Oct 29, 2019

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (Verdensalt) ~ 💕 |

👻 ~ Something Big Has Happened! (The Corbett Report) ~ |

👼 ~ 💗 A Special Message to Lightworkers (Caroline Oceana Ryan Newsletter) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🍬The Sugar Matrix🍫] - Yes, verdensalt knows it (unfortunately) all well, i'm fighting it, every day... |

Greetings, Amazing One! 

Huge Thanks to all who watched the Collective’s video on releasing subconscious Abundance blocks!

You can view their Manifesting Abundance video either on the Abundance Group Facebook page, or on YouTube at https://youtu.be/YyzZDI6A2Qg.

Many commented on Facebook or emailed me to say they loved the first video and found it empowering and healing.

Thank you for that! Your feedback is a tremendous help in shaping which areas the Collective offer guidance on.

Last week we talked about Inner Transformation -- releasing the subconscious blocks that stop us from manifesting Abundance.

So now let's move on to the next subject . . .

In the survey sent out earlier this year, we also asked, "What's hardest for you about Food and Eating?"

People named the biggest blocks to healthy eating and slimness as food addictions, emotional stress, and the cost of organic foods . . .  
  • “I turn to sugar and salt to squash my sensitivity or feelings.”
  • “My nighttime binges on sweets. I can’t control the craving for dessert after dinner.”
  • “Too much sugar, not enough vegetables. I want to eat better. But 3D work has me challenged.”
  • “Addictions. I worry about many things, then I start to eat harmful substances.”
  • “Grazing at odd times of the day and night.”
  • “I still crave sugar, and don’t always have organic foods accessible.”
  • “I need to eat potatoes and complex carbs to feel calm and sleep well.”
  • “Doing the work to prepare natural organic meals and snacks.”
  • “I need to eat something with low vibration to cope with people at work.”
  • “Lack of finances, lack of proximity to quality foods. Depression can make me reach for the odd processed item.”
  • “The foods I am able to afford have a lot of unsavory ingredients.”
  • “Food intolerances, reactions to GMO, pesticides. My body is sensitive. I feel the energy of everything, have trouble separating my energy from that of others.”
  • “I manage to stop emotional eating for a long period of time, and lose weight, look better, think better, feel better. Then something happens, and I start all the bad habits again.”
These are issues that millions are facing. And our sensitivities are only increasing as we develop our Light Body.

🗿 ~ Human origins in a southern African palaeo-wetland and first migrations (Nature) ~ | .. All modern humans originated in northern Botswana, study says .. | Blogger: [🙌Glory Hallelujah! Brothers and sisters, have you heard the news?👏] ... NOT a word about Human DNA ‘was designed by aliens’ of course not. A hidden truth is to believe, that our species was designed by a higher power, alien civilisation that either wanted to preserve a message in our DNA or simply plant life on other planets... Nooope! "Anatomically modern humans originated in Africa around 200 thousand years ago (ka)" ~ Professor Vanessa M. Hayes of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sidney, Australia ... Take it or leave it... |


⚔️ ~ We Now Have Mass Public Unrest In France, Spain, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Hong Kong, Venezuela, Chile, Ecuador And Bolivia (Zero Hedge) ~ | Blogger: [🙈There's no Area 51. There's no recovered spaceship. Nimzicki: Uh, excuse me, Mr. President? That's not entirely accurate🙉] ... Unrest together with danish populace don't mix... Denmark's capital has become the urban overlord of doing things the right way. They call it the happiest city in the world. But, the people never go all in public and demonstrate, by the thousands, unless it's about the climate hoax, their trade unions are calling for the fight for welfare, or the authorities are trying to alter the living conditions of our kids (like for minimum standards in the country's crèches and kindergartens)... |

.. In short, there isn’t a continent that isn’t seeing unrest in some form, and as Branko Milanovic notes today, one wonders if this isn’t all a little 1968-ish ..


