Dec 8, 2018

COBRA Portal for Planetary Liberation | ~ Protection decree ~ |

ZeroHedge | Dec 6, 2018 | ~ Know Where All The Bodies Are Buried": Clinton Foundation CFO Spills Beans To Investigators ~ | .. "Bill Clinton mixes and matches his personal business with that of the foundation" .. |


Daily Mail Online | ~ Scientists levitate objects by just POINTING at them: Sound waves are used for the first time to control movement of tiny beads through the air ~ | .. The Force is a supernatural power used by Anakin Skywalker and other Jedi to manipulate objects in the fictional universe of Star Wars .. |

  • Scientists can now levitate objects by just pointing at them - or so it seems
  • For the first time they have moved beads through the air in a controlled way
  • They did this by creating ultrasonic waves, between which the ball floats | arkivskabet | ~ Med Børn Som Våben ~ | .. Den grusomme virkelighed, hvordan kvinder og mænd bruger børnene som våben i skilsmisser .. | Blogger: [👼Sacred Contracts are "soul documents," life assignments that are encoded within your psyche and soul in the symbolic language of archetypes💕] ... My own 3D perspektive and personally storyline of why my daughter disappeared (forever)... How the mother of my child was obsessed on hatism, revenge, mentally disturbed or emphatically repudiated behaviour and adult traumatic childhood psychological projection, overturned my daughter from the most beautiful and loving starseed, to hating her father, with no remorse, no repent and no mercy... (but it was NOT my daughter's choice alone) ... I believe that we each agree to the terms of our Contract before entering the physical realm of this world. This applies whether you accept the concept of reincarnation, or believe in a single lifetime followed by heaven or hell - or neither... And it hurts to lose a child, like nothing else... |

Udgivet første gang Juli 2014 af Verdensalt

Efter at have set TV2’s DOX programserie ” Med børnene som våben ” den 13. Maj 2014, har udsendelsen ramt mig lige solar plexus. Mit indlæg er blot min fortælling og kan bruges som stof til eftertanke, omkring at bruge børn som våben i skilsmissesager eller lignede, som et af de mest brugte motiver – nemlig hævn. Fra en neutral vinkel ( eller rettere min vinkel), at vise hvordan visse menneskeskæbner forandrer sig fra en normal personlighed / psyke til den skyggeside – min fortolkning er vel ” skyggesider er egenskaber eller følelser vi ikke vil stå ved”. Alt sammen er igen noget jeg har erfaring og oplevet på min egen krop og sjæl, men ikke nødvendigvis selv besidder en dybere PhD for at gøre mig klog på menneskers psyke. Har tænkt meget over det, er dog fristet til at bruge fornavne i mit indlæg, da denne anonymitet og forkortelser minder mig om en den tid, hvor skrivelser fra og til Statsforvaltningen var hverdag. Min historie er ikke ment for at skyde med skarp, negligere mit eget ansvar og hæve mig op over nogen, vil dog retfærdiggøre tingenes tilstand og kompleksitet. Kommunikation er så hamrende svært, især når der eksistere følelser som er uafklaret.

Jeg er overbevist om, at der grundlæggende ikke er noget ondt skabt i mennesker. Har dog en opfattelse af, når noget går galt så som traumatiske begivenheder, noget utænkeligt, følelsesmæssigt utilsigtet hændelser, eller hvad det nu kan være som gør vi indædt føler vi skal kæmpe imod eller forsvare os, dukker der en skyggeside frem i os alle.. (Dog kan skyggesider både være negative eller positive og når vi integrerer dem, vil det altid give os en følelse af at blive mere os selv)  
Positive sider af en negativ radikal ændring af vores liv, så som at miste eller blive komplet separeret med ens barn af kød og blod, er vi står stærkere på den anden side, hvis man er i stand til at forstå sammenhængen og acceptere tingenes tilstand. Tilgivelse til sig selv og den anden part er fundamental, selvom ens ego og selvretfærdiggørelse gør det svært at give slip...

Min egen forhistorie

Skilsmisse sager eller separation fra ens børn, skaber en til tider farlig situation. Mit forløb som startede tilbage 1998 da jeg fik min vidunderlige, elskede datter Isabella, var fryd og gammen. Der var tryghed, omsorg, vi havde en fantastisk lejlighed i Nordsjælland, vi var samboende, blev forlovede med daværende kæreste Agnete, fast arbejde og super relationer med Agnetes familie og min egen. Alle forudsætninger var til stede og optimale.

Men for mig var der en drastisk forandring at gå fra en normal uproblematisk, nærmest ungkarl på 1. klasse med alt betalt, til at have et ansvar lige pludseligt som far, stå med en baby som dengang kunne ligge i min hånd 1,9 kg var Isabella. Puha, stor mental omvæltning, på godt og ondt, det viste sig også vi skulle igennem et forløb, med en datter som var fortidigt født, Agnete med moderkage-forgiftning, fødsel ved kejsersnit, 14 dages kuvøse.

Agnete som gik ud af ind af bevidsthed, da hun fik en allergisk reaktion på morfin bedøvelsen, ud over det, var Isabella meget præget af Koliksmerter i sine tidligere måneder.

Fantastisk oplevelse - de første spæde dage kunne jeg sidde med min datter på hospitalet i ro og mag og mærke hendes puls og rytme og omvendt kunne hun mærke og få fornemmelsen af ens kropsduft som nu babyer kan.

