Nov 3, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 (11:11 EVENT) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [✨Timeline Correction Meditation - English guided audio ~ WLMM (Cobra Support Group)✨] ... "Second wave lockdowns are now being implemented in many countries. This is going too far, and we need to correct the planetary timeline back into the optimal Ascension timeline. Therefore we will be doing a Timeline Correction mass meditation at the moment of triple Jupiter-Pluto-Pallas conjunction on November 11th at 11:11 CET (equals 10:11 UTC), and you can join if you feel so guided." ~ We Love Mass Meditation... |
☮️ ~ 💗 (I wish you all peace and healing from within) Mercury goes direct on Election Day (Joni Patry) 💕 ~ |
🍿 ~ (Operation Scorecar) Restored Republic via a GCR as of Nov. 3, 2020 ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... {🤞The New Galactic, Benevolent, Hack-Proof, Super-Conscious, Quantum Financial System: I wish, I wish, I wish🤞} ... Guys! Guys!... Like Benjamin Fulford, Charlie Ward, all the Dinar Guru websites, and everything else in this illusionary world, if it doesn't resonate with your own heart-beating chakra, do not take it in... is suppose to be a alternative informations-channel and sometimes, I do add stuff, that not even I, trust in full, but has some intel, that looks nice and comfy, to take into a possible loving mirrored universe future timeline, in order to save this prison planet and liberate it's 7 billion Earthlings... So be it, and so it is... |
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Nov. 3, 2020
Source: Dinar Chronicles
Judy Note: Timing of the RV liquidity release remained at any moment according to our Military Intel Contact. Five top Elders and the Department of Defense (DoD) carried the ultimate responsibility for RV release to Tier 4B. They partly relied on the Quantum Financial System Computer’s algorithm calculations and predictions to make decisions.
On Sun. 2 Nov. at 5:30 pm EDT orders were given to move the release forward. By Mon. morning 2 Nov. at 1:00 am EDT currency rates were locked in and a release for the start was given. By that afternoon Redemption Security Teams were dealing with rogue ([D]eep [S]tate Democrat) Attorney Generals trying to hinder banks from paying out platforms.
The Dems and the CIA have put in place Operation Scorecar, a mechanism which can alter the voting results of electronic voting machines in key swing states (like Pennsylvania) that would determine the outcome of the election. On Mon. 2 Nov. US Attorney General William Barr sent his legal teams into those key swing states to assure integrity of election votes.
👻🧟🦠 ~ (7, 11, 13 numerologi: Symbolpolitik, Samfundssind, Ståsammen = S) Syv S-politikere i coronakarantæne: En testet positiv og Folketingets spørgetime er aflyst, grundet KAOS (E.B.) ~ | Blogger: BREAKING: Pia Kjærsgaard vil ikke afvise nedlukning af Folketinget - endnu et gimmick?... {ved det godt, det var først 7 men nu har EB ændret det til 6, dog holder fast i 7}... ÉN af de mest historiske, uhyggelige og bizarre sammenfald i Danmarkshistorien... 'Seven Samurai' selv karantæne / isolation i den mest KAOTISKE tid under den største pandemi-krise siden 2. verdenskrig har vores elskede hadede politikere sagt... Nedlagt af en "Frankenstein Virus" eller "Spøgelsesvirus" COVID-19[84]... Syet sammen som "Hybridmonster" under Halloween, 4 millioner mink skal bare slås ihjel, selvom de ikke kan smitte mennesker med en dødlig virus, og alle danske centraladministrationens eksperter og politiske interesser, har erklæret hellig krig mod Islam og såkaldt "terrorisme", allerede konstateret, at Joe Biden (med sataniske okkulte Hollyweird Lady Gaga og Eminem) vinder for flere dage siden og svenske valgobservtør siger nu også, at der kun er 10% chance for, at Trump vinder valget, mens de venter på en LOCKDOWN. Det mærkeligste er, at ifølge "Betfair" og andre spillebørser, så er Trumps vinderchancer, dobbelt så gode som i 2016 og odds