Aug 31, 2020
🤪😂🙈 ~ (Idiocracy Danmark) FIFTY SHADES OF LØKKE: I 2505 truer en forsmået og bitter LøkkeKlon, STADIGVÆK journalister med fabrikeret pædofili-rygter, og NÆGTER, at utroskab, druk, spillegæld og forretningsrelationer med kriminelle, var hans MANTRA i 36 år, siden han snød Hanne Boel og oprettede "Foreningen af Gamle Spejdere i Græsted", som 17 årig (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: 😜 I 2505, har Skatteministeriet STADIGVÆK ikke et funktionel ejendomsvurderings platform på plads, Skatteskandaler rummer nu 100.000 ringbind, Danske bank svindler stadigvæk med almindelige menneskers digitale KontoPenge og Corona-hjælpepakker, skal STADIGVÆK, betales tilbage med ågerenter på 1 million kroner... 😜 I 2505, prøver VENSTRE og KONSERVATIVE i desperation, at genoplive en Poul SchlüterKlon, fordi "Uffe Elle-bælle-mand din blærerøv, hva' der nu gal" generationen er gået fortabt... 😜 I 2505, har vi nået til en Coronabølge nr. 1000, hvor stadigvæk ingen er døde og som i filmen '12 Monkeys', sendes udvalgte danskere, tilbage i tiden for at finde den originale virus, som ikke eksistere for, at hjælpe forskere med at udvikle en vaccinekur nr. 25.000, som ej, heller virker... 😜 I 2505, har Alleslandsmoder-Mette-MusKlonen fået en ny socialakrobat Stabschef, nu hvor Martin Justesenens generationer sidder i fængsel for at bruge tipsmidler på privat safariture og Mastercard og er en tip, tip, tip oldebarn af Finn Nørbygaard, med et LIX på 55 (meget svær at forstå) som Folketingets dummeste og Kongen af Danmark, som er lige-så-svær at forstå, og stammer fra Kong Frederiks tip, tip, tip oldebarn "Thomas - et barn du ikke kan nå", bliver holdt i uvidenhed om alt (DEN DUMME KONGE af Else Cederborg)... |
🍿 ~ Restored Republic via a GCR as of Aug. 31, 2020 ~ | Blgger: [👄LETS HAVE SOME FUN: RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... SoTW enjoy this stuff as the next guy, but we will never hear this in the mainstream news outlets, and could be true (in another mirrored universe) or bogus false claims, RV (GCR), NESARA / GESARA will one day HAPPEN, in the NEAREST future, in our 3-D Matrix of illusion... Money doesn’t exist in the “Star Trek” universe...The original series made no such claims until the fourth feature film in which the crew travels back in time and Captain Kirk lets it slip that they have no money in the future. But even in later years, the Star Trek universe is not strictly moneyless???... Btw, in my own (SoTW) humble opinion, SILVER, is the better investment, when MASSIVE financial bubbles, kicks in... 1-2 years ago I bought 1oz Silver Coins going rate was €15, now it goes for €27 at my local VAT free European secret dealer... Soon €50 and when the bubble EXPLODE - €100? (buy like hell now before it's too late - free advice from a IT banker like me)... |
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 31 Aug. 2020
Compiled Mon. 31 Aug. 2020 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Source: Dinar Chronicles
Judy Note: As of Sun. evening 30 Aug. 2020 Intel remained as below:
By Mon. midnight 31 Aug. the Deep State SWIFT system would be completely disconnected.
Mon. night 31 Aug. into Tues. morning 1 Sept. the 800#s would be released.
On Tues. 1 Sept. gold/ asset-backed currency (including the US Note) Quantum Financial System would be the sole financial system platform online for all 209 countries, plus behind the scenes, all 16 NESARA / GESARA measures would be implemented.
Mon. 14 Sept. was the deadline to exchange/redeem at Contract rates.
On Tues. 15 Sept. the General Public Tier 5 could begin exchanging at the new International Rates, plus NESARA debt forgiveness programs would start.
Thurs. 1 Oct. was the beginning of the new fiscal year for the Federal Govt.
From Oct. 2020 to Oct. 2021 USD currency notes would be exchanged for the new USN currency notes, with the fiat US Dollar no longer valid after Oct. 2021.
