Jun 8, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Vicious Wolves of Wall Street) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ June 8, 2023 ~ |

(52) Wolves - YouTube

Free Guy: As Simon Parkes said in last videocast; do not trust Elvis and Trump will return. Trust nothing especially not RV key dates etc. etc., Simon said... Be that as it may, Simon, I think on SoTW, Mr. Trump, is a wild card - a starter - not the finisher. A Designated Survivor and Light Warrior, who took an oath to protect and serve HUmanity. He has served his term in the White House which has been dismantled. Washington DC is a ghost town. Trump will keep the pledge to 'Drain the Swamp' and the Man running with a torch (and nuclear football) to keep the flame of hope, not despair. Rumor has it, 20 unsuccessful assassination attempts against Trump and his family, but yet, he survived. Trump is now a HUman Harrison Ford Blade Runner hunting down replicants (bioengineered androids), considered a threat to the population still living on Earth... | 

Did Blade Runner 2049 'Predict' San Francisco's Orange Skies Due to California Wildfires? (news18.com)

🎮💥🍄☠️ (Alt er på spil også 3. verdenskrig som i filmen Wargames) Sankthans aflyst, Prins Jokke på dagpenge og Mindre madspild, starter med WEF? Hvorfor er Kriminalforsorgens millionregning for Christian Fuhlendorff-podcasts, hemmeligholdt? Hvis man er dumbed-down og eller nægter at se, livets realiteter i børnehøjde. Vi er i direkte krig mod Rusland, hvis du ikke ved det. Vest mod Øst. Kabbalah mod BRIC nationerne. Satanister mod Spiritualister. DeSorteHatte mod DeHvideHatte ~ 8. Juni 2023 ~ |

(20+) Facebook
Afsløring: Fik dagpenge ved en fejl – Ekstra Bladet
Sankthans: I overhængende fare for at blive aflyst (migogodense.dk)
Millionregning for Christian Fuhlendorff-podcasts – men du må ikke vide hvad der blev betalt for – Journalista

Free Guy: Krigen i Ukraine, er ikke så meget en fysisk storkrig, hvor soldater slår hinanden ihjel som under WWII. Jeg tror naivt på, Rusland, er 100% teknologisk overlegen som stormagt i Ukraine og har vundet for længst og krigens spilleregler, aftalt på forhånd. Putin og DeHvideHatte, har kunnet sende 2 millioner soldater ind og klaret hele affæren, på hele, 2 dage. Nej, for denne krig, startede som en militær special operation, med at destruerer Nazisterens hovedkontor, pyramide højborge af ren ondskab fra utenomjordisk liv og 40 + toksiske biovåben og fabrikker. Ukraine, var fra 1922 til 1991 en del af Sovjetunionen. Ikke bare et lille land i midten af EU med 50 millioner indbyggere. Som min eks-ukrainske kone sagde, bundkorrupt land, men elsket, af folket (åbenbart). Beskyttet, af EU og USA. Der findes også gigantiske forgrenede kilometer lange tunneler og militære bunkers, hvor der fremstilles; dirty bombs, Adrenokrom-fabrikker, kloner og har titlen som Verdensmeter, i sex og menneskehandel, samt andre modbydeligheder. Nu vil Militær-Mette og 322 Skull and Bones, 'Fog of War', eskalere krigen, til nye højder med USA, hele vejen til dommedag. Krigen, kan ikke vindes på gammeldaws vis, med ubrugbart krigsmateriel, som russerne skyder i smadder, så hurtigt som det dukker op, og støttepenge, som forsvinder, på det sorte marked, til ukendte krigsherrer og ned i skuespilleren, Lord Voldemort Zelensky's, lommer. Krigen, startede som en krig beslående af russiske specialtropper og ikke almindelige soldater 'boots on the ground', men en krig, udført af droner, missilsystemer, UAV's, krigsfly, bombefly, krigsskibe, samt eksotiske våbensystemer, fra rummet. Den fjerde statsmagt har spillet med på 'Wargames', som en kemisk og mental krigsførelse, for at, 'Fuckr med dn hjrne.' Wargames krigsspil, "global atomkrig", er stadigvæk på bordet og alle som undertegnede, ved, atomkrig, har ingen gang på jorden, da alle atomvåben, er uskadeliggjort. Det går hele vejen tilbage til, da tidligere officer Robert Salas fortalte, om sit møde med en orange flyvende tallerken, der slukkede for 10 sprænghoveder, ved Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana i 1967. Corona-bedraget og Ukrainekrigen, er 2 af de største øjenåbnere, i min generation, så flere 'sovende får' og Danmark, vågner af tornerosesøvnen. Når og ikke hvis, Kabbalah, taber krigen til russerne, kommer der måske, en ny 9/11 event, og en bølge af Kamikaze selvmordspiloter. Men uanset hvad de smider i hoved på menneskeheden, taber Vesten og Den Gyldne tidsalder, kan endelig, begynde... | 
Seneste nyt om krigen i Ukraine – følg udviklingen her (berlingske.dk)
Nato members may send troops to Ukraine, warns former alliance chief | Nato | The Guardian