er supergode. Med den ene hånd vil Mette-Mus redde den dødsdømte Said Mansour og med den anden, beskytte jøder og andet religionsgøgl, i København... Faktisk var det ikke 6 eller 7, men 11 politikere, som har trukket stikket og er stensikker på, de ikke er de sidste. Med det seneste døgn er 1.353 bekræftet smittet med coronavirus, som burde passe som fod i hose i politikkernes skamfølelse og panikkens tegn.. Tilbage står det moralske opråb i befolkningen imod Jeppe Kofod aka døbt ’Kneppe Kofod’ i Politikens ATS og Alleslandsmoderen, som har "søsat" Event 201 og er coronafri og alle hendes spindoktorer og socialakrobaters troldehær... Heldigvis har vi Vibeke Manniche, som sætter tingene i perspektiv... PS: Datoen i dag er 3-11-2020 = 2020 = 4+3 = "7/11" - Esoterisk konstruktioner i alfabetet og er Illuminati Symbolism (Beyoncé - 7/11)... |
Seruminstituttets ugentlige kontakttal er beregnet til 1,1. Kontakttallet er faldet, men smitten er stadig stigende i samfundet. Derfor vigtigt at vi fortsat står sammen om at bryde smittekæderne. Halvdelen af alle danskere er nu testet en eller flere gange. Stærkt 💪
— Magnus Heunicke (@Heunicke) November 3, 2020
* Justitsminister Nick Hækkerup (S): Har symptomer, afventer testsvar.
* Beskæftigelsesminister Peter Hummelgaard (S): Afventer testsvar efter møde med person, der er testet positiv. Ingen symptomer.
* Børne- og undervisningsminister Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil (S): Afventer testsvar efter møde med person, der er testet positiv. Ingen symptomer.
* Miljøminister Lea Wermelin (S): Afventer testsvar efter møde med person, der er testet positiv. Ingen symptomer.
👼 ~ 💓 (Uprising, Imminent Election & Light Forces Dismantling Illuminati’s GN) Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Energy field of potential activity; what Earth needs; predictions; vibrations; dark ones’ lifeprint reviews; emergence of truths👈] ... "One is the uprising of citizenries in numerous countries against oppressive governance. Another is around the imminent election in the United States because of that nation’s global influence. The third, and of greatest significance worldwide, is happening out of the public eye. The light forces that are dismantling the Illuminati’s global network are rounding up the tenacious ones at the peak of that secret society."... |
© 2020 www.matthewbooks
Blogger's note: It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen.
November 2, 2020
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Fervent activity in Earth’s energy field of potential is reflecting feelings, thoughts and actions worldwide, and amidst the countless energy streamers, three swirling masses are prominent.
One is the uprising of citizenries in numerous countries against oppressive governance. Another is around the imminent election in the United States because of that nation’s global influence. The third, and of greatest significance worldwide, is happening out of the public eye. The light forces that are dismantling the Illuminati’s global network are rounding up the tenacious ones at the peak of that secret society.
Outcomes of rebellions and elections are indeed of great importance to the people in those countries, and in the short term, they will be meaningful. But it is the ending of dark control that is freeing all peoples from fear and divisiveness, enabling them to evolve consciously and spiritually as aspects of God, divine sovereign beings, multidimensional selves and members of the universal family.
Dear sisters and brothers, it is natural that your primary interests are what affects your life and the lives of all whom you love. That is true of people everywhere—families want their children, grandchildren and future generations to be healthy, prosperous and have fulfilling lives in a peaceful, harmonious world. Those shared values are far, far greater than ideological differences, and that is why unity of spirit in co-creating that kind of world is where the civilization is heading.