A. Sun. 30 Aug. 3:27 pm EDT Fleming’s Military Intel Contact on Default and Contract Rates at Your First Appointment:
🚸💉😭 ~ (MASSVaxx) Texas mandates vaccines for all kids in public school, even if learning online (lifesitenews) ~ | Blogger: [👉"SDU, together with other European scientists, has come up with a simulation model that predicts a second wave of the coronavirus in the European region. According to the model, the second wave in Denmark will peak in weeks 38-40 and begin to subside around weeks 40-42."👈] ... AAAAND... Denmark is READY to JUMP-START the use of Coronavaccine, according to the news of today. Thomas Senderovitz, director of the Danish Medicines Agency, tells Ritzau that EU - and thus Denmark - ends up giving a so-called "conditional approval" of a possible vaccine... The EU Commission now has agreed the basis for a contractual framework for the purchase of 300 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, with an option to purchase 100 million more, on behalf of EU Member States. The danish Minister for Health and Elderly Affairs, has already told the public, that, EVERY SINGLE dane, should be vaccinated and purchased 120 million potential vaccine against COVID-19 from AstraZeneca... |
🤫 ~ 💗 Has CONTACT Begun? (thirdphaseofmoon) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Exclusive interview with James Gilliand Via Apolla Asteria on location at Camp Disclosure!👈] ... {Wooow! according to Jace, from Cosmic Origins, F-22 Raptor & B-22 has (secret) Anti-Gravity technology, like TR-3B Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts - I didn't know that about F-22. Jace also mention he's eyewitness several rocket payloads of NRO's super secret lift-off) ... If you enjoy the company of James from ECETI and wish to learn or listen to stuff about Secret Space Programs, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works and Vandenberg Air Force Base (of secrets) and like me, at SoTW, served The Royal Danish Air Force, you would love this show... Apolla Asteria 👽✨ is a Actor, Artist, Guitarist, Model, UFO Conference Speaker, Conspiracy Realist and Spiritual Activist (according to her instagram profile)... Btw, a group of young Danes from DTU Space have developed equipment that will help find signs of life on Mars. Their equipment must be sent to space as part of a larger mission, so their outlets tell us... And SoTW would like to say BS to Denmark's DTU Space, because we have already been on the Moon, Mars, Asteroids and other planets and meet and working with other alien civilizations, beyond our wildest dreams... You be the judge of that of course... |
👼 ~ 💕 (Victory of the light) An UNSTOPPABLE worldwide movement bringing the Darkness to the Light (Luke Durack) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia or Cabal or The Dark Alliance, are being wipe out, as we speak👈] ... I have one question for you though... How the HECK can Putin, recognize Belarusian election as legitimate, as Former Belarusian presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, now exiled in Lithuania, says Russia could mediate transition from President Alexander Lukashenko, while he sents in the military to destroy any protesting??... Why does POTUS pays his "highest respect" to outgoing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, expressing sympathy that "a great friend" had to decide to step down due to health problems (thank god for Abe is GONE)... Demonstrators waved Israeli flags and chanted: "We won't give up until Bibi resigns,", while Israeli police have arrested 11 people as protests continue against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is still attempting to shake off a corruption scandal... In Denmark, everything is back to "normal" after the weekends protesting, while hundreds of thousands are still Chanting and Cheering for our female leader, Mette Frederiksen, who has destroyed the country, following the EVENT 201 simulated pandemic scenario, that came to live... DENMARK is one of the MOST controlled Rothschild banksters & false flag intelligence service countries in the world and perhaps, the last, to stand down... Sorry, that's my opinion... |
👀 ~ 💗 Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast 💕 ~ | Aired Aug 30, 2020 | Connecting Consciousness Update | Blogger: 👉Simon says -- in short headlines 👉... 🚩 Simon is thanking all that has donated on the BBC case, since Simon has engaged a lawyer to fight BBC (wish more would do the same with danish DR (formerly Danmarks Radio)... 🚩CC mail server is still currently offline due to allegations of e-mail "spamming" overload and domain owner policy restrictions... 🚩 Towards the end of the Lions Portal period the core group of CC went to get a Tao Blessing in Manchester, and to see if they all could collaboratively working together (last time, Simon mention that there was blessings for all the lightworkers of Britian and other places, because the worse, is yet to come)... 🚩 The MEDIA attack is escalating before November the 3rd, on the Trump administration, Simon says.... 🚩 There's a lot of things, Simon wants to discuss in this update; vaccinations, currency swap, D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases), more in the Q&A... 🚩 Simon talks about the Cabal's Australia lockdown measures and (positive forces) has exploited that, to rescue or save the sex trafficking of minors in D.U.M.B.s., setting up tents outside tunnel entries, to assist the children (like N.Y. and Navy hospital ships). The mysterious boom sounds that rattle Australia is coming from the D.U.M.B.s. that positive forces are cleaning up (as I understood from Simon)... 🚩At the 16 minute maker -- Q&A... 🙋... [LISTEN TO MORE]... 卐 卍ꖦ PS: veeeery interesting it is to listen to Simon answering a question about SWEDEN and their REAL role in the world arena of royal, coronavirus and immigrants (deception)... Simon mention that Sweden, was VERY close connected to Nazi germany and one of the "Messerschmitt groups" near the end of WWII, accepted the deal of taken and protecting the nazi jet engine technology to Sweden. The world's first viable jet fighters and later (guy or guys) worked for SAAB (waaaauv I didn't know that). And Ericsson became an important participant of military and non-military blueprint equipment (goes all the way back to 1939 and Field telephones). Norway, a country that THINKS they are fine and good, but are runned by other countries, says Simon as he also speaks about Switzerland etc. etc. ... |
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...