Set tilbage på denne lidt kaotiske tid, var måske med til, vi begge som forældre allerede der, fik et knæk og eventuelt mere eller mindre endte med fødselsdepression for os begge ( igen et udarbejdet traume). Dengang var der ingen hjælp at hente, og det var svært, naturligvis var det at diagnosticere sig selv, umuligt. Dog vil jeg sige fik et klarsyn, tog en ud-af-kroppen oplevelse, så meget nøje på mit liv med min kæreste og ud fra en masse kriterier, valgte jeg noget som jeg til den dag i dag aldrig har fortrudt, at forlade Agnete men desværre også min elskede datter som var 8 måneder gammel dengang.

Inden da havde vi været igennem, for nogen, obligatoriske sessioner hos parterapeuten, vi tog dog en tur hos en anerkendt clairvoyant/healer i stedet, som forudså et opbrud på en bestemt måned, desværre fik han ret. Altid svært om ens underbevidsthed spiller et puds, skæbnen er fastsat, man er fikseret på forandringer m.m.

Prisen for at forlade sin familie

Caroline Oceana Ryan Newsletter - Excerpts only | ~ A Message to Lightworkers ~ | .. The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective .. | Blogger: [😥I (verdensalt) lost my own daughter when she was 14 of age of her own choosing🙏]... ". Before incarnating, you agreed to experience this very situation together, and to deal with the resulting rift between you in ways that would bring each of you into greater understanding of certain forms of heart-based experience and soul growth... In the meantime, your guides have been asking you to not obsess over this situation or to try to remedy it, but to release your daughter and her family completely, in body, mind, and spirit ~ Caroline Oceana Ryan"... |

A Message to Lightworkers -
December 7, 2018

Excerpt from Earth Life Challenges
Chapter 3 - “On Being Shut Out By a Loved One"

QUESTION: What is the nature of the blockages and the no-contact policy between my daughter and me, and what can I do about it? Or do I just have to live with it?

Although I have asked for her forgiveness many times, that I left her father and loved another man and married him, taking her and her brother with me, she doesn’t want to accept it, and doesn’t want to be in contact with me.

I don’t even know exactly what she accuses me of. She said it was “wounds from the past.”

She went through an emotional burnout and postnatal depression, and has done therapy and trauma therapy. But that hasn’t led to “normal” contact with me, so far.

I’ve done countless Ho’oponopono prayers, and solved everything on my side, holding her in love and blessing her and her family.

Is this just something I have to accept and live with?

THE COLLECTIVE: This is an excellent area to discuss, as so many are experiencing family and friend estrangement now.

Understand that children do not always see their parents as individual adults with interests, needs, and personal expressions of their own. And of course, parents often have trouble seeing their child as an individual adult, even when their son or daughter is well over the age of thirty.

Your daughter did not see you as a woman seeking to be honest about her feelings, her life path, and her strong preference to be with the man she loved, instead of the man she no longer loved.

Though this was an honest and brave move for you, your daughter, in her youth and inexperience, saw you only as one of the two pillars holding up her sense of reality, her inner and outer life, and her understanding of how life ought to go—even her understanding of how the Universe works.

Then one of those pillars moved out of place, disturbing and upending her world, and her sense of sameness and safety.

And so, she reasoned that if her mother could change, and change her children’s lives as well as her own life—anything in life could change.

WLMM | ~ 🔴URGENT! Peace Meditations for Paris at 11:11 & 16:16 UTC on Saturday, December 8th ~ | .. Since Emmanuel Macron became the President of France, most people in the country have been suffering from his fiscal measures which are in favour of the rich and elite. There are less protections for the working class under his administration, and tax contributions have increased in several areas without commensurate increases in wage ..

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:

11:11 UTC:

16:16 UTC:

We will be using the Buddhic column technique as the main tool for these meditations.

RT | ~ Meet you on the dark side of the moon: China launches historic lunar exploration mission (VIDEO) ~ | .. China has launched a lunar rover on a historic mission to explore the dark side of the moon, with the potential to make revolutionary discoveries about the possibility of extraplanetary life .. |


COBRA | ~ Brazil Ascension Conference Report and Situation Update ~ | .. 🔴The weekend of our Ascension conference in Sao Paulo was full of monumental changes for the planet ..Our conference has created a huge energetic impact - COBRA .. | Blogger: PS: You can find the Spanish, Dutch and Portuguese translations on, at the end of this report.. |

Who is Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official provider of communication from the Resistance Movement.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

The weekend of our Ascension conference in Sao Paulo was full of monumental changes for the planet.

It is not a coincidence that just a few hours before the start of the conference, the leader of the unholy four, George Bush Sr. has been put to death:

A mass meditation was immediately issued to ensure his capture by the Light forces to prevent his reincarnation into a new cloned body:

The meditation and the operation of the Light Forces were successful, he was captured by the Light and escorted into the Galactic Central Sun, where he is going through a disintegration process right now.

The energy at the conference itself was amazing, around 400 people created a huge resonance field of Light.

On the second day of the conference, a huge breakthrough happened. We managed to anchor the Goddess energy as never before:

More than 100 people from the conference expressed their commitment to create a physical Sisterhood of the Rose group in the area where they live.