🌬️🔥 ~ “Diablo Winds” Are Ferociously Whipping “Out Of Control” Wildfires Across Vast Stretches Of Northern California (TEC) ~ | Blogger: Well, you tell me, don't worry, 74,300 Acres or 30,068 Hectares or 116.093 Square Miles is nothing in comparison to California's approximately 104.765 million acres of land. Yes it is, because its NOT in rural areas or countryside, it's where people live, and lose of their homes, with many residents that can’t afford wildfire insurance, means, it's catastrophic events we're looking at. Not to mention the Blackouts, thieves breaks into houses and the wildfires are making California’s deadly air pollution even worse, not to forget, the more sinister agenda behind the scene, as of China, takeover, some claim... Since Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger met with Chinese leaders back in 2010, with the explicit intention to sell California, the state government of California back then, was projected to have a budget deficit of at least 19 billion dollars. Now, California Gov. Jerry Brown signs his last budget, a $201 billion plan with a surplus of almost $9 billion compared with a large deficit he inherited back in 2011... What the hell is going on i don't know, but it's not gonna be pretty and all my prayers go out to California and all its citizens... And it's not a joke, China plans to become a global superpower, and it is important not to be naive in relation to the Chinese backwardness in investing in Greenland, California (USA) and many other countries - China's $900 billion New Silk Road... (Rothschild controlled PG&E Corp + UN Agenda 21 / 2030)... |



👑 ~ Kongen, kammertjenere, lakajer og undersåter på vild-jagt, mens centraladministrationens bonusfest for topledere, superrige, samt adelseliten og andet godtfolk, fortsætter ~ | Blogger: [🏴‍☠️Kan ikke længere genkende Danmark. Det er ikke længere lattervækkende, det er et ufatteligt sørgelig syn og system😔] ... Alt imens, vor elskede Kronprins Frederik og hans nærmeste jyske erhvervs- spidser (lokale magthavere, rigmænd og adelsfolk babber på fars salonriffel og vandpibe), byder velkommen til sæsonens kongejagter, ligesom hans afdøde far (Papa) prisgemalen, der købte royale jade-penisser og gennempryglede prinserne, tager byrådspolitiker i Vejle på ferie-orlov til Caribien, med fuld løn. Hvis én alm. dansker på sociale overførsel gjorde det, ville vedkommende blive stoppet i lufthavnen og sat i fængsel. Så har vi kulturudvalget i Rødovre Kommune som har besøgt Den Blå Lagune i Island for skatteborgernes penge med øl og hornmusik, mens Anna Mee Allerslev får gratis Bryllup og Borgmester Ninna Hedeager har orkestreret anmeldelsen af voldtægt, orlov med fuld løn. Bo Nilsson, CEO for Nets, skraldgriner hele vejen ned til banken med 700 mio, kr, i lommen... Justitsminister Nick Hækkerup, ønsker at stoppe politibossers bonusfest, efter massive og intense skjulte bilag afslørede, at de 13 øverste ledere af politiet samlet fik udbetalt 1.010.000 kr. ekstra i resultatløn for 2018, men skider højt og flot på folkets, politianmeldelser. Dog har de tre magtfulde og skadefulde trioer, Sass Larsen, Bjarne Corydon og Nick Hækkerup, ikke nogen problemer med Telesagen og de 10.000 straffesager, hvor man helt ustraffet, kan lyve for justitsministeren. Ej heller, Danmarks handelsforbindelser med det kinesiske statsdiktatur, samt mørklægger dokument, der advarede om formodede netværk bag omfattende formodet momssvindel, i 11 år... Opsigtsvækkende er det, at Finanstilsynet politianmeldte Nykredit Bank A/S, for overtrædelse af markedsmisbrugs- forordningen, men hold nu fast, at sikre Nykredit Bank en gevinst på SAMLET 4.425 kr. 🤣... Værre ser det ud, at den tidligere ejendomsmatador Michael Busch-Nielsen har politianmeldt Nykredit Bank for bedrageri, underslæb og mandatsvig i forbindelse med sit opsigtsvækkende krak for ti år siden, hvor en ansat tilbød 250.000 kr i bestikkelse. Hvad er der sket i den sag?... Det stopper ikke her, Journalister fejrede sig selv og hinanden for 160.000 kroner - mens rektor med statsministerløn blev sendt på pension med kæmpe fratrædelsesgodtgørelse... Du kan sige hvad du vil, men det kan godt betale sig at være stinkende rig, have forbindelser til Kongehuset og være logebrødre i Den Danske Frimurerorden, sammen med embedsværkets spidser og øverste i hierarkiet via danske centraladministration.. Her, er der ikke noget som hedder armslængdeprincippet, brodne kar eller korruption. Her passer alle på hinandens interesser.... Gud bevare Danmark🛐... |