🔴💸 ⚖️ ~ BREAKING BAD DANSKE BANK: Whistleblower Has Discovered 41 Year Computer Glitch Debt Collection Services Fraud Scamming Too Much Debt From The Danish Bank's Most Vulnerable 15.000 Customer. 100.000 Under Review For Overpayment Errors (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Danske Bank, which is struggling to restore public confidence after Europe’s biggest money laundering scandal of 1,500 billion danish kroner, has since 1979, broken the law by collecting too much debt from the bank's most debt-ridden customers. Danske Bank has just simple "lost track" of tens of thousands of their customers' debts and has now admitted their scam to the news outlets👈] ... SoTW was (once) working for the biggest danish banks in 25 years time and do you remember playing Monopoly and landing on “Community Chest,” then receiving the card that said, “Bank Error in Your Favor, Collect $200.” I loved that card. Just like in Monopoly, bank errors happen. In fact, overpayments happen all the time. You could be overpaid interest by your bank, or you could receive too much money from your employer... Danske Bank, is 'de facto', a government infrastructure bank and as sought, being classified among the six banks "Too Big to Fail". Danske Bank A/S (DANSKE.KO), designated as systemically important financial institutions like; the Danish unit of Sweden's Nordea AB (NDA.SK), Nykredit A/S, Jyske Bank A/S (JYSK.KO), BRFkredit and Sydbank A/S (SYDB.KO). What that really means, is that they will "NEVER EVER GO DOWN" and government will lent them money, if they do... THE WORLD changed completely after 2008 financial crash with the Lehman Brothers, used as a scapegoat for the Rothschild empire, later on the danish govt gave not 1, but 5 support packages for the financial and corporate sectors, which Dansk Bank and their stakeholders later on has earned billions on (Monopoly funny money), before paying them back, including danish govt, of that particular deal (Bank packages II) from high interest rates... Nothing is Ever What it Seems...😨.PS: Please don't take my word for it, research the history of corrupted wall street banks, for yourself... In short, MOST danes have the illusion that Danmarks Nationalbank, is the central bank of the Kingdom of Denmark and public or govt owned bank, that produces the money supply and the banks are just sweet and kind intermediaries who innocently do a fantastic amount of support for society and "merely" associate savers with borrowers. Nooooo... DK's NB is on private hands and only 5% comes from toilet paper cash flow, rest of the 95% is digitally fabricated out of thin air, by privately owned Rothschild banks, like Danske Bank... |
Aug 30, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟WEEKS OF AWAKENING ~ FM144🌟] ... Teilen Is The Name: Starseed Support Channel for Terra Groundcrew! And I would add a Cobra-friendly site, like so may others, "respawning" or "recalibrating" some of the intel or esoteric informations given by Cobra, the only spokesperson for The Resistance Movement, in a more "lighter" way to swallow the red pill. That is how SoTW interpret this stuff, but I could be very wrong... |
🧟🤯🎦 ~ Magnus' Mørke Magi: FORTRYLLELSEN af den danske befolkning. (download/re-upload - tak!) ~ | Blogger: [👉SoTW har valgt at trække al "ranting" ud fra Creatrix13's video mod politikere og bevarelse af kristen tro og begynder hvor "They Live", bliver virkelighed👈] ... {Adam og Eva eksisterede ikke. Kom over det, KRISTNE, OG DET DAWINISTISKE bibeltog af skabelsespropaganda (Kreationisme)} ... 🤔FOR HVAD ER ENDELIGT VIGTIGT?... Kan det ikke være ligegyldig hvad plattenslagere og lystløgnere såsom kommunistiske 'LEUNICKE' samt 'KIM JONG-METTE' går og laver, når det er PLANLAGT af overherredømmet fra udenomjordiske kræfter?... Jo... 🍖Tager med på en bevidsthedsudvidende rejse i menneskets historie, når jeg frem til, at for "tusindvis" af år tilbage, krydsede man "mennesker" på planet Jorden som en hybridart, eller med andre ord, ifølge den antikke astronautteori manipulerede intelligente udenjordiske væsener i menneskets DNA på jorden for at skabe menneskeheden, som vi kender den, i den fjerne fortid, før civilisationers begyndelse...🕉️ SKABER-RACEN, vores "Gudinder" fra de 12 dimensioners OMNIVERSE (kald det hvad du vil), ville ikke længere agere som "fødemaskiner" for alle de GUDEMÆND, som havde en "diller"... ...