌟] ... HEAR! HEAR!.. Thanks to Lorie Ladd - I love you too💜... BTW, Cobra has removed some stuff about TRUMP and he apparently had second thoughts about that remark... |
🤖🦾🦿 ~ (OMG, Did you see that?) King of Bahrain arrives in Dubai with his robot bodyguard (HV CREATORS+Teri Wade) ~ | Blogger: [👉King of Bahrain arrives in Dubai with his robot bodyguard fitted 360 with cameras and in built pistols. Technology moving very fast than ever in history - #KingofBaharain #BodyguardRobot #MostadvancedRobots #DangerousBodyguards👈] .. |
🤥🤥🤥 ~ ‘Big problem’: Bill Gates rejects ‘strange’ Covid-19 vaccine conspiracies about him, says he wants to save lives (RT) ~ | Blogger: [🤜SOME SAY 100% PROOF BILL GATES Planned The GHOST-Coronavirus... (EVENT 201)🤛] ... 😯It is no secret that SSI (Statens Serum Institut), SST (Danish Health Authority), LMS (Danish Medicines Agency) and the Central Administration of Denmark are corrupt when the State sold out their vaccine-factory for less what a candy floss is worth, to a Sharia-Sheikh Abdulaziz Hamad Aljomaih and his company AJ Vaccine, which was connected to Global Jihad, which took over the vaccine factory, for a 15 million and sold it again to a (unkown) third party... 😯It is no secret that has potentially given the Sheikh's company a BILLION turnover and almost FREE accommodation and stay at SSI's domicile on Amager, paid by the Danish State ... 😯It is no secret that the Danish State sold SSI Diagnostica A/S, and earned 250 million kroner to a Swedish private equity fund Adelis Equity... 😯It is no secret that the multi-billionaire Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated a quarter of a billion to the state's former vaccine factory from the year 2013-2016, paid out in current installments, to eradicate the dreaded poliovirus and partly to a new corona vaccines manufactured in DENMARK A/S OF THE MEDICAL MAFIA... |
Microsoft founder Bill Gates has revealed his thoughts about when the world will move on from the Covid-19 pandemic, and addressed the “strange” conspiracy theories surrounding his interest in funding a vaccine.
Despite investing $350 million in the search for a vaccine to Covid-19, Gates said in a new interview with Bloomberg that he doesn’t believe the current pandemic will be over until “the end of 2021.” He also doesn’t have much faith in an initial vaccine pushed to the public.
“Well, the initial vaccine won’t be ideal in terms of its effectiveness against sickness and transmission. It may not have a long duration, and it will mainly be used in rich countries as a stopgap measure,” he said. “We’d be lucky to have much before the end of the year.”
On conspiracy theories questioning his motivation for funding a vaccine, Gates claimed his critics “reverse” his intentions as he is only “giving money to save lives.” (READ MORE)
“Well, the initial vaccine won’t be ideal in terms of its effectiveness against sickness and transmission. It may not have a long duration, and it will mainly be used in rich countries as a stopgap measure,” he said. “We’d be lucky to have much before the end of the year.”
On conspiracy theories questioning his motivation for funding a vaccine, Gates claimed his critics “reverse” his intentions as he is only “giving money to save lives.” (READ MORE)
🕉️ ~ 💗 NEW COBRA UPDATE: Planetary Initiation💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: "Dark forces are trying to misuse the energy of this planetary initiation by subjecting humanity to Corona occult ritual. You can counteract the effects of this Corona ritual by reframing it..(..). During the next two months and a half, until the beginning of November, there are three key astrological configurations that will determine the course of events. After early/mid November, the influence of those three astrological configurations will diminish. The first one is Mars stationary / retrograde, which will form challenging aspects to Saturn, Pluto, Eris and Black Moon (Lilith). The second key astrological aspect in the next few months is Saturn conjunct Chariklo. This configuration actively suppresses Goddess energy, brings austerity and isolation. The third key astrological aspect of the next few months is heliocentric Eris-Pluto square. This energy brings many valuable lessons to the Light Forces that want to liberate this planet. They are finally beginning to understand the degree and level of suffering and anomaly present here."..(..).. and much more👈]
Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
Planetary Initiation
Meanwhile, our Solar system and especially planet Earth is still experiencing the final purification of primary anomaly. Now all focus is on planet Earth which is experiencing a strong planetary initiation during 2020:
Dark forces are trying to misuse the energy of this planetary initiation by subjecting humanity to Corona occult ritual:
You can counteract the effects of this Corona ritual by reframing it. You can reframe isolation/ social distancing into meditative retreat, you can reframe hand washing into spiritual purification and you can reframe mask wearing into occult silence which is always needed before the initiation.