Kronprins Frederik i prins Henriks fodspor: Tog Lego-arvings mand med på jagt
Rejste til Caribien med fuld løn
Minister vil stoppe politibossers bonusfest
Man kan helt ustraffet lyve for justitsministeren
Myndigheder mørklægger dokument: Var advaret om formodede svindlere i 11 år
Politianmeldelse af Nykredit Bank A/S for overtrædelse af markedsmisbrugsforordningen
Nykredit er blevet politianmeldt
Anklager mod Nykredit Bank: Ansat tilbød 250.000 kr i bestikkelse
Journalister fejrede sig selv og hinanden for 160.000 kroner – mens rektor med statsministerløn blev sendt på pension med kæmpe fratrædelsesgodtgørelse

🕴️ ~ Pelosi announces ‘unnecessary’ formal vote on impeachment as proceedings go public (RT) ~ | Blogger: [🤜LATEST NUMBERS : 127,407 SEALED -- 14,957 UNSEALED -- 295,264 NON-SEALED INDICTMENTS🤛] ... PS: But where is she??? Acc. to BF; ".. Neither House Speaker Nancy Pelosi nor House Intelligence Committee head Adam Schiff have appeared in public since their sudden trip to Jordan last week. A colleague in Washington, DC with a press pass says Pelosi, Schiff, and many others have not been seen in public during the past week and no new videos of them have emerged, either. Former CIA chief John Brennan, who was constantly in the media, has also not been seen in public for two weeks, the journalist also noted.." ... |

House Republicans speak to reporters outside the secure basement room used for witness interviews © Reuters / Carlos Jasso

※🔴Benjamin Fulford Partial Report & Full Video | Oct 29, 2019 | ~ Third (fourth?) death of Mossad agent Shimon Elliot “al-Baghdadi” actually signifies major Middle East change ~ | Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: Excerpts from Full Report: (Pentagon sources explain, “As sealed indictments reach 130,000, many notables may choose death over dishonor, Gitmo, or military tribunals, and they may be given the …) ... the Rommel treatment.” (Field Marshal Erwin Rommel was given the option to commit suicide and be eulogized as a war hero after his failed coup attempt against Adolph Hitler.) So keep an eye out for announcements of the untimely death of war hero General James Mattis and some of his colleagues. The latest official death announcement was of long-serving African-American Congressman John Conyers. Conyers, “who was ousted in 2017 for sexual misconduct,” was killed by his Detroit mob bosses “as their money from Syria and Iraq is getting blocked,” the Pentagon sources say. Asked about the Russiagate investigation on Friday, Trump said.. [READ MORE]... |

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Third (fourth?) death of Mossad agent Shimon Elliot “al-Baghdadi” actually signifies major Middle East change

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s repo- rts for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. Especially after Cobra and David Wilcock and others latest outbreak of mistrust in BF postings... With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill.....

Published by Benjamin on Oct 28, 2019 CET

While only a few die-hard corporate propaganda Kool-Aid drinkers actually believe the U.S. announcement that “master terrorist al-Baghdadi” was killed yet again, this time it actually means something, Pentagon sources say. The third announcement of his death means that U.S. President Donald Trump “is poised with Russian help to cut off illegal oil, arms, human, and drug trafficking that benefit Zionists, the CIA, and the deep state,” they explain.

Basically, now that the pretense of fighting ISIS or Al Qaeda or whatever brand name they used has blown up, Trump is now openly telling the truth—that the wars in the Middle East are about stealing oil. The fact that Trump mentions Rockefeller-controlled Exxon Mobil by name as the company that can develop the Syrian oil fields also means Trump is now an official spokesperson for big oil.

In any case, Gordon Duff of Veteran’s Today, who has better Middle East sources than this writer, says Mossad agent Shimon Elliot, aka “al-Baghdadi,” is actually still alive. You can read his excellent report here:

Presumably he is enjoying his official death in a safe house along with his Mossad buddy Jeffrey Epstein.

This picture of CIA agent Tim Osman, aka “Bin Laden,” with his handlers sent to us by the Germans supports what Duff reports.

While we cannot confirm if these pictures are genuine, the story they convey has been confirmed to us by multiple sources over the years.

Meanwhile, in a sign the undeclared civil war in the U.S. is reaching a crescendo, the list of missing politicians in Washington, DC keeps growing. Neither House Speaker Nancy Pelosi nor House Intelligence Committee head Adam Schiff have appeared in public since their sudden trip to Jordan last week.

House Republican Whip Steve Scalise tried to keep up pretense with this widely quoted tweet: “My colleagues & I went to confront Schiff face-to-face in his locked room in the Capitol basement to see what he’s been hiding. When we got there he immediately shut down the hearing & fled with the witness.”