🧬ALT vores skidt og møg, som vi indeholder fra nuværende og tusindevis af reinkanationer, følelsesmæssige traumatiske oplevelser, fobier, frygt, chok, dårlige samvittigheder og "5000" (årstal ligegyldig) år gammel "babylonisk forvirring" (som alle mennesker indeholder) eller hvad det måtte være, samt hukommelses-DNA, skal frigives, heles og bearbejdes på plads igen, så vi kan fortsætte, vor vej mod Ascension og højne frekvenserne, ellers, dør vores celler og organer.. 😵DERFOR er det så HAMRENDEDE vigtigt, at fokusere på ens "udarbejdet og uløst"psykiske og følelsesmæssige befalinger fra (DNA) cellehukommelse, via ens Aura, der er grålig skyer af negative tanker og følelser, du har genereret i en menneskealder. Husk på, vi bruger kun 10% af vores hjerne, selvom Neuroforskere afviser det PURE! .. 😲MEGET KORT og firkantet sagt, besidder jeg på verdensalt en tro på, at vort lands 'autoriteter' er tvunget til at følge et årtusind (millennium) sindrigt religiøs doktrin, siden Annunakierne (senere Lord Archons) ledte efter Guld og skabte et såkaldt 'højestepræsteherredømme' på vort Jordklode. De falske faldne engle, Annunakierne, (Fallen Angels, Anunnaki, Nephelim, Watchers) sørgede også for at forvirre de isolerede menneskesamfund og give dem hver sit sprog. Ligeledes fløj de rundt, optrådte stadig som ”guder” og grundlagde et hav af religioner efter devisen ”Del og hersk!”...🦍 Derved skabtes en elite, en underafdeling af præsteskabet. Og denne elite styrer verden den dag i dag gennem hemmelige broderskaber med op til 33 grader. Men Broderskabet eksisterer stadig og styrer den politiske elite og Kongehuset, styrer Broderskabet! (og blah, blah, blah) Historien er jo ikke så simpel, som jeg gør den til, men en lille forsmag... 😜Giver det mening? Det gør det for mig og derfor kan alle de "godhjertede" demonstranter og aktivister SKRIGE OG RÅBE VAGT I GEVÆR, så længe de vil, det har ingen virkning, før vi får dette, "tusindvis årsværk", tilendebragt og det kan kun ske, (indefra) MATRIXENS MASKINBY af ikke-organiske-entiteter af kunstig intelligens samt (udefra) vores (positive) GALAKTISKE VENNERS indblanding... TÆNK SELV... PS: LIDT UNDERHOLDENDE VAR DET, da, Det, vi taler om, Danmarks sladdermagasin, og Niels Pinborg, sagde, at man skal være meget dum og uvidende (noget i den stil), hvis man tror på, at vi er alene, i universet... |
🌈⚣👬 ~ Why Do So Many People Believe Michelle Obama Is A Biological Man? Malik Obama Tweeted That As Well (HAF) ~ | Blogger: [👸Ååååh, hvor er det skønt at være Konge! Jeg mener Drag Queen, øhm, Mand! Nej Kvinde, selvfølgelig, kvinde og Dronning!🤴] ... Den, efter sigende, skabsbøsse Obama a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, fik 2.5 millioner i Kolding, iflg., Michelle, a.k.a. Michael LaVaughn Robinson, i Royal Arena kasserede, 33 mio. kr. Serena Williams og broderen, Venus, var begge MÆND, inden Hormonudskiftningsterapi. Serena er netop kommet ind på den prestigefyldte Forbes liste og $200 millioner dollars værd... Var prinsgemalen og er Obama og Jokke, bøsser!?... Ifølge min egen mor på er hun 100% overbevist, efter at have snakket med ledende medarbejdere på Rigshospitalet, hvor prinsgemalen, have en dødelig lungesygdom, som man kun ser hos bøsser og rygterne har svirret, lige-så-længe jeg kan huske om Henrik og Jokkes hemmelige udfoldelser... Prins Joachim og familien flytter til Paris, ikke længere ny forsvarsattaché, skal han lege Kongens efterfølgere, nu hvor prinsgemalen er død?... INDÆDTE ROYALISTER vil ALDRIG bryde etiketten omkring Kongehuset, ligesom, commie socialakrobater, ALTID vil se gennem fingre omkring Alleslandsmoder Mette-mus og ligesom, "Nok er Nok" Michelle Obama bølgen af #MeToo tilhængere og LGBTQ+ støtter, NÆGTER, at erkende, sandheden om USAs tidligere (sorte) førstedame (mand)... Vi er ALLE, blevet totalt hjernevasket... |