🛩️☣️❤️‍🔥 (2023 Alberta wildfires) Chemtrails Exposed: The Coal Fly Ash / Fluoride Connection ~ June 8, 2023 ~ |

Air quality today: New York pollution to remain hazardous as no end in sight for Canadian wildfire smoke | The Independent

Free Guy: Shocking truth abt fluoride and the original Manhattan Project chemtrails connection and much more. TBJ (JUNE 7th 2023-WORLD NEWS VIDEO!) reads into tarot cards Canadian fires will go on 1-2 weeks, but not all summer, like Black Hats wish to have it. It was a Black Hat event in Canada using a off-world technology, Janine says. But have been taken over by White Hats. Fires are not toxic or dangerous to HUmanity (if you put your trust in a tarot reader and Janine)... | 



👩‍🚀🚀🤥 (Did I catch Greer in a lie? 'SS Challenger I know astronauts that had friends who died in that tragedy.') The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It | Dr. Steven Greer| Official Trailer ~ June 8, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: Hey Y’all! Don't get me wrong. I think Greer's movie is AMAZING. At the 1:22.00 minute marker in the full movie, Dr. Steven Greer, claims, the SS Challenger disaster, was real and people died! One thing I would like to see is, when Greer says, he will introduce Free Energy live on Internet 24/7 on a big scale, like nobody else. When everyone else, that introduce Free Energy, has been killed. Buuutt, before you get angry and scream at me on SoTW, I have seen so much proof now, that, 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, was not real. There was no personal or astronauts, on that launch. It was all a NASA fake incident. Space Shuttle Challenger blow up, oh yes! But nobody died. It took me way back, back down memory lane to James Fetzer: "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" author must pay victim's dad $450,000, jury says... P.S: I'm not a Flat Earthers who believe in that CIA PSYOP storyline... | 


https://www.levelwithmefilm.com to download in HD | Stream in 4K | Show your support! #levelwithme #documentary #hibbelerproductions The third installment of the LEVEL series, the documentary "Level with Me" is definitive proof that our space agencies are fraudulent. They have been stealing our tax money for far too long. Fooling the masses with, but not limited to, CGI, green screens, harnesses, and governing your mind into a fantasy heliocentric world. Gravity you say? Well in this documentary, they prove electrostatics is the force commonly referred to and accepted as "gravity" due to our Rockefeller funded education systems, with a ground breaking electrostatics experiment! This time around, they visit NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Orlando, NASA's CSBF in Palestine, Texas, and the Board of Brevard County Commissioners office in Florida. Also, they bring forth what really happened with the Challenger Space Shuttle explosion and what the crisis actors involved are currently doing with their lives.


'Star Trek SSP UFO advanced technology since 1930's is 10.000 yrs ahead of time. Romania has a mountain of GOLD. Off-worlders control new off-book ledger, financial system (*QFS). Kerry can testify Med-Beds exist and Jim says, they're building 1000 a day. Wars has to stop before it will be rolled out' ~ Kerry & Jim

Free Guy: This episode is not for normies and I actually felt kinda woozy after several hours of so much info, served to you and me, in one big scoop. It's either crazy talk or the most esoterically I'll heard. There's no new stuff, if you have followed Kerry and Jim. They both agree or both emphasize, that the information, doesn't come from David Wilcock. They talk about everything and I mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Nano-IOT, Oxide Nanoparticles, AI controllers, The Corona-agenda, KillSh0ts vaksines, US Dollar Devaluation, RV, QFS, BRIC nations, off-worlders, Anunnaki, Gold and White Dragons, Ukraine, biolabs, Putin, China and D.U.M.B.s, MAGLEV trains and Underground Cities and so much more. Romania holds extreme amount of GOLD, Kerry says. NOTE: Around 1:30.00 minute marker, Tarot by Janine (in another video) lay out cards on Kerry who claims that BRIC nations has been taken over by Black Hats/Dark Forces and totally infiltrated by the same organizations that runs and controls the financial system that we have today on this planet. That's according to Juan O Savin and some of Kerry's whistleblowers. And its NOT TRUE says the cards and Janine. And for me on SoTW, it doesn't make any sense, what Kerry says abt BRICS. Actually, Jim, cannot understand it, either, at 1:45.00 minute marker. BRICS is an acronym for five regional economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa and more countries are joining them every month... |   