🌬️😗☠️ ~ (Yet another) Chemtrail Whistleblower: 90% of Chemtrails Designed to Alter Emotions/Mood/State of Mind and Provoke "Flu-like Symptoms"! (beforeitsnews) ~ | Blogger: [👉Special thanks to my good friend… the late, great David Dees for his artwork… God rest his soul 💜 ~ BIN👈] ... And thanks to Louis, my danish Naturopathic doctor for sharing is caring... It's a looong read and I (SoTW) have studied "Weather Engineering", Geoengineering” and “Weather modification” and its undesirable side effects on the environment, natural resources, agriculture and human health, for the looongest time... Especially in Denmark and America, which cannot be denied, exist... You be the judge of all that of course... |
💪🗳️🐍 ~ (Would you like Ruff and Tuff or Snakes?) Kirstie Alley joins 'Tucker' to discuss backlash for supporting Trump (Fox) ~ | Blogger: Tucker: You’re Either With Trump Or You’re With The ‘Disgusting Ruling Class’....Those Trump is fighting against are 'incompetent and narcissistic and cruel and relentlessly dishonest' ... In other news: Leaked Zoom Calls Reveal Federal Workers Conspiring To Shut Down White House/Disrupt Government :'We are going to be in a crisis, but we want it to be one that we are creating'. – Lisa Fithian, Trainer... RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states... California judge slaps down Gov. Newsom’s unconstitutional covid lockdowns and mandates, issues INJUNCTION against further Newsom tyranny... |
👰 ~ 💗 (I miss Sedona) Cathedral Rock... (Rahelio Rodriguez) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Thanks to Rahelio Rodriguez, Shaman and Astrologer from Sedona, AZ for sharing and caring👈] ... Verdensalt (SoTW) has meet-up with this great Native American, Rahelio Roderiguez, in Sedona, Arizona in 2017 (was to sick in 2019) and went on a spiritual journey in the sweet lodge & special ceremony up in the red mountains.. Year of 2019 I manage to stay a weeks time at Sedona Sacred Rocks, a Metaphysical B&B with Meaghan C. Mc Cue, Energy Medicine/Horse Medicine Practitioner... I also did a looot of Mountain biking and meet a german guy, that i intend to look-up, on my next trip, if USA is going to be "open" again (exception is if Biden wins and civil war will break out)... For baffling and unforgettable UFO sightings, try "Sedona Ufo And Vortex Tours". Best and cheapest. Equipped with $5000 special forces military night vision goggles, turns night into day, besides we could hear or had warnings of rattlesnakes, javelinas, bobcats, wolves, foxes, coyotes and skunks, on the ground,in the skies, we saw at least 30-40 objects, in 1 hour time, that was NOT planes, satellites and weatherballoons. Guide had satellitetracker and the equipment to make us, believers (seen UFO's many times before). Not long from old mining town of Jerome, between or next to Cathedral Rock Sedona Vortex - a feminine energy affecting both mind and body creating a cleansing experience, generating immense masses of energy and The airport mesa vortex energy, a masculine energy strengthening the internal spirit to take charge of their own lives, and live in self-confidence. Our guide, were claiming, that our UFO friends were attracted to the crystal gem and minerals in the area etc... |
🚀🏠🤦 ~ (CIA & DTU Space - masters of compartilization) Her har der boet mennesker i rummet i 20 år (TV2 FNYS NEWS) ~ | Blogger: Undskyld! Men latterlig titel - især for mig... Man "bor" ikke på den internationale rumstation ISS, det er en "ren" overlevelse og bestemt ikke for alle og enhvers drøm om en luksushotel i rummet - nu hvor NASA (ESA, CNSA, RKA og andre) har tvunget såkaldte Andreas Mogensen - "astronauter" til at udforske "universet" fra "dummie" rumstationer... Neeej, jeg ved ikke en hylende fis, men har dog snakket med militære kilder og været til en del UFO-konferencer og kongresser, lad os kalde dem det. Fik en god snak med Dr Ken Johnston, mens L. Blaine Hammond, han var ikke værd at skrive om. Jeg har også været forbi Alex Collier og James Gilliland og mange flere...Samstemmende er det et faktum, at hemmelige rumprogrammer har eksisteret siden "Die Glocke" blev opfundet og Hitlers søgen og leflen for det okkulte, overtroiske og en superhemmelig operation blev "nøglen" til SSP-programmet, der oprindeligt blev kaldt "Operation Overcast", men senere omdøbt til "Operation Paperclip", hvor cirka 1.600 af disse tyske forskere (sammen med deres familier) blev bragt til USA... [LÆS VIDERE]... 👽PS: VIDSTE DU, at en UFO-forsker har opdaget, at folk som arbejder, nær Area 51 / S4- området bruger ikke kun Janet Airline, (amerikaner jeg snakkede med) men i hemmelighed, en underleverandør - SAS SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES som flyver i pendulfart frem og tilbage fra Tonopah Test Range (TTR)?... | |