🚀👾☄️ ~ (The EndGame) Exopolitics and our Future/Secret Space Program/ET Agendas with Dr. Michael Salla (Forbidden Knowledge News) ~ | Blogger: [👉"Here's an interview discussing exopolitics & topics related to my presentation this Saturday in the Exopolitics and 2021 Predictions webinar. Take note of what I say about a Deep State plan to contrive a false flag asteroid attack. Article forthcoming." ~ Dr. Michael Salla👈] ... Besides the FF asteroid attack, to postpone the 2020 election, Mr. Salla also think, that if Trump doesn't win, CHINA, will be the "dominant power" on Earth! That, US military will be crippled and China to launch a space port harbour, take out the US satellite grid and basically, and after that, we're all being linked to the chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) advanced 5G, controlled by China and A.I. to monitor us all. Massive censorship and all social media will line up behind the chinese slavesystem etc. etc... |
👼 ~ 💕 A Choice for Peace (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"Your world is going through tremendous and intense change right now... The conflict between desire and belief, wishes and behaviors, the soul and the ego are strong right now. It is a time when opposing forces are clashing and the storms, both within and without, are raging. Nonetheless, dear friends, you can focus on peace. You can build an energetic template for the most beautiful and kind future upon your planet earth." ~ Message from the Angels👈] ... |
by Ann Albers in Phoenix, AZ |
We are the peace
(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Message from the Angels
Take a moment. Breathe. Go to a place of peace inside of yourself. Allow yourself to imagine the most beautiful, heavenly world you can – a world where people walk freely, unmasked, looking into one another's eyes while knowing they are looking into the eyes of God. Imagine a peaceful world – a word in which all perspectives are understood to have value. Imagine a world in which there is an understanding that all races comprise a beautiful kaleidoscope called the human race. Dear ones, imagine a world in which you know who you are, what you are, and who everyone else is too. Imagine a world in which you see only One Love in countless forms.
🛬📉🦠 ~ Covid-19 could wipe out more than 100 million jobs & over $1 trillion from global tourism industry ( ~ | Blogger: [👉The United Nations (UN) has released figures on the devastating impact of Covid-19 on global tourism, warning that the outbreak may cost the troubled sector $1.2 trillion in losses and put 120 million tourism jobs at risk👈] ... "THE CABAL" for a better word, goal was to imprison (humanity) in their own country, and by unprecedented control measures brake the (spirit) in "normal" you and me, people, destroy small businesses and rollout The Social Credit System, ID2020 agenda, and enabling intelligent 5G REAL-TIME IoT. The vaccine ID-chipping will make it possible to let Dr. Evil, like Anthony Fauci, Tedros Adhanom & Bill Gates create a (permanent) invisible Quantum dot 'Tattoo' or Microsoft license payment system, that must be renewed yearly, in order to let you LIVE or DIE (controlled by microbots and nanotech), allow you to enter the supermarket or not, (food crisis soon to happen) or pay our bills with Blockchain + RFID/NFC or E-money and let us travel by a COVID-19 passport etc. etc. etc.... You haven't seen anything yet!... |
🎈🌠🛸 ~ (OMG!) Two Burning Objects Filmed Converging Over A Village In Gloucestershire, England. August 29, 2020 (The Hidden Underbelly 2.0) ~ |
Source (The Hidden Underbelly 2.0)
Aug 29, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Peace Meditation for Berlin on August 29th 2020 at 9:11 AM UTC - English guided audio ~ WLMM & Cobra🌟] ... Simultaneously "solidarity demonstrations" in Uruguay, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and many other countries... SoTW attended partly the Danish 'solidarity demonstration' at Christiansborg Palace (Christiansborg Slot) where (maybe) 1.000 people were listen to the amazing speakers, and I rushed in from Northern Zealand on my MTB-bike and meet a old friend, and shake hand with some new... Normally, i'm not that involved in the protesting stuff, more into the bonding and receiving the good ass positive prana energy from others, like-minded people... |