🦠😷💉 ~ DE FLESTE DANSKERE MÅ UNDVÆRE VACCINE (FB) ~ | Blogger: På verdensalt redaktionen, er jeg den sidste gruppe af danskere, som (ALDRIG) bliver tilbudt en coronavaccine og jeg NÆGTER også, hvis tvang kommer på banen... Så må jeg blive smidt i et marokkansk coronafængsel, Gitmo eller DEMA-camp eller hvor nu vores regeringen, smider False-Flag-Corona-Militærnægtere hen. Kunne også være på en øde ø med et krematorium, 'flygtninge-øen': Lindholm... |
❌ ~ 💗 (OMG! If this is true...) HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN HAWAII - UFOs & More (The Latest Newsletter From ECETI) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [⚠️ECETI DISCLAIMER: Update On Last Newsletter--The last post concerning child trafficking selling of babies and a ring in Maui has not been verified as of yet more to come as it unfolds can not confirm or deny the accuracy of the information⚠️] ... WHAAT!??... SUMMARY: "Over 700 public servants are complicit and NSA has targeted all the guilty parties. NSA discovered a $45 million annual drug ring operating through the Maui Police Department (MPD) selling methamphetamines and heroin, planting false evidence including pipes and drugs on innocent people, and protecting affiliated drug rings. And the State of Hawaii will soon be indicted in a massive human trafficking / enslavement ring. State workers have been selling Hawaiian babies on the black market for $30,000 apiece. To date, 232 babies have been sold, netting $6.96 million for the human trafficking ring"... Oh my lord, tell me it isn't true... ☝️PS: ALSO CHECK OUT, ECETI & James Gilliland's UFO video sightings enclosed... Not EVEN Ole Henningsen from the Municipality in Lolland, Søllested, who has investigated UFO'er in 61 years in Denmark and his UFO-website called "Skandinavisk UFO Information" (, can deny... You be the judge of that of course... Like Fox Mulder used to say; I Want to Believe... ☝️☝️(ON A PERSONAL NOTE) -- I (on SoTW / Verdensalt) do recall many, many information was provided by James Gilliland when we meet-up with him at Interplanetary Cultural Exchange Summer Conference in Mt. Shasta 2015, however the amount of Intel given that week where overwhelming. 1st night of skywatches/stargazing with James Gilliland, counting at least 50 people of us were dancing, laughing and chanting via "Just Say HU Technique", it was AMAZING and had at least 25 UFO sightings, besides the military helios and conventional planes and satellites in the sky... |
James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience
The Latest from ECETI and James Gilliland ECETI.ORG
Latest News
The National Security Agency (NSA) announced today that they have concluded their corruption investigation targeting Maui County and the State of Hawaii. They discovered a $45 million annual drug ring operating through the Maui Police Department (MPD) selling methamphetamines and heroin, planting false evidence including pipes and drugs on innocent people, and protecting affiliated drug rings.
The corruption spread into the Maui County administration and nearly all of the departments. Over 700 public servants are complicit and will be brought to justice, NSA predicts.
Similarly, the State of Hawaii will soon be indicted in a massive human trafficking/enslavement ring. State workers have been selling Hawaiian babies on the black market for $30,000 apiece. To date, 232 babies have been sold, netting $6.96 million for the human trafficking ring.
"Maui County is a central hub of our operations," said NSA director GEN Paul M. Nakasone. "We were appalled when it came to our attention the massive corruption in Maui County, and we decided it was National Security issue, and it became our perogative to investigate immediately."
🥳🎈🛸 ~ TODAY is the 50th anniversary of the most incredible UFO phenomena in Denmark, experience by a danish Police Assistant Evald Hansen Maarup in 1970 (Skandinavisk UFO Information+R4DIO) ~ | Blogger: [👉UFO-Mail nr. 312 - Nærkontakt i mørket. Lyt til Radioen RADIO4 MORGEN kl 7.45 13. August 2020👈] ... Flyvestation Skrydstrup, Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste og Pressen, blev involveret. Journalister fra B.T., Ekstra Bladet og det lokale Dannevirke skulle også høre historien, efter journalisten Bent Zachariassen fra Jydske Tidende tog op på politistationen i Haderslev! Historien kom også på Danmarks Radio's sene Tv-Avis den 13. August 1970. MEGET NEDSLÅENDE, sagde Ole Henningsen fra UFO Tidende på dagens R4DIO indslag 2020, at man kunne ikke bevise at det var en UFO med betjentens billeder og han siger, man STADIGVÆK ikke kan bevise, at UFO'er fra fremmede planeter har besøgt os på jorden eller Danmark (noget i den stil sagde han) ! HOLD DA K*FT han skulle bare vide!...🤔PS: Enten må Ole Henningsen fra UFO Tidende ikke snakke om at det findes UFO'er på en landsdækkende politisk korrekt mediestøttet radiokanal R4DIO, eller så er han "naysayer", som 90% af andre danskere, fordi, man skal kunne bevise A-L-T, hvad man ser med sine øjne og lytter til med sin ører og ALDRIG lytter til sin egen mavefornemmelse og intuition. Bare et spørgsmål til professoren, hvad laver Ole Henningsen på en medie som hedder, efter 61 års UFO efterforskning, når han ikke selv tror på UFO'er???... |
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