👑🤑👯♀️ ~ (Prince Andrew + Juan Carlos Above the Law) THE FUGITIVE SPANISH KING: More than 1,500 Mistresses, Accusations of $110 mio. corruption, and the PINK elephant in the palace (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Please tell me and give me a straight answer please! Why are the sovereign monarchies in Europe, ABOVE THE LAW?👈] ... How is Spain's former King Juan Carlos, who has left the country following allegations of financial wrongdoing any better than Prince Andrew, that openly groped girls while staying at late pal Jeffrey Epstein's so-called “Pedophile Island".. Any better than, the 1,400 suspects, including politicians and celebrities, revealed by Operation Hydrant, set up by the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) of historical child sex abuse allegations or any better than, Jimmy Savile 1,000 child sexual abuse scandal???... Btw, the "stolen" 100 million dollars, that Juan Carlos left behind to the "LOVER", Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, who is born "Larsen", German-born businesswoman of Danish nationality, claims in court is was "gratitude money"- WHAAT!?... PS: How can Juan Carlos have 1,500 mistresses, when he already has a wife AND "secret lover" as 'beautiful'? as Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein (used to be)??. How is that even human possible and WHEN will it all break down?... |
👼 ~ 💗 Your most important duty right now is to let go of all negative self-judgment (Jesus through John ) 💕~ | blogger: [👉Excerpts: "As the COVID-19 global turmoil continues, enormous changes are in progress all across the world that will ease and simplify humanity’s awakening process as it nears completion... Your most important duty right now is to let go of all negative self-judgment – if you have not already made the choice to do so – and make the choice now to accept yourselves fully, just as you are, understanding that who you are in this moment, as a human in form, is exactly who you set the intent to be before you incarnated for your present human life." ~ Your loving brother, Jesus👈] ... |
The Ascended Master Sananda / Jesus / Christ / Yeshua serves as a teacher of the whole world, and was one of the greatest spiritual healers who walked on our beloved planet Earth / Nova / Gaia. It is important to understand that all our ascended masters and galactic friends, so to speak, are not allowed to use their powers to change the course of civilizations, only in very rare cases. Law of the Universe. The Law of Divine Oneness.
channeled by John Smallman
© 2020 johnsmallman
As the COVID-19 global turmoil continues, enormous changes are in progress all across the world that will ease and simplify humanity’s awakening process as it nears completion. So keep your spirits high and intend to be a conduit through which Love can flow to all of humanity. When you set the intent to be a conduit through which Love can flow without restriction to all of humanity, you are massively adding to the Tsunami of Love that has been assisting in your awakening process since 2012. Yes, the awakening process has been flowing since 2012 and its intensity has been increasing, and now very few of you could claim to be unaware that change is most definitely in the air as you observe and feel the energy of Love arising in many unexpected places.
Love is the power that is awakening you. It is gentle, but completely irresistible when you make the informed choice to open your hearts to invite It to enter. It has always been there awaiting your invitation, but because so many of you have been unable to love yourselves unconditionally, it has seemed to you that Love is not present, is not available. In other words your own negative self-judgments, which are not in alignment with Love, act as a thin veil or screen which seems to separate you from Love, and yet Love is always with you because It is what you are, always and eternally.
channeled by John Smallman
© 2020 johnsmallman
PS: Jesus Christ were 125 years old - according to Denmark's most significant Bible researcher and the book "Christ in Kashmir" written by a Muhammadan named Aziz Kashmiri in 1973 ...
Love is the power that is awakening you. It is gentle, but completely irresistible when you make the informed choice to open your hearts to invite It to enter. It has always been there awaiting your invitation, but because so many of you have been unable to love yourselves unconditionally, it has seemed to you that Love is not present, is not available. In other words your own negative self-judgments, which are not in alignment with Love, act as a thin veil or screen which seems to separate you from Love, and yet Love is always with you because It is what you are, always and eternally.
🤯👃💩 ~ (BRAIN FART) High-tech dystopia or evolution leap? Elon Musk rolls out working Neuralink brain implant prototype embedded in live pig ( ~ | Blogger: [👉"TRANSHUMANISM: ELON MUSK’S NEURALINK PLANS TO HOOK HUMAN BRAINS DIRECTLY TO THE MACHINE CITY COMPUTERS." ~ SoTW👈] ... WHO is this guy? -- SpaceX; Seeding the human species on other planets, like Mars. Neuralink skull implant. Bill Gates "ID 2020" - seeks to "microchip" the world population using a COVID-19 vaccine... AND I know what Cobra is saying, that Mr Musk a.k.a. Starman a.k.a. Iron Man (DARPA CIA Con-artist?) has turned and is now one of the GOOD guys, however, as long as he 100% depends on Big Tech, Big Pharma, NASA and SSP (Secret Space Program) to help him get to the (Secret & Restricted) LEO (Low Earth Orbit), Mars & Beyond, I don't trust him or his super advanced implantable brain–machine interfaces (BMIs) Neuralink... |
🕊️🔑🦄 ~ 💗No Lockdown, No Masks, No Hysteria… NO PROBLEM: Sweden is Living in Glorious Normality (D.MAIL+HAF+GAOA) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉No lockdown, no masks, no hysteria… NO PROBLEM: Sweden didn’t go into a corona coma – and it’s living in glorious normality. Now DOMINIC SANDBROOK asks: Is this proof we got it all terribly wrong?👈] ... PS: (SoTW) Miraculously, somehow SWEDEN got away and said "NO" to the Planned[Demic] Ghost[Virus] Black Nobility Cult Agenda & Swedish Order of Freemasons... |
⌛🩸⛓️ ~ (Time's up! Helle Thorning and many others) Fact Check: TRUE! The Cabal is Panicking (Amazing Polly) ~ | Blogger: [👉BLOW YOUR MIND!: Topics are - QAnon -- Adrenochrome -- Haiti + Clinton Foundation + Human Trafficking + SaveTheChildren + Ghislaine Maxwell + Bill Gates -- John O. Brennan -- Avril Haines -- WayfairGate -- Hollywood = And it all links together, according to Amazing Polly👈] ... CAN SOTW JUST ADD and nobody believes that, but I have linked👉👉🔺 #SaveTheChildrenDenmark (part of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) that now recommends legal gender reassignment surgery from Pre-school kids & former danish PM, Helle Thorning, former CEO at Save the Children, present censor judge at Facebook, board member in tax havens, was the FOREFRONT of a human trafficking organization at Save The Children... That's N-O-T me at SOTW that are saying it, it's according to SaveTheChildren's own homepage about (LGBTQ) and several people, A) danish lawyer, Klaus Ewald, b) Peter Krogsteen, a trained yachtskipper, c) an danish IT manager and d) the Italian admiral, Enrico Credendino, commander of EU anti-smuggling operation Sophia ( + 🤔MY CLAIM at SoTW; What was the "REAL" reason, why Helle Thorning decided to LEAVE SaveTheChildren in the first place?... 1️⃣ -- Because of the danish lawyer, Klaus Ewald's reported Save the Children to the police for human trafficking, called the organization's life-saving actions in the Mediterranean illegal trafficking of migrants. TOTALLY REJECTED by danish police (of course)... 2️⃣ -- Oxfam and Save the Children after news broke about employees of those two humanitarian aid groups allegedly being involved in sex scandals around the same time. The Times of London reported on Feb. 9, 2018 that senior Oxfam staff working in Haiti held sex parties and hired prostitutes... 3️⃣ -- The Daily Mail reported, on Feb. 18, 2018, on allegations of sexual harassment by Save the Children’s former policy director Brendan Cox in its London office. Then, the BBC reported additional allegations: that former Save the Children chief executive Justin Forsyth had sexually harassed female employees... 4️⃣ -- Bill Gates donated 50 million dollars to them! & Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation executive Greg Ferrante joins as Chief Financial Officer... 5️⃣ -- There's sooooooooooo many involved, you will not believe this in A MILLION years; More than 120 workers from a range of Britain’s leading charities have reportedly been accused of sexual abuse in the past year alone / allegations of sexual harassment by Save the Children’s former policy director Brendan Cox / that former Save the Children chief executive Justin Forsyth had sexually harassed female employees / the U.K. & EU European Commission threatened to cancel their funding and the Haitian government kicked Oxfam’s British division out of the country / celebrities such as South African Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu and actress Minnie Driver stepped down as Oxfam’s ambassadors. Two years later, the group is still reeling financially... THE LIST GOES ON AND (ON).... |
- Anmeldelse blev en fuser: Politi afviser at efterforske Red Barnet for menneskesmugling
- Restoring the reputations of charities after scandals
- Facebook Removes 790 QAnon Groups to Fight Conspiracy Theory
- Facebook fjerner sider for opsigtsvækkende konspirationsteori
- Red Barnet anbefaler juridisk kønsskifte fra skolestart
- 'Save The Children' Receives $50 Million Grant From The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Ferrante joins Save the Children with more than 20 years of experience, most recently serving as the program chief financial officer at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Aug 28, 2020
🥰🤳 ~ In a Dialogue with My Higher Self - Beyond the Veil (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤙Higher Self, Atma, the inseparable ray of the Universe and one self, passing informations down through The Silver Cord to my physical body🙌] ... What the world situation and my higher self wanted to share with my "Consciousness" today, when I closed my eyes, visualizing being uplifted crossing the Veil (3-D Matrix) boundary, 8.6 miles above the surface and saw the universe hidden in every Human Heart, waaas... By December 2002 we will all be confronted with MASSIVE DISCLOSURE. In particular, about the COVID-19 pandemic, is a in fact, a SCAM, both in Denmark / EU and the America... Furthermore, February of 2021, we will be told, that we are NOT alone in the universe...That's according to my higher self... Take it or leave it...🦮 PS: Got some "special assistance" from my 50 years plus experienced holistic naturopath kinesiologist... And no, none of us are Ascended Masters journey through the ascension process to give you THE ANSWER, to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything (which of course is "42")😉... Sometimes it's just good to listen and trust what is presented by our Guardian Angels and Higher Self awareness, that's all... |
Udgivet den 28. August 2020 af Verdensalt
Højere selv er et begreb forbundet med flere trossystemer, men dens grundlæggende forudsætning beskriver et evigt, almægtig, bevidst og intelligent væsen, der er ens virkelige selv. Blavatsky formelt definerede det højere selv som "Atma den uadskillelige stråle af universet og en selv....
Dit Højere Selv er dig. Dit Højere Selv er den virkelige dig, din samlede sjæle-bevidsthed. Den del af DIG der lever her på Jorden er blot en projektion af bevidsthed i dit Højere Selv. Dit Højere Selv er den mere komplette del af dig, den ene, der ikke bliver frustreret over sløret, der trækkes ned over os, når vi inkarnerer, der får os til at glemme, hvor vi kom fra. Det højere selv er den ene del i din besiddelse af din åndelige kontrakt, den plan du har lavet for dig selv, før du inkarnerede. Dit Højere Selv besidder den guddommelige plan, selve brugsanvisningen over dit livs plan, i sin hule hånd.
Dit Højere Selv er som en tilbagetrukket bevidsthed, der tilbyder sin visdom og anvisninger om, hvor flasken peger hen. Sommetider kan disse retninger tage lang tid at komme igennem ind til dit underbevidsthed. Men der er måder at få adgang til visdom og dit Højere Selv direkte ved at omgå ens underbevidsthed.
Din Højere Selv er ikke "derude" i æteren omkring dig. Dit Højere Selv er dig, din bevidsthed, i din krop.
Det er kun dig, der sætter gang i hjulene og oplever, det du kom her for at lære, før du blev inkarneret, igen og igen. Det er dig, der har dine egne følelser, som reaktion på dine tanker, der skaber din virkelighed. Det er dig, der sætter det op som en mekanisme og kan bruge dem som en "spiritual" feedback om, hvor du er på vej hen, i dit liv...
🌞🦠😷 (BREAKING) Opdatering fra oplysningsforbundet MAY DAY DANMARK ~ | Blogger: [👉"Breaking: Bestemte næringsstoffer virker som vaccine - Forespørgsel i Retsudvalget om at lukke May Days website!" ~ Hovedoverskift på MAY DAYs Nyhedsbrev👈] ... UDDRAG: Mundbind beskytter – måske – og kun ganske få! Det siger TV-lægen Peter Geisling i Tv-avisen den 15. august.❗ Pandemi eller Plandemi? Ny video med danske undertekster: "Indoctornation". Der bliver stillet nogle saftige spørgsmål.❗ Hvorfor flere tiltag, når der er færre på hospitalet?Hvorfor flere tiltag, når der er færre på hospitalet? Er det kollektiv afstraffelse? Er det magtfuldkommenhed? Er det dumhed? I hvert fald er det uforståeligt ❗ Whistleblower fra GlaxoSmithKline med alarmerende oplysninger.❗21 grunde til at 5G skal stoppes. Mangler du argumenter i debatten, kan du hente inspiration her.❗ Hvorfor siger flere ikke fra over for regeringens totalitære tiltag?❗... |
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